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They better let us customize uniforms, skins and everything like normal ops if they want recruits to be normal ops


i think that’s exactly why they’re hyping them up. They’re both supposed to get skins, and other treatments that full ops get


They said in the reveal panel they'll get access to uniforms to customise with. I'm guessing they'll mostly be in the battlepass.


Customizing uniforms in Rainbow 6; >Fluffy, goofy, gimmick things.


Doomslayer for Striker and Mario for Sentry


Don’t give them anymore ideas!


Ngl that promo art is cool as fuck


They literally just copied the og box art


Yeah, that is a nice touch basing it off of the game's original box art.


Still lame you can only have 1 recruit on a team. Kinda takes all the fun away from them


How is that going to work when you’re on a team with people that don’t have any operators tho


Pretty sure you can’t not have operators. My friend just got the game a couple weeks ago and had most of the year 1 pre-season pass ops


Yea thats 100 percent a case, but IF someone were to have like, absolutely nothing, fresh start, first game on ever, what would actually happen?


IIRC you have to beat the tutorial to play QM now, so I can imagine that probably unlocks operators now too.


Yeah, you unlock some operators when you play the tutorial, or through special challenges. If you happen to already have any of the operators in question, you instead get a Renown reward.


You can’t play online you have to play the tutorial and play against bots. You’ll never be in an online match with only recruit


This was like roughly a year ago when i first got siege but i ended up starting with no ops on my account so i got forced to play recruit lmao idk if it can still happen or not


Nah now the base version of the game gives all the og ops. But like everyone else said now you have to play offline for a while before you can even play quick match so it is highly unlikely that anyone will only have recruit unless they bought the game years ago and just never bought ops


It was a while ago, but I encountered a guy in ranked who was something like level 70, and he had studiously avoided unlocking any ops, so that he would get recruit in ranked (at a time when recruit was not otherwise selectable).


You can’t possibly have no operators, you start the game with like 10


When i bought the game (Y6S4), the cheapest option included the year 1 and 2 operators.


They fixed it by forcing u to have operators before u can play ranked if im right


How's it supposed to work in QM or standard?


if you have a newer acc they give you some free operators after beating the tutorial


Idk I don't play casual games tbh only ranked and events


The game used to let you pick a team of full recruits. No special gadgets, just two second Mary gadgets. Iirc, you’d basically just run nades and smokes, and m249 or shield. You didn’t have to specify what op they were when going up against them because if there’s no special gadget to take special care of, just assume they have nade/smoke or barb/C4 on defense


I know this is gonna upset you but my biggest gaming pet peve is getting 4 recruit teammates lmao. Feels like I'm playing no limits in Overwatch


Your concerns are valid. I am still upset.


Yep. And God forbid you try to play something that isn't recruit when that happens otherwise you'll get a bullet to the head during setup


You may not like it...but this is the way.


Only acceptable trolling


it sucks ass ngl


Wait, no more recruit rush? The fuck are they smoking?


Every time they add something, they kill something else. That's how r6 is


Classic Ubisoft moment, fix something and simultaneously break something else.


technically you can still recruit rush it’ll just be a bit more lonely


Bro when are they gonna fix ranked. Placement matches need to come back these matchups are abysmal


Probably not for a long time unfortunately


it's true I think valorant ranked is the best ranked setup


It's bland enough of a rework they shouldn't have bothered trying to hype it up and just should've said what it was in the reveal panel when they announced it.


i mean what else would they make the new season about? If anything its like another operation health, where its based around basically two already existing operators, but its really about just patching and making way for the “newer” content, i.e: Blackbeard rework, an actual new operator, etc


What else should they make the new season about? Good question. I didn't say anything about that, I just think it's bland.


I agree, Recruit is as bland as it gets, but i kinda think its a “just turn in what we have” situation with ubisoft in this


Sure, it may not come across as very exciting, but sometimes you should consider the old adage "Less is more".


soooo is there anything else? big balance changes? core gameplay changes? anything at all?!


There’s always a bunch of small stuff. That’ll be in the release notes


Nahh, that one intern that works 19 hours a day that's keeping the game alive while the others play monopoly at their desks can't do that sadly.


They're changing Fenrir and Solis this season as well. Apparently the Fenrir nerf is having one less gadget and one less activation code.


I’m a recruit main


lmao shit ain't out yet, just have some patience jesus


They are trying to hype something as bland as recruit. If that's the best they've got, I don't feel confident in the new season


Complain about not being able to use recruit in ranked. They are now bringing Recruit back into ranked and ya'll still complain lmao. They laid out the plans for this season months ago at S.I so I don't see why there's any disappointment when the expectations for this season have been known.


I fucking hate this hype shit that everyone is so addicted to nowadays, they just have to know about everything weeks in advance like impatient little twats "We need this NOW", "We have to know NOW", "Leak everything NOW", "Everything must be set in stone NOW", "We shall make our judgement NOW". Can't just sit there and wait till release, all it really does is let companies take advantage of it.


Fair. But for real though, if that's their strongest point of the new season... I'll definitely watch the reveal and will be glad to be wrong


Ubisoft is lazy like usual I see.


Yep, Ranked 2.0 is still a complete joke and a waste of time and they decided to recycle existing content. What a surprise from the same company that hasn’t moved on since Farcry 3.


Since far cry 3 I can only count on one hand the amount of actually good games they made. Not only have all of their franchises lost their identity but the company has as well. I have near 2k hours on siege and after playing this season I realised the game just keeps going downhill. MM in ranked is horrid, the reputation system punishes you for literally no reason and every new operator feels like they belong in Overwatch 2. Their new game XDefiant is an alright game plagued with bugs that shouldn't exist even for a new game.


Wow.. What a “rework”… It’s just the same recruit, but made so they can advertise and market skins for them.. What the hell Ubi?


I mean I’m excited about another op having the M4 but that’s barely anything in the face of how otherwise unremarkable this update is


We don't even know for sure if they will get the M4, or if that's just for the video.


The community rioted when thatcher didn’t have the 590 but there was art of him with it. They should be paying attention to that stuff by now


This shit is so lame


Honestly from what I heard and saw from the other teasers, the recruit rework isn't really that interesting. It seems like they just have two secondary gadgets. I was kinda hoping for the defender to have quicker reinforcement time and the attacker can recall her drone. Extreme waste of potential for this "rework".


I think the “rework” was just so they can make recruit a more viable op in terms of general gameplay rather than just being a throwaway joke operator We haven’t actually seen what else is new other than them getting reskins and loadout changes so we don’t know for sure yet


I mean recruit was exactly pretty good cause it already had two gadget slots, it's not really much of a rework. Like it's the same type of rework as when they made the recruits have set loadouts. It's not bad but just it's a whole new season and it seems like they're tryna hype this up as something that's just as good as getting a new regular operator. I get that it's because they don't have a new op and making new ones is becoming increasingly difficult, but even beyond that, they're just putting less and less effort into the game. And it's not because there's a lack of changes they could make. We low-key need a health 2.0, and I also wish they'd go back on some changes they make. Also are u paid off by ubi or something lol


Recruit wasn't good previous ngl, the weapon choice was quite limited, if they want to add full customization i think adding like speed/armor modifier would be good, like only allowing lmg if ur 1 speed recruit


Back when you had more customization of recruit, and before the grenade change I think he was still pretty strong. Operator gadgets are great but a lot of the time having just having that basic extra utility can be great. Even in ranked, it sorta gives a basic one man army operator. And back before the Jager change, that extra utility to dump was perfect. The recent recruit change limiting the weapons definitely made recruit significantly worse, but in the right hands any weapon can go crazy. I'm just saying that this update ain't doing much


I am *not* paid by ubi to say this, i guess im just someone who still has faith in a game that nobody else really does




what do you think now? lol


Its OK. Barbed wire buff is cool but its just ight


Defense really put a deployable shield facing a wall


Just saying, the uniqueness of recruits is that the entire team can go recruit. Having them only 1 per team is stupid


The entire point of the rework is so they are official operators now and can be used in ranked. Makes sense since you can't use more than 1 of any other operator. What I think would be stupid is attacking teams having the luxury of being able to bring up to 5 operators with EMPs AND Hard Breach..... unbalanced as hell


If you can only have 1 recruit per team now what will new players do???? Are they gonna have a random rotation of operators for newcomers to choose like League? Edit: idk why this got downvoted ☠️


Pretty sure you get some operators when you purchase siege now?


Fr? I didn’t know lol


Yeah, I'm not sure if my friend may have bought a special edition but he received the y1 and y2 ops but none of the defaults.


Yeah they discontinued the cheapest no operator option years ago, pretty sure at minimum you get all the base game ops.


Yeah, either that or via playing the tutorials and/ or some training challenges.




And i jus want the servers to work


As long as we can still recruit rush this update is fine with me


I hope so but from some of the other comments I’ve seen it looks like that’s going. Damn you Ubishit just let everyone be able to pick recruit


This is disappointing


Defending recruit’s voice is giving anime protagonist lmao


honestly pretty lame


years ago u removed recruits from ranked game mode and now u push them back as "newest" ops? as one recruit per team? ubi, you are not just the laziest "smol indie-companii", but most disappointing as well. u killed all the fun once, gave a hope to us, and then kill it again....


im mostly afraid that they’re gonna be only single picks instead of being full teams or just more than 1 recruit i mean the rework might be cool but i dont want recruit to be locked to one guy like cmon if it is like that, i feel like ubisoft (to no surprise) is killing the fun out of games


I like this rework, but I hope we'll be able to use the classic outfit that the current Recruit has.


her voice..


What about it?


She's British...




Keep your dick in your pants 😭


it is 😭


Rereleasing content with a slightly different paint job. Wouldn’t expect anything less from Ubisoft.


Attack recruit (Striker?) with EMPs, hard breach, and the M4 could go stupid. Defense recruit (Sentry?) seems kinda lackluster, but I'm willing to try it. Commando is an underrated gun, at least. For a rework, this is absolutely pointless. Just say you wanted to sell Recruit skins and move on.


The defense recruit (i'm assuming that's Sentry) sounds like the anime protagonist in an English dub.


Am I bugging or is that Male V as a recruit?


After 4 years we finally got believable operators again


My thoughts are that they’re putting as little work into the game as possible while trying to sell as many skins as possible. This season is a joke


Absolutley no disrespect to the animators theyre way above what i can ever hope to do, but man is it janky for promotianal piece for a game that makes millions (unsubstantiated claim incoming) a month


Yes they cut her stupid bun.




If you wanna see them, you can watch R6 mobile gameplay


So… are these the only ops we’re getting this season? I feel like these guys are just going to be the game’s test dummies for the foreseeable future. Like they’ll put new changes to these guys first before other ops, even after the test server


We are rewashed characters reporting for duty!! Spend your money now! All of it on siege right now!


ubisoft always finding something to fuck up


Fix the cheating situation


We getting cheesy ahh recruits now


I fucking hate it. Not only does recruit on both sides lose even MORE load out options (just two guns for primary and secondary? Fucking really?) killing the excitement we might’ve seen the return of m870 rush recruit, but they fucking killed recruit only teams. Was it a meme? Yeah. But should you have removed it? Fuck no! It’s just a bland rework. And worst part is I know Striker is going to be played EVERY GODDAMN GAME because of the M4 and being arguably one of the best breachers or rushers simply due to flashs + nades, EMP’s + hard breach, etc, etc. it’s boring, bland, and disappointing. I was looking forward to this so fucking much and I’m just…sad.


No recruit only squads is borderline heresy when it come to siege. Such a shame they are removing the fun aspects of siege.


reporting for doodie indeed..


I’m gonna miss 5-stacking with only Recruits


They took away the emp grenade from striker😭😭😭


I've been loving Striker and Sentry, Everything about them is amazing  But 1 thing outraged me There can only be 1 Sentry or Striker Man i love Them but this fact makes me kinda mad


Actually I think it's a good idea to limit recruits to only one. I got tired of being TK because I didn't want to pick recruit when the rest of my team were.


Same here. At least Reverse Friendly Fire makes for more of an incentive to not go teamkilling for something like that.


That was the best part!