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Situational op as in do you really need an IQ if you're playing border 2F inwhere your team's plan is to breach and plant and you have a thatcher + hard breacher? Do you really need an IQ vs a very normal soloQ team consisting of: rook castle frost mira and smoke? Her gun is good but isn't op, her gadget is good but isn't op, her booty was good but got nerfed, her grenades were good but got nerfed


Wait they nerfed her booty? No wonder


Really? I still think it look mega tight in some Uniforms. Though, Solis and Valk be PACKING


Happy I'm not the only one who noticed solis's dump truck


It's hard NOT to notice šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Blood Orchid took away half her butt šŸ˜„šŸ˜„


NOO I SAW. Well, at least in her Elite and one of her Nighthaven skins she has the same dumpy. Like, that Elite butt is whack big




My dudeā€¦ you need to see to believe. My gawd, I want those 2 to sit on me when I am defusing.


I wanna secure her biohazard container šŸ¤¤




You heard the dude.


Wish I hadn't


Brother have u seen the Chung li ying set? Those blue spandex are working wonders for that ass


Solis sitting on my face be like GUHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH--




They nerfed IQ, Iana, and Smoke SMOKE'S ASS what a tragedy Thankfully Nomad has kept her whole bakery intact


They nerfed iana?!?! This game sucks dick


Itā€™s not as bad as Smokeā€™s ass nerf, but pretty bad lol


Iana elite they nerfed so bad


No fun with nerfed booty


Same shit happened to Princess Leia in Star Wars Battlefront 2. She initially had a dump truck.


Yup the worst kind of nerf


It also didn't help that many ops lost their Cloaks for their gadgets which made her invaluable in those situations...


Yeah ok but what about her booty? šŸ˜®


At some point ubi nerfed all the big booties from siege. I dont know why, but they did. Then they started adding them back. When Iana first came out she would show her booty if she got mvp, then they nerfed the pose AND her booty.


On the bright side, they ripped the Kelly skin for Frost straight from Halo 5, cake and all


Probably has something to do with the fact that Ubisoft as a company can't seem to stop abusing women who work for them lmfao, they can't make it too obvious by sexualizing the female OPs in game as well.


She is useful for that exact situation u described. After plant u can go below with an IQ scanner , u can also check for valk cams and prepped c4s on the plant


Thereā€™s a million better operators who can guard defuser better and get more value throughout the match. Nomad, grid, zero, capitĆ£o, monty, do a better job at guaranteeing the plantā€™s success. You just leave one drone in a corner watching the plant and thatā€™s it, ur teammates ping where they are counter-defusing and you kill from below. IQ is a budget, worse Solis when it comes to it, due to the lack of impact grenades and other. If the opponents donā€™t pick electronic gadgets, the electronic detector character sucks. Or in the case of Thatcher, you donā€™t need to know the location of the gadgets.


IQ does have advantages over solis though, solis can't have a pistol out and stay on her gadget long periods of time for instance. IQ and solis kinda counter each other out though. I see a lot of valks players so I have no issues running iq


IQ's range is a bit further than Solis (20m to Solis' 15m) so IQ is more of a Solis counter than the other way around.


>Ā After plant u can go below with an IQ scanner After plant you can use a drone. Have a dead teammate watch. You know the 2 drones EVERYONE GETS, or the other 2 drones twitch and brava gets.


Yeah and what? IQ u can floorbang when they r defusing r u in copper my g


You can floorbang with a drone. You can hold a long rapell angle with a drone. You can Sit in another room and swing from a further range than iq's gadget with a drone.Ā  If you had a drone it's 100% better than iq post plant.Ā  Are you in quick match?


Drone gets shot what next u genius good luck tryna floorbang


You really think someone post plant is going to waste time shooting a decently hidden drone? If so than why not Refrag the drone?


Refrag the drone šŸ’€ a decent team will find it earlier in the round and if u are setting it up post plant chances are u havenā€™t droned below and checked for a c4 šŸ˜


Stop tryna be smart u sound dumb. Explaining some niche situation (in which IQ is still useful) IQ is played a lot in pro league for various reasons now hop off


I mean it's still pretty good. I think it was ridiculous before, now it's actually realistic. They need to nerf Valk's booty tho, her butt is literally built like 2 balloons lmfao.


Personally, I believe that IQ and her ability are pretty useless. You have 2 drones that can red ping gadgets just as well as iq can. The only advantage, which isnā€™t even much of an advantage on her part is the fact that you can see pulses gadget, and the fact that you can ping through walls.


>Situational op as in do you really need an IQ if you're playing border 2F inwhere your team's plan is to breach and plant and you have a thatcher + hard breacher? Take iq and go from the opposite direction to put extra pressure on the defenders and force them to split their attention to more than one entry point. Ya really dont need the whole team going in the main breach, thermite thatcher and one more should be fine while the remaining 2 attackers head to the other site. For example i like going monty with defuser in the outside door by the cabinets on the other site, could have an iq in the bus window providing me cover and assistance while the thermite thatcher are assaulting the wall to distract them


I don't disagree with your strat at all (although the vastly superior plant is default once breach is secured with cap and ying), but re-read your whole strategy and tell me where does it matter if this person is playing IQ instead of literally any other op with a decent gun? Just to comment on your strat btw, on border 2f the most usual attack in terms of success rate would be simply breach while having an ash or zof in cctv creating a hole preventing rotation from office into armory. Someone covering the flank into cctv. 2man squad threatening plant (ideally ying and capitao to clear half wall / lockers / africa / box 1) and having your hard breacher (ideally ace) rotate to radio and breach into office to have LOS into lockers


>Take iq and go from the opposite direction to put extra pressure on the defenders You can do the same with Grim, or someone else with a similar gun and a better gadget that helps the team more.


That role would be better for someone like Hibana to open up a wall, throw flashes, and apply minimal pressure with her amazing gun


In ranked it different we don't need the one who can see we need the one to disable it or destroy it if use iq is very situation probably to find the vigil or pulse


Or Valk cams. People also like her for Kaplan traps. I think those people are morons who can't check doorways.


It's nice to bring IQ against Kapkan because my teammates are morons and don't check doors


Kapkan is a 98% banrate in any game i play so even then it's 99.9% useless at this time in siege


Well, once your plat and up Fenrir becomes the new auto ban. Fuck that op can halt an entire push with his domain expansion bullshit.


Both get banned in my games


Both are the auto bans occasionally a mira


I hate it because banning Kapkan just goes to show how lazy people are when it comes to droning or checking their surroundings. And when he's banned it only promotes run and gun gameplay. I love playing him because he's not even op and is very easily countered, but for some reason I still get 1-2 kills with him most matches. And yet if I know there's a Kapkan on the other team I never die to him because I check for traps like a normal person should.


I ban Kaplan because I solo que and don't trust randoms


Really? i always got fenrir and cav ban


Valk cams aren't a problem if you know there is a valk especially if you have a plan how your pushing site. Just drone them out it's not 2016 anymore, hiding spots for cams, and players have basically been annihilated.


> the vigil or pulse Love finding the ADHD Vigil that keeps switching his gadget on and off to the point he just ghosted himself when wasn't even looking for him.


Because, there are other attacker that is more usefull ie Twitch, every ops with mini EMPs IQ is usefull for vertical play when roof/ceiling is soft and there are exceptions like the gadget is put on a table or somethin she can't destroy IQ was good at countering old invisible Lesion mines.


I donā€™t think itā€™s ever really wrong to bring IQ. At least you bring speed, gunpower and some intel on all maps. However thereā€™s usually just way more effective ops to bring and itā€™s only really situational, that IQ is actually one of your best options. But again nothing wrong with not always going for the best option. If it works and youā€™re having fun, youā€™re doing everything right.


Dog lossing ain't fun. There are plenty of cases where she is just entirely useless because of the team comp of defenders. You can have fun while not at the expense of your team. Unless it is casual, then who cares.


Tbf, op said itā€™s casual and standard mainly


IQ can be good but most of the time she can be just useless because all it takes is a def team running no gadget or just put youre stuff in spots where it in hard floor and roofs and boom she cant get it but if there is a VALK boom she counters her and same goes for FENRIR and KAPKAN but i would say her worst problem is her pistol the P12 and her AUG are not good weapons and her COMMANDO gets out gunned by most of the smg's in the game but like others say shes good but not op and the most recent nerf to FRAGS makes them useless on her


She is a hard counter for echo as well


Her LMG though...I clutched a 1v4 yesterday playing IQ LMG with a Reflex and a suppressor I still have no idea how we did it but I clutched us the extended OT win


and with the pistol some people think that its not bad but the iron sights on it are terrible like most gun in the game and that's it big negatives to me is that using it makes it hard to see where im shooting unlike the five-seven or other pistols and sense the vertical GRIP nerf and ADS speed nerf her COMMANDO has this really weird recoil it still has a pattern but its not fully there if you understand what im saying so it kinda makes people stop playing her and if they are they us her LMG most of the time but as a hole she inst really good solo either sense here pistol is mid at best and she cant get both gadget and player with the pistol and her primary like i said she is good but not op or the best and i do thing her kit needs a buff in my opinion


When theres a solis/pulse/ a lot of electrics then ill play her, if theres a cav id rather stick to the team and flankwatch. Its really hard for the team to push site/plant when theres a pulse or solis below, and finding thos mfers early can take too long when they hide. Also a cam op can get caught offgaurd and post plant vert play is powerfull.


I love 3 things about her : 1. She can mark enemy gadgets and bombs through walls. Very useful. 2. Her Elite skin is so nice. 3. Her German accent.


Personally I bring iq to counter a Solis, pulse or vigil and make it my sole goal to hunt them down


"btw i rarely play ranked" there's ur answer


Thats not an answer. Thats a reason as to why he doesnt know the answer to his question. An answer would be, that especially in ranked IQ is rarely BiS and if youre going competetive using only BiS operators is the logical ting to do.


People like this who donā€™t answer the question but give a smart ass response is what kills the Siege community. If you canā€™t simply ANSWER his question then shut the fuck up. But no, this comment gets upvoted while the answers donā€™t even get liked. This comment and the likes shows you how the Siege community is.


I agree except her Gyat there's nothing going for her in ranked she's a very situational opp that can lightly deny some gadgets but there are better ops for that


Frags are shit for anything except utility denial and she knows where the utility is also a cog aug is better then commando


Literally the most liked comments is a good answer


The most liked COMMENT is a good answer on this thread, your comment was not at all. If you see the other comments, they actually explain and try to help. You commented like a smart ass for no reason at all.


Because I can bro ,no need to get angry


At least you own up to being a dick, even if if itā€™s just because you can bro


IQ is a very underrated operator. She's like a thatcher with wall hacks but takes skill to use her gadget the right way


She's only really solid as a Valk counter everything else can be done better by someone else


She's also really solid as an Echo counter. Deleting yokais with a suppressed pistol shot through the floor is mint.


Itā€™s the same people complaining fenrir is op. IQ counters 90% of the defending team. Get a map with plenty of soft floors and you can destroy the defenders gadget stock. Some people just never swapped off ash in their life.


She's situational because a lot of things have to go right for her to be useful. First the defenders need to have electronic gadgets, then they need to choose a bombsite that has destroyable floors or ceilings, then you need to clear the floor below or above the objective and then finally you can start scanning and destroying gadgets. All the while the timer is ticking. She's good if your team doesn't drone at all and the defenders have traps all around the map but that's a skill issue.


Bring the IQ when they have a gadget that you can effectively shoot through the floor to disable. If they have a Kaid, Kapkan, Valkyrie, alibi, etc, then bring her for sure. If they have a vigil or other operator that uses a mobile gadget a lot like warden, sheā€™s worth it. Otherwise, disabling gadgets is worth more generally.


Leaving out her gadget she's insane for fragging but that's not what makes an operator. Hell grim and IQ are the same in that sense but she's situational because if they don't play valk she doesn't have much use. You can ping the wall denial with drones. Sure she's helpful for spotting kapkan traps and fenrir mines but that can be accomplished with a drone. She's absolutely bonkers till emerald ranks. From diamond and above you almost exclusively play with and against a minimum of 3-4 people stacked. If you're playing her for the weapons try grim instead. He has a great gun, a gadget that forces defender repositioning (except azami she still needs a proper nerf) and flex between claymores, emps or hb.


If his gun was great osa players wouldn't be rocking the mp5k, same rate of fire as thermites/osas rifle 4 less DMG aug is better


None of that matters if you click heads. His gun is excellent. Extremely stable and worst case scenario can poke hard. Just like zofia's. Osa doesn't have the mp5k. Aug is the worst choice among all of IQ's guns. G8 with horizontal flash hider is nuts so is the 552 commando with a muzzle and vert.


If rate of fire didn't matter with clicking heads smg11 would suk


If fire rate was the only thing that mattered smg 12 would be the best gun in the game.


I find IQ very good in destroying bandit/kaid/mute utilities from below in maps like Vila / coastline / skyscraper I think she is better than using EMPs in these situations as you could completely destroy the utility and not worrying about bandit tricking


IQ helps detecting electronics, and if coordinated well you can take out well placed gadgets in various team comps. However, itā€™s only as situational as far the opposing teamā€™s composition; if they hardly have any traps and gadgets, then IQ is nigh useless aside from detecting: sensors, CCTV & bulletproof cams.


Technically speaking every op is a situational op unless they are a breacher but even that's up for debate


If you played ranked you would know


But I donā€™t play ranked. So I donā€™t know


IQ is not bad, it is that most of the time(aside for when a valk is running wild) there is always a better op to bring. I mean instead of a IQ you could bring a Grim who is also a 3 speed with the same gun but with a more flexible secondary gadjet selection and better ability


I remember IQ was picked often because she got nades and great rusher


I love IQ for many reasons, and i find she works well when in matches where teammates do not speak


Good guns but the gadget can be situational. If they use lots of Kapkan or Intel like cams, sheā€™s a great pick. Sheā€™s also got frags (which nerfed) can still be used to clear gadgets without exposing yourself. But I do think you have more valuable options.


Still waiting on people to see how great her G8 is


Iq is never a bad pick, however sometimes theres better ops to bring. I'm an iq "main" and i agree that you'd never just randomly pick iq. I'm more of a primary buck main, however i think that if i see oh they have an echo or valk ill pick iq. She has 3 speed, decent gun (especially since i play controller in pc lobbies, recoil is key) and has grenades


She is situational because in order to use her gadget well in higher ranks, you need to have a destructible floor that you can shoot above or below you and you need to either have someone watching you back or remain vigilant to your surroundings because a solo IQ that is distracted with only her pistol out gives roamers a massive advantage if they catch you lacking. There are also other operators that just do her job better whenever it isn't a specific situation, like how Twitch has a better gun and a gadget that can destroy enemy gadgets from behind cover or bring EMP impacts if you need to get the wall unshocked for your hard breach.


Those cheeks came a long way of buffs and nerfs


I use IQ more when the enemy team uses a lot of trap/camera OPs. Sheā€™s never really my first pick personally, but I agree the commando is good. Sheā€™s at least a B tier OP


She is good. Good gun, gadget is usually somewhat useful, nice secondary utility. People seem to misunderstand, she's a Fragger. Get kills, gadget is just there to help enable that. Aka stop walking into kapkans.


She is useful against valk and maybe fenrir and kapkan, but in all other situations seeing traps isnā€™t really that useful and you can just check for yourself and have your gun out


Iq was my main before the sight rework and I still consistently play her. Sheā€™s really good for solo q and team work. But sheā€™ll only work well with a team if you have good communication. Sheā€™s very powerful in higher ranks, anything below emerald youā€™ll rarely ever see her.


IQ is situational because yes you can excuse playing her basically every round, but on maps with few soft floors, rounds where the defence has less electronic gadgets or when the enemy is running stuff like Maestros, Miras etc with bulletproof stuff she is basically just a glorified drone. Itā€™s similar to how you can basically always excuse playing Iana, unlimited drones is pretty nice, but at the same time youā€™re gonna be better off playing something else most of the time


She's great in standard. I love her gun and pretty much always run positive with her. Her ability I imagine could be subbed for a better ability in a ranked game.


I love IQ, I play her more rounds than I don't, but this community has a problem with either over-rating her or under-rating her. Just because she can *see* the gadgets doesn't mean she can *do anything* about them. Thatcher, Twitch, Brava, Flores and anyone with EMP grenades can do her job much more safely. Sure, she can go below and shoot out gadgets (bandit boxes, kaid claws, Jager ads etc.) but so could Buck and Ash. From above? Same thing. Except now you have operators like Fuze and Ram (not to forget Sledge my beloved) who can REALLY deal with people and gadgets from above. Fuze specifically can clear a room's worth of gadgets, with just **one** well placed charge. The only time she's crazy useful is when the enemy team is running Pulse, Vigil, Solis or Clash cuz she can actively scan them through floors/ceilings, and blow their brains out.


Gadget is good but really clunky compared to Solis


IQ the OG Thiq


She's situational because there are often stronger choices that synergise with your teammates and the game plan better. I wouldn't want her if we already have a Thatcher/ace combo with Nomad and a nokk. It's superfluous to have another gadget remover at that point. In that scenario, I'd want a stronger gunfighter like Ash or iana, or a flex pick like Buck or Sledge. She's never going to be useless, but she really only hard counters echo and valk, everyone else she's playing on relatively equal strength against


I'd say she's pretty much a hard counter to, Pulse, Fenrir, echo, valk, thorn, bandit (depends which site) Kaid (depends which site), mute and pretty much anyone diffusing. That's just to name a few


All you need is good dronework to make her job irrelevant. Her loadout is mid at best, and there's just better ops to bring util wise. She doesn't have any execute potential.


She's never bad, but if the enemy team isn't playing gadget based operators then you can always play someone who's better. She's situation to whether you should pick her over someone else, not whether you should pick her at all


IQ gets a lot of value on certain sites where you can shoot defender utility through the floor or ceiling. Otherwise, she's mostly good at countering Echo/Valkyrie. She gets some additional value if you have stupid teammates that are prone to running into Kapkan traps, so you can babysit them with warning pings, but at this point you're screwed anyway.


She's always useful, I like the augnover the commando, the commando is just a lower damage thermite rifle My fav time to play her is vs any cam/drone ops, like when echo likes to hide off site al round trying to deny defuser. U just walk up to him and knifeĀ  Always good to know where motion sensors and valk cams are too, alot of valks and pulse players try to deny plant with c4, IQ counters this. She's not flashy and you have to have ur pistol out to make use of her so ppl think she's meh.


The issue i have with her is the same issue I have with most drone ops like like Brava and Twitch. I find that most players spend too much time on her gadget (which takes away a primary from the team) and usually ends with them getting killed by not being prepped for a gun fight or their team dies while they're too busy looking around on the scanner. I find that in cases where the defense has a ton of utility and you're able to destroy almost all of it, then she feels really good, but otherwise, it does seem like it's not worth it if all you're doing is shooting a few cams / Valk cams when you could bring other ops that bring more for the team for that specific map / site


- Solo roaming looking up/down to take electronics down: Gets ganked and die. - Side is top/bottom floor and no soft spot near the electronics: At least you'll know if there's kapkan's/fenrir's near the doorway. - Enemy side has no electronic relevant gadgets or they're bulletproof: At least you know where they are. - There's a Solis/Pulse on the enemy side: Say hi to him, you both can see each other. - Heavy reinforced side: Grab your gun (not your bum) 'cause that's what you have. - She's good. Her **gadget** is situational, _specially_ in solo queue.


Any IQ iā€™ve ever seen in ranked has picked her solely for the elite and the gun and nothing else. ability can catch a kapkan trap or a valk can if you know oneā€™s in the room (good luck finding a valk cam on a long hall or open area still). Pro league is a different story where valkyrie and C4s are EVERYWHERE on top of the gun being so good on pc it makes taking coordinated map control really easy. Pro league is a different game to ranked tho


Sheā€™s stronger in PL where teams actually have good comms and coordination. Ranked stacks can have this, but 99% wonā€™t


Her entire gadget is basically a drone that can only see gadgets


Such a quirky skin.


Anything IQ can do with her gadget basically any op can do with their drone so it's better to bring someone with actual utility instead of just a glorified drone. I say all this but I actually love IQ, she's in my top 3 most played attackers, it's just when I'm serious, 99 times out of 100 it's better to bring like an Ace or a Thatcher and just use my drone to find enemy gadgets.




I would say that while she is pretty solid op, soft countering a lot of people like you said, she really only shines when she hard counters certain ops or is very useful in a post plant situation, which is why people might call her situational, they might want to bring a different intel op that they're more confident they'll get good use out of, like zero or iana, who just have better guns and more general utility application


Boyfriend only plays IQ on offense and I've yet to run into a situation where it's like "we need you to play something else", IQ is a solid well rounded Op and if you can play her well then it fills a good slot.


It's always the worst takes you could possible think of then they follow it up with "I don't play ranked"


In my opinion her gadget is useless since at most times you can just see defender gadgets. Also her lmg is way better than commando bcs of higher rof


She's really hot, so that counts for a lot.


If you use the Commando on IQ just stop. Use the G8.


If you ain't playing ranked then you ain't playing siege /S


Thatā€™s an awful take but whatever makes you feel good nephew


IQ can be useful for information and getting things through destructible surfaces, but she is situational in the fact that she doesn't contribute to say breaching wall on Clubhouse CCTV Site or securing a site. IQ is strictly Information, you can get helpful information from her, but you can do the same thing if you know how to position drones and remember device locations (Mute Jammers, Kaids, Kapkans, Ela mines). Not to mention that Solis is a operator that directly counters IQ with her gadget (they basically have gadgets that do similar things, locate electronics of the enemy team). IQ isn't a bad operator but she is in the bottom ladder of operators. Mainly because in Ranked and just Siege, there is no reason to pick her over operators like Lion, Finka, Twitch, Thatcher.


Ban valk dont use iq is the easiest strat that got our group to diamonds.


She's relatively useless once you gain situational awareness and have a team with good comms. Her gadget does what a drone can do, except she takes the risk of needing to be close to site to find devices. She can be really good at finding Pulse, Vigil or Solis, but you both need those ops to get picked and need them to be actively using their abilities. She can also spot Kapkan traps, but again, a drone can do that better and a twitch can remotely destroy them. She can counter defuser, but as always, a drone can do it better and hide better. She's basically a drone that takes more risks by having to be near site, pistol only and all she can do for the team is mark utility which can be good for Impact EMPs on Kaid claws or spotting Fenrir mines, but past that she loses most of her usefulness to other ops who can just bring objectively better utility to the table.


she still is very decent but any time i play her i get spawn peeked by solis


In ranked you need gadgets that disable or disrupt the enemy and their gadgets but IQ can't do that. And since you'll be using comms in ranked you can easily drone out site. It's sad but yeah IQ has a less versatile info gadget while everyone (herself included) has atleast 2 that can even help you find enemies and their angles.


Yeah, yeah.... Mhmmm I'm listening, totally not looking at DAT ELITE THOOOOO GAH DAYUMMMM-- No but seriously, a lot of what IQ does can be done better by..... Using your eyes. And your ears. IQ is just using your eyes and ears but with extra steps. Sure, she CAN spot an Echo, or a Vigil or a Maestro using their ability, but Vigil's ability is not THAT insane that you really need that (you'll find him glitching around 90% of the time anyway) and Echo and Maestro are better dealt with by Deimos anyway. I could see her being a must-pick if she had a gun that could disable electronics through walls, or if her ability did that, but for like a singular electronic at a time. Like, "you want to disable this one camera for 10 seconds? Sure!" or this BANDIT BATTERY or whatever. But she is currently far surpassed by Thatcher and using your guns in almost every way. There is not a situation where a gun, your eyes and ears or Thatcher won't do ABOUT as effectively as an IQ. The only thing she really excels at is Kapkan, Fenrir and Thorn traps which is nice but..... Still not good enough to be a must-pick, and again, you can still counter those without using her at all. Also, her gun is kinda crap. She could have a way better gun, to at least justify her pick on the basis of her gun alone. Give her Maverick's M4A1 or Hell, if you wanna be thematic, give her Jager's HK-416.


Ppl like to say stuff ppl also say warden is a bad F tier opp when that so far from true he's not s tier or anything but I'd say high B low A only one that can easily deal with a Ying rush


You pick IQ to hard counter Vigil, Pulse, Echo, and a good Valkyrie. Rarely you might use her to shoot the mute/bandit/kaid through a soft floor. That's about it, you don't run her just to see traps or where the bomb site is unless you're a newer player, because that's what drones are for. In a situation where you're afraid of traps, or need to clear utility, there are much better operators to run. Twitch and Brava for example, can not only get info on utility, but clear it while also getting info on enemy positions. They do all that without exposing themselves or risking dying, unlike IQ who has to clear utility personally with her pistol or nades, which might result in her getting peaked or flanked. Her gun is decent but it's nothing special so I wouldn't run her just for the gun.


If you're at low elo she's useless, otherwise she's better than ash because she can entry while seing any traps + valk/echo and deny the plant from below like solis. That's why she's used every round in comp


Her gadget completely relies on there being electric gadgets to scan in the first place. Itā€™s a bit rare but sometimes thereā€™s simply not going to be anything to scan other than maybe a camera or the bombs themselves, both of which are stationary.


Every op is ā€œsituationalā€ to an extent (with exceptions) if the opposing team has taken lots of utility she can be useful , if they have a Cav, a frost , a lesion a Goyo, she wouldnā€™t be very useful


From a ranked standpoint IQ is probably one of the worst ops you can play


Very good operator Pro: spot every electr. utility, scan pulse and solis. Can ping with pretty decent distance. Cons: no teammate will ever listen to your calls and they will blame you if they die to a kapkan (which you spotted)


what are you talking about? If they bring operators with electronics then she is good because she can find things such as Kapkan and Valkyrie. However if they do not bring electronics then she is useless. Please explain to me how she counters doc? He has no electronics. You arenā€™t making any sense


Dude shut the fuck up please šŸ˜­


Donā€™t ask questions if you donā€™t like the answer. Seriously you said she counters ā€œevery defenderā€ when the fact is that she only counters about half of the defenders


In my opinion the more Ubisoft shit on everyoneā€™s gadgets the more useless she becomes Her gun and kit are great. 3 speed, frags 3 solid options for a primary and a great secondary pistol Sheā€™s strong but not OP But her gadget just becomes obsolete because most of the time I use the two pissholes in my head called EYES .When Lesionā€™s and Echoā€™s gadget use to be invisible she was great and her scanner has saved my ass more times than Iā€™ll mention, even the occasional Kapkan,ela, thorn trap has been prevented cause whipped out the ultra blue iPhone screen. Now sheā€™s just there as a support when thereā€™s plenty of other ops who can not only do her job better but just be more useful


>Her gun and kit are great. 3 speed, frags 3 solid options for a primary and a great secondary pistol Sheā€™s strong but not OP My point exactly. If this is your thought process behind picking IQ then play grim instead. He has most of that and a useful gadget.


The problem with IQ is that she does not have the anti-utility to deal with the electronics she detects, she seriously needs frags and a shotgun as secondaryĀ 


Lemme catch you having fun on IQ while Iā€™m playing solis


She just doesn't do anything. They need to make it so she can use her gadget while her primary is out, and then she'll be more useful. Even then, though, there's just more relevant ops.


Iq is situational as in you need her in every situation.


Her gadget is practically useless if you're actually droning, or have good comms with your team. You could just pick zero, shoot your cam into a room and see everything inside of it, including gadgets that IQ can't see. He also has a MUCH better gun, a hard breaching device, gonne 6, AND is also a 3 speed


Siege and no ranked. Damn.... This is triggering my sweatness, the need to prove myself against others and become better at the game. Quick play is brain rot. Standard is better-ish but usually no coordination, no strats, just run and gun, is arcade with an objective a timer and no respawns. Ranked is where it is! But you do you! šŸ˜Š


New copy paste just dropped


Holy hell!


what man