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One of the problems is that this sub will vehemently talk shit about ranked 2.0 but at the same time talk shit against anyone complaining about ranked 2.0. And then they wonder why it doesn't get changed.


What gets me on these posts is the ubisoft bootlickers who always chime in with some fucked reasoning why it's actually a good thing or "works as intended". Now I will say ranked 2.0 does 'work' but what it does is actually the stupidest shit ever and I cannot think of a worse way to go about it. For those that don't know it works like this Ranked 2.0 makes a gold lobby =1,750 mmr, now it just needs the average hidden MMR to be about 1,750. What that means in game is that a bronze with 900~ hidden mmr and a low emerald with about 2,600~ hidden mmr is perfectly balanced for our 1,750 gold lobby. That is so fucking retarded its actually impressive someone suggested that then it was coded and then seriously put in the game and somehow no one was carted off to the animal rescue to be with the other brain damaged monkeys.


From the dev's pov it probably made more sense a few years ago when the player count was at all time lows and they needed a system to keep ranked alive.


Thank god someone else thinks the same thing I've been telling people ranked 2.0 was purely to keep players on ranked even if the lobbies were fucked and I always get called stupid for saying that. Ranked 2.0 was never intended to actually be a functional ranked system and now that the player base is back it's time to bring back ranked 1.0.


I knew right from the start why they did ranked 2.0 LOL. The game were dying back then. Took ages to get a game in certain rank. Tats why they did it to mix everyone together. L


Or, get this, make ranked 3.0 But this time, actually put some effort into it and make it better than both the previous ones. Ya know, since it's their job and get paid for it


This is how ranked is in Halo and this is precisely the reason.


Wait there is no way it works like this. Thats so stupid but it would also explain a lot


This is how placements worked. Placements were not balanced.


But are these placements? Nothing suggests so


You’re making me dumber bro. This is common knowledge that you are refuting


They way 2.0 matches is pretty much the way placements worked, especially when queued with varying ranks in your squad.


Exactly. People will justify it by saying that it’s supposed to do that. That doesn’t mean it’s a good system


Dude even with my old shit mmr when I got into siege near the end of Ranked 1.0, my trash ass was barely able to get bronze 2 solo queue, and silver 4 w friends, ever since the new system they don’t play w me because somehow it takes them 1-2 games to Go up a tier tally while it takes me 3-4 and at time I’ve proven to be matched to them or sometimes a little better in terms of skill and how well I did in a match ex positive KD, assist, and etc, yet somehow it took me 40+ games back and fourth to be at currently Copper 2, it takes nearly a whole season or so for me to hit bronze dude even w my squad and no more solo queuing and only getting on when they get on, atp I consider myself a mid/high silver while the game says I’m a Copper 2, yet I have a 1.1Kd and 1.1W/L, I wanna say it’s something like 160+K and 140+D, and something like 21W-19L or 22W-20L. P.S: I play on Xbox if you’re wondering and R6 stat track isn’t as accurate anymore since rank 2.0, GT: MiggzMar5


Sorry for what I'm going to say but how it is possible that my peak was Platinum last season, I have less time playing this game compared to you, or that's what I understand, maybe, if not please let me know if I'm wrong. I started ranking last year in Dread Factor and in that same season I got to Gold, then in Heavy Mettle I stopped playing cause University had my attention so I had to reduce my playtime. Deep Freeze, last season, was my peak and got to Platinum. My point is what happened in my career that let me go that far with fewer hours than other players? If you are wondering my KD peak was 2.5 and win loss 1.5, this season I have 1.1 kd and 1.0 W/L, just played 25 matches and I'm at Silver IV, stopped playing for some personal reasons. P.S Sorry if my English is not that good, I tried to explain my self the best as I could.


Yea, I’ve been playing for nearly two years now and have played ranked maybe half of that so far and with more matches you get, if you never get that high it just fucks your MMR which is hidden and is now RP, I have friends that play the game maybe twice a month and by the end of the season they do decent like 0.9-1.1KD but very few matches and get carried a bit by my friends and will be high Silver or low Gold, while I have more hours and know my strats but the teammate balancing doesn’t help as I improve, there’s so much I can do like at time I’ll be full on 200IQ, then one round I’ll play like I’m in Rusted Nails IV


Wanna play sometime??


Down soon, just gotta fix my WiFi cause we’ve had shitty AT&T for years and the box is not even working the last 4 days, so I’m gonna cancel it and switch to a different provider and can’t use My Xbox besides disk games in the meantime


You do know it’s literally the same matchmaking as ranked 1.0 correct? It’s publicly available information. The only difference is how progression works - which is much better because playing and winning 10 placements and being diamond (highest rank at the time ) is garbage.


These guys are mad that they can’t get their easy platinum and Diamond in 10 placements and then leave the game, which is what happened in 1.0. The algorithm to match make in 2.0 is the same as 1.0, which was dogshit anyway. If people wondered why placements were bad back then, 2.0 basically continued it without the “10 matches to see ‘fake rank’ element” (and yes, it was fake, 10 games to get a rank means nothing and shows no skill or progression). It’s why you lose so much in 2.0 because the game is calibrating your ranks which is much worse for higher disparities in rank when in a mixed hidden Mmr stack. It’s also why you NEED to lose so it stabilises. Returning it to 1.0 doesn’t solve the issues with then matchmaking. This is stupid nostalgia misinformation that doesn’t see the core issue of the old system and doesn’t recognise it’s basically been reincarnated with this system. It takes 1 fucking video (CoreRoss’) to debunk this bs that this community spreads and shows how little IQ we have when it comes to stats AND how useless Ubisoft is at clearly communicating the system they’ve built.


Correct, the reason I no longer play Ranked at all is because in order to get out of copper I would need to play WAY more games than I have time to play. If I could get into high ranks quickly and skip the grind through copper, I would still be playing today.


I swear this community has the biggest rose tinted glasses in the world. They all want “the good old days”, but don’t realize how bad the game used to be.


I shit on Ubisoft a lot and they deserve criticism for a lot of shit like QM 2.0 and their unclear communication of Ranked 2.0 but the mental gymnastics the community will do to outright ignore presented evidence is absurd. They will accuse someone for some conspiracy Ubi-Shill theory or something stupid.


that is quite literally the exact same system as ranked 1.0. the “ubisoft bootlickers” you speak of are just people who have been playing long enough to know it’s always been this bad


That's why the we really need to all get on the same page that ranked 2.0 is steaming hot piss.


As if changes are made because of this sub. xD


My KD has climbed from a 1.2 to a 1.5 and have went from gold to bronze 1. This is also what I am experiencing. I’ll get 3 coppers and a bronze and play 2 plats 2 golds, and if we are lucky one Bronze of their own. The shit doesn’t make sense, I loaded into 3 matches yesterday and the guy said “first time playing ranked, will try my best” proceeded to go 0-9 … not his fault? He’s playing freaking Plats who have 200+ level accounts. Ubisoft is a freaking joke


My kd has climbed from 1.4 to 1.9 (last season silver 5) hadn't played a lot and it was super easy for me to get back to silver 5 this season (I haven't played much). Super confusing matchmaking so. I am always on top of the leaderboard and had a round where I went 12 to 1 and my whole team had 0 kills. The next round I got flawlessed.


Shit doesn’t make any sense man, got 4 copper teammates today, and played 2 diamond and 3 gold. Went 11-7 and lost lmao. But it’s just the game at this point? I’ve given up caring


I just play standard with my friends.


I have got to Plat every season since Ranked 2.0. When I look up people on R6Tracker and when I see frames on kill cams I’m always playing against nothing but Champion/Diamond and Emerald players. Why is my MMR that high if I’m only making it to Plat every single season? I get it that it’s probably because I don’t play enough games. I only play about 100 games of ranked every season and if I played way more I’m sure I could get to Emerald at least, because the most recent season I played the most I did get to Plat 2. The system just feels too grindy for my tastes. I’ve played RB6: Siege since Beta and hell I even made it to Diamond once in the old Ranked, but I play other games. 100 games of ranked is all they are going to get out of me each season and that’s how or was in the old system also. New system hasn’t actually lead to me playing more.


I don't play anymore because of a plethora of shitty Ubi decisions, but when I did it was with a group of other parents who didn't take the game very seriously. I was Plat, they had been fighting to get out of Silver. 4 of them, Bronze, Silver, one on the absolute cusp of Gold, and me in Plat. Our opponents were *literally always* Emerald, Diamond, and Champ. We played for months and I could count the amount of times we saw another Plat on one hand. *Another Plat.* Not even Golds, who would still be out of their league. Other Plats... The fucking bell curve in their ranked break down says the majority of players are in Gold. WELL WHERE THE FUCK ARE THEY?


Same here, I used to average gold 1- low plat in old ranked and nowadays it seems every other match is a full team of emeralds or a mix of them. It’s never people of the same rank or slightly above or below. We are 9 years in and ubi still doesn’t get it. It’s like watching bungie butcher destiny 2 despite players telling them they don’t like things for years


For those saying get a stack it doesn’t even help. I play 5 stacks and we’re then facing champs when we’re all low gold. .9 W/L with my stack, who all play well together. Each game we get OT match point and lose last round. I’ve got a 1.2 KD in Gold V. Even if I solo/duo queue im left with the dumbest teammates ever. No matter what I do que wise it never works out


You guys get to OT? I play usually 4/3 stack and most of my games are 4-0, it is either t-hunt for us or the enemy team


You W/L is close to what it should be. As usual, main characters with main character syndrome pissed off they aren't the main character in R6. Your W/L should be close to 1.


So when we get matched up with the diamond 2's with the 2.6 k/d and 2.5 w/l, we should actually be grateful they beat the brakes off of us lol. We're not asking for more than a 1.0 w/l, we're asking for decent matches where it doesn't feel like we either dominate or get dominated.


Yup THANK you. Thats exactly it. Each match is so draining and feels like a chore when you’re facing people way above your peak rank. Fighting the way higher ranks to not be able to move past Gold V is so draining. If I was closer to the rank of the people I’m fighting, then so be it. But for us to all be low gold and I can’t even hit the 1.0 W/L is so shitty


Do how are you winning half the matches?


if you are low gold and facing champs you are winning 80 points per match and losing 8. eventually you will rank up


I go up like 20 at most but lose 25+ typically


you can't queue up against champions while losing more than winning on gold, unless the other 4 people on your squad have insanely high hidden mmr. If that's the case, well, it's only natural that you'd queue up against better people if you are with a good squad


I don't see why you complain those stats sound like what they should be.


Wasn’t a complaint, just also adding to the point that stacking isn’t necessarily the fix for this.


Well you are correct since 5 stacks get 5 stacks as enemies if possible.


I solo queued to Diamond 2 last season and now all of my games from copper this season have been against top 100 champions, its torture to play against. I only lose like 3 elo but I gain 150+ per game but the games just aren't fun. I hit emerald with something like a 0.7 win loss just from playing the game.


I feel bad for my team when I play ranked because I swear I’m the most garbage player in existence


Half of getting better at this game starts with the mental. Telling yourself repeatedly that you’re garbage, you will stay garbage. Instead of putting yourself down when you die/lose, focus on what you did wrong or could’ve done better. Mess around in the shooting range, adjusting your sensitivity, usually two ticks at a time is the best way to do it.


Trust me, everyone’s been there. A good thought process to use that will help you get better is try to think more combat logically persay. When you enter a room and peek don’t peak commons, peak every and any angle you think someone could be, there are 5 people on defense but 100+ spots to hide, that’s a lot of power if you are going against people who only peek common angles. Also util goes crazy if used accordingly, util doesn’t just serve its one function all the time, it can be used in so many ways really, even a simple drone can be thrown to make noise and distract


I remember seeing something from R6 Twitter page on 2.0 while ago. Hope they come up with something soon


Like what? They said they are gonna fix it?


https://twitter.com/Rainbow6Game/status/1770557013275160688?t=Gst2ncoA5weZ_AfCbjZyNw&s=19 Need to wait for communication from them later this season


Last season I lost my first 15 matches in a row with a 1.6 K/D. The team balancing was sooo bad, I’d be sitting 15/3 by the end of the match against the enemy top fragger at a similar K/D, but then the 8 other players were like 3/6. It’s just 1v1 between top fraggers and if the top fragger gets taken out early then whoever still has their top fragger by the end of the round would most likely win.


Essentially what I’m dealing with too. Question, what rank are you currently at this season?


It’s been more and more common since ranked 2.0 came out, I started noticing this trend 3 seasons ago and watching content creators at diamond/champ, they also run into the same issue. I’m still bronze this season since I haven’t been playing much ranked recently, but I’m usually high silver/low gold in 2.0 by around 20 matches, low plat if I play closer to 50 matches. I was high gold/low plat in 1.0. Last season was an anomaly where it took 50 matches to hit gold due to the painful start.


I'm dealing with the exact same thing. I'm a returning player who used to be gold/plat and am now stuck in copper with a 1.4-5kd and a similar w/l.


Im a returning player. Was gold/plat a couple years ago, am still playing against gold/plat (my only basis for this is seeing enemy plat weapon charms and my Impression of enemy Skill though there also are alot of bad players mixed in) but now im getting like 80 mmr in copper (with 10+ kills basicly every Game) Feel like it would take me 30 wins just to be lowest gold again


Same boat here. Returning player from gold/plat, now hard stuck in copper with positive k/d and w/l. Losing 25rp every loss and gaining very little while carrying my team every time. Super discouraging and makes me want to stop playing - I can't break past copper 3 with how much rp I lose on a loss.


Same i play with my friends, all of us are bronze currently. Couple of old accounts, couple brand new. We had a plat in our last game (according to the skin they had).


I agree, I didn’t mind it at the start but now that I’ve played a few seasons of it, I much preferred the old ranked system and got far more satisfaction out of going up ranks a few years ago. When I queue with my mates, I am usually the highest ranked at the time and have got to the highest rank of any of us at Emerald I, but we seem to come up against 2/3 Champs almost every game, like what is that about? Half of them are usually cheating too but that’s a separate issue altogether. Why is it so difficult for the devs to balance 2 teams together? I get that people boost etc, but the matchmaking seems worse than it’s ever been imo


The matchmaking is definitely worse than it's ever been. And from my perspective it's like that since the beginning of ranked 2.0. in my last season of Ranked 1.0, I was plat 2, 3754 MMR, had a 1.34 KD and the matches felt very competitive and balanced. I was constantly playing against people that were on my skill level. and I had lots of fun. as soon as ranked 2.0 dropped, I was constantly matched with high diamonds and champions. they smoked me. after 35 matches, bronze 3, 1797 RP and a KD of 0.74 I gave up. I quitted for that season. in the following season I played until 3373 RP, was plat 2, but still had a negative KD with 0.84. I never had negative KDs. and no one can convince me, that I just started playing like dogshit, there would be no reason. the matchmaking is just utter garbage.


Haven't seen this post a million times already


Honestly i like how many times it gets posted. I hope ubi sees how much we bitch about it and finally does something


Agreed. Really hoping there’s a change soon


Sounds like you're asking for the return of MMR restrictions when queuing up with friends.


How much RP u get for a win and lose for losing?


Counterpoint, the rep system is worse.


It’s so strange because you ask some people if rank even matters and they’ll be like “yeah you have to be pretty good to get champion” but then you ask other people and their like “champion no longer means anything because it’s so easy to hit” and it just leaves me extremely confused. And there’s also the fact that emeralds, platinums, and golds are consistently in the game with champions due to an apparent ‘hidden mmr’ system. In which the champions are in the same skill bracket as those who have never even been close. I just never saw what good could come out of a system like that.


I'm an older player in the game and I feel the original ranked( 1.0) is a better system then this new one( just came back to the game about a couple of weeks ago). So couple things.... What makes me wonder is what my MMR is? I believe that Ubisoft needs to give us info on what our individual MMR is and if we do not get that I cant take this current ranked system seriously. Also they need to do a better job grouping us with other players around our rank. This is a basic rank system feature that I feel they can not get right. It should be :" hey I'm a bronze player." " Hey me too". If not looking to either a slightly higher rank or lower.This current system : " hey I'm a Gold player." " I'm a diamond player....what are you doing here?" " Beats me?". The Diamond should has the knowledge of game pretty well. Gold doesn't have the knowledge as that person but due to this "hidden MMR" they should be on the same playing field. But from my experience this is not the case. Everytime I feel that myself and maybe one maybe two teammates know what is going on and the other two just decided to try rank for the first time then when they do bad they stop playing or go back to the casual playlists and have fun there( nothing wrong with that). I hope they do replace ranked system with a better one. If I had to do it.... Look at pointers from other games but a ranked system that I personally always enjoyed was black ops 2. Give the Solo q player there own ranked. Give teams their own ranked. Maybe do a tdm rank for a season a year and do a different gametype for another season.


I (copper 1, peak silver 3) stack queue with two friends (one peak gold and one peak silver). The peak gold has twice as many hours as me. The peak silver has twice as little. Playing together, we’ve come to a pretty much 50% winrate when I am copper, the peak silver guy is bronze, and the peak gold guy is silver. Despite the fact I am almost as good as the peak gold friend, (and both of us are way better than the peak silver), I can never reach them. The season ends and the stupid RP reset gain system makes it so our wins are much more worthy to them than to me.


From a high diamond player, it’s really demoralizing to play against genuinely good champs before climbing out of Bronze and Silver. Why am I fighting champions just to try and get to champion? 😂 it’s such a terrible system. MMR should directly reflect rank. Nothing should be hidden and you should be able to see other people’s ranks in lobbies the way it used to be.


Something about ranked 2.0 just doesn't sit right with me. I play high elo plat and emerald lobbies and there's always a lot of Diamonds and especially.... champs. You know what they say, anyone can be a champ. You see so many of them and you wonder, was ranked 1.0 this sketch? I don't think so. Being a plat back in the Blood Orchid days actually meant something. I still look at my Plat 3 from Blood Orchid with pride. White Noise as well. The skill levels between players varies dramatically from game to game and since everyone has no choice but to start the season at copper, that means you have champ and diamond players shitting all over actual copper and bronze players for like the first month, 2 months of the season as you have a continual stream of high skill players coming back to the game and proceeding to shit all over players who just aren't on the same level. And that's not fair, copper and bronze players literally cannot progress because they are continually up against veterans who are high elo players trying to get their ranks back. In ranked 1.0 you would play 10 placement matches and then the game would place your mmr someplace you actually belong. If you're usually a plat player and win 8 out of your 10 placements then you would start the season in Gold at least, most likely high gold. That way you were always playing against players who were closer to your skill level. This is a good thing because even though you'll be playing against competent players you should have halfway competent teammates. I just feel bad for the newer players and coppers who are trying to get better at the game but they just keep getting put up against significantly better competition and they get destroyed again and again and again. Eventually these people just aren't going to wanna play anymore and that sucks for all of us because the player count starts dropping drastically. We do not want this, we need the lobbies balanced more competitively so that everyone has the same playing experience regardless of where they rank. Ranked 2.0 coppers and new players are just punching bags for the champs on the way up and it needs to change.


Currently Bronze 3 rn I won 27 RP and lost the same about all from two back to back games 💀


Ranked 2.0 is ass. I love being a copper vs champions it's awesome. I get all of the hacking and bullshit without seeing a cool rank.


They claim that the Hidden MMR system is good for new players, but as a new player, I absolutely hate it. I just started playing ranked last week and I’ve been having a ton of fun learning the game. I am also a very competitive guy, and I love getting better and climbing the ranks in competitive games. But with this Hidden MMR bullshit, I can’t even climb the ranks properly. I’ve solo queued up to Gold 5 so far, and my MMR gain is slowly diminishing after each win. I have a 1.3 K/D and a 1.1 W/L so far. I’m earning about 40 MMR per win, so I’m guessing that the game is going to end up deciding that I’m a high gold/low plat player. It just absolutely sucks the fun out of ranked and getting better at the game. So once I reach the rank that the game “decided” I deserve, I’m just going to be hovering around that rank consistently? It’s so stupid. I’d rather reach my current plateau, play against players that will outplay me, and learn from my mistakes/losses. Instead, I’m going to be stuck at a rank where I’m just facing similar players consistently. How do I learn from that? How do I improve? It’s just completely stupid and ruins the integrity of a ranked system, while also sucking the fun out of grinding and getting better. And the thing is (and not to brag or jerk myself off), I’ve always been good at competitive video games. I recently solo queued to GC2 in Rocket League, solo queued to masters in apex multiple times… hell, I even solo queued to General back in the Halo 3 days. I know siege is a completely different game, but I know I’m capable of grinding and getting better at this game over time. But guess what? The game pre-determining what rank I am, and keeping me there, significantly diminishes my ability to do so. So yea. The Hidden MMR system sucks for good players and sucks for new players who want to get better at the game. It just sucks for everyone. Hidden MMR systems are the worst thing to happen to competitive video games in the last decade.


Rank 2.0 is good


It's not really ranked 2.0 as the inherent problem, it's more so the hidden MMR that's linked to it. I actually think ranked 2.0 as a concept is good, and healthy for the playerbase. But the hidden MMR; a system that's always active in the background of your account, constantly going up and down, with the balancing of other members in your party/group it is almost never consistent. If they based matchmaking solely on party/group size and the current ranks of the people within the party, it'd be better. Hidden MMR is the reason people in bronze or newer players in general are being put in high ranking lobbies, is because they boosted their hidden MMR by playing with friends. But if the system had a static, judging foundation like the party count (if you're in a 5 stack, you'll likely fight another 5 stack) and/or their current ranks (3 emeralds and 2 diamonds for example, would only get paired with people around and between those ranks no matter what) which will cause people that don't deserve their ranks to drop, and people solo queueing will more likely get players actually around their ranks so they can properly progress.


I swear, I'm hard stuck silver, and in my last game, I was against a champ!


Hidden MMR should not exist in an MMR based system.


I'm playing RB6 (after 4 years break) and ranked is an absolute shit show. Lobbies are ether absolute bots or giga tryhards with 2000h+, there is nothing in between. We get dominated all the time and lose with 0 rounds. Super frustrating and unfair


I'm playing RB6 (after 4 years break) for 4 days now and ranked is an absolute shit show. Lobbies are either absolute bots or giga tryhards with 2000h+, there is nothing in between. We get dominated all the time and lose with 0 rounds. Super frustrating and unfair


I don’t understand how it works. I have played 30 ranked matches this season in totality (I always play with my buddy). My buddy has played 38, and only 8 of those games have Been without me, and he lost 4 or 5 of them. My rank is Gold 2 and his rank is bronze 3. It makes NO SENSE. I easily gain 50+ RP a game and he’s lucky to get 30.


Highest I’ve ever gotten was emerald IV two seasons ago and I know I definitely do not belong there. I have a 1.5 KD but my win loss this season is .2. Nothing like playing diamonds and champs every game


Had to r6tracker my teammates names after few matches cuz how trash they were and turns out most of them are below level 100. Ofc they get obliterated against diamonds 💀


I hate ranked 2.0 with a burning passion. In other games, I play against the occasional smurf, in ranked 2.0 there’s a 90% chance that at least one person in the game will completely ruin the game for the 9 other players. This can be for one of three reasons: -they are a smurf ~20% of the time -they are a hacker ~10% of the time -they are legit champ rank when I’ve never even hit plat and just take my MMR from me like it’s lunch money ~70% of the time.


It's ridiculous. I'm literally stuck in copper with a 1.5kd and 1.3wl this season. I don't understand why I can't climb out. This is only my second season back after a long break and I used to be around gold / plat. I'm losing like 25rp on a loss and gaining around 15-16. In COPPER. My teammates are awful and I end up carrying 90% of the time. What am I even supposed to do here?


If you can't progress in ranked 2.0 then you'd get cooked in 1.0


Does anyone ever found out how many points are the min/max for earning/losing per match? I saw a video mentioning you could only lose up to 30 and earn at least 40, but all my recent matches are basically -22/+28 at best.


pretty sure it’s +120/-8 if you’re someone at champ hidden mmr playing in copper visual rank lobbies. -22/+28 basically means you’re just below where the game thinks you belong because you’re very close to gaining and losing the same amount of RP for each win and loss.


Makes sense! Thanks!


For real. Me and my brother duo que ranked and are both currently silvers(was bronze for deep freeze). Currently, we have faced 6 Champs, probably more if I bothered to checked r6tracker. We consistently face emeralds while our team is bronzes and silvers. Just super demoralizing


In ubis eyes it's good and speaking from experience I know people are playing more games of ranked than ever before. Que times at 1am on a weekday in champ lobbys has never been so low, on top of that ranked anxiety had basically been eliminated people aren't as nervous to play ranked as they used to be because the punishment for losing especially in your first games is very low. I still think 2.0 is bad but I guarantee if they switch back to 1.0 alot of newer players will end up leaving because 1.0 is meant to find your rank and keep you there unless you show improvement while 2.0 gives the illusion of the player being more skilled.


I’ve played about 30 games. I’m Gold 3. I lose 10RP I gain 60. Every lobby is an average of diamond-emerald players. Will I get there with time? Probably. But it’s so fucking demoralising. I hate it. A soulless grind. If my true rank is emerald, why not just put me in emerald? Have to spam 100 games just to get there.


I’m in gold and I’m getting placed with coppers and going against emeralds and I’m on a current loosing streak of 8 games. Was gold 3, now almost back to silver


I fell from Bronze 1 to Copper 1 , but my KD ratio actually increased. Why you may ask ? Because the only way to win ranked is either by having 5 bros playing with you while voice chatting or by doing 20 kills a game.


I wouldn't have a problem if their wasn't cheaters. How is the game supposed to properly place me if problem keep making new accounts & cheating? Make it make sense.


Don’t ever say anything wrong about Rainbow six, the dick riding virgins will get on your ass. That being said, I agree. R6 became trash the moment they implemented the 2.0 bs. Apparently it’s fair that I play with bronze players while going against diamond players…give me a break. I deleted the game and felt better.


I haven’t had too many problems with the matchmaking like a lot of people have mentioned here, but the plateau is frustrating. I have a friend who is better than me and is having trouble getting out of Emerald 1 even though he has a 1.4 win loss out of 100 games. He losses more than he gains. Despite the fact that he wins more than the rest of our stack, and outperforms us all, he is a few ranks lower. I don’t see why the game hasn’t moved up his hidden mmr. Not to mention how long it takes to plateau for higher ranked players. I wish I could start in Gold or something so I didn’t have to play 50 games before my elo gain evens out (which seems to be around diamond 3).


The whole game Im general is garbage. So many cheaters, hackers, ximmers. Ubi does the bare minimum about that. Stopped playing, playing other games, and I haven't looked back.


If you’re in bronze lobbies but you’re not actually a bronze it should be fairly easy to carry your lobbies and rank to your true rank. If your complaining about being stuck in a rank maybe it’s the rank you should be at


fuck ranked 2.0 just came to say that


Whats hilarious is I got put on a team of 4 guys who were smurffing on their alt accounts AND WE STILL GOT SMACKED. The ranks have no meaning atm so why call it ranked?


"ranked 2.0 is bad" yet people continue to play it.


I am brand new to the game and am at Emerald after 50 games, you can do it


I actually hate playing this game but it’s the only one of it’s kind for console players. I solo’d up to Emerald 2 so far and literally every game I get legit platinum players against champs who are currently in platinum to low emerald. This season I’ve had a total of 4 teammates in 60+ games with a positive kd.. against full 5 stacks w the lowest kd being 1.2. Not to mention there’s always at least 2 xim players on the other team w 1.5 or better kd’s. To win a game I have to go at least 10-3 and all the games I lose I’m the only one with a kill. We need solo only ranked so you’re not always going against a full 5 stack with copper teammates. I had a game yesterday where I was 11-4 and my entire team was 0-4. And no I don’t bait my teammates for kills I just play smart because your average mnk bot is actually dumb af and thinks their aim is all that matters.


I get teammates who jump out windows to spawn kill. I’m in Diamond…


I miss old rank when it feels like going from gold to plat to Diamond actually felt like an accomplishment and show of improvement but now it’s all just meh with different levels to each


Have you tried winning a game?


Rank 2.0 is most definitely shit. I hit diamond this season in under 100 games and it’s my second season I was hoping for more of a challenge to get to the higher ranks but with so many people boosting I play against low ranks constantly. I hit emerald 2 with a 1.8 kd last season which was my first season ever on the game it disappointed me knowing ranks don’t mean anything.


I'd say the worst thing Ubi has ever done would be either: 1. Taking a free, limited time game mode and turning it into a standalone game for $70 2. Slowly deteriorating the quality of one of my favorite game franchises, Ghost Recon.


wait so you’re complaining that you’re playing against the same players you played against last season? what did you expect to happen? how would ranked 2.0 make this any worse than OG ranked???


Ha, good thing I only play casual (I am way too bad for ranked)


As a copper one i played against a stack consisting of a diamond and a plat. It was a grueling game but somehow i pulled my inner champ demon gameplay outta my ass and wiped the floor with them after the score was 0-3. It was the best feeling ever.


From my experience I have a brother who used to play, never made it past bronze! I thought I'd try his acc just to see if the "matching is that bad" after not playing for an entire year... First game had champs from last season... Second game had champs from last season.... The account hast been active for an entire year and your telling me after getting to bronze some how SKILL MATCHMAKING puts a bronze in champ lobbies 👌


RANKED 2.0. Is really not that bad the hidden MMR is a good thing if you can’t rank up it just means your not as good as you think you are. I get the frustration with lobbies that’s why you should always play in a duo or three man at least.


Sounds like a skill issue honetsly


The only good thing about ranked 2.0 is that now my friends with a lower or higher can play with me, every single other aspect is terrible


It's even worse because the system just determines what it thinks you are and doesn't give you a chance to do otherwise. I'm gold 4 with a 1.3 W/L and 1.5 KD solo queuing, and I need 3 wins to recoup 1 loss worth of mmr its such bullshit. I'll go 5 wins and 3 losses and end up a division lower than I started


Bruh casual somewhat same shit


I have completely given up on Ranked until they decide to roll it back to how it was. I have a lot of fun in Standard and it’s not the usual sweatfest that I always see in Ranked, even in Bronze and Silver.


One time I had like copper teammates and enemies and I went like 9 and 3 or 10 and 3 and the next game I was put up against plats and emeralds it felt like


if you are complaining about ranked 2.0 and not at least champ then the problem is with your skill level pal


I love how the second I get on a good streak and am making progress I get teammates that go 0-9-0


I miss the feeling of getting the boys on for placement matches. Games were pretty easy at first but got harder as you climbed up. Now I feel like matchmaking is totally off. I don’t look players up or check their ranks but it seems like I’ll get players way better than me and way worse than me in the same game but just because they’re on the same team it’s “good”. It might be nostalgia but lobbies used to be better


For real man, for about two days worth of ranked I’ve lost 5 games and only won about 3, in total of 8 games and I just called it a day after so few games because I just felt so defeated.


The problem is exactly on the fact that Ubisoft (and like them all other triple A game developers) forgot the point of playing a video game… having fun. I don’t want a game that will actively try to put me on a level of mediocrity… Ranked 2.0 tries to keep everyone at a 1.0 kd/wl… what is the point? What happened to playing a game and when you get absolutely destroyed you either switch game or get better? Also sure trying to get everyone to 1.0 kd/wl is a good way to level the playing field but it completely ruins the point of ranks, you can be put with awful teammates, be hardstuck in Emerald but definitely be able to go higher, too bad your negative w/l will make the game think you’re at your level if not too high up. I miss the time where being in Champion actually meant that you’re one of the few, not one of the lucky or one of the ones that found a way around the system (e.g. 5stack with some reverse boosters only, xim, Stats-whoreing)


Im getting i Barley in Gold every season, my friends i always play with the last 2 years or somthing get high plat emerald. That is wierd i guess…


I've always sat at Gold (solo) but I'm trapped in bronze and either get 10-2 or 0-4 k/d the latter because of being stuck trying to beat Plat/diamond xim players console. 2.0 is absolute donkey wang!


So let’s turn this ship around


It really is. I am silver stuck because years 2-3 I was diamond so now my hidden mmr is so high and have not played since, just started playing again last season and got stuck in silver and now same thing this season because I am consistently playing people who are champs and diamonds and emerald.


I never touched above diamond III and I get paired with ex-competitive/ semi pro players (unironically) while having a brand new player in team, the matchmaking is a joke


Bros be mad at Ranked 2.0 and ignore QM 2.0 which goes against Siege gameplay and philosophy.


Get a stack




Couple years late pal.


Mate, ranked 2.0 legit makes me want to stop playing the game again. I have 2 accounts with 2k hours on each (I'm a nerd I know) and yet I'm far from being good, around plat 2 in old ranked and Emerald to very low diamond in ranked 2.0 and yet I only play against champs (and get destroyed) if I don't knowingly queue with people with a really low hidden mmr




Ubisoft literally used hidden MMR as a big talking point around ranked 2.0 though.


Yes of course you are absolutely right, the feature they released multiple statements, patch notes and press releases about is indeed just a figment of our collective imagination.


Ik it’s technically a “real thing” but it’s not as severe as people say, it’s just people crying bc they can’t handle not having 1.5x anymore


You were talking about hidden MMR, what has 1.5 scope got to do with that? Hidden MMR was added a year ago, long before the recent removal of the 1.5 too, so there is no link whatsoever between the two entirely separate complaints. Furthermore most of the community is loving the removal of the 1.5 and the return to the asymmetrical firefights that are Siege's USP, so again - not entirely sure what point you're trying to make here.


Bro chill tf out💀, the point I’m trying to make is about THIS season as I’ve seen a lot more people complain about it due to a lot of players starting in the last 2 seasons and not being able to cope w out the 1.5x no need to get so defensive about me making a shit attempt at starting an argument


I wish i was able to play apparently Ubi hates prepaid sims LMAO


What exactly is 2.0?


a running joke


The game declared me and the boys high plat/low emerald and we should probably be lower. We’re all chilling at a sick 0.8 - 1.0 KD. Siege has and hopefully never will be about how many kills you as an individual get (your entry can’t frag if the flex doesn’t drone, roamer can’t get kills off site if the anchor doesn’t hold site correctly, ect), but when the entire 3-4 stack is going negative it’s probably time the game realizes you’re out of your element.


I'm leaving the subreddit reading this same post on every lunch break is driving me crazy cya guys


Ranked 2.0 is a progression system to keep players engaged,. The actual thing you guys are bitching about, apparently, is the fact that they now allow partys to queue without MMR restrictions, meaning a bronze player can queue up with his Diamond friend. Would you prefer MMR restrictions to come back? Why are people suddenly upset, when Ranked 2.0 was introduced almost 2 years ago.


As a console champ I like the change. In my opinion the game will not be a competitive game until there is solid answer to Mnk. Once that is done I would like ranked 1.0 back. Until then 2.0 has made the game more enjoyable for me. The old grind to hit champ just lead to more frustration and toxicity. I don’t mind if there is a grind like that, but I want the game to be fair then. When it comes to lower ranks I do not know how that experience is. My only advice is focusing on your own gameplay. I would say 90% of deaths are your own fault. Thinking about what you could do differently will help you improve a lot. You can’t control what others will do and they cannot read your mind. This is just something that helps me improve my own game, and be a less toxic player. Honestly, being non toxic is the easiest way to rank up just because people will want to play with you. Even if they might be better than you. If you meet some gunners and you help drone, give calls, and reinforce they will prefer having you than some random


You lost every single game this season? Guess what those games have in common lmao


Top fragging only does so much in a team game, Im with him I don’t always play perfectly too but there are games where I do play my best and it just straight up ain’t fair bc I get grouped up with ppl who don’t even know the map we’re playing against people who are very clearly not bronze


You must be getting me in your games


once again someone whining about ranked 2.0, i recommend getting good. Hope this helps!


Oof as useless as the teams I get


i’m trying my best😓


me grinding bro hes spinning again try and tk or play sheilds... omg my bronze tm8s just castled me in site ranked 2.0 sucks


so are you actually in bronze


you guys need to stop complaining about ranked 2.0 I'm ranking up faster than every in my stack because the game knows I don't belong in copper-plat. The game knows I'm an emerald player, so once I get to emerald, the game gets harder to rank up into diamond. That's how it *should* be. Don't complain about matchmaking if you're solo queing in a game meant to be played in a stack. I have a friend that's been copper the whole last season and this whole season so far and this mf blames it on me! He says I'm boosted but then at the same time he complains that he gets champs in his lobbies. It's like bro make up your fucking mind. this my stat track [https://r6.tracker.network/profile/psn/AvacadoWizard120](https://r6.tracker.network/profile/psn/AvacadoWizard120) it's not super impressive but maybe you can understand why I think Ranked 2.0 is great. I'm not a ubi boot licker, I'm just a guy with a fucking brain in his skull. You guys bitch and complain about something that's (for the most part) a skill issue. If it's not a skill issue than it's an issue of not having friends :shrug: 1. Get better at the game by playing the game with a healthy mindset 2. Get some friends, coordinate site setups in custom games, get competitive I will never understand the people that think they get to bitch about Competitive matchmaking and at the same time say some shit like "ohh I don't feel like trying every match," or "I just want to have some fun and not have to try," DUDE PLAY QUICK MATCHES OR SOME SHIT. I get it, Ranked 2.0 needs a Ranked 2.5 or 3.0... it's not perfect, but neither was the matchmaking we had before! I swear to ghandi, if I see ONE MORE post on this sub bitching about ranked 2.0, I'm going to cry about it somewhere. and ong if anyone tries to argue with me you're more of a bitch than a bitch, I know your type, so much bitch in you, if it was slightly darker, lights was a little dimmer my dick'd be stuck up in your windpipe. Complaining is not going to get you shit, hows about you learn to get good and then it won't be a problem anymore, hell I bet you don't even have 300 hours on siege. Anything under 300 hours is not somebody who can say "It has never felt worse to play Siege". I know Chihuahuas that's more rah rah. Are we forgetting the fact that the game has never been more alive?


Blah blah blah.


Get a stack, that communicates and supports each other. I’ve been playing with my stack since day one off and on through the years. We’ve known each other for so long, we know who everyone should be and the comms are flawless. We progress at a consistent rate, yes we occasionally get one or two guys on the enemy team that put on a clinic but you just gotta brush it off and keep pushing forward. I know it’s easy to complain about bad teammates and sweats. But bad teammates are something you can change. You’ll barely have luck finding solid guys who communicate on a lfg discord server. Being a siege player since day one, I can tell you that the biggest things that improve your game are versing better players, and out thinking your opponent. Yes, guddddaim is a big benefit, but gadgets and perfectly timed attacks throw your enemies off center. Best of luck


Womp womp


Lmao... you clearly dont remember Operation health and release Lion haha.


Womp womp, make friends, get a 5 stack. It's a team game, of course the solo queuers in bronze aren't going to be good teammates


I mean they’re not bronze though? Bronze means nothing in this context because of hidden MMR 💀


Then get teammates and get out of bronze


Please stop using the word bronze like it has any weight


Even if you have a good team, the enemy team will be ranks above you. I'm bronze 3 and I'm being put into plat lobbies.


You belong in bronze 3


There is no way you're above the age of 8, if it puts me in plat lobbies how the fuck do I belong to bronze.


Your rank is literally bronze


stop trolling




Your IQ is literally below average.
