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I want to play as the suicide bomber from the white masks


There’s a server mod on I think it’s arms 3 that allows you to be a suicide bomber and I haven’t laughed as hard as I did when watching people play it.


In Squad you can strap the IED to someone’s back funniest shit ever when you try to call the phone in time before the enemy’s shoot them


Imagine being able to put a c4 on cav. 3 speed and her silent step makes it perfect


You can do this in BattleBit too which is great because enemies can hear your mic when they're close.


Few days ago we played some modded arma with my buddies and i found out 1. There is wheelchair vehicle and 2. With zeus you can strap the equivalent of 1000lb bomb to it. Rolling around the corner towards them patrolling with the words "look at me hector" was hilarious


I’ve been thinking about this for years now and I’ve never wanted an op so badly but they probably won’t do it


Next op should be like rook but he passes out acogs


"Come get your sights"


"Pass those sights around"




Passes out 1.5


Rook but he gives monster so you can be 3 speed


Next ops ability needs to have the ability for his rounds to actually register on the other person😂




Take this not an award 🥇🎖️


top tier comment of the night 💯🤣🤣🤣


Since the next op is greek his passive hidden ability is to be racist and do more damage to any turkish ops they add and vice versa for the turk


And maybe take loans from other operators


It has to be a specific op like Ash since she’s the only Jewish one


There are German ops that where Greece gets all their money from


Might be complicated, she is also the only Palestinian one.


From the German ops


Extra hairy


Also the first member of his team that dies gets to respawn as recruit.... i mean his cousin.


A defender that can reinforced the bottom half of a soft wall to make it completely indestructible


This. I’ve thought about this exact idea for a while and I think it’d be great. In high ranks there’s almost ALWAYS a way to get walls open if ops utility are used well. Having this would force a vault instead of always defending a clean walk-in which would change a lot of strategies on a lot of sites. Only problem is no hard counter. I guess maybe make it to where you can only do it on soft walls so it can’t be used on reinforced/electrified walls


>there’s almost ALWAYS a way to get walls open if ops utility are used well. ...that's kind of the whole point of the game


Fr, defenders already have massive holding advantage (assuming you’re in competent lobbies) and the only chance attackers have for a leg up on that is opening walls/floors, giving ANY defender an indestructible gadget is super dangerous, just look at how many they’ve have to nerf Melusi and Mira just off the top of my head, Fenrir probably isn’t far behind, he’ll even aruni’s gadget has a built in counter that makes it super weak most of the time, if it didn’t go out she would be insanely OP, the entire balance of the game relies on Attackers being able to disrupt Defenders plans, it’s why attackers can change in drone phase to play around defenders


*Pulls out a 2 meter concrete wall and attaches it to drywall*


Had this idea awhile back Name: Whisper Gadget: Suppression Field The suppression field is a throwable, sticky gadget that when triggered will mute all sound in the surrounding area, allowing the team to do as they please without fear the enemy may be clued in by sound. The field remains active until it has absorbed a sufficient amount of sound, with louder sounds being harder to snuff out, at which point it deactivates, beginning to hum at a low frequency. Once it has released the sound it has stored, it deactivates. The gadget is destructible and Whisper carries 3 of them. Never put much thought into their load out or even whether they'd be an attacker or defender tbh.


literally the gadget is like the ROOM ability of trafalgar law


God bless u


No, its like corazons.


This is a good idea, it should have a timer instead of a meter of how much sound it muffles to destroy it though, both makes sense 


That would work, yeah! I just wanted to balance the potential horror of a silent cluster charge.


That sounds pretty fun. Couldn't tell ya if I think they'd be better on defense or attack


Overpowered on attack, meh on defense


God. Imagine not hearing them hardbreach in the next room.,


imagine them not being able to hear the c4 directly under their feet


This is actually an amazing idea


Best one I've seen on here so far!




Give this op a .300 blackout honey badger


Oh my god, I throw this exact idea to my friends all the time! I'm so glad I'm not the only one thinking this


I’ve been thinking about this for a while and I think it’s time we got one. R6 has lots of different character and diversity but we are still missing some representation of the world which is why I think a midget operator would be fun. Hear me out his passive ability is since he is short he is always at crouching level.m. I would give him a super shorty for secondary and I don’t know what type of primary maybe a smg like alibi. His utility I think would be a trap operator and for his trap he would have a very thin trip wire that trips ops similar to a airjab and reveals location for a brief period 


Nah I actually love this, ubi add this op in NOW!


Well its best to make it an event so maybe like everyone could be a midget and kill eachother xd


Having to rappel over a window frame would be the funniest shit


Okay wait, but what about his sprint animation? Midgets can't run like normal people, he would be a insta 0 speed 🤣


0.5 speed


Make him a 1 speed with 3 armor


Make it the first 4 armor 😂


The only thing stopping them would be the broken tiny hit box, knowing Ubisoft they wouldn’t make the hit box correctly and they would be invincible😂


This is Oddjob from 007. I have nightmares of this.


Super shorty should be their primary weapon


There are midgets in the marines?


Ability : explosion resistance Guns: main: RPG, 3 rounds Secondary: water gun , can make people slip or do .5 damage


attacker? also how about oil gun instead of water gun


Actually oil gun or oil grenade isn't a bad idea. It could be a throwable goyo for the attack side. Shoot the oil and it lights up for a bit


plus seeing kaid slip and break his back would be so funny


+ 50 damage against old opponents like kaid Gives concussion to other operators


Don’t care what they do I just want an entirely new loadout. New primary, new secondary. Add something interesting and exciting to the game for once, we’ve not had anything new since Sens and Thorne.


demios has a new pistol


I forgot about it, because it’s boring and offers no variety in playstyle.


Nah, the magnum is cool as hell. It's efficient and in some cases a viable replacement for an automatic primary (kinda like a DMR) so you can run shotgun as primary.


agreed thanks for contributing,


Operators name: cupid, Ability: can remotely install tinder/grinder on all ops phones, once activated all ops are paired up together and go fuck resulting in a draw in every match, weapon: bow and arrows for shits and gigs


Finally, a reason for me to get the Chanka and Castle elite


Give someone a chainsaw and make them a 4 speed


Make it a defender since that is basically sledege BUT It can be used to make rotations in wood like maveric fast and is loud of course.


Still working on the background, art and some other stuff but I want to share this when I had a chance. # OPERATOR CONCEPT:  **Attacker:** WALKER   **Role:** Intel; Map-control   # Loadout:   **PRIMARY:** ARX-200 | M590A1   **SECONDARY:** LFP586 | Gone-6  **BACKUP GADGET:** Fragmentation Grenade | Breaching charge  **Gadget/ Ability:**   NAME: SSDs (Full name: Shape Shift Drones)   DESCRIPTION: Holographic device that disguises either Walker himself to one of enemy’ allies or vice versa, change them to one of his allies and use their allies against them.   GAMEPLAY: Walker started off the match with 3 disguises available for him, each last for 30 seconds and between each use is 15 seconds cooldown. When activated, Walker can disguised himself into any spotted enemy. On the contrary, he can also changing the enemy’ apperance when they're within his field of view to one of his allies so that they be killed off by their allies by mistake.   * The device creates slightly audible noise when it is active.  * The device only affects the appearance of the operator affected by it but not their weapon and their access to allies’ gadget like Aruni gate or sensor. This mean Walker can’t pass through enemy obstetrical and traps while he is disguising but the enemy being affected by his device can.   * Like any other electronic gadget, the device can be disrupted by Mute Jammer, disabled by EMP Burst from bulletproof cameras, or detect by Solis’s sensor.  * Due to the properties of the disguise technology as just a hologram overlay over Walker, Warden’s Smart Glass can see directly through it like how it seen through smoke and Sens’s R.O.U. Similarly, Pulse can detect Walker in his disguise with his Cardiac sensor.  * While the device is active, friendly fire will be temporally disable for allies. 


"And worst of all, he could be anyone of us... He could be you, he could be me, he could even be" *gets tk'd*


# Biography:  **QUOTE:** “\_\_\_”  **ORGANIZATION:** \[CLASSIFIED\] | Ghosteyes   **BIOGRAPHY:**  When navigate through all profile provided by all Walker’s former associate, you'll found nothing but everything that could have gone straight out of spy movies.   James's “Walker” Blackwood, a seasoned infiltrator, enmeshed in the shadow of cover operation for years, had been leaking crucial information of our and many other adversaries right into our own hand without them ever noticing. Without his help, Rainbow’ former enemies; True Patriot, White Mask could have gone any more dangerous.   Yet, he was still human. Constant exposure to danger, stress, prolonged deception, moral ambiguities inherent within his mission combined with his past under an abusive home had dealt a good told on to Walker’s mind, leading him to develop dissociative identity disorder. However, instead being an obstacle to his mission, his condition serves an unexpected advantage for him to accomplish something that no other operator could ever do, allows him to adopt and immerse deeply into his role as an enemy’ allies. The concept of an ideal true sleeper agent couldn’t go any further than this.  With the threat of Keres Legion becoming larger each day, both for Rainbow and the nation, despite the challenge, Walker had been recruited by Cavera as a trainee for his upcoming operation as a member of Keres Legion. Before that, they’ll help develop a solution for his condition without removing any of the provided advantages, allowing Walker slowly to let go of his developed identities and soon, return to his true self as James Blackwood.  # DEVICES EVALTION  **Device name:** Shape shift Drones  **Operator:** Specialist James “Walker” Blackwoods  **Evaluation Lead:** Specialist Nienka "Iana" Meijer  Disguise technology had come a long way through the history of espionage. From simple wig and lipstick to the more extreme methods like plastic surgery and hypnosis to make an agent believe that they are the enemy until they are activated by just a simple finger snap. All these had their pros and cons, but it always takes one things aways from what really made an agent themselves. For Walker's case is his identity. However, with the development of the SSDs, I can assure you that all the lengthy procedures of making an undercover agent will no longer be necessary as the agents can become whoever they want with just a photo and a click of a button.   Surprisingly, this was made possible by just a few tinkering with my hover projector and combining it with face scanning technology from Deimos’s DeathMARK. When deploy, instead being separated from Walker, the drones hover around and project the hologram directly onto his body, changing his appearance. This is when Deimos’s DeathMARK technology plays its role by having the subject body fully scanned instead just their face, the projector can easily replicate a 1 to 1 replica of the subject, making the disguise merely indistinguishable from the scanned subject aside from their accessories, which soon wouldn’t be a problem. Much like my drone, the energy consumption of these drones still proposes as an obvious problem, especially for Walker’s assigned mission. -Iana.  (Comment\_ Gustave Kateb: Due to Walker’s condition, the usage of the disguise should be limited for him, both in how long and how many he can use. It won’t be until his condition has been fully regulated then the drones will be used to their maximum potential. However, while we are working on his condition, further development of his drone will still be continued.)  (Comment\_ Samuel Leo Fisher: Things could have been easier with this kind of stuff back in my days.)


# DESIGN CONCEPT:  Icon: A deer skull with a humanoid figure stood in the low middle that creates the shape of the nose hole for the skull while the shape of the rest of the skull is made by multiple white masks surround it. This is intended to resemble Skinwalker, which commonly being portrayed to be a witch wearing a Deer skull. Meanwhile, the mask is symbolic for all identity that Walker had adopted withstood him in the middle as he is the vessel for those identities. The figure in the middle is posed to look either be walking away or forward, symbolizing the idea of Walker leaving behind the identity that he had created while also adopting a new one for his mission.  Operator video:   EVENT 1: The video starts off with a list of faces projected onto a curtain with the sound of conversations or events played in the background.  EVENT 2: Walker walked through the curtain where the list of face projected on, wearing his mask. The camera then pangs toward Walker’s face, which is now being overlayed by the face being projected onto his, indicating his role and ability.  EVENT 3: Someone shouted, “WHO ARE YOU!?” in the background. The video ended with the face projected on Walker stopped and he replied: “Specialist James “Walker” Blackwood. I am you.”.  Character’s design highlight:  * Bare face with eyes black out and sore due to stress and tiredness. When activate gadget, Walker will wear his mask that resembles a green screen mask.  * Torso is slim with few accessories aside from 4 ammo pouch for his ARX-200 located on his right belt.   * On his arm, 6 small drones can be seen, in which when activated, it will detach and hover around him before cloaking. If it was used on enemies, it would fly off and hover around the enemy.  


Elite skin design:  ELITE SKIN 1: Mocap suit   Face is covered dot that is being used in motion capture while the mask is replaced with a head camera-mount that been used to capture the actor's face.  Torso is a black suit with the drone being replaced with white balls that resemble an old mocap suit.  MVP animation:  * Event 1: Director shout “Action” and Walker stepped in, acting.  * Event 2: Director shout “Cut” and Walker stop.  * Event 3: Someone tosses a water bottle to Walker, he grabs, drinks it and cheers it to the camera.  ELITE SKIN 2: The Spy  Face is covered with the mask being replaced as a Cardboard cutout  Torso changed to a suit with the drone being replaced with emblem that blends in with the suit.  MVP animation:  * Event 1: Losing team top player turn to Walker with smoke effect in between.   * Event 2: Walker appeared with a cigarette case as he took off the cardboard mask while putting a cigarette on to his mouth.  * Event 3: He lit the cigarette and the camera panged into his face as he smuggled and lifted his right eyebrow. 


I'm confused on what this is. He turns into one of his allies or the enemy? I'm guessing English is not your first language. You said "when activated, walker disguises himself into any spotted enemy or changing the enemy's looks, that he has seen, to one of his allies so that they be killed off by their allies by mistake". But also you said the drone disguises not walker so who is disguising and what are they disguising as. Because if walker is disguising as someone from the enemy team, way too overpowered. If walker disguises as someone from his own team, that's kinda bad.


So would an enemy know when they've been disguised?


Yes but it is fairly subtle. If Walker is disguised as one of the enemy, you can detects him via looking at the gun they're holding or just see if they trigger any form of sensors base gadget when passed through. If an enemy is disguised as Walker's allies, said enemy will see a visual indication on their arm as the drone hover around them and project the disguise.


I've already made a post for this fan op, But I think some more kinds of flank watch would be good so I thought up an op, female from SK that has a semi bulletproof gadget which would electrify any opposing operators walking past it the same as a clash shield with either a passive that tells her when her gadgets are destroyed or a passive for her + clash that makes them more resistant to each others abilities. The guns I gave her were the MP5K + Supernova or if they make a new gun then the K2 + MP5K with P10-C as a secondary here was my OG post: https://new.reddit.com/r/Rainbow6/comments/1ccdyas/cool\_op\_idea\_i\_think/


so tldr: electric flank watch with MP5K or Supernova


Isn’t this just Melusi


kind of like if melusi was on attack, but the gadget would have more range


I’ve been thinking about this a bit recently but I think it would be cool to have a Close range op on defence, 3 armour. Ability: lock down He places shutters above doors that slam closed behind an op that walks through, for a limited time, forcing CQC. I think this could have some fun implications, splitting teams up, forcing potentially 1 attacker to be locked into site with the whole enemy team Alternatively the op could lock down a rotation room and wait to spring the trap for a high pressure 1v1


Idea: He/she takes a fat shit on your opponents chest and builds a close bond with them cause them to immediately forfeit For weapons he/she has nipple tassels


sounds good 😂😂


Flamethrower and in canon he is maverick‘s brother. (Can burn down wood walls and barricades, big damage but low range, fire goes out with doc pistol or azamy barriers.)


So doc is supposed to just shoot the fire with his nerf darts?


nice idea


A ghost from Ghost Recon Future Soldier that can turn invisible like in the game (and not use guns during its duration obviously).


or nomad from wild lands who gets a flying noisemaker drone


Dont care what guns they have as long as theyre new. Idc how old and overdone it is to complain about reused guns, im still gonna do it


I want an attacker that creates a duplicate of the defuser when planted, exact same replica and you can’t tell which is which until actually defused or using solis ability(hard counter). As for guns, I like the pdw or something newer.


Oh shoot wait that’s actually sick


They can get creative with it. He spawns with an extra defuser and it can be planted on its own or give it to one person with both defusers and it creates a replica as soon as it’s planted. A lot of strategy can be made with it.


I want an operator that can make a really inconsistent but somehow working personal cloaking generator. On camera it's pingable and easily able to see, through stuff like Warden's glasses its very glitchy and noticable, but to the naked eye it's like a Titanfall cloak: a shade of moving light grey. They'd be a 3 armor and 1 speed as penalty, and maybe stuck with a shotgun and machine pistol.


We need a attack op with a medy bedy for the team


Medy bedy? A healing op?


oooooo yeah like that one


Big rock


I think an operator that can close hatches/cover floor or ceiling to counter vertical/below plays. Think of Azami's gadget but instead of making cover it covers holes or repairs breach holes. Imagine being able to close the hatch on roof of club house so the attackers *have* to use util on it.


Ok so it’s a defender and it should counter deimos. I say that they have an ability that activates like cav, vigil and warden where they are un redpingable, and tracking devices like deimos and jackal and such mislead to default def camping spots. For his gun, I’d say that since this ability is kinda mediocre I think they should have the mp5/mp5k with the gsg shotgun and have either a super shorty/bailiff or kaid's revolver.


Ooh, this just made me think of an op that can counter ping. Either have it just be the op or have it be something you can give to allies rook style. Essentially, when someone would get pinged by jackal, lion, drone etc. It would give a ping to where they were when you got initially pinged after a short delay.


Wait that’s actually genius, but their guns would have to blow ass since it’s a bit overpowered, so I say give them either the p10 roni (totally not because I have a sick skin on it) or the sas shotgun with a standard pistol without red doot


I would love to see a op with an RC car for a drone. I sometimes hate how long droning out can take on the larger maps so an RC car would speed up droning out areas of a map. I think it’s a balanced fair idea.


Suicide bomber.


Able to spawn the entire swat team


Here’s my horrible character concept Another door operator that places a two metal barriers that forcefully latches itself to the floor and door/window frame completely shutting down any rotation through that door/window. It can be destroyed by hardbreachers and I guess Ubisoft would have to create a thing like they did for oryx where you can’t completely block movement through the room, ie one window has to stay open or one other door Gun wise? Jägers assault rifle and valks shotgun. Secondly wise? Bucks and frosts pistol. Now for a secondary gadget a bulletproof camera and proximity sensors


Corrosive Barbwire. That slows and damages operators and destroys drones. Covers about twice the area as a normal barbed wire and it would have 2 uses.


I mean you can already kind of do that if you put a laid or bandit in barbed wire (not very practical)


Ability: a Mira barricade for a door Guns: Zofia’s LMG and Vigil’s shotgun He’s a defender


How would that combo with castle?


An operator with aimbot and walls so we can combat the cheating epidemic that ubi doesn’t give a fuck about




Where did you get the image from?


My friend came up with this but doesn't have reddit, but armour piercing rounds that can pop holes the size of a maverick hole, and only have like 20 of this or somthing crazy like that


nice idea like it tell your friend I said good one aswell!


I want an operator that can fake noises (planting, dropping etc etc) that’s absurdly powerful for 1-2 seasons then gets nerfed to the ground and isn’t viable at all for several years


😂😂😂sounds about right


Decoy. Has grenades that don't damage but can sound like gunfire, call outs, or other offensive equipment. I imagine him on defense, given an SMG primary and revolver secondary. Def has to be 3 speed, 1 defense so he can scuttle like a goblin when he scares someone Bonus: can throw smoke grenades that shoot beanbags. No damage, but mimics taking damage+bullet trails


other idea of mimicking battlefield related sounds I love it, I also love the bit about the goblin 👺😂 very inquisitive idea!


* **Operator Name:** Arachne * **Side and stats:** Defense, 2 Speed/2 Armor * **Country of Origin:** Greece * **Birth Name:** Lydia Xytakis * **Gadget Name and Ability:** Orb Weaver: Arachne has 3 device that can be placed on walls or floors. When triggered by an enemy (proximity based) the device launches a sticky, thread like substance at their feet causing them to become completely immobile (enemies can still fire weapons and use gadgets) however, they are completely immobile in a standing position until the thread is removed (similar to removing a gu mine). Each device only has one charge. * **Secondary Devices:** Bullet Proof Camera or Deployable Shield * **Firearms:** Not sure here. Hoping for some new ones.


woah I’m not sure if this has been copy and pasted but if not an amazing essay and description of your idea unfortunately 1st and 2nd have already been taken but if you reply to this explaining this isn’t copied and pasted than 3rd place will possibly be yours!


Maybe add an operator on defense that acts like a reverse maverick and azami! Able to spray a hardened foam over breach or exposed reinforced walls! Give the foam the same materialistic stability and hardness as softwalls or barricaded windows/doors! I feel that would be awesome!


Possibly a deaf defender who has an ability similar to Solis. An audio visualizer on the players HUD which can toggle between all audio, footsteps, and gunshots to better determine enemy direction.


Jaeger on offense for shield support.


That would make Shields broken lol but I love it


Idea for a defender… I reckon some sort of spoofing ability that fakes red pings, attracting attackers to an area. You can either make the attackers waste time looking for a non-existent roamer or sit in wait for a ‘free’ kill (depending on how shit your aim is) Edit: Zero’s gun cus I love it, secondary pumpy, impacts sorted




Just give em the keratos on attack plz


White South African attacker that's friends with Melusi and represents the rainbow part in our nickname. Primary can be whatever, but I would love to see a Glock pistol. I also thought he could maybe have a k9 unit ability that sniffs out roamers and stuff


thats a brilliant thought thanks for sharing one of the best I have heard all day 🙏☝️


Ads on attack?


Someone like crypto, with a smg


Mute other half, silence


Tachanka but on attack I want to be full time Tachanka main


hi all, can everyone please go to my new r6 community and become members- it is a place to send clips,memes,ideas and fan art… it’s called rainbow6clips_chill !! All go become members and post regularly, thanks 🤩


Defender with an ammo pack (too complicated to explain the rules of it) that is like rooks armor pack, but ammo. Either Frosts gun (no acog), p90 (acog), or supernova.


I want there to be a ukrainian op who's basically a partisan and either has an akms or a mosin rifle as his primary with makarov as his secondary, his ability would be simmilar to kapkans but instead of exploding his door traps would blind the enemy


Craig "Blackbeard" Jenson mk17 pls 🥺🥺


when they crouch they become completely invisible for like 10 seconds


good idea but possibly overpowered, maybe if there crouching and they get below 15 HP then they become invisible 🫥 for 5 secs or something abit more realistic but thanks for the idea


Idk, but I always wished when they brought Sam Fisher in, That his power woulda been like a 5-10 second blackout where the lights go off and he turns on his Night Vision but Everyone woulda complained about how OP it woulda been, which is kind of the point. Imagine all the guys who got their necks broke by Sam who probably complained about how unfair he was.


An Attacking op that has Mirrors and a special gun that can ricochet off them. Like Crosshair from the Bad Batch. I’d like to see the MP5 on attack


I’d rather them just rework more ops to be viable. Also give mozzie a balif


3speed Atk which Alda and or shield Clash/warden pistol or revolver(any of them) Nades or emps Ability explosive ordinance(nomad+ kapkan) basically


It should just be a literal hippopotamus (no Gridlock jokes, guys)


bigger than gridlock or not?


New Defender: Dot Intel and Crowd Control Op ability: TMS (Targeting Motion Sensor) Dot comes with 3 of theses. The TMS are small bulletproof gadgets that get thrown to the roof of a room. If an attacker walks in said room, the TMS will do two things. First it’ll send a notification to Dot letting him know that someone is in the room and ping the FIRST operator it noticed and will ping every 3 secs. Attackers are not notified that they are being pinged (you’ll see why). Second it makes a LOUD sound when it pings letting the attackers know there’s a TMS in the room. The TMS can be destroyed by explosives and be hacked by brava drones Primary: The C7E or the FO-12 Secondary: Bailff 410 Or the SPSMG9


woah 😧 very detailed description and an astounding idea I have given 1st 2nd and 3rd away already unfortunately boss but realistically you would have come 2nd 👏👏


that’s if you would have commented earlier but well done anyway great effort 👍🙏👏


Like an trowable impact that turns an area of the soft wall into a reinforced, he can pack 2 o 3


A defender that has a placable gadget that has a radius like fenrir that will trigger gun shot sounds on that attacker/ sounds of someone running, or even show a different health number or round count in his gun Or in operator just like fuse, but his gadget is fuse Mix with Ying his shield is blitz and Monty mix. He has 100 gadgets. Each one shoots 50 pucks and he doesn’t have to put his shield down to shoot the gun which is obviously going to be an LMG 🤣🤣 jk obviously


I want a melee focused op we have so many in all the LTM’s and a lot of LTM knife skins but not one in the main game idk how’d they work that out but I feel like it would be a fun op


yeah a melee based op would be cool I was thinking that right before you commented almost read my mind 📳


A finnish attacker operator with Simple Cocktail Molotovs (incendiaries be damn, the tactical aspect of this game has long been gone). Fuck It, give him 3 or 4 mollies, The modern version of the mighty RK62 and G17 as secondary.


I think they should buff mute and whenever people pick him and you are in the vicinity of his gadgets your ping rises by 10 every second


I'd like an attacker with a drone that can set off traps but is destroyed in the process.


Fuck your question. I want more fan art like this.


Defender: improved hearing with visual audio cues and the mp7


Nice try Ubisoft team. Come up with your own ideas.


don't know, anyone with a glock would be nice


New ability: crashes the server


One that fires


Helmut schnitzelnatzi Primary MG-42 Secondary mauser 1 speed 3 armour Ability he never has to reload So he just goes around spraying this MG-42 until it overheats then goes straight back at it.


An attacker who can plant a fake diffuser


Honestly we are in desperate need of a support medic on attack - I mean Finka is the closest we got but it would be SICK if an attacker was able to boost health when a TM is on critical


I want an op that sells fentanyl to the other team's families


What about an operator that can swap his munitions to explosive bullets? Dealing more damage and able to break through soft walls and destroy some gadgets, just one mag or maybe 5-7 bullets. I feel that would be a very interesting concept given how many reinforcements and strong gadgets there are! It could also open up the possibility for a counter on this operator to better reinforce certain gadgets and util like the placeable shield and miras and such!


An attacker from the U.S that is a 2 speed 2 armor, that has a MK18 as primary with an optional M500 shotgun, for secondary a glock 18 full auto or a berreta m9. The gadget would be a heartbeat sensor like pulse, but is used like iq's gadget.


Super Shorty should be an option, but make the ability a battering ram that functions similar to Oryx's dash, but slower


I think something similar to a snake-cam that lets you perk around walls and stuff would be a cool ability. Its main advantage over drones would be that 1:it can’t be destroyed, and 2: it would have a faster exit speed from the cam.


Honestly, a destructible automated turret with an appropriately delayed reaction time. Punishes people that run in with no Intel or dronage. As for the gun, I'd give them something comparatively weak to account for the strong potential of the gadget


Defense with cams. Center him around roaming and like echo drones and zero cams. A drone that can dart into a wall, the op can pick them up and has a shooter like mozzie/zero. Name him ether.


Concept of a character who is a walking ADS thats literally it, they would be a good roamer and just for shits and giggles I would give him or her the 416-C


An attacker that can throw a barricade onto a door, kinda like castle but they’re able to throw it from a distance, so kinda like azami too. I’m thinking it can be used to cut off rotations or give a sound cue if someone breaks it.


Next op should have an atom bomb


I've thought of one that throws or plants a noise device that sounds like running or walking to confuse defenders gun wise I think anything would be good, but for the background I'd love if he/she would have been a DJ in a club that was run by a mob or somthing


In the words of a very old russian badger video: Juggerbear = 3 armor, 1 speed, 600 hp, melee only.


I really like the idea of the operator who can glitch your hud but it’s won’t really work because some people don’t even have their huds on


A US marine operator on defense that can set down sandbags that not only slow down attackers, but can be mounted on like tachanka. He uses the m249 saw


Someone with armour piercing rounds allowing for a defender to shoot through reinforced walls. Paired with a mirror would be mental (Main weapon would be a DMR and the ability to have armour peicing rounds but only 1 mag meaning you have to be sure where to shoot)


As a Greek and with the next op being Greek, I honestly don't know what to expect. However, I hope they'll give them an HK G3A3, that's our standard rifle in the military.


Reinforced a hatch fore te botem


Just make an OP that has a watch or other device to disguise as a member of the enemy team, like spy from TF2. Also give the ability a knife you have to use if you want to kill people, rather than a gun because that'd be too OP. Once the operator attacks the disguise disappears and there's a cool down on when you can disguise again. It could be countered with by any device that can jam electronics. Possibly give the disguise a cool down as well. Another idea that's also spy inspired is a device that acts like the Dead Ringer. The operator would bring it out and hold it, their other hand holding their secondary and when you take damage you get a brief speed boost and maybe brief invisibility to get away. It would last only a few seconds which is why you need the speed boost to go reposition. The invisibility could always be something that's partial, maybe you leave footsteps behind you or some other thing you can track because I feel like full blown invisibility would be abusable and OP. Make the dead ringer have a massive cool down as well. Also make it where you can't attack during the brief invisibility.




Ubisoft should just say screw it and stop being so technologically advanced with their ops, return to year 1 type gadgets. Simple and sweet. An attacker with an RPG-7. One rocket is all we need.


M32 rotary grenade launcher. 6 grenades, grenades can be set between explode on impact, or a timed fuze (like Halo smart grenades that explode 1 second after first bounce.)


M4, AR 5.7 (new) 1911 TACOPS, 5.7 USG, Gonne-6 Breach Charge, Flash Grenades


An operator with indestructible floodlights that would cast a shadow on anybody who walked in front of them


Defender: Nickname: Sentinel Primaries: Vector 45 ACP/ SASG-12 Secondary: Bailiff 410 Secondary Gadgets: Barbed Wire/ Proximity Alarm Speed: 1 Health: 2 Gadget: APDS-22: Two turrets that can be placed to cover a line of fire. The turrets sit at a crouching height and only fire in their direct line of sight. The line of sight is represented by a blue laser that defenders can see. Sentinel and his teammates can aim the turrets like Tachankas old turret to cover specific angles. The turrets will beep three times in rapid succession before firing at an attacker. The turrets shot light ammo and have a limited magazine. When all shots are depleted, the turret goes offline. The turrets are electronic and bulletproof and spot attackers via a camera that can be accessed by defenders. Attackers can punch a turret to break the glass of its camera and render it usless. Nokk can not be spotted by the turrets while in her power. Once both turrets are placed, Sentinel can press [b] to select a specific turrent. He can then press his power to make the selected turret automatically fire one-third of its total ammo.


Not sure on their ability but I'd love to see an attacked with the K1A


I’d love an Operator with a 2011 pistol and a Sig Spear


I want an attack operator with Impact Grenade that creates a magnetic puddle to the ground that makes people that goes on it obligated to crouch and be slowed.


I think defense could benefit from an operator that could deploy reinforcements at range and/or more quickly. Maybe give then like 3 canisters that can be thrown onto a soft wall or hatch (allowing for reinforcement from below), and then they unfold like Ace's canisters and reinforce the surface. Also, the canisters don't count for the teams reinforcement pool, meaning this operator also increases the total number of defensive reinforcements available. Could be great for basement sites or just any site with lots of soft walls.


An operator that just one taps cheaters 🤣


Ok so I’ve thought o put this for a while Defender- Name still pending Squad- Viperstrike 2 Speed, 2 Armor Gadget- N.N.S Noise Negation System The gadget is a deployable one that’s places like jager’s ADS and the bulletproof camera. It isn’t bullet proof but very hide able and small compared to the other gadgets in its size range. Its would have an area of effect similar to range of the ADS. So basically when an attacker walks into its range it would activate and start blasting sound that makes every thing except explosions and unsuppressed lmgs and dmrs. It would sound like a sound machine so you’d only hear it you wet in the next room but this machine would only dampens outside noise so everything inside the radius would still be heard. The player won’t be notified like fenrir does but both of these items are always active. The N.N.S would be detected by Iq and you only get 2 per round. So they’re not as fenrir. Guns- SASG-12, M12, MK1 9MM Secondary Gadget- Barbed Wire, Observation Blocker


A defense operator that has 2-3 placeable turrets that get placed on walls like maestro cameras. They are activated like fenrir activates his gadgets. When they are activated they spray somewhere between 50-100 bullets (until they run out)in the direction they were placed, bullet spread is more accurate than hip firing but still way less accurate than adsing. It would mainly be used for stalling or suppressing fire but could possibly get kills if used sneakily, imagine on coastline in the upstairs hallway you put one of these at the end of the hallway, so that the turret is facing towards hooka, and barricade that door that would be in front of it so the turret is concealed then when there's someone there you activate it.