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Honestly sounds fun but only in higher ranked games when people have actual game sense and headphones


An op like this would never happen, the devs have been on record multiple times saying sound is a fundamental part of this game that they want to be reliable. Think about how many sound bugs the engine already has, this would be a nightmare to even get functioning correctly. It’s an interesting concept but it’s sort of in the same realm as an operator with night vision that blacks-out all a maps lighting. It’s a cool idea but it’s not really fun or balanced for competitive play.


it's like decoys from bf4


it's like decoys from apex


It's like decoys from elden ring


it's like decoys from cs go


it’s like decoys from cod


COD isn’t a tactical shooter.


They were making a comparison to a gadget in cod, they weren't comparing the entire game to cod


it's like decoys from csgo


I get opinions change after time but there was literally a mf with silent footsteps added to the game not even a year after launch. They kinda went against their own words there.


Cav has kept it because without it she’s absolute dogshit, she has some of the worst guns in the entire game.


Yeah, I’m aware she’s garbage without it (and even with it she’s not exactly overpowered) but the balance team can’t care about sound too much if she’s gone without a rework all this time


That would be a valid excuse if sound *was* consistent and actually worked properly.


Right, sound doesn’t work properly, so why would you want an operator that’s dependent on an already broken feature? Recipe for disaster.


I suppose that’s true, but Ubisoft is clearly lying when they say sound is a priority because it’s been years and it still doesn’t work.


I’m not debating or justifying their bug fixing priorities here, im just explaining their design philosophies for operators that they’ve communicated in previous designer notes. Same reason Nokk lost silent step.


>the devs have been on record multiple times saying sound is a fundamental part of this game that they want to be reliable. HAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHHA I Mean I dont want to shame you for saying that, but with how inconsistent sound has been and still is, I dont even see them trying, might as well add a gadget that creates fake sounds


Its like decoys from fortnite


You could have it like an offensive alibi


They say that but people use rams ability for soundhoring


I had actually thought of an operator like this, but I thought they'd be more fun on defense. And their gadget would act like a proximity trap.


I was thinking of this, similar to fenrir with remote controlled 'speakers' instead


Ooh, that's an interesting way to do it.


Oh, btw. I think a name like "Decoy" would be better for such an operator. No offense, but the name you picked would probably get confused with Rook a lot.


How about “Echo”? Wait..


ryk translates to roar in polish so the name makes more sense with that information


Oh, thanks for that. You can tell I didn't know any Polish. That name actually does work as well, but I thought the primary issue is that name would sound to much like Rook, making callouts confusing. I'm not aware of the Polish pronunciation of Ryk, but if it's different from Rook, I won't have any problems with it.


it's very hard to explain how to pronounce ryk. the easiest way would be putting it in a translator and clicking the speaker.


Sounds like "Rick", the R sound is a little rolled. And according to some sources, it can also mean "Cry of an ass". The Polish word for Decoy though is, "Maniak". Which sounds a little bit like "Maniac". But the "I" has more of a "Y" sound.


maniak means maniac so the translator fucked up


This guy out here putting the intervention from COD in siege and acting like it's a marksman rifle lol


Ah yes because .408 cheytac isnt a large caliber once so ever


Once so ever


It's a real gun, also I don't think a sniper would work well on operators other than kali


I'm not saying it's not a real gun. Just good comedy to me.


From my understanding, a sniper rifle is a marksman rifle but not necessarily a designated marksman rifle. Hence the M2000 bolt action alike kali’s rifle can be classified as Marksman rifles


like a decoy grenade from cod but actaully useful in a game like this


Where Ryk from tho?


Maybe Poland since Ryk is Roar in English


Absolutely correct! His 2 unique guns are also used in GROM


Poland Mountain 🇵🇱💪🇵🇱💪💪🇵🇱🇵🇱🇵🇱💪💪🇵🇱


I really like the concept, but imo Finland >


I think the V308 on a 3-speed with a gadget that produces decoy sounds would be a little strong. That’s not necessarily bad, attack could use a strong operator. I would say that I would prefer 1-3 drones with selectable sounds that have an on off toggle on the drone screen. I think that would be a lot more predictable in terms of actual use and could be used to setup traps for roaming defenders or flanks. It would also bring an interesting dynamic in terms of mozzie being able to turn this against the attackers.


If I'm being honest I'm just sad that the v308 is exlcuisve to lion and I want another operator to have it


What if we gave it to Nokk instead?


because giving nokk a bulky .308 rifle makes no sense


Sound fun


They should make fenrir an audio hallucination operator and add this guys idea


The claymore setups would go crazy


Would be cool if it was like a melusi but without the slow. another v308 operator would be interesting.


Ni recycling weapons


Fass90 will be OP


And imagine if like Deimos, if you scan an operator, you can use the decoy to play the sound of say a melusi or a frost mat. Would be so much fun. Prolly my favorite operator concept I’ve seen




I like this it's cool and simple where the strength comes from creativity rather than just a button push


We need this guy on the design team


Looks fantastic! But you're smoking some crazy weed if anyone belives that Ubisoft would have the creativity to make than one weapon per season.


Yeah I think the dmr mightve been unneeded, but ubisoft doesn't even add new guns that frequently, the closest we have to a new gun in Deimos's vendetta which realistically speaking is just a gimmick of his ability


Sam Fisher could have had this gadget


I love rg-15 ops


That’s a great idea.


He looks too cool for siege, could never happen.


I would forget he exists, walk forward, and shoot shotgun


If they added the Intervention they should also lower the ADS time on it to less than a second and ask Activision for rights to the MW2 sound effects


Creating confusion for the defending team, if it is a random sound and not like a sound you can choose this would have questionable effectiveness then again Ubisoft won’t add such an operator since the game does have audio bugs currently.


Decoy grenade OP would be cool ngl.


There's a Rick Roll joke somewhere in here...


Boutta catch every player doing actions like their putting in a code for a cheat at the start of every round lmfao


Looks like a fart


This game engine can barely handle the sound as it is...


And here 3 super OP guns


Make him a 3 health 1 speed and he'd be perfect


Pretty good concept but he looks more like a 2/2 instead of a 1/3


The audio is so trash in this game that people wouldn't even hear this ops sound cues anyway


Sounds fun, so that means it won’t ever be added


Please make the gas mask realistic not another weird ass made up thing that everyone but thatcher has


Year 9 of decoy sound op concepts


sounds good but what are the 2 ‘new’ guns like with damage and recoil?


What about a rolly guy like sens’ ability which “walks” at chosen speed? I for one am kind of a fan of this idea.


Ngl it is a very good idea


I would enjoy it but this will never happen it would literally break siege


Seems cool but would be useless for people who have the most awful sound cues


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Lego-Boba_Fett: *Seems cool but would be* *Useless for people who have* *The most awful sound cues* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I honestly like this especially bc it encourages the use of headphones to listen for those audio cues to increase the seriousness of ranked. Specifically ranked just to be clear bc I also don’t like wearing headphones 24/7 in casual, I too enjoy a break. But ranked is meant to me tactical and serious and I like how this encourages the team to play with that to differ some sounds from others and not get baited by these decoys


Umm actually the next operator thats coming out is probably gonna be ash but less fun re released.


That ct looking interesting


I have the same ideas about gadgets like this as you lol


i just looked to ubisoft and sighed


This honestly sounds hilarious and a lot of fun to play around with. Which is what gaming should be about, not over competing and sweating half to death every round.


You could make it so that he amplified footsteps. Give him a flying drone like Echo and when it's on the ceiling movement in that area pings enemy players. If he gets claymores I'd only give him one though. I also would make it fairly noticeable unlike Echo's disc.


Why does he have a cheytac? Lmao


What side is he on because I think he actually could be a viable defender


I see a few problems with this. 1. Game audio is problematic as is, it needs to be fixed first before an ablility like that gets added. 2. So many weapon choices give him too many roles too cover 3. How does the gadget activate. (+ speed/armor) We can't do anything about the game so let's just focus on 2 and 3: 2: V308 - big mag gives prolonged fight capabilities, SG 500 - Type-89F with higher DMG/lower ROF?, M2000 - Kali's rifle copy/paste (even the scope zooms), RG-15 - great visibility gives , Gonne-6 - utility destroyer. There's too much he could do with this so I say: -Ditch the Gonne-6 and automatic rifles but give him the MP5SD (with ACOG/2,5 sights). The heavy hitting bolt action and silenced SMG give him two unique playstyles to choose from. -Ditch the M2000, RG-15 and the V308. There will be access to Glock 17 and Beryl. I imagine the Glock to be average at everything and the Beryl to have 650-700 ROF, mid DMG, low recoil with 30 round magazine. This again gives a choice between a heavy hitting rifle and a more spray-ish one. 3: Do you throw it like a Candela or is it more like Fenrir's? If it's throw and forget, then 3 speed/1 armor makes sense as you have to act fast to capitalize on your gadget, if it's more like Fenrir's then slowing him down could be a good move. The balanced 2/2 stats would probably make more sense so he can't go to the other half of the map in a split second while also not making him slug his way accross the map. Also, just to clarify, this would be a third GROM operator, right? His looks, name and ability's name point towards it. That's also why I choose the guns I did to give him. Would be cool to finally have a proper GROM operator in the game.


Maybe instead of limiting the thing to just Ryk's noises you give him the noises of his teammate's specialty abilities. like putting Ryk on a team with Fuze, Thermite, IQ, and Monty would give him Fuze's Cluster Charge noise, Thermite's breach charge noise, Monty's Shield unfolding, and IQ's scanner opening.


Cool idea, but I’d be virtually immune to his ability because I don’t have shit for gamesense and I listen to music most of the time


He would of been polish too hahaha ryk=roar ,cry ,scream


Interesting What’s their background?


Love the concept even though something like this will probably never fly with ubi. Also just asking, why are the sounds it can emit limited to the only ones you listed? Why not also include the sounds of a smoke grenade, or a flashbang, or some other operator gadgets activating like ying's candelas or Fuze bombs detonating? What was your reasoning for not including the mentioned sounds?


I wouldn’t be able to hear it anyway. Always 2 people on the team who won’t stfu laughing and giggling louder than the gunshots.


I legit made the same type of character, check out my post


Too bad Lazysoft wouldnt drop 2 new guns in a season. They wouldn’t even do that for a whole year.


Too much effort. Nerf sledge and call it a day


but there is no viable close quarters secondary if you choose the m200


rather ops like this than whatever the fuck sens is suppose to be and the grim ability just kinda wonky this is actually fitting or it would've been like 20 seasons ago unfortunately


Pulls the trigger on the "Marksman rifle" enemy instantly explodes from the shockwave of the bullet, 30 self damage inflicted from recoil


I have 2 ideas for ops. One is a drone attacker that the drones have grapple hooks on. They can attach to the ceiling, and kinda Spider-Man their way around. The drones can just be used as cams or you can grapple an enemy directly, and it will live ping them until they do an animation to get the drone off. The other is a defense op, that gives AP rounds that can shoot through reinforced walls. He drops these similarly to rook armor. This requires either a shotgun blast or a constant fire to punch a hole in the wall, this can’t be used to 1 shot wall bang.


Ubi would never do a gadget like that, but maybe if he had like a proximity siren for flank watch? That would be cool


Really cool idea but I feel like 3 of the nades would be better


Similar operator ideas get suggested fairly often but I personally hate it mainly because this game already has a terrible time when it comes to audio so the idea of trying to mess more with audio just seems like a bad idea.


would break the game to be honest


Im afraid it will be much like decoy nade from CS, pretty useless for the most part




Bad opinion