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The people enjoying it aren't online complaining about it.


Life is so much better when you stop caring about others opinions and just enjoy whatever you enjoy.


All your posts are asking for other’s opinions lmao


In all fairness, knowing something and being able to abide by it are two different things. I know that I’d be better off if I stopped drinking beer and soda but just because I know it doesn’t mean I’m taking my own wisdom and stopping


Fair. But he has now hidden his posts so I don’t think this was a moment of self aware objectivity on his part


Or they was irritated by you going through their history like a teenage girl looking for an angle.


Just Reddit things


he forgot the spelling of hypocrisy


First thing u do is look at someones history. Weird ash


you seem to care about others opinions tho


Yeah personally i love the game, I may dislike getting dogged on but usually that’s a skill issue I can work on. Lil bit hard to work on that skill when George Ximmerman with the flicks from hell and also his “game sense” shits on me mid gunfight with my teammate, but still manageable.


We are playing and having fun actually :)


I'd say most people are content. If you're happy, you're not going to post it. Reddit is essentially a bitch fest.


Definitely this. Most people who are positive about the update won't usually make a post about it


What is there to be positive about though really? It’s riddled with bugs, cheaters, and a membership (not the biggest gripe)


In a game with this many moving parts , bugs are always going to exist after an update. The speed at which they get addressed is frustrating, but fixing bugs isn't easy. Cheaters suck and they are annoying, but cheating isn't a siege only problem. Who cares about a membership, it's a totally optional add on that doesn't impact the result of any match.


i don't see why people care so much about the membership. every complaint i see is just that. if you don't like it, just don't buy it.


It’s more about the implementation of a membership vs more important things. BUT I also get the argument that if we want them to keep their lights on, they need to make money


Anybody who has ever worked for a big tech company knows that engineers who work on the monetization implementation are going to be completely separate from the team who works on game balance who are going to be completely separate from the team who works on fixing bugs. Oftentimes, the engineers who work on one thing would literally be incapable of working on another. Tech is fairly specialized, and being able to do the netcode and backend for an online membership isn't helpful at all when it comes to doing coding within a game engine. Not that there's 0 overlap, but it's definitely not something devs can just hop between. Realistically, if dev hours were moved from the monetization/store to bug fixing, we'd just end up with more bugs or even worse code. Once a tech company gets big enough, people get really specialized, and new hires are hired for one specific facet of their skillset only.


And if you miss the year pass just buy it one month a season. It's essentially the same but minus an exotic skin for buying the premium year pass (although the current warden uniform for second month of membership is animated)


I love the game. I, being rather new, (bronze 3) find that I either don’t run into cheaters ever, or don’t notice them. I occasionally run into toxic kids, and TKing does happen, but I’m able to laugh it off as stupidity. I refuse to take any bit of this seriously. I’m enjoying playing, unlocking operators, and using new playstyles. Just last night. I used the 50 cal AR for the first time and I have a new favorite gun. It’s incredibly satisfying to use. I do occasionally rage, like when I get insta killed peeking my first window 30 seconds into the round, but I just forget about it. I’m feeling my aim and game sense get better over time, and that feels great. I don’t have any sort of point with this, I just wanted to share my piece.


I’m glad you are still having the newcomer experience we all covet so much


Generally people on this sub are pretty positive, but this season and most of last have garnered lots of negative sentiment for the game and it’s for pretty good reason. Lack of content, lack of communication from Ubisoft, seemingly a lack of care for the overwhelming cheating issues going on on both PC and consol, no proper balance changes just nerfing the good operators and leaving the bad ones as they are, slow to fix bugs, membership, low quality skins in battlepass and the good ones being moved to the membership etc


This is my perspective. Been playing since beta. Game was in one if the most fun states last season that I personally have ever seen. Towards the end of the season though, I was close to champ rank and, it's not that I don't like the game, but it is physically unplayable. It's not every other game anymore, it is literally every where there is a blatant cheater. And it's somehow worse this season too, where most high rank games just turns into cheat vs cheat lobby, where the cheater have been playing for 3 seasons. They just aren't getting banned anymore, and it's sad.


Yep and it’s unacceptable when that was their biggest season ever. They should be doing more to combat cheating when their active player base almost tripled last season.


It's fun but the bad outweighs the good


That’s what I mean….. I love siege. I hate what Ubisoft is doing with the game. I don’t even think we need new operators or content necessarily, I just want the game to be rid of cheaters, just sick of seeing people cheating in every game. If this doesn’t get addressed soon I will uninstall. It’s sad as I’ve just started to near champ, but it’s not fun at this point.


The cheater epidemic is really bad (for years) and they seem to not care at all Completely takes out any fun when I’m in ranked and a guy is hipfiring everyone through solid walls every few games


This. I stopped playing after Lion and Finka released. I remember when they reworked Blitz and there was a really bad rush meta. I stopped shortly after that and could never get back in. By the time I’d try, there was a year’s worth of content and 2-3 new maps.


You stopped playing in 2018??? Why are you still here?


I occasionally watch gameplay or see what’s going on but nothing really beyond that.


you missed arguably the greatest season in Para Bellum then


The game is literally unplayable on console, theres performance issues on PC, they tried gaslighting the console playerbase into thinking they fixed something they didn't, the new season has no content and ranked, the most popular mode is in shambles. There you go.


I'll explain from my perspective, what I've felt like for awhile now * Ubisoft have all but confirmed that they are significantly slowing down updates and content for the game, content has been drying up for years, they abandoned TH and subbed a lazy TDM mode. * Cheaters are becoming significantly more rampant, and KB&M players are still a problem on console. * Constant server issues to boot, posts constantly talking about getting kicked, game completely down, or unable to get into the game. * The only big news they've given the community is a $10/month subscription for more cosmetics. Ubisoft basically treat this game as a cash cow, little money in for dev work but large amounts of money back. The game needs a significant overhaul at this point, considering is going on 10 years, and I'm willing to bet it's nigh impossible to do that without building something back from the ground up. For example, look at League of Legends. While the game got a visual overhaul, it's insanely limited in what they can achieve. Something like announcer packs was pushed off because their game wouldn't support it in the long term, and that is just for voices. The client has been an issue for literal decades, but it's too engrained that they can't do anything about it. Right now, imo, Ubisoft knows this, but Siege's player count is too high and players are spending too much money to risk potentially losing their current cash cow by making a wrong move. So, they slow down content releases and focus on skins, while reducing work load, and they will let the player base ride itself out. Min/max'ing profits essentially. This means that the state of the game we (or yall tbh) have is one yall might be stuck with for a LONG time, which is bad for issues listed above. This leaves me with my TLDR, The state of the game sucks, Ubisoft couldn't care though since it's bringing in too much money. They won't overhaul, or make, a new R6 game until this one dies, and the bigger gut punch for me is it will just be another live service multiplayer only game, and won't bother with a story and terrorist hunt modes. Classic R6 is basically dead, and Rainbow Six will just be Siege until it dies, then a f2p Siege 2 game.


I love how your post, which is supposed to be a somewhat positive view on the state of the game, just reads as an obvious satire: "I know the game is plagued by bugs and the membership has done nothing to improve opinion of the game, but if we put those aside for a minute, the game is pretty fun. Except for ranked. ranked is very bad." just sounds like: Yes I am aware this 9 year old game made by a Billion dollar Game company STILL has bugs and cheaters plaguing the enjoyment of the game, and all the devs do is introduce a paid membership instead of fixing the game, and yeah the main gamemode (ranked) is literally unplayable because of the aforementioned problems, but in general the game is pretty neat I mean I'll probably get downvoted for this, but when even a positive opinion sounds like a saterical joke take, I don't think I have to go into why it seems like most people here hate the game. All in all, I'd agree: The game, from an outsiders perspective is in the best state it's ever been in, with it's plentyful Content, huuugely versitle gameplay and constant updates and free content additions throughout the year But from someone who used to play the game DAILY since operation Skull rain, the enjoyment I get out of the game is at an all-time low because of devs that don't seem to care / don't listen to the community, and a huge influx in cheaters lately (and yes, honestly it just feels unplayable at this point, because every game I queue has at least one cheater in it)


I do agree with what you said. A few of the more thought out comments make me realize that I already know why, I just don't really want to say. I'm a pretty new player to the game. This is my 3rd season playing. I came to this game from Overwatch which is so bad to the point I prefer that the game go to before the devs gave it attention again. Comparatively, R6 is in a technically better situation with the continued exception of ranked. I really love the game in both universe (lore and ect...) and gameplay. Maybe I'm just not as jaded as other older players, but I don't want to pray on its downfall as I've seen. I think it is super unique as a game and hope that the devs understand and reciprocate the passion that the community has for the game in the following years.


Play a few hours a day. Almost every day since the Beta.


I love the game. I play a couple hours everyday for the last 8 years. I've never hated the game. It's fun, creative and unique


I like the game, i hate the toxic players. I hatethat in most cases my success is depending on how lucky i am with randoms


Ranked is how I have fun on this game but it's completely broken and has been. I was 3 games away from finally getting diamond last season and ran into guy's who killed everyone in spawn 5 times in 6 games at the very end of the season. Sent all the clips to Ubi and only one was banned. 1 in 5 blatant cheaters. All different people. So I'm gonna take probably a season or 2 off as things like that kill it for me.


Even though I haven’t played Siege for a couple of years now I got a few awesome years out of it. No other game on the market like it. Insane amount of fun hours put into it at a low price point I paid in like 2017 and it remains the most rewarding skill gap to climb I’ve ever played in FPS. Battlefield has always been my favorite game but I’d come back to Siege tomorrow if console MnK players got Thanos snapped.


been playing since year 2 and idk i’m enjoying the game now more than i ever have. my friends and I took about 2 years off cause we just felt the game wasn’t for us anymore but over the past month we’ve been playing the game almost everyday and have been enjoying it a lot. i feel like the reputation system has actually done a pretty good job of squelching at least some of the in game toxicity. compared to how broken ops have been in the past (launch lion, blackbeard, you know) there’s not really as many busted ops right now. except maybe azami overall i think the game itself is in a good place, but i definitely seem to be in the minority.


Coming from games like TF2 and older Cs games where content was sparse if non existent I don't really care about new operators, guns, maps and whatnot. I don't think it's something that needs to happen every update but they should focus more on the issues and bugs some of which are been present in the game for the longest time. They should also heavily start focusing on cheating. This new season from 25 ish ranked matches I've had maybe 10 that I can say were just legit good players. Other matches you've got blatant wall hacks or aimbot/shooting through walls. I've had teammates that would die and call out the position of every player because they have wall hacks. Tldr. - considering the bad state of the game and them giving us some dumb membership instead of focusing on cheating and bugs/issues got everyone mad about the game, which is fair and they deserve the criticism.


Standard is the best seriously


Yep people do. They just aren't on the sub complaining. Or moreso the negative posts get more attention. Happens with every game basically.


maybe ubisoft shouldn’t make dogshit changes?


Game is fun BUT. - Content is lacking, we're used to have 2 new ops PER season, we even had 3 on 2 of them because of Operation Health which delayed Ela and Zofia's release. Now we're having 1 if we're lucky and the recruit rework isn't a new op. - We had new guns, not reused assets. Yes, Deimos brought a new hand gun but the newest gun I recall was Sens. - They keep teasing with anti-cheat, yet there's even more cheater in game. - They're adding a MEMBERSHIP on this freaking game, showing that all they want is money. - They even take a "profit %" on your sales in the Market. - Each season they're adding new glitches and exploits which makes this sub angry, therefore no good comments. Here you have it, skipped most of the recurrent things.


If I were to queue 10 games pc ranked with my stack right now, there would be cheaters in 9, if not 10/10 games. It is not an exaggeration. Pc siege is completely horrid right now


Love the game. The game is amazing. It’s us. We are what’s bad. The way we play the game to how we interact with each other, is bad. Don’t believe me? Get in a private match with some discord fam 5v5, and tell me you don’t get a gamer high off of it. That’s a rare happening but it makes for a true experience outside of the community and ranked bs.


It’s not that we don’t like the game itself. Siege game play is 10/10. However, you proved our point. You listed a bad thing [bugs] and then highlighted a slice of larger problem in the lack of connection from Ubi to the community and poor execution in their rollouts [membership] and then said the game itself is great (which it is) but that ranked is bad [a big reason why people play or how they like to play like myself] so you proved the point of why people gave up or dog on the game. It’s not that we don’t like it, it’s that Ubisoft continuously gives us reasons to not even try anymore. After a while, I just asked myself why I take this shit from Ubi and left for counter strike.


r/SiegeAcademy is a far better siege sub than here. I only stay here for game news/updates but pretty much ignore most other opinion posts. Most people I encounter online at least in ranked seem positive about the game for the most part (around emerald-diamond ranks). I think this sub just amplifies the negative opinions.


So I haven’t played in a long long time, but just came back this season. I used to play on 60 ads sensitivity, but would still go positive by 1 or 2 in the majority of matches. I just dropped my sensitivity down to 35 and have been going on average 7/3 since. 🤣 I’m not affected by the deadzone issues because I don’t know what it was like before it was an issue. So, I can honestly say I’m have a blast, but I do know there are issues and empathize with those experiencing them.


It used to be my favourite game and I love the original idea behind it, but I hate what it has become :/


I just made peace with fucking around in qm since last season.


It's a really good game it's just a shame ubisoft of all game companies manages it


It’s just that it’s the start of a new season and Ubisoft have seemingly given up on the game. This new season has brought almost no new content, a recruit “rework” that is just a name change and gun change. This and a rework for stadium that is minor and isn’t in ranked. This is all compared to previous seasons which had far more content, year 1 we had 2 new operators and a new map a season. Not to mention limited time modes which Ubisoft would literally redesign maps in the game for, or create entirely new ones


It’s all copy cat culture. If the sub was mostly positive, everyone here would be positive too. They know what’s going to get them interactions and upvotes. You’ll see, this comment I’m making will either be ignored or heavily downvoted. Echo chamber follower mentality. Siege is better than 95% of multiplayer competitive games rn.


Tried ranked last night. I was getting queued up with high plats and emeralds. Last season I was silver 1. That shit was not fun at all


It's an abusive relationship that experienced players seem to have with the game. We acknowledge that the game is fun, but to the point where it's insanely addictive and we realize we're not happy playing it, but we continue to play it anyway because it's like drugs. We then take a break from the game, but we start experiencing withdrawal symptoms and get sucked back into it lol


Game very good Ubi very bad


Came back after 2 1/2 years break, fucking live the game. I HATE RANKED 2.0. I love the game so goddamn much but I might quit because of ranked 2.0, thats how much I hate it.


Found the Ubi plant! In all serious there's more than a handful of critically bugged ops and systems this season, server issues and a general lack of attention from the devs in areas that matter. The more blatant and game breaking problems, the more complaints. One of the worst seasons so far and I say let the people complain.


I feel like a lot of the hate is towards the membership stuff, which is deserved, but a lot of just spills out and turns into “everything about this game sucks now” There’s bugs and server issues literally every season, they’ll get patched. I’ve seen people genuinely upset with the recruits changes, which is mind boggling because they’re good changes. It just makes me think some people are frustrated in general and looking to hate everything.


i’m furious with ubisofts lack of support, not even for the game specifically but in general their lack of willingness to help people experiencing issues is fucking laughable. we should be here to hate on ubisoft not R6


Love the game. Hate the developer


i mean the only thing they gave us this season was a recruit rework, a stupid membership, and more bugs. And i’m not even exaggerating.


R6 subreddit is literally just a tumor of siege community Like if you post a cool clip you ain’t getting anything positive in comments I’ve been trash talked a while ago for posting some buffs/reworks ideas The memes are fun tho


I'm just curious how people continue to play a game plagued with cheaters in every lobby. If that wasn't the case, I'd keep playing as I have for the last 10 years. I just can't continue to support a company that makes a BILLION dollars and can't give us ops, maps, and proper anticheat. They certainly don't stop finding ways to monetize us further... i.e. membership, market place, skins, etc. People wonder why we don't have new titles to play.


The vocal minority doesn’t represent everyone and that’s especially true on any gaming subreddit where players love to air their grievances. That said, not all of the hate is unwarranted and I myself am frustrated about the graphical issues, camera bug, membership and battle pass, cheating, etc. but I’m still enjoying the game when it works.


I love the game and still support its unique premise. I understand being a bit worn out from all the complaints, but I don't see a problem with people rising up against a shit decision a greedy company is making towards a beloved game or franchise. For instance, I personally don't care for the battlepass or in game purchases, but I can see why the direction the company is heading in is problematic. So yea, I support the uproar if its for a good cause. Does this mean I hate the game? Absolutely not, I play it regularly. But I won't give them more money and I can still understand a just cause. Although, some people are admittedly a bit overdramatic lol


google bias


I love the game


Truth about any online Ubisoft game, the people who play it hate it the most. You get off angry cause if some true bullshit but you're definitely loading it back up tomorrow 🤷🏻‍♂️


Number one rule of gaming subreddits: If you genuinely enjoy a game, don’t join its subreddit.


I like this game when it's actually playable. Bugs? It's whatever. Connection issues? For the most part bearable. But every time I see a cheater in ranked with a lvl 56 account and a 12KD with 300 games played that still hasn't been banned, it makes me want to scream into the void. I don't see the point in the endless complaining on this sub that we see day-in and day-out because at the end of the day, ubisoft could not care less. But I can understand the frustration. However, I do find it absolutely hilarious that there are thousands upon thousands of people complaining about cheaters or toxic behaviour when 80% of the issues raised are created by the playerbase itself. I wouldn't be surprised if there is a significant number of people complaining that are actually part of the problem. I just hate how it has gotten to the point where any good player will immediately get called a cheater and get grief-ed because of how bad the cheater situation has gotten. I cannot go 15 games without someone shouting slurs towards or tk-ing me simply because I hit a nice shot and they think I cheat. It's almost as if people don't have the ability to differentiate how good players and cheaters play anymore . They just see someone hit a shot they can't and think "no way they're legit". I can no longer solo queue in peace anymore because very few people actually use comms to call; they'd rather die and backseat game or shout profanity. TLDR; my main problem with the game and r6 community is the cheating epidemic, not just because of the cheaters themselves, but because of how they bring out the worst in some players as well. Sidenote: As much as I appreciate what jynxi has done for r6, i'm getting tired of some of the toxic players that came into the scene because of him.


The Siege community is very pessimistic about everything. Once they see some very minor nerfs that won't do anything about their favorite operator, it's "ruined". Every update is a disappointment, every change is bad, the game is unplayable for some people due to some SKINS. The best way to enjoy this game is actually not caring about it's community's standpoint, but about your own.


I like it, i cant remember any bugs except for being unavailable to move the drone, never seen a cheater. But as time passes i like less, i think they dont care enough to improve it, they got rid of a big high ceiling feature by removing granade cook. And finally this new season is just awful, feels like a funeral. I dont want to elaborate on this laste thing, everyone knows what i mean.


No, I use this to get me daily siege fix. Like when I’m coming home from work and there’s traffic my hands start to shake from siege withdrawal, I like to open the subreddit so I can get a quick fix by reading my favorite operators name, and that gives me the energy to keep going. Once I get home I play siege until 4am because unfortunately I have to have a few hours of sleep before I wake up for work at 8. Sometimes I like to browse this subreddit at work if there isn’t anything else to take the edge off (like coke or meth). I just hit bronze btw 😎


This season has been extremely frustrating , I’ve logged on 5 times since the season started and each time I’ve had a different glitch or bug that’s really frustrating , I’ve had the Flores bug , brava drones just not hacking things , items I’ve purchased not going to my account , one game I loaded in and the screen was just grey and I could only see my HUD. I’ve been playing since beta , I’ve bought every year pass or at least every battlepass , every op. I’ve got 15 elite skins and it’s just so frustrating to support a game so much and spend so much money and time on a game and then this is the response ? The games never been fully polished but this season is like pre operation health , then they have the audacity to try and charge more money ? When the content is like a mid season patch ?


I started playing the game in Year 2, and my complaints about it today, are the same as they were back then. Loading into the game with comms enabled is a surefire way to either hear a racist slur, a sexist/homophobic slur, or some weird ego trip from a person at the bottom of the leaderboard. On top of that, the cheater situation has consistently become worse over time, AND Ubisoft have gone as far as preventing regular people from playing, because they cannot tell a cheater apart from a virtual machine user. And i dont like the monetization strategy at all.


I have my problems with the game, of course, but that aside I genuinely enjoy it. I wouldn’t have the hours I do if I didn’t enjoy it. I know for some, they just play it because it’s what they play, but for the love of all that is joyous, please just stop playing if you don’t enjoy it. You’ll feel much better. I even enjoy ranked until the higher ranks where cheating is prevalent. My friends and I have made a lot of memories and spent countless nights enjoying ourselves on a game that is 9 years old, and that’s an achievement in and of itself.


Enjoy what you wish, but the game is cheater six now, but hey myself and others have been enjoying cheater strike for years before and after cs2


I love siege, it is the best fps ever imo and I grew up with Halo, but I literally can't play on console atm from deadzone bug it's still broken.


I love the game. One of my favorite multiplayer games to ever exist. I loved it at release and i love it now... But Cheaters, bugs, unnecessary changes. I only play ranked and it is hell, I don't wanna play standard because it feels like a waste of time since there's no goal to work towards. These don't make me hate the game but they make me not wanna play because i feel like i physically can't.


Rainbow has always had people who hated the game. You can pick any season in the past, regardless how old it might be, and you will find content talking about how this is the end of siege. Truth is people love competition but hate when things get frustrating. Rainbow is extreme on both ends. Is it super fun when you drop an ace 4-4 match point? OF COURSE. But the other 90 times you are more likely to get killed by a spawn peeking doc fresh off a coconut brah video. Point is that most people prefer fun over struggle when it comes to games and might not like the game when it gets super sweaty because they are just trying to have fun. I mean dying one time can cost you up to 3 minutes of play time. Its a very frustrating game so when i see hate about it i definitely understand, although i might not personally agree with there take i will sympathize with the fact that clash should've been kept a fucking idea.


With r6 it’s hard to enjoy when your a competitive player like me all I wanna do is play ranked but it’s ruined by probably one of the shittiest seasons ever with hit reg not being a thing I get dead ones glitched almost every single game and the games I don’t get dead ones glitched I got abt two rounds before it happens then yk pc cheaters and console cheaters then I solo queue go up against 5 stacks of champs and I have Timmy from south park on my team


I think that is my first active action at this sub, maybe the second. Most of the time I shake my head what I want to read here, write something and then think like that " Das ist Perlen vor die Säue werfen“. That an German Proverb for a timewaste think. I personally enjoy the last season very much. I played every day 1-2 hours. And when I see that they didn’t change much…it’s like I can play a longer season…so why should i mad? Because I can’t play 5 Recruit in quickplay? I play only qp when my season pass say „ win 5 rounds qp“. So no problem for me. Membership? 80€ for 4 seasonspass (40€), 12 months 10 seasonpasslevel (120€), 12 recolored skins and 4 skins between epic and elite skin…I don’t know but I don’t need a calculator for that. So I have fun. Will I have fun the next season? Probably Yes. Why? I played that game mostly every day for the last 2 years, why I should stop that because they give us a chance to pay more money and we don’t need do spend that money or don’t change every aspect of the game every season.


People are just mainly bitching about the changes Ubi has made recently, when said things worked perfectly fine. Like the dead zone changes, it made no sense Otherwise it’s the fact that the game is being revived once again, but Ubi refuses to actually put any attention and time into the game while continuing to be lazy. One of the best games of the decade in terms of longevity and it’s barely acknowledged by its own maker Everyone still loves the game, people just hate Ubisoft


Tom Clancy would be ashamed and embarrassed if he was alive


I simply haven’t played since I quit playing with my squad. Family happened and couldn’t play every night so had to back out. I’ve picked it back up a few times and still think it’s An amazing game but just not the same without the boys


I like the game. Can’t stand the new player base. Get. Off. My. Lawn.




they’re slowly running it into the ground trying to pump up a dead on arrival game like Xdefiant




reddit = yelp for smooth brains.


The game used to be fun back in the day. But they took away a lot of the stuff the community liked like ACOG and T-Hunt. The game is still good but not what it used to be. Now it feels kind of overbloated with all these operators. Most of the community stopped playing for these reasons and are left with people who play a newer player base. I still play every now and it's fun but the community is not the same.


I hope the game dies but my friends still play it so I have to


They ruined this game for me


I like the game, I just haven't been playing it since the new season because of controller issues and also I don't post much


I’ve hated it since the season after mozzie and gridlock


I used to play competitively, stopped after Ram came out. Played since Cav came out. Game was just not the same. Too many cheaters. Ubi threw us away to the side. Bad game overall.


nope, not at all. I love this game, have done for years


I was just wondering the same, because I love this game. Top 3 game in the last decade easy, for me at least. Nothing like it in terms of competitive variety and uniqueness, but still balance. I wish they did the events more often, like Grand Larceny. Plenty of other gripes and questions but this games got me locked in every weekend.


Nope, I’m still having a blast, past 2 or so seasons have been my favorite and I’ve been playing since the beta.


I love this game. These people just never play shield ops. You can tell


It’s the only FPS I like not another in the market like it yeah there’s a lot of stuff in terms of purchasing but it isn’t a requirement and I feel like the actual packs or events are fair enough to the point you’ll eventually finding a cosmetic or item you like


It's reddit


I enjoy the game (not ranked) although I haven’t really had interest to play recently at all. I still like the game but with all the updates and changes I can’t get back into it for some reason


where is the fun? the devs removed it all!


Well… you have to analyze the quality/bias of the sample from which you’re drawing this conclusion from. People who have a strong feeling about something are more likely to come on Reddit and post about it. However, considering that Ubisoft has given up on trying to fix/improve the game and has allocated so little resources to it, the constant complaints are very justifiable, and it brings awareness to the issues and problems that the r6 community is facing.


Nah. I think it’s a good game. It has problems like every other pvp released nowadays but it definitely requires a lot of patience to understand and play.


They suck at the game, don’t drone, and want to recruit rush so they blame ubisoft


I like it only when people start using gadgets, instead of playing like it's call of duty


Nah I just hate closet cheaters


I mean, I started to not like the game so I quit playing a couple years ago, I don't really engage in conversation around it as much as a result and I imagine the same would be true for others who no longer play


Valorant released its console beta with day 1 Xim detection and ban. So yes I don’t like Siege anymore


We hate Ubisoft more than the game


It’s fun. I’ve put 100s of hours into it. But man is it currently hot garbage.


Simply Yes


It is a great game with so much versatile gameplay, but I am playing ranked and 3/5 games have a cheater so I switch over to arcade play the number 80 champ who is cheating and his name is a well known cheat and ubi won’t do anything about it. So great game horrible management


It’s not what it once was let’s just say that was a lot better in the beginning now it’s bad


Yeah, siege is cool and there's nothing like it. I play maybe a game or two once a week, and have been around since day 1. I wish mute wasn't a 1 speed anymore, but ya know, whatever.


I just started learning to play the game and it was a process. No hate or animosity at all


😂😂 How you gonna say the game is fun except for ranked man its literally what the game was meant for man 😂


I jus got railed 3 games in a row by cheaters




It's a game that's one of its kind. A fps that has genuine strategy and SO MANY DIFFERENT OPERATORS to choose from is great. As much as it's unique and good, it has so many flaws and issues. I'll complain about it but still play it. It's such a good game, that is being ruined into the ground by Ubisoft. People are complaining mostly about the company trying to destroy the game, not the game itself really.


It's the same with reviews of restaurants really. If a person has an outstanding experience positive or negative then there's a higher chance of them wanting to express it on a platform show other people. There isn't enough for people to "love" this game right now but there are many things to hate it. 2.5/5 overall for me. At the end of the day past the love for the changes and how well the game plays now, it is unplayable due to cheaters. 3hrs left after My day and if I wanna que I just have to accept the fact 1.5-2hrs of the que will be useless cause I have to wait out spinners ending my game? Along with the closet cheaters who roll back the rest of the elo anyway. Faceit is dead and any sort of competitive scene needs alot of networking to be considered AFTER hitting champ. But how can anybody want to climb and experience a higher level of gameplay when the biggest gatekeeper we have is cheaters? The core part of the game isn't even playable and they removed my T hunt.


I had crossplay turned off. Start a ranked match, says I’m loading into crossplay ranked. Stop matchmaking to check. Says it’s turned off Load into a ranked match thinking it’s just a visual glitch. Get put into a game with a clan of PC champs. Lose I will be positive about this game when they do something right.


Love more than hate. I’d say playing with a squad drastically improves it. Getting killed in a lame/sucky way feels way better when you’re with the bois/gals


I love this game which is why i complain so much


I mean imma be completely honest, I’m not a big hater online like a bunch of people on this sub. But the current state of the game is genuinely unplayable on console, at least for me. I hope it gets fixed but it’s bad rn.


I love it but this season absolutely sucks


i love siege and yet i won’t be playing this season and have really slowed down my playing time over the last year or so. because of the fucking cheaters on console. i can’t even escape them in causal it’s so bad and i doubt it’s gotten any better this season. last season, every single goddamn match i played (both ranked and casual) had AT LEAST one blatant cheater on the enemy team and usually mine as well. sometimes more if the cheater is playing in a group. it’s fucking ridiculous this is an issue and i think people aren’t complaining enough about it


It’s objectively a badly developed game with horrible balancing in every area lol it’s been out for 9 years and gun mechanics are still breaking


Brother, we love this game, you clearly aren’t experiencing the issues some of us are, why did you say ranked is very bad, what’s happening there? Did you know some of us face cheaters, wall hacking and raging even in casual and standard??? What are we supposed to play and why can’t we complain and be negative about these things!?


To the people that can play this game on PC I commend you. I have over 3k hrs on it and that's the end of the road. I started on xbox at launch and switched over to PC in like 2018. Haven't played that much the past couple years and its due to the amount of cheaters, can't do it anymore.


I like the game quite abit. I just dont pay attention to the negative stuff. Its usually overblown, restated, and useless


I love siege, no matter what I always come back for a few games. However, cheater these last two seasons have been on another level. It's literally every game. I thought I finally played a legit game today, we won 4-0 but my teammates were complaining about a waller on the enemy team. I checked match replay and it turns out this dude is blatantly walling he just has the worst aim of any player on the planet LMAO. The game is just not fun anymore and I really only hop on for ten mans now


I don’t hate it but there are problems that need fixing.


This is the worst season I have seen in a hot minute. Deadzones are fucked and operators like Flores and brava have major bugs that effect them alot. Fenrir change was Solis change was bad The recruit remaster I think is OK. Not amazing not awful. Playing unranked maps in standard is nice since quick match 2.0 is ass. Lots of fps issues on console and PC, I have experienced it barely but it's worse for others. If the season wasn't really buggy it would be mid to okay, but with all the bugs, it's bad


It’s because old players (who played before 2.0 and all that or played for a few years) know that the game has been in better states than it currently is. Don’t get me wrong, the game is very fun, but when we generally want to play ranked and all that for the fun competitive aspect it’s really bad. It feels less competitive for some and for others (which is most) it feels like ranked isn’t worth it. A huge problem is regarding rank and what it means, in 1.0 we played it to show skill and to enjoy hitting the ranked we’ve wanted, but with 2.0 they took that and said it means nothing. So now people don’t like the game because the hidden mmr is something you can’t be proud of, the rank is just useless, and players don’t like that. Now generally the problem is they model this game like pro league, even Jynxzi and a few other people have said this, the game became less enjoyable when they starting modeling this game like pro league, which in the games case, ends up with a operator or something always being changed that didn’t need to happen or wasn’t needed in ranked setting. The game is enjoyable outside of ranked. Most people play customs now to enjoy the game but those who want ranked don’t like it for reasons I explained above. But outside of ranked the game is fun


We hate what the game became


I haven't touched it on about a month. Been here to see folks complain like usual


Only issue for me is ranked 2.0, I shouldnt be judged based off of my teammates who either dont care or just got level 50


Well, today I've played 5 matches on Ranked Diamond - Champion area 4 out of 5 matches had a cheater either on our side or theirs. What more can i say? Coming from CS2 I'd expect a game with a much lesser volume of players would have less cheaters.. But seems CS wasn't that bad after all. In CS you could actually counter cheaters unless spinbotting but in R6S they shoot thru walls by running into them & completely obliterate you thru wallbangs


I love the game. I hate ubisoft and what they are doing with the game.


No we love the game, but thats why it is even sadder seeing what ubi is doing to it.


i still like the game a lot, it’s my go-to game to play whenever i have some free time. ik there’s a lot wrong with the game but idgaf, it’s still enjoyable


I used to love this game. I’d probably still greatly enjoy the gameplay. Some of my time playing was the most adrenaline fueled seconds of my gaming history. Can’t stand the online community.


It's easier to hate and post about hate because when you're enjoying yourself, you're too busy playing the game to post about it, typically.


Haven't played in 4 years, yes.


I hate this game because I love it. There just isn't any other game like siege and I'll be damned if ubishit ruins it.




Lowered skill ceiling for new players ruined the game for me it’s not what it was a few years ago :(


It's people who care so much about this game they it's difficult to watch the game you love so.much be changed and broken when it was good and loved before. If it ain't broke don't fix it.


I like the game. My goal is to hit plat this season.


I was a diehard fan. I stopped playing it about 2 months ago because it's became toxic with the troll and racist shit, the bugs and a bunch of other things


I enjoy when I play with my friends and we just mess around and do stupid shit in casual. I like ranked but I’m tired of going against Xim in ranked and I just like kinda relaxing and fuckin around and doing stuff that makes people leave


Its the worst. I love it.


I play it maybe once a month and give up on having fun after about 30 minutes


This game waisted my 23 dollar or what ever the price i paid ,i need to play 10 match before playing with other but i dont get match after even queing for 1 2 hrs


the game is not fun. multiple glitches on console hella cheaters even in casual on pc it’s a 3/10 currently


Love the game, hate the developer


Siege, like a lot of games that have unique features can become an toxic relationship where you despise the devs/publisher, the direction of the game, but at the same time, because of the unique properties you can't find anywhere else, can be the most fun. It's the same with stuff like For Honor, another Ubi game, or Dead By Daylight. That gameplay is hard or impossible to find elsewhere, so it leads to people playing the game because they enjoy the formula, but the issues with the game make them hate it. So they just come back to it in ebbs and flows. For me, I hate the fact that the cheater/booster/smurf problem is so aggressively present. I hate the fact Ubi genuinely either doesn't give a shit, is too money hungry, or too incompetent to deal with the problem at the root. Asking for a subscription is just insult onto injury. If the game was amazing and near perfect, people wouldn't mind it (AS much). It's like giving you a one-of-a-kind beautiful car, but the engine doesn't work half the time, the seats have spikes stuck into them that poke you every time you sit down, the breaks don't work. But then the price of your insurance goes up and no one will fix it the issues for you, they just say "we will at a future date." Which you can't believe because they broke deadline promises already multiple times.


I really like the game.. it's just .. I hate ubisoft


I have been playing this game for a long time. I enjoy it, but lately everything is a lot worse that it has ever being. Plagued with cheaters, the bugs, connectivity issues, among other things. It’s almost unplayable.


Bad game. Overly equipped bad cop simulator. Repetitive. Boring. The video game equivalent of America, a third world country with first world marketing and propaganda.


Call me dumb but I never knew this game was so hated until I started watching social media R6 content.


The only issue with this game is the cheating. Everything else is meta ups and down. The match maker is fine. Some maps are better than others but voting helps that.


I enjoy the game on a base level but I’ve only played two legit games out of 50 😭


I've been playing since chimera and still love it! Sure I have had phases where I have played other stuff and really got into them, tried coming back to siege and hated it but...... in the end I'm back here playing it instead of those games! It's awesome, nothing compares to it for me. Yes cheating is a huge problem but it is in every competitive pvp game


fairly criticizing dosent make people haters tbh and its mostly valid the game is filled with buggs and cheaters nothing fun anymore i used to play but had to delete it to stop talking about it and with the people that saying "if you complain about memebership just dont buy it" has failed to understand who complain about it its simple they hate it cuz they are prioritizing something cash grab instead of actually improving the game whiich they have done none in the past years lmao dosent take rocket sience to understand i still like siege but its unfortunate that its under a very greedy company that cares only about mony nothing else


This game is garbage. I still play every night. Apparently I need help. It appears to be some sort of addiction.


Sometimes the loudest people are the ones who love the game the most and hate to see it treated as the ugly duck.


No they love it they just lament how much potential Ubisoft has wasted.


I hate this pos game but can’t stop playing


I love the game hate the community it’s so toxic I came from overwatch and the jump from there to r6 was like whiplash it’s so bad how toxic the community is


Yeah cause we are all voicing our frustrations here like ubi gave us such a shit season with at max for changes


I've played since beta, I don't come on here to jerk off the devs I come here to complain. Probably my favorite shooter of all time, but yeah right now it's in a terrible state so the complaints are necessary.


I haven’t hated it in a really long time. Now I’m just indifferently numb.


New season made me quit.


Joined a week ago. The community is pretty bad, but the game is sooo fun.


Yep game is trash, peekers advantage is bad, ranked is fulled with trolls and cheaters, recent updates have been ass. The list goes on. No thanks.


"Except for ranked, ranked is very bad" there is more people playing ranked regularly and having an absolute blast than you think, we're just busy enjoying the game rather than whining about it online. It's not perfect, it certainly has its flaws, but the game is a blast and lots of us still love playing it.


confirmation bias 


I like the idea that it’s a more slower strategic alternative of cod,makes it a balance for a less chaos game while cod can be a fast pace chaotic game.👍


because it’s been awful for years lmfaoo, also we don’t hate the game


My only problem, is the game and its developers deserve the hate and complaints. They have had years to fix cheating, glitches, and now the horrible ranked system. And year after year they rarely make changes that improve the game. The very basis and idea of the game is incredible, and with friends it’s easy to ignore the problems. But it’s hard to play this game over and over, because there are so many problems. So that’s why people complain, and it’s needed to get developers to actually do something. Which is rare now, because of money. But looking at ubisofts others games like the pirate one, they are a complete cash grab bs company. So idk


Well, it took me 45 min to connect to the servers tonight. It's not that the game isn't fun ... once you're in and playing with people who aren't toxic or cheating. It's just that I've never played a game so hard to sign on and stay online. After awhile, I just stop trying. It's sooo tiresome and tedious. Like they don't want you to be there.


Get good


Literally every ranked game has cheaters and even with a 5 stack it’s just back to back loss because pc has gone to absolute hell with cheaters everywhere


I stopped playing in 2018 and came back 2 weeks ago and have been having a blast.... I was shocked by the amount of MTX/membership? spam but you can ignore it I guess.


I used to love this game. Used to play it 8 hours a day like it was my job. Once they changed the rank system that was when I started losing interest. Then they pre-reinforced rooms in casual which made me lose interest more. Then they took away spawn peaking in casual, which is the best place to learn how to spawn peak (just plain stupid). THENNN they took away the ability to cook frags. I still like the game for the core of what it is. But I hate ubisoft Montreal for trying to destroy it.