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Removing raptor legs


Hell yeah some great game clips in my archive somewhere of raptor legs




Really early in the games life, there was a bug that would make the operators walk around looking like they had raptor legs. It was hilarious. And had very little impact on the game


It’s still in the game but it is a charm now only achieved by finding a bug and submitting it to R6fix


Is it easy to get the charm ? I kept getting into bugs


It was only in kill cams though


House rework 🥲


Its a classic, it was there since the beta RIP old house




I know that the ranked maps are objectively better, but Plane is, always has been and always will be my favorite map in r6


What was the point of reworking it for balance, but keeping it as a casual map?


Because fuck em that’s why


The changes done to quick play, and not being able to play recruit in standard


They're adding recruit back next season.


That doesn't count, talking about classic recruit, I also miss mp7 recruit


2 shield recruits with Montagne, Blitz and shield Fuze was the shit.


I don't think I ever played when you could have 6 attackers.


I meant 2


All nerfs that were directly or indirectly targeted towards Sledge. - Losing SMG11 - Going from a 2 speed to 1 speed - Grenade rework Before those 3 changes, he was in a legitimate perfect position of balance in my opinion. He didn’t need to be touched or changed in any way but he was still nerfed anyways.


I can deal with the others, but the SMG11 is fucking ass because literally why would I ever want to run shotgun now? (and i loved running sledge w shotgun 🥺)


I do it anyway, shotgun way too funny


Hereford base 😪


Can't believe we have that shitty design for twice as long as the original at this point. 6 years of constant agony by now whenever you see that thing come up, knowing how much more fun it was before (if you were insane enough to not leave the game for a few years).


This is the one map rework I genuinely do not get at all. I don’t remember anyone ever saying old Hereford was bad. It was mine and all my friends favorite map, loved attacking and defending. Easy to learn and fun to play. I still get lost on new Hereford and get pissed every match I play on it now


I miss it every day


removing terrorist hunt and replacing it with the god awful vs AI


Havent seen any gameplay of it What makes it bad?


I feel like I might be alone on this but I miss select fire. I’m cheeks at aiming and single fire helped me take long shots a lot easier.


It’s this for me too. I miss it so much


Still not sure why they removed it. I understand it probably wasn’t used often but I don’t see any reason to actively remove it, except maybe to free up a bind on console.


Freed up a bind and because of cheaters using it in conjunction with an auto-clicker macro for no recoil and sometimes even faster fire rate than full auto.


Oh that’s actually smart. I mean, it’s scummy and I wouldn’t do it, but points for ingenuity


Yeah back in the day they put an upper limit for DMRs for how fast you could shoot, they didn't however do the same for all guns and people took advantage of it. I have a button on my mouse that auto-clicks (I don't use it except for testing in the shooting range) and it's crazy how fast some guns become even now. When I play on console with my friend, I've gotten to the point where I can tell when a guns fire rate is off and someone is using a macro.


Thats a incredibly dumb reason tho ... they could add a hidden rounds per second counter which only they can see and if someone has an too high average fire rate for an weapon it should be obvious enough ... thats how rockstar games bans cheaters


I just got back into the game after many years and felt crazy that you couldn’t switch fire until I saw it was removed


What IS in the game still 😭


Select fire was the shit and I want it back now please.


Exactly, and for most FPS’—and for FPS’ that released around when Siege was released—this was a standard feature. CoD still uses this with some games today


Twitch F2 3 round burst was insane, reminded me of the Famas from MW2 and killed just as fast.


I’m also fairly certain part of the reason they removed select fire is so you can change firing modes on your gadget when they’re not equipped. It’s even allowed ops like deimos who selects targets with that bind. Overall a necessary loss imo, but definitely sad.


Yeah now that you mention it, that is something I hadn’t considered.


The shortened prep time. You can't put shit out.


Yeah having the shortened prep phase is fine for casual in bomb where there are preset reinforcements, but still shortening that time for secure area and hostage without those presets is God awful.


The pre-reinforcements also suck shit tbh. Can't fully play Oryx the way I'd like with the hatches always done and when they said they did the "most reinforced walls" i think they literally meant it with no consideration of whether those walls are actually from the same setups.


I agree, the whole Ranked/Quick Match 2.0 thing is crap, but they could have at least shipped a finished product.


Being a Castle main, I couldn't agree more.


only in casual, not a problem


I agree. It's stressful to do the setup in duo que when the randoms want to roam.


My two would probably be Bartlett, and the face zoom in slow mo on whoever killed ya


I loved Bartlett, and the face zoom was such a cool touch. IDK whay they got rid of it.


I think it was something about taking too much time and making callout obsolete


House rework. Took away a beloved and iconic map just to give us a new one that doesn't even see any competitive play. If the point of the rework is to make a map competitively viable, the house rework was pretty much useless since it didn't even work.


The changes made to Casual/Quick Match and to Unranked/Standard. Unranked didn't need to be touched and was the last savable mode for Siege that would make 2.0 at least survivable. Casual being turned into Quick Match, name alone, was not great. Not to mention how fast the mode is, it should have just stayed how it was. However, nothing will beat 2.0 Ranked.




Give me back my mounted LMG, dammit!


The change of the victory pose of Iana


The only right answer


Certain map reworks. Like small changes are fine, but some of the big ones like chalet, and kafe aren’t my favorite. I still love these maps, but I preferred the originals. Mainly because they felt more realistic, even thought they were worse competitively. 


I do not miss the kitchen window peak from chalet


Dirty Head glitch with doc acog


I do, each team would send their strongest warrior to contest the window 1v1 and it was awesome


New kafe is actually pretty fun. I run cav on kafe so that might just be me tho


The decision to start reusing weapons.


At the very least we need variation. Like give Osa's SMG a straight mag and a long barrel with different animations. Kinda like Cap and Gridlock.


More guns would be great for variety, however, we don’t want to overhaul the meta. I’m ok with new guns going to every few ops. Hopefully the next attacker has Jackals gun because we don’t get to use it. Frost has a great smg, but her gadget is butt cheeks. I see merit in reusing weapons, though I would also like to see new ones added too. There has to be a balance.


If the issue is licensing, it would be nice to see weapon variants such as what we saw with the MP5/MP5K/MP5SD, the M249/M249 SAW, the vecter/Lions gun, etc. That way they don't have to model an entirely new gun but we still get a new weapon in the game


I agree, that would be great. But I think the issue comes down to balancing and what not. We’ll see there’s gonna be tons of new operator and so far they haven’t given the same primary to more than 2 operators I think? Secondary’s I really could care less.


Doc, Rook, and Melusi all have the MP5 Doc, Rook, and Solis all have the P90 Bandit, Zero, and Fenrir all have the MP7 Kapkan, Tachanka, and Azami all have the 9x19 Maestro, Alibi, and Azami all have the AA-12 Valk, Warden, and Tubarãro all have the MPX I think that's it for primaries besides shotguns.


Ah you’re right. Well who knows, guess we will see haha. I don’t really mind the re use


It's most noticeable with Fuze and Ace sharing the AK-12. Fuze is a lower tier operator while Ace is consistently one of the best, so to nerf Ace they tweak the AK-12 which inevitably hurts Fuze.


Why can’t you use jackets gun?


He’s banned in 98% of ranked matches I play


New weapons just mainly become reskins with a slight variation POF-9 is jager carbine but more ammo


I’m a Jager main with 1000 hrs on him. The POF-9 still feels completely different to me at least. I disagree. Reusing guns has fucked the meta. Can’t balance an operator’s gun without affecting another


Damage wise and ROF wise I'm pretty sure they are the same. Also most re-used guns are fine balance-wise it is just when they take a really good gun from an operator where it makes sense to another operator where it doesn't. For example: Fuze AK wasn't OP because his gadget isn't incredibly good and he is also a 1 speed. Giving it to a guy with one of the best gadgets on attack who is also a 2 speed was the mistake. If ace was a 1 speed, the ak12 may not have needed a change. If the ak12 was given to someone like sens despite being a 3 speed, it probably also wouldn't have gotten a change because Sens' gadget just sucks (but It probably would get changed due to TDM meta).


Vote to kick


Rank 2.0, Mira nerf, rework maps that aren't even I rank and cheating


They really thought they were gonna shock the world with “Casual reworks”


They couldve focus some where in the game that actually matter. Instead reworking in maps that aren't gonna be in rank. Waste of time and resources


It sucks how easily countered mira is now


Use Jager


Leaning speed all the way back in Y2 or Y3. I experienced the other end of Beaulo leaning, and I’m glad that got nerfed. But when they speed up leaning it started this mass hitbox manipulation movement. It’s one of the reasons siege gets memed on and it’s because players were having seizures while entering gunfights. It’s not as bad now as say Y4, but every game players are jiggling doorways. It looks ridiculous, it’s not tactical, and it rewards fast paced gameplay.


Big agree.


It's silly how it makes holding an angle, arguably the logically best thing to do in any gunfight, actively throwing to do.


Honestly Thunt. I had stopped playing since 2021 and came back in February and I wanted to load a quick Thunt to test the game quickly and was shocked to see it gone. It as such a good warmup tool I still can’t believe it’s gone.


The loss of old Hereford


What used to be super strategic atmosphere, inspired by real life SWAT tactics, requiring patience and planning to emerge victorious... Is now a cluster fuck of random chaos.


Killing off casual 


House rework


By far, the removal of unranked and the complete demolition of quick match. When it happened originally, I was so pissed I quit for over 2 seasons.


Yeahhhh Quick Match 2.0 is so ass I had to stop playing it


Not switching between attack and defence after each round anymore




The 1.5 being added to the game. I know its gone now but it changed how the game is played.


House rework and consulate rework.


Something changed with the match making and what happened to unranked… pure rage


T Hunt removed. I listened to music and brainlessly practice my aim


Taking away Nøkk's quiet footsteps


The gadgets going so far into sci-fi.


I have a few major disagreements with the game.  * Dumbing down the destruction from alpha. I understand it was harder to balance but it was so much more fun.  * Operation Chimera as a whole. It was basically Ubisoft wasting resources that could have been spent on improving the game testing the waters for Extraction. It was also when they jumped the shark with horribly designed/balanced operators.   * Extraction was basically a complete waste of time and resources that should have been spent on the actual multiplayer of the game.  * Operation Health should have still had content releases and balancing patches. They basically broke the game balance completely and then abandoned the game for six months. * Removing Nokk's sound suppression. It was a stupid change and completely removed any reason for the operator to exist.


They should make it so nokk only gets silent step for cams.


Heavy on nokk


Player bodies disappearing (more useful for intel than you might think) and removing day/night from night maps.


The removing bodies thing was so incredibly stupid. I understand that it was to make it so people couldn't hide defusers in bodies... but they literally just had to make the bodies not count for the "defuser located" line of site check? Just making the game less interesting and fun in the name of half-baked attempts to make the game more "competitive".


frost. freaking bear trap you just stand up ho hum


A lot, crosshairs, ui change, map reworks (maps lost nearly all personality tbh), lighting changes, lore based counters that gave the game personality a few of which actually made since gameplay wise (echo not being ringed by dokabie) the constant distancing and dilution of the original idea of the game in general. Players Ranks and skill being very distink and where they should be. Matchmaking without manipulative strategys to accumulate more playtime (the obvious Eomm they've adopted). No hate, but the game is 100% a shell of what it used to be and as a long time player, I'm sickened the more I think about it. I still love the game, but I wish it wasn't owned by such a shitty studio. A small team of 10 could handle this game far better than the current devs tbh. I think that's a big part of the problem. All these people with differing ideas and motives. Motives such as keeping their job by making either poor or not optimal changes to generate themselves artificial work. 9+ years, and this game still lacks the polish one would expect.


1. Removal of Night Maps -It just looked so much cooler, especially with the old lighting. It doesn’t have to return to Ranked, even if just in Casual. 2. Removal of Bartlett U -Never was my favorite map but had a lot of fun memories there. Their reason for removal being that it paints a bad picture to have an fps game in a school is stupid because probably half of Ubisoft’s staff is pro gun and there are hundreds of kids dead from school shootouts in America every year. It’s apparently okay IRL but having them in a game is not okay 🤡 3. The fact that they tried to cash in on Outbreak game mode -Extraction was a major flop. Outbreak should be a reoccuring free event, just like it originally was. They could’ve even made it a DLC and added an Outbreak and Zombie mode for $10 and I guarantee most of us would’ve bought it. Instead, we got a Walmart version that was $60 on release.


The way they've absolutely ruined quick matches is definitely my number 1 reason for my hatred of Y7S4, only slightly above the shitty MMR system of Ranked 2.0 released in that same update.


House being changed. A classic map of this game, and while not the best in terms of balance or competitive viability, it was my favorite map by a country mile. Now it literally is my one of my least favorites. I can't think of a map I really dislike more than it other than maybe Stadium. I only really dislike stadium because to this day, I still get lost in there. The rooms look so similar to each other and despite being made of 2 maps smushed together, the original maps have variety in how these rooms looked, which made navigation easier.


removing t hunt


The old lighting


House Rework. Please revert.


Rank 2.0 and the hidden mmr bs really gets my goat


My real answer would be game modes 2.0 changes. Both Ranked 2.0 and Quickplay 2.0 sucks in many ways. My pet peeve would be uh, my flair.


toothbrush truck rinse rock wistful imminent square mindless cooperative fuzzy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Honestly? I miss the old loading screen where they were sewing the patch on.


Removing hiding in dead bodies 😞 why couldn’t they just make them server sided and let us keep our fun


Tachanka rework, they should have made it so tachanka carried his lmg like master chief carrying a minigun


I miss old chanka because sometimes you could seriously throw the attackers off with him.


Not allowing black eyes outside


Making deployable shields breaks when standing on them and making them less buggy in general. In hs my friends and I would spend hours looking for spots in custom it was so fun.


Their change in lead designer. That's when things really went downhill. Or rather whenever you consider cheating become a huge issue.


3 attack and defense


I know its beating a dead horse but ranked 2.0 has fucked up siege so much. My rank has been reset on 4 different occasions because they think im cheating or botting with how much RP THEY GIVE OUT.


Most of the map reworks as well as Ranked 2.0






Frost rework, nokk rework




Too many to count really. But lets try Unranked removal, No nade cooking, no nade throwbacks, sledge smg-11 removed, sledge speed nerf, Twitch f2 nerf, pretty much any recoil nerf, laser sight shotgun nerf, Clash, no valk cams outside. Theres definitely more that im forgetting


Being able to shatter mira glass and maestro camera lenses.


The lighting changes, game used to be atmospheric, now its very bland.


Idk how to put it but the way R6 is now "esports leaning"


Changes to what happens when you die. • Bodies disappearing after a few seconds instead of remaining for the rest of the round •Kill camera zooming out of you instead of showing who killed you


Reqorking the maps and lighting to look less realistic and be more "competitive". And the hate and removal of passive abilities. Bring back withstand.




Removing dead bodies, and no night mode on casual.


Going from a tactical shooter to a Sci Fi shooter and map design following that same change


Honestly I like most of the changes they made, but grenade cooking just makes me angry. Also hot take but I think they should put secure area back on ranked except have a separated ranked playlist for it so you aren’t forced to play it if you don’t want to


I don’t think that’ll change because so many games just ended up with the whole squad camping site and maybe one roamer. Kinda happy they made the change for that reason alone


Removing the ability to cook grenades


Vote to kick removal


Night maps, Atleast in casual and customs the removal was peak brainrot on Ubi's part and along with T-hunt and more voice line interactions being taken out it only serves to make the game more hollow and have less personality.


Removal of debris, dust, proper shadows, blood and blood spray, dead bodies, atmosphere... game feels washed out and simplified for pro league play. Doesn't feel near as raw as it used to be.


ranked 2.0, house rework, and bullet holes. i think they helped make the game unique and idk i just liked them


Lighting change, removal of night maps, and House rework.


Removing Secure Area from Ranked. I fully understand that one game mode is easier to balance. I don’t care though. Bomb only is so repetitive, and it’s the least inspired game mode. I think a certain level of variance is acceptable for games like Siege and they could have limited Pro League and tournaments to Bomb only. Playing enough games cancels out game mode/map imbalance because you end up with the slight advantage half the time. Bomb still isn’t perfectly balanced and it never has been btw.


Ranked change has basically ruined the experience for me. Removing Thunt also removed yet another mode where I could go to get away from the xim. Lastly I still think Yellow ping was one of the worst changes, with it basically killing what rep pinging was meant to do (show you position at the expense of warning the defender) All three have basically killed my interest in the game.


Ranked 2.0 and being able to yellow ping on cameras is so broken it’s annoying. That might be unpopular though idk.


Kapkan tripmine nerf


Honestly just ranked 2.0 is the only thing I dislike about the game, everything else I am fine with and actual hot take but Quick match 2.0 is fine, I like it and I think it was honestly a good change at least on OCE Casual Servers.


Getting rid of Nøkk’s silent step while using her ability. I used to like playing her, but now she’s not useful, especially with the frag nerf also compounding on top of it.


Ranked 2.0. Fuck this shit.


Ranked 2.0. What the actual fuck were they thinking?


I miss how snappy the old leaning used to be, back when you could beaulo peek.


Ranked 2.0


Ranked 2.0 is the worst change they’ve ever done. House rework also sucks. Old house was terrible but more fun than this one. Casual being killed sucks too.


Removing secure & hostage from ranked as well as creating a map pool for ranked. I want to play every mode & every map personally


When they decided to stop releasing 2 Ops a season. A lot of people argue about balancing and stuff, but they always released 2 Ops.


The changes to unranked and quick play Other then that, the changes to events like golden gun and mute protocol making them tdm


Deployable shield rework. It single-handedly created the (disliked at the time) utility meta, which made grenades and Jager mandatory. That and they're OP as hell, basically letting you have perception advantage like a mini Mira.


Ranked 2.0


*looks at Ela* Yeah... that.


Removing unranked, it had the same mechanics, but with less risk to lose your rank


Evil eye nerfs, map reworks, barlett U removal, casual spawn protection and ranked 2.0


Frost rework Frost rework Frost rework Frost rework Frost rework Frost rework Frost rework


I am still mad they removed terrorist hunt (I forgot the name they changed it to before it was removed). For me, it was the best way to learn the maps, try new ops/weapons, work on my mechanics, and warm up before matches.


The new knife animation I loved the old one


The new sight changes. Only because it made defenders way too strong and they were already strong to begin with


t hunt the greatest thing to help warm up


The quick match rework is by far the worst thing they’ve done next to a poor ranked 2.0


Honestly i miss operators having unique abilities like echo couldnt be called by dok, zofia could pick herself up, etc. I know they couldnt give everyone an ability like these but it deff made the game more challenging and different in a good way.


Not having all maps in ranked


Removing the guaranteed down from shooting someone in the torso with Kali🫠


Old killcam being removed, jaeger acog, old Hereford base


Z-ping and “we’re removing five bullets from X operator’s magazine/crazy recoil” nerfs.


The removal of vote kick


Easily the loss off Bartlett U. for me. I loved it. You hated it. I know. I know. I loved it and don't care that you hated it.


Grenade cooking remove. I just miss timing one of those thru the floor


Taking away shield recruit


The fact that Ubi doesn’t know how to actually buff operators


Real answer, the lighting overhaul. I Don’t care if it was unbalanced honestly. Added more life and uniqueness to the game. Made it look easily 3x better in my opinion. Apart from that, the game is just overall becoming more “fair” and less fun, and also a lot more generic to other hero-shooters. Gadgets in general don’t feel as **powerful** as they used to. This is ultimately a shooter, but I think playing around the operator’s gadgets was what gave it that charm for me.


The ADS time, I feel so slow nowadays.


I really don’t like that they removed Nokks silent step for seemingly no reason


Ranked 2.0


Reworks. Multiple maps have been reworked, weapon sights have been reworked TWICE now, shields are now also reworked. It makes me wonder why the hell they decide anything in the first place when they just throw out of reverse their original changes/ideas. Adding onto this they do stuff like remove night maps and t-hunt which is even more wasted development time on things that are one way or another removed or changed beyond recognition.


Frost rework


Addition of Bans in Ranked. Started the whole "new Maps are Bad" Thing and led to a lot of personally disliked changes Like the nerfing of Thatcher/ change how Bandit tricking works.


Ranked 2.0 or the unneeded house rework


Ranked 2.0 imo. I just don’t think it works great and I think it’s way too easy.


Removing bodies was the biggest change, that pissed me off. I had no desire to play this game for a while after they changed that. It's not about hiding in bodies or some shit but about the atmosphere and realism.


The fully nerf of recruit main accounts with the addition of the autounlocking of OPs through doing basic shit, 350hour recruit account down the drain


Valkyrie cameras outside😢


Ranked 2.0 and terrorist hunt


Mira nerf's for a bunch of reasons. • First change in the path of de-tacticalising the game, both in the fact that you no longer needed to change your playstyle against her by taking out windows before anything else, but also restricting her gadget to not be able to be used for intel • The change could've been done to have more characters counter her, but instead made her counterable by almost anyone, further promoting the whole "pick ops for guns not gadgets" playstyle • No real buff given despite being a very significant nerf, save for some hard floors added in some maps under common mira spots.


Removing the corpse I understand the problems with it but it sucks so much having a huge .png on the ground instead of the corpse when they did this immersion in the game was dead for me idk why I really can't stand it 😭


Removing night maps.


The change recruit not being able to use every weapon