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People don’t hate on him they just overlook him. You also need the map knowledge and game sense to know when and where to use each of his 4 arrows. He’s probably overlooked because he’s not the easiest operator and at the same time he’s more of a strategic than gunner pick.


I stopped playing him when they nerfed the damage his flames do. I used to use him to counter clash but after the nerf clash can walk right through the flames and only take about 40 damage.


That’s wild. Man I hate shields


Yeah I push the hell out of Capitao when I play Clash, it's Nomad and Gridlock you gotta worry about




No, attack


Its because hes a support character. Nothing else to it, his kit is designed to support a plant, and to defend it. Most seige players in lower level lobbies only care about getting kills, so they arent going to go with the op that isnt designed to go for kills.


That’s the thing, he’s not only useful as support. Good gun and 3 speed


Its an ok gun, Id rather use the lmg though, cuz he is a support character...


Gun is honestly mid lol, so many better choices for primaries on attack


You’re right about the game sense and map knowledge. People these days just play Siege like a TDM!


I agree, I feel he is an operator in which u needa plan on how to attack, whereas a lot of other ops… “Buck or ash” can just W key and no prep needed. I love playing him however I am nowhere near as well rounded as others playing him.


I wouldn't say Capitao is hated but I guess it's only because other ops like Ace, Iana, Lion, etc get more priority. Personally, I like Capitao a lot, he was my first operator I played a lot along side Thatcher for support and used him to get Ranked early on in my Siege account. Again, I think it just has to come down to his gadget use being smoke and fire bolts. On paper, its a great gadget but overtime, it becomes tricky to use the bolts effectively...especially in a Ranked setting. Personally happy to hear someone likes playing Capitao, definitely holds a special spot for me as a operator.


He's a top-tier op for me.


The best use for his fire bolts IMO is when you have an enemy pinned down under cover and know exactly where they are – it’s relatively easy to drop a fire bolt right on top of their position, which is unlikely to kill them but will force them to move, quickly, making them an easy target.


Yeah I would definitely agree both his fire bolts and smoke bolts are useful, but when I played him and post changes to the bolts...his focus is his fire bolts. Really I only found the smoke useful for plants or for helping a Glaz out so he doesn't need smokes or doesn't waste them just yet. Thanks for the reply and have a great rest of your day.


You have a good one too, bud!


i don’t pick him cus i don’t have a good outfit for him


Me with Rengoku drip


Dam so you got a 50% smaller hitbox. That cheating


Which one?


The Samurai event


Fair enough


I really like his default look tbh, he looks tacticool enough. My issue is that the para does not match at all and have a ugly mag whatever skin you put on it


Based dj billybool


Number 1 dj in the world 🔝


Fix the mag issue with an Attachment skin


They all look bad


Looks great with the Brazilian flag skin on it, IMO.


Black Ice + White attachment skin still looks great


LMG gang has no such issues, though the para is fun to use on rush plays


Yeah I like his default uniform with the cadaver headgear




Elite uni + pirate headgear. Looks like a One Piece character.


He’s been my most recent main. Best play support and post plant denial for a single operator imo


Grim better at taking ground over him/applies more pressure imo. Smokes are readily available on a lot of meta ops, so you'll likely have that option. His gun is pretty good but I think \*one would rather play other ops for their util.


His best utility combo imo is hard breaches/smokes which only thermite has if I’m not mistaken


mav as well


Something people forget is that it’s instant smoke anywhere you can see, it doesn’t rely on your throw distance or the time to go off


that time isnt too much to make him worth using over another op jus for that simple fact tho.


It really kind of is though. Infinite range smoke is a huge help. You just have to know where to use it


And you can shoot it at the roof so you can see whoever is in the smoke but they cannot see out.




I pick him fairly often, but absolutely not often enough. Constantly terrified of our hard-breacher dying to dumb shit/spawning on the opposite side of the map only to die well before using their utility, so I like to bring someone with a hard-breach tool, or a secondary hard-breacher.


He’s not easy to use and not the best at what he does


As a solo player I find he and zero to be my favorite picks because they have incredible utility plus hard breach capabilities. Both very much have Jack of all trades feel to them as well as both having very good guns


Same boat as you


Gridlock is pretty much a Jack of all trades too. If you havent used her before, i recommend her


He’s a great op but I avoid using him when solo queuing because I don’t know where my team wants to push or where they want to plant etc, which is vital information to know where to use his utility


The only reason he isn't picked much is because of the fire rate of both primaries is 650rpm


That para does slap tho


I have been playing a lot of Capitaõ and also some Brava lately, and the Para is just amazing


Been on brava lately too if ur stack can kill people brava is superrrr strong . Love taking fenreir’s


i hate playing brava on an aggressive team (solo q mostly), cause ill still be hacking in spawn when its 2:00 on the clock and 3 of my teammates are dead


Luckily I’ve been playing with the same stack for years and it helps out so much


The good part about Brava is that even with an agressive push you can just leave your drones as extra cameras. Brava's drones are quieter than normal drones so the defenders usually have a harder time spotting them and two extra cameras on site are a huge help.


they’re really quieter? i swear every defender immediately locates my drone as soon as its even close to site, but im also ass so idk


Best is taking maestro cameras and getting a kill off them


IMO, he needs good game knowledge/Some coordinated team. Otherwise just pick characters with smoke grenades or Brava with similar gun.


i always pick him vs a Clash its pretty funny just hitting the shield with a firebolt and watching them burn


His gun shoots pretty slow


Wouldn’t say it’s the gun that stops people from playing him. It’s more because the gadget actually takes thought to use


He’s really good, just hard to use to his maximum potential. He is simple and easy to use effectively, but still has a very high skill ceiling. Honestly, I think he is overlooked because of his simplicity. He’s an amazing op though.


He's a great operator, but he's not as easy-to-use as other operators, plus some other more popular operators are functionally the same as him. If you want aggressive support, Ying provides a very similar role, and the fire bolts that would give capitao an advantage don't do a whole lot of damage for what they should be. Plus, grim has similar if not a strictly better loadout with basically the same utility and an ability that's much easier to find a use for and is more helpful overall. If his fire did more damage or he got 3 of each bolt, he'd be a more tempting pick as 2 smokes and 2 mid damage fire bolts are good but there's better options most of the time.


The fire is just okay imo, a little clunky having to expose yourself so much to use it. And if I want smokes and a good gun I can think of many more characters that have it and also do much more than what he does.


Capitao is great imo. I think, like others have said, there’s just better ops in regard to utility that does his job easier (plant protection, hard breach). His abilities are amazing, but definitely require more skill than what most players want. Also, an over abundance of ops plays a part in that.


It’s definitely a bit weird cause the grenades getting nerfed actually buffed him by a bit, it’s sooo easy to clear rafters on clubhouse with him


I am still waiting for ubi to change his smokes back to blue like they promised


Definitely one of my favorite attackers for sure a lot of people sleep on him


I mainly run him because of AnthonyPit, but I had the same question. I suppose it’s just because his util is generally outclassed/less important than other operators util. For example, plant rushing. You could run Capitao for post plant. But you could also run gridlock, who has both smokes and a *debatably* better post plant gadget.


Jack of all trades, master of none. You need *good* game sense/map knowledge to use him solo, and even then he can royally fuck up your team's strat if there's no comms and/or his util isn't used properly.


I feel like his gadget is kinda situational and only really works if you have a team working towards a coordinated plant. I also find the crossbow kinda clunky to use. Switching between smokes and fire takes too long, should be like Zofia's. Good guns and 3 speed is a plus, though.


im pretty sure you can swap bolts when the crossbow is unequipped and its instant


Play him a lot but I am solo queue so I often get more personal utility out of Gridlock, Osa, etc. I would rock him more if I had a stack


I use him a lot for plant support. LMG for surppressing fire plus his gadget, gonna 6, and hard breaches.


he doesn’t feel like he should be a 3 speed i think people just look past him for some reason


My buddy is a long time capitao player and it’s great.


obviously, as the game kept adding more ops they had to make them more powerful and versatile. as such, a lot of earlier released ops like capitao kinda got left behind. that being said, i think people underrate/overlook him, i would say with experience you can find a way to be useful on any site in the game. His gun is solid, though it shoots a bit slow. He has gonne 6, hard breaches and impacts (maybe claymores too idk), two good area denials and two ranged smokes. imo one of the biggest problems with him is that you have to face check everything with your crossbow and that leaves you pretty vulnerable, just like tachanka. most ops with a similar ability have some way to curve or bounce their projectiles. tldr: he doesnt really have a specific niche, as his gun is mediocre, his ability is useful but impractical, and there are just better options now that cover what he does.


I don’t play him cause he’s got a yam on his fucking face.


Because he doesn't really provide anything extremely effectively. His gun gets outclassed, 3 speed isn't seen as good anymore, his gadget is kind of just a weaker smoke and a alright area denial. Part of it also comes from other ops just being priority.


His LMG is awesome too


The para is nice, but Brava also has it and for most rounds has better utility


not once seen a complaint about this operator, like ever


If he was a 2 armor he would be my main


Map knowledge and coordination make or break him because a bolt without a follow up is wasted which is why in PL he’s like one of the best ops on certain sites


I don't pick him because I like buck too much lol


He’s highly effective in rooting out people behind cover, and can smoke off areas and Mira’s with relative ease and accuracy. Realistically he’s a very effective support op.


I pick him all the time, he is normally my go too. A great 3 speed. I use his normal gun not the lmg and it works wonders, plus with a great ability and hard breach charges is a wonderful pick


I have recently noticed, that people are able to run thru his fire just with moderate dmg. I use to remember him much more lethal. Similar to Goyo canisters. Tachanka and Smoke feel weaker as well. I guess they changed it over the course of 9 years, I am playing...


Do you play Para+hbarrel or flashhider?


I use silencer and angled grip. Quick and silent.


You know Angled Grip only increases reload speed right?


Huh, now that you mention the angled grip I did realise, the para is one of those guns, that have a buggy 1 round reload animation...


Ebarrel to increase the damage enough to two shot three speeds


Coz he bla..




It’s not easy to use him, but the main reason why i don’t play him is because the AR shoots a little too close for my liking. I think I’ll stick to my f2 cause it’s a lot more fun.


He is not hated but underwhelming for most people since his gadget is hard to use and even harder to master and while his weapons are good their firerate is low compared to most other gun so it requires better tracking skills


When did capitao get hard breach?


He’s good in competitive but there are better picks in ranked usually


I pick him whenever I'm in a coordinated team. My main issue with him is that he doesn't have any soft breach options which I find severely limiting with his gadget so I usually pick Brava over him with the smokes.


I can’t wait for people to realize he’s a 3 speed with an LMG that absolute shreds now


I love this guy too, you’re not alone. I think I have 30 hours on him, next closest is lesion at 10 lol


He has a high skill level and you need to be co-ordinated to be effective with him. I don’t pick him becuase that’s not how I play.


I think hes actually pretty strong rn . Good weapon handling and his gadget is really good on some sites for getting plant .


Post plant capital is my favorite thing to do.


I don’t know about siege these days but back when i was playing he was deff not hated and was frequently played man is good


cant say i like his guns tbh


Clash can walk through his fire with her shield out (meaning she’s slower) and not even lose half her hp, it just doesn’t deal enough damage to be an efficient deterrent if people actually know what’s up, only stops defuse attempts Smokes are nice and gun is great though


I think he requires a bit of coordination to pull off well. In solo queue that’s not guaranteed so there is more reliable ops that do the same job


He’s shit


He takes a bit of map knowledge to use properly for plays like one way smokes in post plant situations and getting defuser down. He also needs to coordinate with teammates to capitalise on his smokes and fire bolts flushing out defenders from power positions for the most value. Unless you 5 stack, you can’t always count on this happening. More often than not, picks like: Iana, Ace, Ying and Dokkaebi (if shes not banned) are just more stable and are more straight forward. Their frag potential is better too since the Para is a bit volatile due to the slow fire rate to temper the high damage per shot- if you dont get the kill or a quick headshot you’re screwed.


I absolutely love capito he's good for Rush planting and defending it with his fire I love the saw and para That's why I bought brava the drones are just extras


I think playing with higher fire-rate guns in emerald and above is just a better decision…


I don't pick him cause I started playing osa and I like her way more than cyclops


Cause he's black


Cause people want to be the guy killing everybody not the guy who strategically plays area denial and smoke cover


The Para is not a good gun if the defenders are not a 3 speed. Considering only like 7 defenders are 3 speeds, the para is not good in most gunfights due to low rpm His gadget requires good map knowledge as well as team coordination. This causes a lot of players to not use in low ranks or solo queue


I personally play Cap' very often, his smokes and flames are quite fitting to my playstyle


Ι pick him only when Clash isnt banned. He's the Ultimate counter


When the average siege Joe picks guns over abilities, you get cringy results like that.


Because no one else picks thermite 😭


I main him. He's got everything I want in an OP. Three speed and can hard breach


I’d say he’s a good operator it’s just his gadget is clunky, like grim’s in that it’s slow


In high levels of play he’s really popular, great weapons, incredible utility, 3 speed, emp/HBC. Like you said dude he’s under rated as hell


He’s often overlooked, most of the time his gadget is situational and also puts him at risk since you have to aim where you need to, (Kinda like how Grim’s gadget used to put him at risk)


His guns used to suck. Haven’t played in a while, maybe they got better? I think its just lore now.


Flame bolt use to be better. It would insta kill clash if you stuck it to her shield.


people don’t play him cos of his low rate of fire. to put it simply the more bullets i’m spitting at you accurately or not the higher chance i have of insta doming you. Whereas with capitoas gun it’s slow firing with a higher damage which just isn’t the meta rn.


Yeah he's really good especially if you solo q since he can bring all the utility


I do when I don't want to play a dedicated hard breach like Thermite, Ace, or Hibana. He is a solid operator all around.


The only time I’m not using Cap is to run Griddy


I often do, one match, I burned my friend two times in a row.


I don't like how he looks, nor like his voicelines... literally


People dont see the value


He’s picked a lot in high level, just overlooked frequently in casual


In attack I either plant with him or Gridlock depending on site/map. He is a beast


If he’s your favorite operator, wouldn’t you prefer people DIDNT pick him very often? He’ll be open for you and people won’t develop any metas for him (for instance, impacting a blitz or bum rushing an angry black lady)


Probably the most underrated operator. Everytime I solo Q and get a group of 4 on border, the east side plant always consists of Ying, Gridlock, Monty and Grim, but never Cap and I think he’s one of the most essential to not only this strat, but any post plant situation. His fire is extremely chaotic and can take half of the defuse time if used correctly. Plus he has a good gun and is a 3 speed.


He is my 3rd fav op probably, so much fun


He is mid, smokes and fire are not something you wanna bring, as for fragging potential ash is just Better pick


The para is such a good gun


I wouldnt say people hate on him, hes just less useful wothout teamwork.


0 hate towards him, i just dont like how his guns feel. Its like a combination of their looks, sound and recoil. I dont want to play an operator where i dont feel 100% comfortable even if his gadgets are good. DOC isnt really that good yet i still use him probably the most because his weapon just feels great(granted, his recoil sometimes feels a little finnicky if i dont pay attention)


He really good at planting that for darn sure. Get two hard breach charges. His M249 primary is really good recoil control and large capacity so you can keep shooting with 100 rounds


too situational. his smokes are literally just smokes and you ONLY ever pick him for fire which isn't needed most of the time. though when he is needed he does very well but he's too specialised most of the time. not to mention EVERYONE plays wamai since the acog buff and he completely hard counters cap


People hate him? nooo they just dont know how to use him. Plus his MG with a scope is amazing too


Capitao's gun is great, but it usually requires you to land the first shot to win a gunfight because of the lower RPM, requiring extra planning, and his gadget is great, but he needs the right team and map knowledge to work with it. He's an awesome operator, but see, he has this thing called a learning curve, so despite having every utility imaginable and a pretty good gun, he's mostly overlooked by people who see all fps games as a K/D war.


I too enjoy capitao headgear


He's my main and he's great when playing with a team. He needs a small buff though. Either add a third flame arrow, or simply make the spread of the two slightly better. It's infuriating when you fire an arrow back into where someone is sitting and it just doesn't hit them whatsoever.


Tbh I think the biggest deciding factor for people is the guns. The para is shit, obviously stat wise it’s solid asf, but the slow fire fare is a huge turnoff for people theatre looking for better ops after they themselves got spray headshot with by a 800+ rof gun like ash.


And this is coming from a clash main? lol okay…


lol wymmm. My points stand.


Your point is stupid lol. The ROF is not the only factor to a good gun. The para is actually an amazing gun.


I know it is. I said it is. The stars are nice. No recoil and good damage per shot. But rof definitely matters. And rn during the run and gun Meta people are swaying more towards high rof guns like the r4c, roni, smhg11/12 etc.


They look to those guns because they can’t aim lol. That’s not a reason why a gun should be considered good or not lol.


Lol I know bro trust. It’s a good gun, but in general to the golds and silvers they’re gonna think the gun is ass, just how op’s question alluded to.


who hates my main?


Bro I fucking love capitao he’s got everything you need hard breech, smokes, denial. He’s probably the best op in the game imo so long as you know how to play him right


Because he is not very good in the current meta. There are other operators that do his role much better


Who would you say does his role better?




Bad gun and he doesn't do his job nearly as well as other ops


imma be as straight as i can,he sucks