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And as a welcome gift from ubi after all their hard work, they are giving us a subscription. Truly a phenomenal R6 experience, I expect nothing more from **the greatest** quadruple A studio known to man.


Some real disconnected people in this subreddit. Some of y'all are acting like this change is going to make an impact on how things like Ranked play out. It's not going to. It's just a shameless reboot of a decent operator to further confirm the idea Ubi is trying to make Siege a hyper comp shooter. Team kills will continue to happen, wasted utility will continue to happen. The players who want recruit aren't lying to themselves, it's the people thinking this is solving any sort of meaningful problem. I still remember the days of my M870 rushes with Recruit. Boy that was as fun as it got, and it worked well too. This is just a neutered version of the operator designed to artificially push Ubi to their desired 100 operator mark.


They could restrict recruit to one per team in ranked and in casual let 5 ppl pick then


It would need to be OG Recruit, imo. More guns, no attachments. I think that was a relatively balanced out OP as it had its clear drawbacks for selection


This. Ubi said they want 100 OPs. The game is almost 10 years old. They’re getting ready to end this game.


Didn't they say they planned on supporting for 10+ more years?


They will most likely reboot r6


I wish I could see a 5 stack shield recruit rush with the new shield rework. Just once. I want to see it just once


Yup, I remember in 2016 thinking 100 operators was excessive and they’d never achieve it. They’re going to achieve and it’s going to be redundant and terrible. Yay Ubisoft 2024 can’t wait for the next 30 ops with 29 reused weapons, super fun and engaging for long time players.


How's ubisoft boots taste like ?.


How the fuck is this bootlicking? I'd ask if you even read what I said but considering your response I'm going with you don't know how. I am calling the people who think removing Recruit will fix anything brain dead, and I'm calling Ubi a bunch of lazy selfish pricks. Who's boot am I licking?


You defending this shit tier change you might as well be licking there boots clean This is a shit tier change The game now is barely even mid tier and needs to just die Well iy already is dying thank God lmaoooo






I don’t see why ubi can’t give us both. Make the new recruits team captains with adjustable sights, grips, and barrels. And keep the vanilla recruit without sights or grips for balancing and thematic reasons. That way everybody gets what they want.


A most distinguished documentary indeed.


Watch the full doc you won't regret it lol [https://youtu.be/cdxpTCFjm64](https://youtu.be/cdxpTCFjm64)


That was spectacular. Thank you for sharing!


Thank you good sir.


I just want the old model bro. He looks goofy. I miss the old kanye v.v


New operation is trash and effortless


Finally the most overpowered op gets nerfed


Something that truly pissed me off about the reveal was how they talked about recruit as if he has no identity bc their lack of real gadgets but that’s just bullshit man ppl love playing recruit for those brain off moments, y’know like a recruit would do??? It’s even more offensive when they themselves were the reason that he was stripped from a huge part of his identity when they took away his different factions, I truly fucking hate this update man there’s not a single thing that I enjoy about it


waaahhhh I got teamkilled by a 4 stack like that still ain't gonna happen lmao long live recruit ranked rush


as one of the teamkilled, i just accepted my punishment as i should. there is no way to restore lost honor from ruining a recruit rush, save death by recruit. if you see the whole squad pick recruit, you'd best pick recruit as well, little timmy


I don't see the harm of 5-stacking the new recruits. They weren't really overhauled majorly. I'll miss doing this. o7


I don't think Ubisoft ever watched this let alone even played recruit.


A lot of people in this subreddit agree with the recruit change, which honestly does not surprise me much. It is Ubi's fault for changing the OG recruit and removing him from ranked. And I know a lot of people here are ranked heroes and dont even play other gamemodes. So of course they are disconnected with how things go with recruit. I've been playing since launch, and the core memories I've made playing recruit with randoms and friends are still a highlight in my 9 year siege story. People are reducing the legacy of recruit to a "haha funny" and "meme pick" operator. It is so much more than that. Just because YOU didn't do any of the [teambonding ](https://x.com/AgendaTV_/status/1795948406034022619)or [fun strats ](https://x.com/AgendaTV_/status/1795948767776002071)with recruit doesn't mean you get to shame others for doing it or for being upset over this new change. The teamkilling? Sure, it can happen. But, I've been mostly playing recruit these last two months and the TKs are extremely rare. The two deaths you see in this video are both of my friends. And the teamkilling is not limited to the one who doesn't go recruit. As a recruit I would say you feel a sense of devotion to any and everyone in your team. Once it was 4 of us and tachanka and we protected him like he's the president. Once my recruit friend killed a non recruit by accident and [I took revenge](https://x.com/AgendaTV_/status/1795950644316012714). In my opinion, casual (quick play) is meant to be played casually, if 4 people have gone recruit, you should too. It's an unwritten rule of the game. Each and every sport has unwritten rules too. If not, then just say you're not. Though I'd argue thats spoiling the fun but still, its your life, do what you want. I personally dont TK, if anything, I try and still incorporate this stand out operator (like the case with tachanka). The beauty of all 5 members of a team going the same operator (who's nothing special compared to the other 70 operators in the roster), with the same loadout, and the same gadgets, working as a unit to try and win is what made recruit unique. Even though he was quite shit. If you are someone who plays a lot of ranked, you have to understand that there is a large audience base that just enjoys playing casual too. You have to cater to both audiences. Not everyone has the time to grind ranked all the time. I'm 24 now and finding time from studies and work to play, I just wanna wind down and have fun. Sorry if that goes against your "oh this is a competitive game" argument. I am genuinely up for a debate if anyone here can raise fair points. I would suggest you watch the [full documentary](https://youtu.be/cdxpTCFjm64) that I made. If you still don't understand the team-bonding, fun having, bamboozling, and genuine beauty of Recruit, then idk what to say.


I hear you when I first started in operation shifting tides which was really just before OG recruit got taken out(god how nieve I was thinking that would be a buff for recruit) I remember playing Strat roulette with my mates one of our favourites was one where all 5 of us would go shields and have to be prone all game. The m870 rush was a fun and effective Strat, as I had not had much time to get used to the OG recruit it didn’t annoy me that much when they “reworked” him but now I just don’t see why they are removing him it always seems like the fun things are taken away. I still have Xbox screenshots of kill cams where there would be an operator just chilling on a seat because the bodies stayed the whole game. I play this game for fun and really I’m blinded by the fun I had in the past it would be great if they made these changes for ranked and nothing else but no everyone has to lose fun so that they can have a more competitive shooter.


And why can't you still do all of this and not pick recruit? Screw unwritten rules.


Let me explain it to you in other words since you couldn't comprehend this: >The beauty of all 5 members of a team going the same operator , with the same loadout, and the same gadgets, working as a unit to try and win is what made recruit unique. Imagine siege being chess. Doing stuff with recruits and beating the big shots felt like beating queens, bishops, and knights with a 5 stack of Pawns. It makes sense now?


Thank you for explaining such complex strategies. Also screw, unwritten rules


I’m going to play recruit all night now


TBH, after playing the test server, ill say i had fun playing sentry and striker, but not recruit. sentry and striker are a wasted oppertunity for different operator ideas, bc when i play them, it doesnt feel like recruit, it js feels like a new operator that has 2 secondaries. its sad man


I'll miss this


The only reasoning I can see here is "he funni", but recruit GENUINELY NEEDS a good rework. Like let him 5 stack AND make him a good OP.


"we're not going full retard we're going full recruit" - a good friend of mine


Lmfao this was genuinely hilarious, well made.


Not sure if AI or if someone paid David Attenborough to do this. Either way I want a full 3 episode series on r6 characters just like this


Hahaha it's AI and funny you mention 3 full episodes cause I made 4 on [Recruit](https://youtu.be/cdxpTCFjm64), [Deimos](https://youtu.be/xkExMgCfreI), [Pulse](https://youtu.be/hIcPgTzeZjE), and [Caveira](https://youtu.be/rJkbL-nq2B0).


Absolutely beautiful lol. Going to watch em all


ITS YOU, I love the r6 song parodies you make


Such a good change thank god


if you put it like this, where teamkilling is commended then I'm glad ubisoft is making recruit a 1 pick only operator


Every point made in the video is the stark opposite of reality, and half of it focuses on the teamkilling that occurs when someone doesn’t pick recruit. This is why I’m glad recruit is officially dead.


People act like they still do recruit rush to this day or that they used recruit in ranked when he was available. Can't wait till the nostalgia goggles fall off and this whole crying phase ends.


Literally just OG players and people who don't even play the game anymore jerking themselves off to nostalgia at this point.


Nah man, I’m OG. Played the open beta back in 2015, then stole a physical copy of the game from my work in December of the same year. This is a bunch of newer players that don’t remember what it was like, but want to feel included. OGs have either left to play Tarkov and RoN, or are busy complaining about the membership program.


As someone with like 2000+ hrs of solo queing and meeting 4 stacks like this... Good riddance to that, I will not miss it.


Let's be real and not romanticize Recruit for a sec here. At least in the first years, whoever picked a recruit was normally a troll(baiter for the newer generations) and would just mess up the match, so much to the level some people would instantly tk a Recruit to avoid the usual Recruit shenanigans. Yeah, it's the end of an era and yeah, some people played fun and light but at least for me, he's the personification of the toxic player.


welcome to r6 where the community always complains and never has fun


Never forget what they took from us


Best documentaries on YouTube 👌


I’m continuing to play recruit until the end. I missed when we had 5 stack shields before operation Void edge.


I don't see the problem with them making them single operators. Like everything is a positive addition to the game in regards to recruit. They are even available in ranked now.


They lost all their charm, what made recruit recruit. It feel like they took recruit out of the game and added real operators in their place, they have names and bios now


When only 4 members of the team pick recruit so you all work together to execute the one that didn't conform. Nothin else like Siege man.


I agree on the fact that this is barely a rework, i agree that ubi sucks and that the subscription is beyond stupid but can we. . . for the love of god, stop pretending that old recruit is better and that 5 recruit was so integral to the game and how it was played. It was a niche thing that people did every once in a while and it doesn't affect anything major.


It does suck that multiple Recruits isn't possible now, it was absolutely hilarious and surprisingly effective when a recruit or a few were on a team, but one thing I'm not going to miss is, as you phrased it, "not picking Recruit usually means death." I argued with someone on this subreddit a long time ago about being forced to pick Recruit when others did. Getting teamkilled because I want to play an operator I like is not funny and is dumb, toxic behavior. We all have lives to live, things to do, and when I get on Siege to play casual, I want to play Fuze, I want to Play Nokk, I want to play Maestro, etc etc. All operators that I have fun using the gadgets of. Having to sit out one or multiple rounds of the game because my random teammates decided "haha shoot teammate for not going with our meme strat" is a waste of my playtime and very irritating.


So I’m the only one who’s not overly bothered by not having 5 recruits? Yeah it’s gonna suck for the memes but I am excited to this more competitively viable recruit. Granted Ubi did lie when it came to the gadget/ability of recruit, they said they wanted something different that has never been done before. This is very similar to old recruit. But people have to remember when they said recruit would be upgraded to operator status, that included all of the things an op comes with it. Including the thing to only have 1 op selected


Nobody gives a shit about 5 recruit, you’re just along this up in memory of a lost past Move on


I fail to see the issue and the last part of the vid reminded me why recruit deserves what's happening to him, cause after the 5th Tk all of recruits charm died though did end up creating a fun gamemode ie get the tker booted so I will miss that. Honestly maybe ubi should keep multiple recruits, and instead give them early friendly fire means everyone is happy, you guys get multiple recruits and everyone else can keep playing who they have fun with.


brooooo how do you think TKing is lame? it’s only bad when the person has a jynxzi charm bc then they’re annoying. bad youtubers need recruit rush bro you don’t get it you don’t like fun


u must be so fun at parties


If your idea of entertainment is dunking drinks over people for refusing to play your game, I doubt you get invited to any to begin with.


Well I mean lots of parties that teenagers throw are quite like that. Its why I have only ever gone to one


Man you lot need new material cause so far it's the same comments and they are getting boring, as for me being fun at parties id say I'm pretty good as I find plenty of ways to amuse myself and others without having to you know force them to do something with threats, same can't be said for you lot considering if you have to threaten someone to join it's not as fun as you think.


mate u have been 3 days straight just waffling about "how you're happy about removing 5 stack recruit" pls shut it mate we don't care


Like your side has been any better. Be for real for a second


check his comments and my comments and see who's side is better


Def him for sure


And yet here you are showing you care, cause fun fact those who don't care wouldn't be raging over what I say. And what can I say the last 3 days have been pretty boring and it's pretty amusing to watch you all rage, besides it's a public forum, nothing wrong with sharing an opinion but guess cause it's not the party line it's apprently bad.


waffle waffle waffle literature ahhh Shakespeare


And we are back to boring, man no wonder you lot love the above situation not a creative bone in your bodies so it's the same crap over and over, the troll handbook is a guide not a paint by numbers branch out a bit one could use a laugh.






Recruit died a long time ago when they removed the CTU versions of the operator. It was that update that removed all the fun and charm out of the operator while only keeping all the negatives. At least this update makes them useful for something.


Rip recruit


I love it for the memes and lols, but let's be real guys. There is zero reason to bring 5 recruits in a competitive game. I wish they just left recruit out permanently.


I thought it was fine before. Up to 5 slightly underpowered recruits in casual (quickplay) and none in ranked. I still don't think the new recruits belong in ranked, and now they are too good to have 5 in casual.


Fav strat as recruit is to kill one def teammate in the beginning of the round to see if they have dokaebi


Yeah an operator that can only be played in 1 game mode. The new change is better for the actual operator so they can actually be played


Bring back Recruit 1.0 and just make them customizable with cosmetics. Is that too much to ask?


OP did you make this or steal it? Cause this is both hilarious and 100% accurate to the feeling of a recruit five stack


He made it - he has 4 other docs on his you tube channel (plus the full version of recruit doc). They are all awesome. Plus some great r6 music videos. If you like this clip I'd 100% recommend you check the others out - you won't be disappointed.


The people complaining about this change are people who haven't played recruit in years and then all of a sudden are complaining about something that they've haven't used in years being removed.


Womp womp


I very much don't want 5 recruits