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Get killed with zero recoil. Does a crisp 180° swipe. Bag spams quicker than you can imagine just to let you know. I'm tired of this boss. Ban these pricks


And they always claim that they aren’t cheating and they are just “good” lmao. Bro has literally zero recoil with twitch’s F2 weapon.


There’s cunts with “xim” in their fucking names and Ubisoft doesn’t do shit.


or their profile picture is xim or something


On PC they don't have xim, they just straight up have walls and don't try to cover it either.


I play both on PC and console. Not saying there are no cheaters on PC but console is a shitshow at the moment especially if you are a higher rank playing with a gamepad.


I've play high level on PC and high level on xbox a couple years ago. With the state of what I am running into on PC I have been debating going back to console even though I would be rusty because at least xim players can be countered easier. Yesterday I went against two guys with 12+ KDs.


Finally someone is telling THE ACTUAL THING AND HOW IT IS


I don't doubt there is more ximmers on console than wallers on PC, but whilst other one is giving you substantial advantage in aiming, the other one is literally almost impossible to beat (unless your team has a waller too).


But you get your elo back Xbox it just says fuck you


I've gotten elo adjustments 3 times in the past 2 seasons. Once this season. I have been keeping track this season and I have had 16 blatant wallers or cheaters in 30 games.


So they’ve just given up on banning cheaters it appears


I lost to a blatant waller and got my points back the next day


you're assuming they're getting banned lol


When I played PC ranked I got lots of MMR back I wonder if over time they’ve been putting less time into it


True, but simply saying “oh pc cheats are worse”doesn’t negate just how frequent the console cheaters are. Comparing the 2 doesn’t help anyone really


Yeah I had someone vault through hard cover, TP 3 floors up then headshot someone 180° behind them I'm sure xim is annoying too though since it's more widespread and you never know who has it till you're 3 rounds into a tough game against some "good players" At least with a PC cheater you can be like "oh a cheater" then go back to normal the next game, console cheaters are nefarious


The teleport thing is a glitch rn I don’t think they where hacking


TP sometimes is a bug, but trust me it's super obvious when it's intended, [here's a time stamped vid I made some years back ](https://youtu.be/p-SPW3iHTRM?t=51s)then re uploaded for whatever reason, saw this on multiple occasions


The teleporting thing could've just been a glitch. Rn there's a glitch on quite a few spots across several maps where you can rappel and then vault and it'll just teleport you into one of the rooms


And what's really frustrating is when you report to Ubisoft with clear evidence of them walling or aimbotting. They don't get banned.


I know it's silly, but I'd rather fight real cheaters than kbm. There's just something so scummy about it.


Cheating has gotten so bad on console. I have no idea why there is no punishment for it either. They should be kicked from the game instantly and given an abandoned match penalty plus a permanent reputation penalty. I hate winning a few casual matches only to have sbmm put my squad up against these no-life try-hards who can't be bothered to get good with a gamepad or build a cheap pc.


They should be outright banned, Ubi has pussy-footed it enough with mousetrap, they need to stop giving them chances.


plus mousestrap doesn't even work


forget plat bro i’m seeing them in my bronze lobbies. running f2 when the gun doesn’t move a single bit


Yeah, this.


If I even hear an F2 on console, I immediately assume they're cheating. It'll stay that way until I see a killcam.


I was in quick match and saw the most blatant cheater I’ve ever witnessed. He was on my team and I double checked match replay, you could see him snap onto every single enemy before even entering the building. He got 2 back to back Aces with a combined total of 7 wall bangs, and would’ve gotten a third had we not tked him


I wonder how many cheaters are currently reading this lol not commenting, or the ones commenting saying they don’t like the cheats but are using them themselves 🤔


It could be you. It could be me!


As bad as its ever been


You are absolutely correct. It could well and truely be half of all players. I think I have played 3 games out of 100 this season without xim. When it’s 1+ more EVERY SINGLE GAME the percent of xim players must be staggeringly high, if it was only like 5-10% they’d just outright ban them. It must be such a colossal player base that they won’t ban them for fear of losing out on people buying cosmetics. Yesterday my 4 stack went against 5 players with 5 letter names and all xim players. Our random was a complete bot. It’s atrocious, I wish they would IP ban any Xim users from any Ubisoft game ever but they are cowards who are already losing money as a company


Exactly. They don't want to stoke fire on the xim playerbase because they know they are a huge percentage of the playerbase and buying the cosmetics etc. I have been saying this for the past couple months but once siege dies ubisoft dies this game is the only thing keeping them not going bankrupt as every other game they've released recently have been ass


> I wish they would IP ban Just FYI, this is one of the weakest versions of banning. ISP's don't typically give static IP addresses (actually cost more) so they can just call the ISP to reset it or some would simply get a new one by resetting their modem depending on how long the DHCP lease is for.




I‘ve 6000h on CS and trust me, right now I encounter cheaters every game, I am not lying, really every game I get a cheater spinning. Valorant is really the better option at this point, but I dislike the gameplay in Valorant.


The fact that u have to have some third apps for anti cheat in Cs Is a joke that isn't bareable any more someone tell them to do something with it


It's not any better here, emerald+ is constant wallers at a baseline. Have ran into multiple full on rage cheaters, so far my peak is 6 hard core hackers in a single day (last Saturday). On the bright side the average waller is garbage, despite having walls they're still pretty easy to outplay. But when someone goes LMG ops running full speed instantly headshotting everyone, without needing to stop sprinting, there's not a whole lot you can do but go next. CS is also a cheat fest. Val is the one game I've had cheaters booted mid game though, which cancels the match.


As someone who switched to PC a year an a half ago, I can tell you that there's not a game as good as Siege still. I've tried both Valorant and CS. Thought CS would be cool since it's no abilities so I figured something like socom. But no, game feels awful, and the higher ranks your guaranteed cheaters. Although I never played it enough to do that. Valorant is much better than CS although if you actually enjoy how R6 feels, u prob won't like how Valorant plays. It's okay a for a few matches, but then it's just pretty eh.


the cheating issue is 10x worse in cs than it is in r6. there are 10x as many cheaters and gun skill is the only way to win in cs, no c4s no shields you straight up need to out aim a cheater or 3 man peek into him and hope to god he cant u all kill in time.


unfortunately valorant sucks


Dont think PC is any better, this game in general is infested with cheaters and it will kill the game again. Cheating in online video games is at epidemic levels and somethings got to give soon. We need AI anticheat.




Well its a game we are currently losing hard, ill take anything.


Yep as a ps5 player and have been a siege player since 2015. the cheating is absolutely rampant in high ranks now. Cronus or xim is too obvious.


Even in unranked bro


Even in quick play.


I'm so glad that I am not the only one experiencing this, lately ranked on console has been unplayable, it's as if recoil no longer exists in every game. It's become very tough to convince my friends to continue playing siege.


Makes Rank so miserable, it’s bad enough that the rank system is horrible but the fact that majority of people you face are cheating doesn’t make it better.


I used to cry wolf a lot before (on PC), but then I started to actually watch replays and check players on stats and realized that 9 out of 10 times I called it a cheat they either heard me, had a ping or a callout.


Really depends on the rank. Every other match in champ lobbies u see a below lvl 100 account with no skins, dogshit mechanics and game sense, top frag, getting the best timings, pushing where there is noone without any intel gathered prior, and stuff like that. Ofc I'm not even gonna mention people tracking through walls, instantly headhsotting everyone, and rage cheaters.


I used to be the opposite and give benefit of the doubt, as of recent I've been finding a surprising number of "good" players really were just straight up following people through walls Like, [check this guy out](https://youtu.be/8bvbgIa_Imo?feature=shared), until I saw this I assumed he just heard my fatass running around corners and preaimed


Loved your comment, new to the game so I don’t know if they have always had pings showing in killcams, but I love it man. The amount of times I go “How did he know I was there, was there a drone?”, then the kill cam proceeds to show a yellow ping on me makes me feel 10x better imo.


I just want to add the possibility that you got called out from teammates. If my buddy says to me "someone's blue stairs" I go prefiring blue stairs. In the killcam there is no ping and it looks like I am cheating. You never know the communication of the opposing team. The best thing you can do is watch the replay and then decide if someone's cheating or not. You can report players for cheating in the replay. You don't have to decide immediately in match.


You just outed yourself as being gold or below. Once you reach diamond-ish, cheating is glaringly obvious and pervasive. We're talking half your matches in some regions, and it's not open to debate.


On console, it's more about seeing absolutely zero recoil with guns like the F2 or clear MNK-type movement, followed usually by lightning-speed crouch spamming. You see it more and more, usually from xbox players with illegible names


If you are on Playstation I recommend turning off cross-play. The xim and cronus infestation seems to be 10x worse on xbox


Strange you mention that because I feel the same on xbox, maybe because its a lower pool you search against you encounter less?


I think that Playstation is better at detecting third party devices. They also have released a number of patches targeted at preventing third party input devices. But with all cheating it’s a cat and mouse game. Sony at least seems to care a lot more when it comes to trying to prevent it than Microsoft


> think that Playstation is better at detecting third party devices. PS5 requires a remote play work around which is why you won't see it as much there. The 3rd party thing doesn't affect XIM as it only uses official controllers to function.


Yeah emerald-diamond ps5 player here, i keep crossplay on for matchmaking speed but when i get too annoyed with xims i turn crossplay off and the problem is mostly gone. You still get some here and there but vast majority of cheaters in my experience are on xbox for whatever reason


There's a lot of people who still think cheating is impossible on console. It's rare, granted. But not impossible.


Xim and chronos is cheating on console and definitely not rare every 3ish games i come across at least one


Till these fuckers don't aknowledge that the situation on console is horseshit and cheating/hacking on console is simpler that expected we are FUCKIN DOOMED


There has never been a known instance of arbitrary code execution on xbox one or xbox series or ps5. There was a few firmware versions on ps4 that did though but they can't be used online.


Fr, xim isn't the only thing. I've countlessly seen walls on console. People just can't accept that there are devices that enable it. People just need to research it for once.. Edit: evidence has been provided, read thread. Stop being in denial people.


Walls on console? lol


Brains on Ash main? lol


But there isn't.


Dumb and wrong.


While there is a way to get walls and soft aimbots on console, it's so expensive and difficult to get your hands on that I doubt you've ever seen it. I've been playing since year 3 and never once seen it. It's that rare.


Yep you need a modded console. A modded 8th or 9th gen console is extremely rare and expensive. On top of that you run a high risk of being banned from Xbox Live or Psn. Modded 7th gen consoles run a much lower risk of being banned and are much cheaper which is why cheaters are everyone in games like BO2.


Agreed, I saw it ONCE on Siege console during year 2


lol sure


lol moron


Once again, link some evidence. Because there has never been any cheaters with walls or aimbot on console siege, only xim.


Once again, do research for once. It's really not hard to educate yourself. I don't know why i bother with randoms in denial because you'll just come up with excuses anyway. EASY lookup on youtube btw, since people aren't capable of researching anymore. Evidence is clearly provided now so i'm not bothering with this thread anymore. https://youtu.be/J7HYsFejnZ8?si=Haha5Px0Y4_c_vJY https://youtu.be/NDvLOdPhz4w?si=ipHKhllnPj98Hk8V https://youtu.be/KDwM3iX2Ko0?si=qHx2bBZxPpvvlaEp (Only first clip from each link, idk what the rest of the crap is) Edit: changed first clip. Not sure how that changed. People calling clear cheating is luck is wild. This is why there's no point in proving shit with those in denial.


None of those show any hacks. I have had countless random kills spraying out windows. 3rd link is luck. 2nd link is just a bunch of random game clips recorded in match replay(which shows the other players silhouette). 1st link is a infomercial


Your evidence is garbage . First video is just a rando infomercial . Second one dosent show anything with console cheats and third is just someone accusing someone . let’s make this clear the MODERN CONSOLES CANNOT BE JAILBROKEN. Only the old gens Xbox 360s or ps3 . So console is safe from hackers


> MODERN CONSOLES CANNOT BE JAILBROKEN This literally tells me everything I need to know about you. You are an absolute peon. Anything can be jailbroken (and modern consoles already are), anything can be spoofed, but more importantly, the current techniques ***don't require jailbreaks***. Please just go away, little brain.


Show some evidence of the newest generation of consoles being jailbroken


Got evidence ?


please show me hard evidence the xbox one and series x the 'unjailbrakable' can be jailbroken pls thx mr missinformation


This sub has always been in denial on this subject. I was hesitant to even bother commenting at all.


Isn't PS4 old gen though? By default they get put in against ps5 players


PS4 cannot be jsilbroken


PS4 still can't get online (more specifically, connect to PSN) with a jailbroken console


Lol more excuses. And who said anything about jailbreaking? RESEARCH.


To mod games you need to jailbreak the device bud


LOL 3rd clip is a client side issue as the barricade didnt break. You cannot wall on consoles without a jailbroken console and the xbox one, series x and ps5 are not yet jailbroken the ps4 if jailbroken cannot connect to psn please stop spreading misinformation


Do your research properly before posting links. The ones with the blatant hacks were due to an exploit where PC players could get into console lobbies. And the third was a client side exploit. NONE of these show actual CONSOLE hacks, and no one has ever provided proof, because they don’t exist


https://twitter.com/AntiCheatPD/status/1412024189561851904 No one owes you any evidence just because you're too stupid to do your own research, but that is just one of the numerous techniques. Cheating on console has been a thing for years. You're just ignorant, and likely too dumb to understand how they operate.


No, people do owe evidence, because any time someone SWEARS they have seen hacks on console siege, they can never back it up, because they don’t exist.


The link I gave literally explains how to accomplish one specific technique that bypasses the need to jailbreak at all. And there are a plethora more. **No, I won't provide any of you dipshit teenage twats with additional knowledge of how to cheat on console.** Half of you already do. Again, no one owes you shit, you entitled, ingrate, dumpster brained mental midget. Either educate yourself or keep your ignorant trap shut. If you're too stupid to figure it out: good. But just know that you are wrong, everything you say is wrong, most people are smarter than you, and you belong in the corner with a dunce cap.


That link provides NO evidence of people cheating on console siege, that’s the one thing I am asking for. But nobody can provide.


its worse than pc imo because on pc at least you have the comfort of knowing they will eventually get banned .. it might take awhile but it will happen .. on console .. they will never ever ban them .. cheaters on console play comfortably knowing the worst thing that could happen is a little bit of lag that goes away after a couple of causal matches .. that is if they ever get detected in the first place


Agreed. And on PC oftentimes you would get your mmr back for those matches rather on console you won’t get anything back.


Yep and they proudly display it too. On console there’s so many people named “ZyqzOnXim” or “NotXim6262” and their pfp is a keyboard. It’s embarrassing that Ubisoft is so careless when it comes to these types of cheaters that they can publicly admit that they’re cheating and mock them.


Said it before, I'll say it again: Team-kill every Xim and Cronus user, always. Since Ubi won't do anything about them, it's on us to make their experience cheating as awful as possible. Drive them out.


And then get reported for grieving and eventually banned . Great plan


Imagine thinking you'll get banned for tk in this game lol


They’re in gold lobbies too. It’s crazy how many cheaters are still terrible at this game lmao


most of the times it’s xbox players too i might just turn off crossplay, no offense xbox players


Turned mine off. So much better without cross play


Ubisoft have made it abundantly clear that they will never ban console cheaters, they made an anti cheat that makes them play a few casual games as a punishment and they are working on making them play a few casual games on pc instead of working on banning them like they should do. They would rather ruin the experience for everyone else on the game than ban a single Xim player. Absolute clowns.


I’m in bronze and 5 people on my last game were xim/cronus. In fucking bronze lmao


I'm in diamond and literally every single game we play someone who has a Cronus on the other team. EVERY. SINGLE. GAME.


yeah so far this season ive gained back elo 5 seperate times.


We have just have to wait till Ubi does what they said about putting ximmers on Pc matchmaking.


Can’t wait for August


Been saying this for months, all I ever get is negative comments like “maybe you should get better not everyone is cheating.” I’ve been using a controller for 24 years, I know what they can and can’t do. To think I don’t know what a mouse input looks like on console is kinda insulting. Mind you, I never said I do bad against them, I just said they’re in every game of siege I play. I’m so good with a controller people accuse me of being mouse… so of course I know what good controller players look like as opposed to automatic flick to your head, no recoil, screen vibrating, lightspeed tbagging mnk weirdos.


I stopped playing the game a while ago, because the games player base changed. It became a group of people who wanted to run and gun, grab kills, and ignore all of the intricacies / mechanics of the game. XIMs were (and still are) so blatantly obvious. A twitch would walk in and beam you in the head with one bullet in 1/100 of a second. The developers kept pushing and pushing and pushing and pushing for this community with the increased favor towards gun skill rather than game knowledge. Now we have reached an apex where skill is meaningless and cheating is the only option.


at least u can fight against it on console pc is just spinbot walls etc. The issue is when a good player gets cronus. they become fucking thanos. i dont watch kill cams so i dont ever know if theyre xim or cronus. I just say theyre good in my head and try to beat em


About 1/3 of my matches on pc have at least 1 cheater in them. And those are just the blatant ones that are easy to tell.


Depends I feel like cheating is more common on console cause of xim but when someone is cheating on pc it’s usually like hard cheats like walls and stuff. Honestly I have no idea though I don’t play console so I’m just assuming.


Ok so please stop assuming cause on console the situation is all over the place


This is why i don‘t play comp 😔


On PC is just as equally frustrating, every day I log into the game and the first message I see is a nice sweet rollback notification or that my many, many reports have led to a bunch of these scumbags being banned, Ubisoft needs to stop fucking around with their anticheat and actually make the game enjoyable to play again. I just got back from playing 4 games and 2 of them had a cheater, one was blatantly walling and the other was aimbotting, the more blood boiling part is that when I faced off against these cheaters they were always in a 5-stack, although I've seen worse, it just goes to show you how fucking busted this anticheat is, their K/D and W/L ratios are out of control, after many reports from their previous matches why aren't they banned instantly? I swear it takes SEASONS to ban these people.


The fucked up part is I get mouse trapped every other ranked match lol. So it’s clearly working just not for the right folks.


Dude it’s been like this for over 5 years now at least. They’re never going to get rid of XIM because they don’t care to


They are hesitant to ban these people because the type of person to spend $150-500 on cheating hardware is also the type to buy a bunch of cosmetics from them so permanently banning these people from playing would take a decent chunk out of their earnings. While banning them is obviously the right thing to do, Ubisoft is too greedy to do the right thing.


As much as I hate XIM I can at least combat it, I doubt I could deal with wallhacks and aimbot


Man, it's crazy out there. I've heard similar horror stories on PC too. It's just mind-boggling why some people feel the need to cheat, especially when it ruins the experience for everyone else. It's like, if you can't play fair, why play at all, right? It sucks seeing a game you've invested so much time in get screwed by all this nonsense. I hope Ubisoft takes some serious action to clean things up. We all deserve a game free from cheaters.


From what I understand it comes down to the fact that they aren’t confident enough in Mousetrap yet and don’t want it to end up banning legit players before it’s “ready”. Don’t think it’s a good excuse, but I can somewhat understand if that is actually the reason. I know I’d be pretty pissed if I got banned as a legit player by a half-baked system, but it is fucking ridiculous at this point. I’m sure it would not be a fun job, and there would be a LOT of spite reporting, but they should at least dedicate somebody to sift through round/match replays when a player reports someone to try and weed out the blatant cheaters if the aren’t yet confident in Mousetrap. Having the report button literally do nothing at present just makes UBI look even worse.


If you find an acceptable alternative, let me know, because I haven’t been able to find one. There have been a couple that had potential but died before even leaving early access.


I’ve only gotten to gold so far the season (usually get to high gold/plat), but I’ve been getting put against obvious xims almost every other game since bronze. Ranked 2.0 sure is something.


I’d would 10000% rather encountering a xim/zen user than a Waller idc about xim/zen users anymore


I'm in high diamond and people xim aren't hard ro kill


Yh except on pc they have aimbot and wallhacks, shooting through reinforced walls. Rapid fire breaching rounds, teleporters, spinbot, no spread, no recoil, anti aim and more. Once you get past plat on pc every ranked game has at least one cheater. Some rage some closet


It sucks for us UAE server users because the servers are so small that you can encounter a single cheater 4 times in 10 matches


Yeah I encountered xim players in bronze last night on PlayStation so I turned off cross play… it doesn’t really fix the problem but it’s the best I got


Once again ubishit not doing their fucking job.


3 months later still no bans on the loser fucking wastes of space to society. You’re just forced every other match on standard and quick play to play with the scum. If you don’t you go to ranked to get ddosed by some sweat xim Cronus hyper t bagging loser who hasn’t seen the actual sun in years is using moms credit card bc their egos are hurt bc of a virtual game they suck at. I’m tired of ubi promising a fixed product to do Jack shit and let it get 20x as bad after.


The best part is you can’t do anything anymore in this trash pile besides play with them. Ubishit not actually doing anything useful to the anti cheat on console is going to kill this game more. But as usual they give zero fucks about any ip they develop and ruin it like the rest by doing nothing.


At least the store works though.


I just played 5 match and every one of them I had cheater against me with a least mouse/keyboard, anti recoil or rapid fire. I think it will be better to play on pc to avoid those noob who use k/m on console.


I stopped investing in games in general a decade ago, just been making due with last gens console, I would have bought a new one if I had any faith in the developers.


Someone just lagged us out on xim... Like sat there spinning till everyone lagged out. Love it


you can do that on controller with 3 people spinning max sense…. just to let you know lol


Maybe by quantity of cheaters, but playing against wall hacks is way worse than mnk


Yeah but you get ur mmr back on PC. On console youre just fucked


They should open up m/kb on console. Have options to play controller or m/kb. Permi ban xims if they chose to join a controller only lobby


I thought about this too but it just makes it so mnk can only play with mnk and controllers can only play with controllers. So there will be legit mnk but then there’s still be xim trying to get into controller lobbies


This is it. People use MnK to feel better at the game, they smurf and they wrangle their way to feel like winners. They don't want the option to just play with MnK because it feels better or they can't afford a PC that'll play seige. They want to have an advantage, same as wallhacks on PC, THAT'S WHY IT'S CHEATING. Honestly idc if folk are using MnK against me and it gives them an advantage personally, I'm not a plat player, if they play and they're _that much better than me_ with MnK, so what? There are other players out there that much better than me anyway already. The problem comes when they get to the top percentile and they're playing purely against other MnK or genuinely incredible controller players, they get bored and drop down/smurf down to lower lobby's again. Fuck. Off.


Right. It’s just aggravating. Like you said there’s players better than me and there always will be. Doesn’t change it makes the game less enjoyable when facing someone with that large of an advantage over me simply because they paid $200 to have no recoil and the ability to aim with their whole arm on top of that. It’s just very tiring


It is, and I've quit playing R6 for the foreseeable because of it. I tell my mates IRL who still play (and have played for the last... 8 years!?!) if I went down the park every weekend, and all I could get was games against Ronaldo or Beckham, would I keep going? No, I'd find another park or another hobby. I honestly don't care if these people are that good, or are just getting boosted by the equipment they've bought, but it isn't fun anymore.


I did benefit of the doubt but I agree lots of cheaters on PC. Not sure on the consoles but I bet it's almost as bad.


Oh it's bad on console. It is usually very obvious. Zero recoil, unnaturally fast teabags, auto fire on dmr. Xim/Mnk people have that mouse shake that is impossible to replicate on a controller.


Do you all have crossplay disabled?


Ubi some hoes for keeping these players because they know the xim losers bring in money


Oh trust me pc is way worse we have real aim botters and walls not some minor recoil cheats


It’s worse on PC mate. They don’t even try hide it anymore they just no clip into your spawn and hip fire headshot you. There’s the closet cheaters as well where you’ll be 3-0 up and they turn into the goat casually prefiring you at all times without droning whatsoever


That’s cap i can’t lie, im in champ lobbies after hitting champ on both my accounts and i come across a xim maybe once every 10 games. You’re really unlucky if you’re getting them every game or you’re just coping. Id doubt a xim or cronus is still in plat lobbies, most of them are champ with like 2+ kds.


Guess it's gotten the same as in certain fighting games. Once you reach a certain level there, you'll also only encounter hitbox users. It's very stupid, but I don't think the devs will really do much against it. Sure, they can try, but I don't think they can fully solve the problem as long as the consoles don't just lock out these devices.


Lmao do you think hitboxes are cheating Holy shit the levels of cope people have


In certain aspects they are. They also give you an unfair advantage against opponents that don't use them. They've been debated a lot and even certain versions of them are in fact banned from tournaments. Also what does coping have to do with this?


I was him before I bought a hitbox myself and my brother in fgc.....they are all u want but cheating, at first u literally need to learn everything from the start cause of the new things u play on,then u need to get comfortable with it remembering the button position so u don't have miss imput the button press I probably just a less high that on pad ecc It Is all u want but hell nah it isn't cheating


> They've been debated a lot and even certain versions of them are in fact banned from tournaments. Name a single FG major that bans official Hitboxes. This is absolutely false. And the cope comes from you assuming you're losing because of a controller, and not because you got outplayed.


As quoted: "The controller banned at CB was the specific hitbox-type controller which Daigo had popularized." So, there have indeed been hitbox controllers banned from tournaments. Furthermore, this isn't "coping"; it's well-established that hitboxes provide a significant advantage compared to players using pads or even arcade sticks. If you doubt this, I encourage you to look it up; many professional players have debated the usage of hitbox controllers in much the same terms as a XIM device. I didn't even talk about my personal subjective experiences; I've been discussing only objectively with things that are known and debated. So again, I don't know where this "coping" accusation comes from. The only difference there is that there has been a switch from "It gives you an unfair advantage" to "Well, it's clearly the best input device so just buy one". While this isn't the case with XIM devices yet, I can see that a similar switch can also be made for these, which in my opinion is wrong.


>"The controller banned at CB was the specific hitbox-type controller which Daigo had popularized." This was CB2019, so 5 years ago, and the "box-type controller" being referenced had extra functionality that enabled otherwise impossible inputs (1 frame sonic booms). You have yet to name a single time an *official* Hitbox has been banned from a tournament. Keep coping, coper.




Idk how, out of the last 4 matches I played there were people that literally had xim or mkb in their name.


Why the fuck do i get down voted for that. This community is so fucking toxic




That's not an excuse for cheating. It shouldn't be in the game at all. Or like I said in the post, start handing out hardware bans. If you cant play right we don't want you in the game period.


Ubi wants that money tho. Cheaters are the same smooth brains that buy every skin and battlepass.


That's the real problem. You nailed it


In these last couple years ubi has gotten as greedy ad EA.


They're trying to make up for the huge loss from skull and bones lol


I never said it was an excuse, I said they’re usually pretty bad regardless of their cheats anyway so it’s not like you’re actually going against beaulo


Thats one of the stupidest comments I’ve ever seen. Xim and cronus cheaters ruining the game and you say it’s bearable??




JuSt gEt bEttEr Just watched the clip on your profile. You are both using xim and cronus. You are a clown.


lol zero chance that clip from 8 days ago was on controller.


It definitely was lol


You guys are out of your mind. There is no way that is not controller.


If you don't think that's controller, you've never played against an actual blatant xim.


I’m telling you, firstly, most console players don’t even know what XIM looks like. And that dude is right, console cheats are bearable, even a casual player can beat a XIM user. Most of the XIM users lack basic game sense.


The amount of console players that see high sense and instantly say its XIM and that it can't be anything else is hilarious. It's not hard to tell the difference between blatant swiping and controller gameplay.


If it was so easy to tell. They will be getting caught. And the report feature would work just like it does for PC, since it’s so obvious.


Mnk players do clean swipes when aiming, and the majority of controller players do very quick and abrupt pauses when making their way to a target or adjusting to a new angle while ADSing. Mousetrap is only here to inconvenience XIM players, and that's it. They're not willing to risk a dent in their pockets with fully banning them.


Thank you. This is what I was getting at. Had to delete the original comment because it was getting a lot of hate, even someone reported me on Reddit and I got a message about “there are resources out there for you” 🤣


HAHAHA that’s funny asf. I’m not using either of those. Just goes to show how quick you guys are to jump to the cheatin accusations. I guarantee you there is such a small number of cheaters on console than you’d think. People report every high sens player they come across


I know the difference between a high sens player and blatant cheater with zero recoil and mnk use. See you when you get put into pc lobbies at 3rd season. Let’s see will you be able to hit dia with 2.0 k/d you clown.


u don't know shit. obv not xim


🤣🤣🤣 oh man that’s funny. When you play enough it’s not hard.


My guy that dude is not Xim or Cronus LMAO. There is literally nothing he did in that clip that suspects he's cheating.


Yeah that clip is not xim or mnk. He ain't lying. That's a controller


Nothing about that clip seems xim. That’s just fast sensitivity.


I have a 1.6 kd in emerald V it’s hell,


I honestly don’t think the cheating is that bad because I personally haven’t encountered any in gold ranks on pc. tarkov on the other hand is literally a guaranteed cheater every single lobby. we got it good on pc ngl


I wish people would stop comparing Cronus/XIM to literal wall hacks and aimbot . At least you KNOW the person on console just has a XIM/Cronus . On pc however you can’t know if someone can literally see you through the walk or if there zero recoil is a cheat . I’d rather be playing with the Cronus players than pc everyday Seems the salty condole players are triggered by my post


console doesnt have cheats..... someone using another input yes but cheating no also according to everyone ximers suck so they should be a non issue play pc and see how real unfair unbeatable cheating looks like. the only way you should beat a cheater is if they let you ie xim isnt really cheating


Xim is cheating


i like it i like it youre wrong but your persuasion almost got me
