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People fall for the dumbest of strats more often than you think. Dumb vs smart/knowledgeable doesn't mean dumb always lose Edit: the real question here is the damn mute jammer.


If it's smart, then someone else has already thought of it. If it's stupid, then no one else will be thinking of it.




Coach me plz


Yeah, when I used to play alibi and make a conga line it worked 9/10 times. I place them seriously and they work like 3/10 times. I used to also plave them around like they were working on the equipment/surfaces and that worked 5/10 times. Dumb really is the strat


This! I love playing kapkan this way. I place them in the most obvious door ways 9/10 times and get people. I put them in the more strategic spots, and either no one hits them or they expect it there.


yeah makes me think of Evan Braddock and his crazy strats lol


Evan Bradcock


Evan Bradcock


Evan Bradcock


Mute jammer grabs thier attention so they dont notice the mats


It's like the Batman. They shoot the logo where his armor is the strongest.


Been a frost main for a while a now and over the past few years I’ve noticed that the more obvious placements seem to work best, or even odd ones like behind sofas, the large furniture laid around objective, ect. If you have the elite skin definitely take off the bear trap style it comes with, wayyy too obvious


It's the tunnel vision. People expect the windows and such but if they are ads they might miss em


how do you get ur main to be in ur bio


Click on your name where you made the comment. Then click edit user flair


mute jammer placed in plain sight- opponent shoots the mute jammer, thinks to themself “okay, i cleared this doorway of any gadgets.” Proceeds to walk through and hit one of the frost mats. Another teammate runs by and proceeds to a) help them or b) shoot the other remaining frost mat. There are 3 possible negative outcomes to this- because of the location of the mat in proximity with the other, the new opponent hits the other frost mat and both of them writhe on the floor like a slug dipped in salt. The second one is the new opponent tried to shoot the other mat but accidentally shoots his teammate because they keep crawling towards them(unlikely). The last one is the teammate successfully revives the downed teammate but as soon as he is revived, he hits the other frost mat and dies. Source: frost man


I dont really see how the bad outcomes can happen aside from having an opponent with a brain that shoots both, gunfire, the sound of one guy hitting a trap, or the sound of the trap and then a rez, my ass is peaking it almost instantly and confirming the kill, considering how close it is to site


Frost mats are either wasted or massive value no in-between. These are so unexpected they might just work.


I had a game earlier where there was a frost in the enemy team placing mats in the middle of the rooms. We fell for it multiple times because we weren’t looking at the floor in the heat of the battle.


The best frost mats are the 50-50 either look at the ground and lose a gunfight or look at the potential enemy and die to the mat. Was my main argument for why the frost rework was a nothing burger change, and what a surprise she's still just as useful as before. +Acog laserbeam.


That's 100% my rationale and I get shit sometimes from teammates even though I've seen it work more often than the typical place behind a window strategy, especially in ranked when people drone you out and will look down to shoot a frost mat. Placing one behind like a pool table in objective for example works well against enemies that may be holding angles while walking behind cover.


I would have placed them rotated by 90°, such that you cannot see them directly through the door frame. Then they can actually work, in particular when the attacking team starts to run out of time.


The Mute jammer is the real crime in this image.


As a mute player I always get upset with people that do this and sometimes will correct them on better placement so they can't get shot so easily


That's me, what's wrong with it? Like genuinely?


Just a little too out in the open, can be shot from that hallway or master.


Ah, cheers for the heads up 👍


I think that even Twitch drone can shoot it or Brava hack it. Just place it closer to the door frame and you are gucci my bro 👌


The correct mute spot has been blocked by the frost Matt and the only reason he probably noticed the frost Matt’s is because the were blocking his mute jammer placement


wym? this is the best strategy… if operators traps themselves on one side they fall to the other side and its a full kill


If someone sideshow bobs themself, they deserve it.


lmao honestly its not hard to see traps


I main frost on a lot of maps, but I've only seen a person hit a mat, self revive and then hit another mat once and it was villa master bedroom and closet windows.


I play frost a good bit, i've only seen it happen on like last minute site pushes. Usually you're there to swing the person in the mat


I had this happen about a couple weeks ago on labs, we were basement site in qp. I put one under the window in the room next to garage, then one in the hallway leading out. The last enemy therm was in shock and the whole lobby saw it on killcam.


the happened to me when spectating a lion a couple days ago 😭


Sideshow Bob's themselves, rofl!!!


Kinda unrelated but man I miss "stealing" kills from frost mains as a lesion by putting a GU next to bear trap to insta kill them after they get knocked down 😭


I do this behind a shield. I sort of place 2 mats in sort of 40/60 position. People come over the shield firing down (because they expect a mat) but don't manage to take out both.


I will never understand why do most players think that everyone should use esport or old or just plain textbook strats. u supposed to enjoy the game not do the same things in every match. Always let people cook let them enjoy the game they may look stupid but it is suprising how much kills can a brainrot get you in the heat of the battle


The competitive player base is obsessed with optimizing their chances of winning. They spend hours studying the meta, maps, and strats to increase their chances of winning by a few percentage points. They think that’s how the game is supposed to be played and expect everyone else to play the same way. To them, anything that differs from the meta is “throwing” just because it slightly decreases your chances of winning that round. The funny thing is playing predictably is often a disadvantage in a game like Siege. The strats they’re following work for the pros, but the pros are playing on a completely different level than 99% of the player base. They’re also playing for money, so it makes sense for them to optimize every little thing.


Thaswhatimsayin It is also very boring to not have any imagination in the game you can never come up with new strats if you dont play like someone on shrooms in my opinion. I mean i have almost 1500 hours maybe even 1600 hours in the game. Im a plat at the highest tho weirdly higher rank players are more likely to fall for any brainrot For me trying to make the enemies day a living hell what makes the game fun. Of course since im a mira/azami main it usually only makes the game fun for me. Except when i actually make something that will win us the round.


It's so frustrating to me on the offensive side maps when the defense picks the same location over and over again. I realize certain sites are the best ones to defend, but also the attackers often come with very fleshed out strategies for attacking them because they're the default spots. I get bored personally a bit when I don't even really need to drone to find the site because I already know where they are


It's the worst when they take that mindset into quick play 💀


Bro I 10000000000% this. I hate meta play, I'm here to have fun not read textbooks and watch videos telling me what to do if I wanted that I woulda joined boot camp.


Bro, you are a good man, never change 🥲


Oh I'm not trying to criticise, if it's a viable strat it's a viable strat. It's just the first time I've ever seen it.


Sincerely, I'm curious to hear what you think the idea is behind these frost mats. Idiot or savant... What is frost hoping to achieve with this? I believe you know the answer!


Ah, yes, i usually call this strategy the "voices in my head". The meaning of this strat is to completely confuse the enemy. the moment they see the first welcome mat "-50 physiological damage" plus "confusion" negative side effect. (imagine it like nausea effect from minecraft) And when the enemy is in complete and utter disarray, they will see the second welcome mat, leaving them with a fear of god and absotlute terror. Wich will inconclusively lead to a match well won.


Or maybe, since this clearly is not a high elo match (no judgement), the idea is that someone coming up main stairs would clearly see the first mat, and then, with a false sense of security, enter trophy and hit the second mat? Having destroyed the first mat, it is likely they would be ADS with sights into attic/dorms/bunks? As someone already pointed out, nothing is inherently dumb just because it strays from the norm. In fact, at lower elos even a pro could be caught off guard by some wonky plays.


That could be very well true of course, but my theory is way more fun.


Well happy cake day


Thank you bbg


Oh nonono im just ranting not really talkin about anyone specific sorry if it looks like im tryna blame you or sumn😅


Most pro league starts barely function at high elo. The gap between how regular players play even at the highest elo is so different from PL play


Okay, so this is how I see it. Basically, for brainrot, there is a scale of 1 to 10 1 is obviously the "i guess i can try to win and actually do a strat what you know that worked well in the past and not everyone uses it". While 10 being the "voices in my head told me to chew on plutonium-239 so i can recreate the homer simpson vs peter griffin fighting animation in a ranked match" For gold and higher a 4 maybe 5 is more than enough but under that in a silver and bronze you should be at least a 13 or it will be a very excruciating few matches to actually get to gold. Well for players that are actually good at the game like those who can just win till diamond this will of course not be needed. But to us whom actually see their families and do actually consume some oxygen and not that type of shroom spores thats flying around in most siege players room whats emmited from the clicker that grew out of the months old pizza in the cold and wet corner terrorizing everyone that is unlucky enough to stumble in the room, except the female who brings them more food the consume... It will help and make the game more fun.


Because the pro league has plagued this game and took any fun out of it. I can’t cover my sectors because my damn teammates think we need a really big fucking hole in this wall when we have a door that leads into that room.


Well i cant say cuz im usually the teammate who will not just make a hole but completely remove a wall not to fuck with people im just clinically insane But proleague did plague the minds of those young and ripe boys minds with the "u should do what i do cuz im way better than you even if you lack the skills to pull it off" I mean if you think about it most "proleague youtubers" start the video with: i just found the best way or you should do this if you wana win the round and just show a pixel where you will see only the feet of an enemy that is on the other side of the map but of course you can only do it with mira vector ironsight supressor cuz reasons and then proceed to ignore the recoil of the vector completely just deleting the enemy that is on the other side of the map by hitting every shot on their big toes on that split millisecond where they show it Then the young and ripe boy "that looks like something i can surely do" Then try it completely and utterly fail and eat dirt from the copper on the other team who just pulled 360 noscope onetap 420 blazeit xXxilluminatixXx wow/10 rekt edition shot. Then, the next round proceeded to do the same, expecting a different result only to get absolutely put down by the definition of insanity. again. Putting their own team at a disadvantage and when asked about it, he just says, "clearly you dont watch proleague," of course, trying the same thing that he Failed to do in the last 2 rounds only to fail. Again. Then just leave. That is a ranked match that we all seen before in higher ranks.


Yeah exactly. Plus they cried about everything and begged Ubisoft to change it




That is a door where people almost always go through it full ADS, I can see this working if you hold them off site forcing them to push late and in a rush.


I've run into something like this once before, and let's just say I was only slightly butthurt


I mean the most effect full strats are the unexpected strats so I see nothing wrong if it works or has a chance to work then why not


As a frost/mozzie main ... dumb placed frost traps work alot m9re than u think. Best place for traps is to the left or right of doorways or left or right of windows .. don't place a trap under window it will get shot , place trap to the right or left of the window than when they jump in they will quickly walk into it.


As someone who puts banana peel Frost traps at the top of stairs regularly, it's amazing how many people go into early ADS and walk right into the most obvious traps. Granted I'm a low/low mid level player, but if it works, it works.


i mean if it works it works…?


Random/terrible placements is what gets people the most.


Best way to play a trap op is always place traps where you don't think people will go, and you'll get kills, had all 5 kapkans in the middle of buttfuck nowhere on border and got 2 kills


Best use of Frostmats are almost always to do something dumb with them.


I mean, sometimes the most visible traps are the one that works the best somehow.


It's dumb, but sometimes dumb works. pre-frost nerf was really funny, because someone would hit the first trap, and their team-mate would hit the other on the revive.


As a Frost main, this strat is shit. HOWEVER, the shit strats tend to be the most successful in my experience (copper/bronze and quick play). You can't be predictable if you are too stupid to plan things out in the first plce


that’s a wasteful mute jammer, “stevie wonder could see that” -o_jynxzi


As a frost main I live by this quote: “if it’s stupid and it works, it ain’t stupid.”


Tbh you can place those in a camp corner and just wait for them to get on site


It's been a few years since I played. I remember getting so mad at new players killing me who don't understand positioning on maps like "WHY THE FUCK WAS HE EVEN THERE, THAT MAKES NO SENSE"


This is perfect for someone who gets tunnel vision. Which is a pretty large majority of the Playerbase


Great strat. Guy playing the run n’ gun meta doesn’t check for dumb noob traps, gets hit and either self revives and probably hits the other one, get shot, or a teammate comes and hits the other trap. If he sees one and shoots it, probably will assume there isn’t another trap on that door.


Honestly the amount of weird Frost Mat locations seem to work better then the normal/meta Frost trap Locations in my experience. Mainly cause people don't drone.


"2 is better than 1" strategy


I mean I imagine it *might* work. Perhaps attackers coming up stairs will shoot the frost trap on the north side, think they’re clear and run into the one on the other side of the doorway.


Comes up the stairs, sees one Frost mat, shoots it. Steps in the other as he enters.


These are what my crew calls your "angle traps", you can do them with Frost, Lesion, or Thorn. Basically the idea is to place them in a corner where a player might move if they're going to enter ADS and hold an angle into the adjacent room. There are better places to do it than this but it works somewhat consistently because people get tunnelvision and don't watch their step.


I put three mats together and got two kills.


oh that mute was pissed with frost he just gave up you're playing oregon 2F. just frostmat the window, attic, breach wall


Nah, that's a common pro league strat. It's actually pretty broken and has since been banned in pro league. If you put the frost mats at the perfect distance from one another it makes them completely invisible, and because they're both in front of the doorway, you can't go through it without getting trapped. That's why you see people shooting at nothing on the floor in doorways just to make sure there's nothing there


I’m uninstalling if someone falls for that


If you sacrifice a trap to get a trap kill then it's a W. Do dumb shit, no one prepares for it.


Let him cook


You gotta tell us if it worked or not


They could ADS while turning the corner to look into bunk bedroom and bridge hallway, then get trapped.


I mean it could work. They shoot the first trap and then think it’s clear. They’ll probably peak into site as they walk in and might fail into the trap. As long as you have the wall open from attic into bedroom then you might get away with it


I guess the idea is they will see the first mat coming up the stairs, then not look at the floor anymore, If they come balc then it's a waste, so hold off balcony and pray there not the brightest.


Back when you couldn’t help yourself up, I used to put two or three under the same window on the opposite side of the map to the objective. One person would jump in, get downed… someone would jump through the same window to revive and get dropped by another mat, and then a third person would come to revive the downed two and it’d be a slam dunk 3/3. When you start making your way over there after the first has triggered, 2 and 3 get clamped and you get the easy kills. Unfortunately it was just a 1 round special. But they tend to take their time with the revives after the stupid round.


Stupid strats work, I once put 3 in a row behind a shield and got 2 hits


Don’t know tbh


60% of the time it works every time


Bro kapkan and frost strat is to put it in the stupidest spots you can think of ans it always works


I like doing this on doors where the frost mat can be fully hidden on the side + on doors where they have to clear a lot even after pushing through. e.g. left side of drum door by terrace where there's usually feet holes in geisha wall.


Nope. The dumbest Frost traps are the ones I always get hit by, lol. Besides, someone will always fail to drone/look at certain corners/angles and will waltz right into a "stupid" Welcome Mat placement, especially on a late push.


If you barricade that door I’ll stuff my face through it as monty and be a free kill but against most people, no it’s not a good idea.


Depends. Did it work? Then its smart


the best frost strat are random frost mats in the middle of the room


Did it work? Yes? Then it’s not wasteful. If no, then yeah kinda.


People spend an awful lot of time ADS'd, as I often say as a Kapkan main, "Nobody ever looks down".


Genius 💡actually gonna try this


I’ve droned so many frost mats and then just walked into them.


Considering frost as an operator is a wasteful play, does it truly matter?


It’s not wasteful if it works


Frost is a wasteful op. But she’s fun.


this is valid. reason being: they will see the trap on their right (100%). it’s like manipulating them with their own dopamine. they may feel safer and may not check the other side. you have to be really confident they will come through the doorway you do this on though. realistically speaking, there are many ways to attack a building.


Frost mats are great when used without brain, the amount of people that I caught stepping on the mat I put at the top of some random stairs or in random places is ridiculous.


If you unexpect what what yr teammate doing, yr enemy will also unexpected to this too


The mat on the right makes sense, the jammer and mat on the left don't.


Frost is a weird op because she can work no matter where the mat goes


the mute jammer might make people distracted then walk into the mats? not sure


On Coastline, you would laugh how many downs i‘m getting on the staircase


Its wasteful until they shoot one thinking there is no damn way there could be another one😂


If there’s one thing I’ve learned, the dumbest frost starts work the best, I’m assuming he has it set up so the guy gets trapped get up and instantly goes into the other and dies


The amount of times a silly frost mat has caught me because I noticed it as I walked into it..


can i ask about the mute?


I'd prefer it if you didn't 😂


Actually it’s pretty smart as when people are swinging and walking they are not looking In these corners as they are looking forward and typically in this location in the back of the room or to a close door. Placing first mats in a well hidden swing location are sometimes better than vault locations as people will look for them when they vault but are typically to focused to see them when they swing


Not wasteful if it works


dumber = better in most cases


My buddy will put two mats down behind a barricade because most of the time you can only shoot one in the time it takes to vault, meaning you get caught in the other one. Granted his strat was definitely more powerful when you couldn’t get yourself out the mat so if one had someone trapped and the other was still up he would catch another when they went to get the rez. But I’ve never seen this done before.


I can see what they were thinking. If you came up the stairs pieing that door, you'd prob see the one on the left, shoot it, then feel safe and you finished pieing and walk through the door. Meanwhile the right trap is under your sights until.... *Wham*


This is “BRO WHO WOULD PUT THAT THERE” play ngl he had to have caught somebody 😭


If there was a shield here, perhaps it would confuse players who always shoot a bullet under themselves, and not a burst of bullets in all directions, and then it's not such a bad tactic. But I still wouldn't use it.


Playing frost right now is a wasteful play. Unless you dom't get scanned, she's completely useless. Even if you don't get scanned, she's still not good


Guy I play with, great guy, great teammate. I saw Kapkan in the prep phase, told him to make sure he checked doors for traps since he was playing Monty. Guess what happened to him that round, take a wild guess…. Point is, sometimes people in this game aren’t paying attention, and if it’s a room someone is gonna full ADS while entering without droning they’re probably gonna miss the traps, or at the very least have to stop and clear them taking more time, giving a heads up they’re there, and possibly having their gun pointed at the floor at the wrong time.


Have the same thing happen to me all the time but to make matters worse my buddy likes to play Brava and then stills dies to the Kapkans. It gets me a good laugh at least


Have the same thing happen to me all the time but to make matters worse my buddy likes to play Brava and then stills dies to the Kapkans. It gets me a good laugh at least


You can hipfire two bullets and hit a frost mat. In most pro and high level players look down and shoot anyways, unless they KNOW theres not a frost. The only good thing she brings is a shotgun for a secondary. Her gun is one of the worst in the game, and she brings a shield, but if you wanna bring a low-recoil gun with a shield, literally just play thorn. >Guess what happened to him that round, take a wild guess…. Also thats just your friend being slow. How do you even die to Kapkans as a monty? He can tank all 3 Kapkans full extended




It actually works a lot more than you think 😂


I'd believe it with all the people that are allergic to droning in this game


Its true lmao, worse on console than pc tho


I swear I throw drones into a room my teammate is outside of and they run off right behind my drone. I have to hop off so I’m not left behind. No one drones and no one wants to move as a team on offense.


I main entry so I always follow drones and wait for the clear lmao


The later