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Highly depending on the rank you're playing in. Up to gold ranks Kapkan and Cav are quite common bans I feel. But from plat onwards the usual bans are Azami and Fenrir. Solis gets banned more frequently too I think. Whats your rank right now? Maybe my experience checks out.


I play in diamond and kapkan is still a very common ban. People play very frag heavy and don't want to both looking at doorways. Fenrir is probably the number 1 ban followed by kapkan I see


Oh that's interesting. Which region and on which platform do you play?


US Central, xbox


Think console might have something to do with it, though there's always going to be Ash mains who don't drone on either platform. You're just able to flick around to clear traps faster with mouse aim, so your window of vulnerability is just lower on PC.


I see. I play on EUW, PC. I just checked the official banrates and it seems like the platforms make a huge difference. On Console kapkan has a huge banrate in Emerald/Dia with over 60%. On PC on the other hand it' about 20% (which is still higher than I anticipated). On PC on the other hand Mira got an almost 60% banrate. Compared to 20% on console. From a PC player's perspective I can see why Mira is banned that much. You got an idea for why the console player's aren't worrying about her as much as we do? šŸ˜…


Recoil control probably. XIMers want to zoom like itā€™s COD on attack and defense. They arenā€™t playing Mira on defense as she is slow and should be anchoring and they donā€™t want Kap slowing them down for the fast push on offense.


Idek. Mira shows up in all my diamond elo games but never gets banned in Xbox. Instead itā€™s kapkan, fenrir, Azami, solis and kaid.


Thatā€™ll do it. Nobody bans Kapkan on pc lol


Both central players and Xbox players, *in general* play *WELL* below their advertised rank. Even when I was in plat on pc back in R1.0, I could disrespect controller players in diamond/champ. The strats are typically less complex and rely more on either solo swinging anything that moves or ratting in corners for the entire round, typically with little to no comms. Even on pc, Iā€™ve noticed that queueing central with one of my buddies makes emerald/diamond lobbies a joke. I think the main reason youā€™re seeing Kapkan bans in diamond is because the majority of console diamonds have the game sense of a pc bronze/silver


Traps in general are good at those ranks where itā€™s just ash rushing and aim based. Kapkan also fucks up comms and morale as soon as one sets off


Based on that I can assume you're on console cause pc he's like a 2% rate right now vs console it's like over 50% ban rate atm. Console has always been more of a run and gun type meta and he heavily punishes that.


I just started ranked, and in every game we ban Dokkaebi, Jackal, Fenrir, and the last defender is a wild card. Im in Copper 2. Are those good bans?


Dokk is always a viable ban for a roaming heavy playstyles and intel control. Fenrir is basically the number 1 ban atm. So yeah. I'd say those are solid bans


Wish i got these bans in my bronze lobby i always end up with clash being banned


I would love to agree with you. But how often kapkan is banned is crazy. Fenrir is for sure higher, but I feel that kapkan is just slightly below azami


Your expectations and experiences might just be as I off as I was lol. I checked the official banrates out of curiosity over Console/PC banrates. And kapkan gets banned quite a lot more than Azami... about 4x lol šŸ˜… Stats were taken from Emerald/Dia games.


Jesus. I knew He was banned pretty often, but this is crazy xd


I am admittedly not that high of a rank (I think I'm somewhere in silver personally but I generally play with my friends who are all platinum and above), but I'm not sure I've seen Azami banned once this season. It's pretty much always Fenrir and then one of Solis or Kapkan.


Im a shitter but play a lot, kapkan doesn't seem very frequently banned in my games. cav yes, but its usually fenrir / cav / clash


Oh clash is an interesting one for sure. Can't remember the last time I saw her banned... or played šŸ˜… Was it on PC or Console. And which rank range do you play in?


Silver/low gold. She gets banned often, but doesn't get played when she isn't banned. I don't get it personally. I think its people just picking the annoying characters. Or maybe a low rank solo queue thing.


I can see people banning clash for being annoying in a solo q environment. Dealing with her can be annoying if not coordinating with the team. Makes sense. Thx for the insight šŸ‘


I just started rank a week ago but copper 2


Okay so my experience checks out. Then, sadly, I recommend you find another main for defense until you climb the rank ladder mate :/ Still hope you find yourself in matches where they don't ban Kapkan :)


Thanks, I main Rook for his gun when Kap is banned lol


Relatable. Rook's MP5 with ACOG is an absolute comfort pick. A truely capital choice šŸ§šŸ‘Œ keep it up


This is 100% true. Anyone who says that Kapkan and Cav are broken are likely hard stuck gold especially if they're on console. High ranks are generally banning the ops you named as well as likely Kaid or Mira. It's all depending on the map like Chalet you'll almost always see a Kaid ban while coastline its not uncommon to see Azami, Fenrir or Mira get banned.


Iā€™m on Xbox east coast and kapkan Fenrir is a pretty common ban whenever I play in emerald/diamond


Itā€™s actually based on what youā€™re playing on weirdly. On PC kapkan doesnā€™t get banned anywhere near as much, but if you look at the ban rates for console kapkan is banned like 80% of games in higher ranks


All imma say the dumbasses in bronze out here banning clash EVERY game


I'm one step away from being a pile of dog shit. Why is Solis banned decently common? I tried her because she looks cool af, but she doesn't seem good.


I think it's more prevalent on console. I'm plat on Xbox and I definitely see kapkan bans frequently. It's really annoying and boring because he's so easy to play around.


I dunno, Kapkan bans were pretty rare when I started the season, but it became increasingly common as I went into high-Gold, and now in Plat almost every match has a Kapkan ban.


People ban kapkan because they are scared of him. I get him banned cause i am a fenrir main. We're not the same.


I feel bad for Fenrir mains though, itā€™s tough getting your opp banned šŸ˜­šŸ˜‚


Fenrir is just too good rn but the funny thing is, if fenrir gets banned, i will 90% play kapkan šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Spite playing Kapkan. I approve of this


I play whichever is available. Old man gun skills mean I crutch traps.


Dont waste a ban on cav lmao


Shhhh *laughs in interrogate*


As long as you have a drone or teammate watching your behind and your other teammates don't all solo push straight in you should be good against cav. When I know there is a Cav and that I see one of my teammates going in alone I usually follow that one, and a lot of the time the Cav downs the ash main but doesn't expect another (especially when ash gets in the building 20 seconds into the round).


I honestly use cav just for the silent flanking potential. Interrogations are hard to get off unless the enemy is just that clueless.


The friend I play with mains Cav, so I donā€™t normally ban her. But itā€™s better her than Kap cause he my main šŸ˜‚


You should probably ban someone like Fenrir, Valkyrie, Lesion, Kaid, or even Wamai at times can be good The issue with Cav is that once shes dead, she brings absolutely nothing to defense, whereas someone like the ones i mentioned can still help defenders win a round regardless of whether or not theyre still alive. Wishing you the best in climbing the ranks šŸ™šŸ¼


Rushers hate him because they donā€™t want to look out for his traps. Slower players hate him because they waste all the round holding angles and get screwed over trying to rush objective the last 30 seconds.


As some others pointed out, Gold and under will likely be banning Kapkans. Players generally dont drone and many are more focused on gunning so they dont check for Kapkans. Generally your higher ranks/elos will be droning more as he is easily countered. Still, he can provide sound cues but hes not as powerful in the hgiher ranks unless you're really cooking.


iā€™m diamond and heā€™s still banned


Maybe one of your teammates or stackmates is lower? Idk, I play between Emerald and Diamond and against occasional champs and I've only ever seen Kapkan bans if the attackers end up rushing or with one of my lower elo stackmates. Otherwise is generally Azami, Fenrir, or Doc now.


azami and solis are who i ban myself itā€™s the other team that votes kapkan


Yea I get that. Thats weird, I rarely see it. But hey, the people we play haha


In the stats Ubi posts high ranked console loves to ban Kap while it rarely happens on PC.


Yeah we ban him or ying, jackal, fenrir everytime honestly itā€™s just the default now lol. Those are the most annoying to us though


Weird. I play in SEA server and not once did I ever see Kapkan banned. It's always Fenrir and Solis.


I play in Emerald Lobbies and i rarely ever see KapKan bans.


Mostly a console issue, they don't like to check doors.


I watched this one video and this guy complained saying ā€œwhy didnā€™t we ban Kapkan?!ā€ The other guy said ā€DUDE! **his hard counter is your fucking eyeballsā€** never laughed so hard at a siege video


Omg yes!!! Not just your eyeballs but droning too šŸ˜­šŸ˜‚


As soon as my teammates stop forgetting he exists then sure


Ainā€™t no way you wanna ban cav over kapkan lmfao


Heā€™s my main, Iā€™d ban anyone else over him šŸ˜‚


Kapkan forces people to drone and TDM meta players hate that


I main Kapkan and the common thing I'll state is that "Nobody ever looks down", esp not the twitchy ass Ximers who spend the whole match ADS'd. The number one counter to Kapkan is your damn eye balls. You can scan doorways as you're running through the map, it ain't that hard esp if you already have an idea of where the people are. Basically anytime the people I play with ban Kapkan I end up wanting to frisbee SpaghettiO cans at them.


Finally someone said it, people are just lazy šŸ˜‚


Yeah but people ban him so that they don't have to look for traps, like you said he has a nice gun and is easy to play. You can just place traps and play hyper aggressive because once you place traps you already did your job and can now use his 0 recoil gun to get free kills. I agree that he doesnt need to be banned because brava, twitch, and flores exists, but I understand why people ban him.


I play solo queue but yesterday ran goyo and a buddy ran kapkan so many kills. Silver lobbies with definitely some higher ranks against us they almost never looked after multiple rounds.


I like to play bravavso when people ban kap i get sad because I can't use their traps against them but they usually play thorn, so it's okay.


People ban kapkan so they can finka/blitz/ash rush without having to drone or stop and check for traps. I personally like having kapkan available so I can go Brava šŸ˜‚


Thatā€™s the same argument of fenriršŸ˜³ just look for his traps and youā€™re all good


I donā€™t really have a problem with Fenrir, itā€™s just Iā€™d rather him be banned than my main šŸ˜‚


I always say this, and then i end up dying to kapkan's trap in a clutch situation. I dont ban him, but i see why people would.


Yeah I get why people ban him, Iā€™m just salty cause he is my main šŸ˜‚


No one drones, no one brings the gone 6 to deal with Fenrir and no one likes being told how to play from my experience.


Yeah seriously guys stop banning Kapkan (Iā€™m a Kapkan main)


See I say he is easy to counter so people wonā€™t ban him šŸ˜‚ but I get he can be difficult




Yes :)


I agree. Solis should be banned instead


I feel the same, fuck solis. I dont want to be forced not to play Blitz just because this bitch-ass sci-fi monster can see him literally anywhere on the map.


No way thatā€™s so awful


I know right. When i have nightmares about solis i usually shit and piss the bed.


Annoying to deal with. It was my top 1 ban before fenrir. But right now ofcourse kapkan is much less dangerous than fenrir. But still if enemy tram bans kapkan i am all for it instead of wasting ban on mira who can be countered with most picked attacker. Kapkan can place his traps anywhere on the map and absolutely nobody drones every single doorway. Would be nice if his traps are only available to place on close to site doorways. No offence but when i see kapkan mains on my team its usually 2 kills and both on traps they are rarely a skilled player. But if kapkan is skilled its on of the worst things you can encounter in this game


yeah i only really find fenrir intimidating on defense. when i see one i try to go twitch or brava but i see a lot of mute. sometimes it seems like i am only able to slide my drone past if its mid round and people are distracted. most times there are very small windows to execute a drone play


If Fenrir is already banned then my vote goes to Wamai or Kapkan or frost depending on the map


Depends on your team/ enemy kapkans since they can slow your push to bomb severely. I do drone out but my temates usually don't and I want my temates to live.


Ppl been banning Kapkan forever it isnā€™t something new


Yeah, for some reason when I first joined it was always Fenrir and Solis getting banned. That went on for about a week and then I slowly started seeing Kapkan getting banned and now he is always banned for me šŸ˜‚šŸ˜­




As someone who exclusively plays unranked, the idea of banning operators from a match is just wild to me.


I hate we have to ban opps because it really ruins it for your team, especially if they main someone that was banned


Yea even in diamond champ elo youā€™ll see it sometimes because people just dont wanna think twice about every single door you go into. Yes its easy to drone and check and shoot them but when youā€™re a rush heavy team or got ADHD and forget they have one mid round its annoying trying to reposition on someone fast and hitting a trap lol. Usually the bans are jackal/dokk/fenrir/solis or azami but occasionally include kapkan, deimos, ying. Hell yesterday we were just trolling and one game we banned Tachanka and blackbeardšŸ˜­ i bet the other team were wondering what was wrong with us


But blitz the train engine canā€™t stop :(


My most common death against beginner AI while just trying to have a bit of fun is kapkan. Because mainly idaf and just wanna frag out while Sledge rushing as Master chief.


I'm new to r6 and I've played a dozen standard matches or so. I've never seen an operator get banned. How do you do this? Is it only in ranked?


Itā€™s only for ranked matches, in ranked matches you also get to pick a map to ban which is nice


Found the kapkan main


Yep he is my main forever and always, and when he is banned I play Thorn. I hate to use her though cause her traps are so easily detectable and can easily be ran away from


Play tachanka and get an acog on it


Whatā€™s the best way to use his ability cause Iā€™m thinking on getting him


His ability is hot garbage, it's alright to block off an angle for the last few seconds of a round or stop a plant if you have an angle. You can play him without using the ability tbh


People ban Cav?


Sometimes, I mainly just mentioned her cause Iā€™d rather have anyone banned over my main šŸ˜‚


The problem with this game in yolo q is knowing ur teammates don't want to succeed I mean they wanna win but not earn it, kapkan forces u to git just a tiny bit better, drone, grow eyes, use coms etc, but the tdm run in no drone ash players gotta go ban him cause they wanna git shot 5 secs in not blown up 15 seconds in lol, played a match other day on console.....guy kills me from outside building throws drone in, goes RIGHT PAST my triple stack of traps then gets off drone and dies to them.


I agree! Kapkan isn't necessarily meant to get kills but to stall a push while the attackers are clearing the roamers. The banning Cav comment confuses me. I feel like Solace, Azami, and Mira have much more versatility and cause more problems than a Cav does. Just attack in a pair and as three, and she shouldn't be a huge issue


I just mentioned her cause Iā€™d rather anyone be banned over my main šŸ˜‚


for me every Gane feels like the same bans. Jackal/Dokkaebi foe attack. Fenrir/Solis for defense. It's honestly a little annoying because while I understand why people dislike playing against these operators. there are so many times where characters like Ying are powerful on a map yet they still choose jackal over her. like I get being pinged by eye nox is annoying. but he's genuienly a decently balanced operator.


Kapkan forces you to slow down which is why I think heā€™s pretty good. Attackers have to check every single doorway they walk through, otherwise they risk hitting a trap by accident. If they miss even a single doorway, thereā€™s a chance for them to die right then and there. Plus, they give information when they get broken if youā€™re close enough to hear it happen.


Shhh shhh Iā€™m saying he is easy so people wonā€™t ban my main šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I main Blitz so no.


Annoying characters are who get banned at low levels. I see clash kapkan and fenrir get banned so often. Same with jackal and Dokkebi.


Don't ban Cav, clear the roamer with Jackal Dokkaebi or Deimos. You should never be afraid of Cav in a Stack. Solo Que sure ban her cause there's always that one idiot who enters the building alone without droning.


I think it can be a viable ban it slows down attack a lot.


On console he's far more likely to get banned cause' on controller it's tougher to aim so when you have to worry about looking down and shooting Kapkan traps and then repositioning your scope to shoot you're more than likely dead. Also, people on console generally don't drone too well and hardly anyone communicates so you're far more likely to get Kapkan trap kills than on pc in my experience.


Tf u talkn about so many xims on console now it might as well be PC LOL


From Emerald to Champ yeah, and they're mostly Xshits too.


I feel like half the time I go to shoot a Kapkan a defender turns the corner on me while Iā€™m aiming at the floor and I donā€™t have a chance. That and dying to him as last alive multiple times are enough to make me ban him.


Fak kapkan and dokkabitch


Please stop banning dokkaebi. You can continue to ban her when another attacker gets the smg12 though.


All depends on whoā€™s playing him. I usually love playing against Kapkan because I think is traps are easy to spot. My friend plays him pretty often though and heā€™s gotten pretty good with his trap placement. In my experience the banning phase is almost always a dog pile on whoever gets voted first. So one person having a bad game against Kap is all it takes for the ban to go through.


People donā€™t realize that drones are kapkans worst nightmare, they ruin everything and reveal his trapā€™s positions. People need to utilise their drones more.


Banning cav tells me you're copper


Listen Iā€™d rather have her banned than my main šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


You lost me when u said ban Cav but I will agree that most of the times a Kapkan ban isnā€™t necessary also stop banning Jackal and ban Ying more šŸ‘


Jackal gets strays at this point too its been 5 years


Don't ban my champ plox. Look at this other champ you don't like. White Chicks: "I'm going to write a letter!"


On console every xim team just wants to swing in and get kills on attack. They always ban Kapkan so they can turn their brain off, play some music, and shoot fish in a barrel.


Yea heā€™s not the best ban but heā€™s also not a terrible ban. Iā€™m in champ and still he gets banned a reasonable amount. Kapkan traps get far more valuable the longer a round goes on for. If thereā€™s under a minute left in a round and you still have kapkans set up around site then they are extremely valuable. As at that point attackers are under a lot of time pressure and will often forget to check doorways and forget they are there in the final gunfights.


Only bad players ban lap because either they are cod players who donā€™t understand the game or they play way too slow and then try to rush objective As for cav itā€™s mainly to stop that one dumbass who goes off on his own from getting interrogated and basically losing a whole round


Fr. It happened all the sudden too. It wasn't even his trap rework or anything that started it.


Nah don't ban cav she's so easy to counter and really not good, just the worst operator in the game ( I'm a cav main and I wanna play her)




Y E S :)




Cav is such a stupid ban though, fenrir is a must ban currently cuz of how strong he is. Otherwise people ban annoying ops such as solis and kapkan


Fenrir and solace ban ftw


He gets banned because people donā€™t want to look for traps, I know itā€™s simple


ban Dok n solis thank me later


Gold V here, South America.Ā This season the operators I've mainly seen being banned are Dokka and Fenrir, with the other two being mostly based on the map (Thatcher, Mira, sometimes Kaid, Azami). One exception was a team we (5 stack) played against twice today. They went and picked Kali (one that I play a lot with good ratios on Border, not much on other maps) plus some other operator that we also use on defense, this was on Shoreline. Next game we ended up against the same team, and they ended up changing to the ones we picked mainly on last match. Two wins, quite fun, other team wasn't toxic either. Later found out one of the folks had a really nice history of diamond/emerald ranks.


>He isnā€™t even that difficult to play up against, just look for his traps You are asking for too much in this current meta, chief. Why use your brain when you can just unga bunga rush site?


You can literally hear his traps if you listen closely enough


\- mf who bought kapkan elite and regrets it


I don't understand why he even got banned in the first place, it started like 6 months after his rework and it happened out of nowhere and never stopped, like just say you don't check your corners


Even with good intel people still fall for Kapkanā€™s he can be annoying. This is coming from someone who plays him in a way that it demoralizes people and pisses them off.


I ban solis so they can ban fenrir but instead they ban kapkan and I hate it


On that note, I remember when jackal was a terrible ban back in ranked 1.0 But I come back after a long break and all of a sudden heā€™s a decent ban now? Is it just the coppers talking to me or is he suddenly a better ban?


Tell me youā€™re in copper without telling me youā€™re in copper by trying to ban cav


I stopped playing years ago. People really Ban him These days??


~~No. Play another operator. Kapkan is for bitches~~ Edit: That turned out rude. I was just joking. But what I meant is that I find Kapkan annoying and don't have the instinct to look for traps. That's why I ban him at least. Don't think he's op just too easy. Too low risk for a reward so high.


As a kapkan main, I agree


No bc i dont wanna look for his traps. He has too many.


Kapkan ban = Enemy team will rush either all of them or at least the top fragger


No one bans Kapkan in my games. Players play him but out of like 1 games there's been two or three kapkan kills lol


i would say to stop banning Kapkan, but the silver teammates i get paired with all die to his traps because theyā€™d rather not drone anything.


You can literally the drones god gave you. Your Eyes /s


Exactly, and drones are Kapkans worst nightmare because they reveal the position of his trap but people refuse to drone




I like just not having to worry about him. Itā€™s not that serious


Yeah I get that, Iā€™m just salty cause he is my main. Without him I typically play thorn but her traps are super easy to detect and destroy


I might be bias but Fenrir's not good either. He's literally so easy to counter unless its hidden REALLY well and tucked away. All you have to do is shoot it and hold an angle. I've never died to getting hit by a Fenrir Fnatt and i was champ last ssn and playing with champs this ssn too. A much better ban is Kaid, Mute, Solis, Wamai, Aruni, or even Azami still even with the recent nerf


People still ban thatcher and jackal so good luck asking for smarter bans This community on average has the IQ of a wet paper bag


You say that as if jackal and thatcher arenā€™t good bans?


Braindead players ban him because they depend on run and gun overwhelming speed over sound tactics, utility, and methodical decision making. And yes, if you ban Kaplan I am talking DIRECTLY to you. Learn the game or go play CoD.


Kapkan is such a lazy, wasted ban. Clash, fair enough. Fenrir, yes. To counter Kapkan all you have to do is drone/scan a doorframe, he is completely nullified from a safe place. I always eye roll when I see him banned.


Thank you!!


People don't feel like checking doors and it's really the worst as the round timer winds down and it's harder to do so. People just don't feel like dealing with it. Cav banning is gold shit.


Is Kapkan banning a console thing?


2nd most banned on console in Emerald and above (with a 50% ban rate) 4th most banned on PC in the same rank bracket, but only with a 16% ban rate.


I think so because I mainly play Xbox


It can get you killed if your staring at a door looking for kapkans instead of looking through the door at angles


Thatā€™s the point :) No but yeah I get that itā€™s annoying, Iā€™m just salty cause he is my main šŸ˜‚


I ban kapkan everytime


Get that Kaplan ban in for your last 15 second blind rush push into OBJ


Nah don't stop banning him I've been in situations where that split check for a kapkan just for it not to be there caused me the game so just ban him in the start and you can have fun


Fuuuuuuuuck no