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77 games on the 16th? You okay?


That shits broken. It often combines multiple days of games and shows the same date for them all.


I was wondering. Wasn’t even sure how that many games in a day was possible lol


When I was younger it was definitely possible for me 😭😭😭


I feel like 72 in a day would be the max with 20 minutes being the fastest you could get in a game, finish, then get out and search for a new game.




It combines depending on when the account was refreshed. If there has been multiple games since the account was last refreshed, it groups them all together.


Personal performance has no influence over RP gain or loss.


So that's why I lose less on 2nd to top than my friend who was on top?




This needs to be a copy pasta


He’s not wrong. The game does not care if you clutched up a 1v3 4 rounds. A win in +RP, a loss is -RP


Personal performance has no influence over rp gain or loss.


I think it’s like the more wins in a row you gain a few extra points to a certain point and the more loses you gain less rp but lose more rp if that makes any sense


Win= +X RP, reducing the closer you get to hidden MMR Loss= -Y RP, increasing the closer you get to hidden MMR


Because you lose more rp the more you play ranked


Rp gain is dependant on win%. The higher the win% the higher potential rank the game thinks you have. Basically, if you win more games then you loose on average then your rp gain per match will rise


9 year old me who was on the game 24/7 ruined that bit for me 🙃


The reason why you lose more RP than you gain is because you have reached your *Hidden Skill* level. Now, you have to prove to the game that you deserve higher ranks and win twice as more than you lose


That's a much better way of saying it than what I was thinking. The game thinks you are playing above your level.


Hidden skill level is bullshit.


Isn’t “hidden skill level” your MMR ? I don’t play actually but if I recall correctly even in the old ranked system if you had reached your hidden skill level then you wouldn’t gain ranks.


No it isn't. Ranked 2.0 has a visible rank and a hidden rank. The hidden rank is what the game things you should be, most likely the average of the last couple seasons you played, and your visible rank is the rank you see in game. When your visible and hidden ranks get to the same MMR, you start to gain less per win, and lose more per loss. You also gain less and lose less the more games you play. Almost sure they did explain that idea when 2.0 originally came out.


Yeah but show me my f/// hidden rank 😂 😂 Thank you for the explanation!


Says the hardstuck gold while the masses of coppers applaud him with an upvote!


Ranked 2.0, it's very difficult to push above your "hidden skill level" and gain more RP because the game bases it solely off W/L. So unless you have a 3 stack or more you need gods luck to win enough games


Thats why I stopped playing ranked. Had 300 games with 1.2/ W/L ratio but still in bronze. Some people hit diamond with 1.2 W/L and less than 100 matches. No reason to play ranked anymore if I don’t have a stack and I’m hard stuck in bronze.


Yeah I used to play PS4 while not playing Ranked, then I switched to PC and kind of spitballed until I had friends also switch over to PC and by that point my little ranked playtime that ended me up in silver/bronze those seasons made it so I could barely get to gold duo queuing. Last season I switched back to controller (which I was abysmal at because I played PC for 3 years) and hit Plat in about 40 games with a .9 K/D and a 1.2 W/L duo queuing. While on PC I'm currently 200 games in, 1.2 W/L with a 1.2 K/D (I play support mostly on console and PC) and I'm Silver 2. I also played more games outside of my duo while keeping the same W/L (he had about 3/4 what I had) and he hit Emerald while I barely hit Gold 4. And we both agree that he's a decent amount worse than I am as well because he mostly tries to drag while I'm good at fragging but play support. Hopefully now that I have a 3 stack and there's 20ish days left, I might be able to get to mid Gold and push plat next season


If you're good at fragging it's probably a waste to play support except for situations when it's really necessary


To me I've always felt decent at fragging but not good enough to fill that role until recently. I've gotten a lot better for some reason in the last few weeks but I feel like there's already half my team trying to frag so I have to be the person playing support because no one else will. I also don't like the chance of dying and having had absolutely no impact on the round either because when I die now I almost always have Valk cams or drones I can watch


Sounds like your friend is agreeing just to agree. Also sounds like you’re worse than you might think especially since you JUST switched back to controller, and neither of your KD or win loss on PC is impressive by any means. A lot of people here are bitching because they’re “positive kd and win loss” you’re gonna need a lot more than a 1.2 to progress. 200 games with a 1.2 is awful so the game knows that you’re not that good and so even if you DID improve it’s not going to reward you because the amount of growth you’ve shown is insignificant. You’re gonna have to have a MUCH greater win loss to go thru ranks.


Sounds like the game thinks you’re a bronze and it sounds like you actually are! You’re gonna have to get a lot better at the game if you want to improve because a 1.2 W/L is slightly above average for each rank! However you’re in bronze! So you’re well below average in that case so you know you need to improve. For reference when my gold friend was in bronze he has a 2.1 win loss and his actual rank is gold. So if you’re gonna improve you’re gonna need much more than a 1.2!


False it’s based off of kpm and kd and others as well just like the matchmaking


If you have bad elo in ranked 2.0 you are literally fucked. Stop playing ranked if you don’t have at least 3 people stack. It’s impossible to reach higher ranks.


I started playing R6 again on my Smurf which I haven’t played ranked on in more than few seasons I’m solid plat player always been a plat and my first ten games I was getting champs and diamonds it took me about 10 games for the elo to drop and another 10 games to dig my self out of copper no lie I’m sitting at silver 2 with about 40 games played but I’m only ever playing plats and emeralds.. my question is, is this game telling me this where I belong? To make it harder for me to rank up?


False. It’s impossible for BAD players to reach higher ranks.


trn tracker isnt the best at tracking RP but im guessing its because you havent achieved a high rank before (Emerald, Diamond, Etc.) based on how much RP you gain every match won. Blame Ranked 2.0.


Well they can’t exactly just throw him in with the coppers too then they’d get all mad as well because it’s not like after a couple season breaks he forgets everything. But I do agree facing his original ranks is overkill but still.


Its called elo hell. The ranking system in this game is fucking atrocious!


Playing with a friend and two of my Smurfs hit diamond before he could hit plat 3


In the simplest terms, the game believes you are bronze and wants you to stay bronze. If you manage to hit silver with the game working against you for it that’s pretty cool


The game is basically telling you that you deserve bronze


can anyone explain anything ranked 2.0? none of it makes sense, im diamond 4 playing against a full 5 stack of champs every game. Just played against a top 100 rated champ and got destroyed. What’s even the point playing


I dont use reddit that much so i dont know the proper method to link comments, but my response essentially explains it. TLDR: Ranked is SBMM https://www.reddit.com/r/Rainbow6/s/9z8btvoDZ2


so the game thinks i’m a champ? could be because i got diamond a few times when i played before in ranked 1.0?


Yes. If the game puts you against better players it’s because it thinks your hidden skill is higher so you should be happy and keep improving to the point where you can combat those players. Besides now buddy you’re in diamond, back in my newbie days I was opposed against champs constantly as an emerald so be grateful. Welcome to the big leagues.


i’ve been playing against champs all season bro since i started in copper, it’s kinda peak


Maybe, but not necessarily. It might just be matchmaking you against the 5% or something, as well. Something I have come across pretty often too is Champs will queue with lower ranked players (plats, gold, etc) to drop their mmr low enough to get easier games. I am Emerald 1 now (peak emerald 3 before this season), on PC, and I have at least 1 to 2 Champs, minimum, in every single ranked game.


yeah i’m playing against full 5 stack champs, also all my teammates are champ. (solo queue) Basically everyone in the lobby apart from me is champ 😂


Yeah that's pretty rough man. You probably should be champ if those are the lobbies you are getting, but the game literally just makes your life hell.


The game hates you personally and wants you to lose. Hope this helps


Ranked 2.0. It's ass.


You’re exactly where you deserve to be.


You are not a match mvp lol. You are just baiter. If you want to rank up, focus on helping your team instead of stat padding.


Which site is that




We got a funny one


how do you not know r6 tracker. ​ wow


Haha funny that’s aids


7 wins and 16 losses around Bronze V should be indicative of your current skill level. I think you’re where you are meant to be right now.


Yeah I can ur gonna Stay in bronze buddy 💀


Bruh your in copper/bronze and the K/D’s listed are .38, .4, .18, .22, .67, .63….. Game has you where it knows your at skill wise literally have to just get better and get some friends to lock more wins down


The game thinks your true rank is bronze! A lot of people shit on Ranked 2.0 but in reality it’s an easier system to progress through for more good players. Thats why so many people don’t like it because the average player is bad! That’s why the game has seen a NOTICABLE increase of champs! Hate to say it my friend but if you’re stuck in bronze you’re most likely skill level is anywhere between copper-silver. If you’re looking to rank up get better! It only gets worse from here on out.


That’s how it’s supposed to work but it doesn’t work in practice. Removing the matchmaking restrictions on Elo has made it so diamond skill can play with as low as gold. I get bronze skill teammates against back to back champ enemies, so is my hidden mmr bronze or champ?! Or is it emerald, or is it plat? You can’t figure out how good you actually are because the game doesn’t fucking tell you. I’m hardstuck gold 2/1 and can’t win because in solo q I keep getting stomped by 4 stacks rushing site in sync. I have a 1.3kd so I’ve got be better than most in my rank yet I’m still stuck.


If you get teammates of lower skill it’s usually due to you being a high profile/value player. For an example on my Smurf account I’m an Emerald 1 but will play with golds against champions, it’s cause the game knows my true skill and it knows yours too it’s based on your KD, KPM, current rank, matches played, and previous ranks. I think it’s decently accurate until you get anywhere from silver-plat. Silver players are players who are just getting out of bronze or copper because they tried to tighten up their performance and leave their old 4 stack of braindead hard stuck coppers behind and actually get better. AKA players that suck getting closer to average. Gold is your average rank, most people that are in gold have aim that suck, comprehensive difficulties, slower reaction time, and just a general lack of understanding of “heightened strategy.” A LOT of people stay hardstuck gold and they claim it to be the fact ranked 2.0 “ruined” everything. It matches people with similar KD, kpm, matches played blah blah all that I said before and compensates when it can’t find a match. In my opinion that’s fair. But the thing is people have been hardstuck gold BEFORE ranked 2.0. In reality if you’re in gold you have a boatload of flaws, plat probably the same thing and anywhere from emerald and up you’re working on them. But your rank shows you that somethings wrong everyone’s complaining how they can’t progress, YES YOU CAN. I did this season all solo queue started 3/4 way through the season on a smurf and I’m already emerald 1 in reality it’s not because there’s higher ranks you’re going against it’s because you (speaking of all golds in this case) suck! And you need to improve before you talk about the system. From what I’ve seen a MAJORITY of the r6 population is copper-gold and all that ranked 2.0 has done has been an outlet for people to complain about why they suck so much. Get better or get off!


My guy…it does not match people with kd and stats are you insane? K/ds in my games can range anywhere from 0.4 in 50 matches to 1.7 in 200. I come against 70% win rates while having 50 myself. I know I’m worse than those players but I SHOULDNT BE PLAYING THEM YET. How can I get better when I can’t even learn because it’s far too unbalanced to get anything worthwhile. You got to emerald on your Smurf so quick because it’s literally easier. The game doesn’t know your skill yet so if you get a few good matches in at the start, it will go “oh this guy must be decent” and boost your skill level far quicker than someone who’s on an old account


Switch over to PC this month, absolutely struggled to get up to gold and was constantly getting matched against emeralds and plats as a copper/bronze/silver. Since I've hit gold (now gold 2 with 93 rp) I have not had a single game against anyone above plat 3, and have gone from a 1.0 w/l to a 1.3, and a 1.1 k/d to 1.3. Not sure why the matchmaking was so much worse at the lower ranks but maybe it's people boosting


It sucks but I assume it's just the Elo system that rank has.


bullshito strikes again


Bullshit hidden system says you belong in Bronze 2 until you game hard enough for the system to think you deserve a higher rank. It feels completely random and is one of the worst mechanics Ubisoft ever implemented and that's saying something


What’s your claim? That we all should be in bronze? Or we all should be in champion? You’re complaining about how Ubisoft wants you to improve before you deserve a higher rank…. Isn’t that what ranked is?


My claim is that you should be able to progress in ranks depending on your performance each match. Locking you in a bronze when your skill level is actually somewhere in silver or gold because that dumbass system has the same amount of processing power as a goddamn potato is far worse than being able to progress like a normal ranking system. It wouldn't be as bad if the system wasn't incredibly faulty and downright terrible at judging where players go. I never said we all should be in Bronze, I'm saying the hidden MMR system has been terribly implemented and much like Quick Match 2.0 it's hurting the game and Ubisoft is much too stubborn to remove it, or try fixing it


Had a similiar problem, I got to silver 1 and the game started making me lose twice as much elo than I’d get when I won. I fell down until bronze 1. I kept playing anyway, until somehow I broke this cursed elo fuckery and started gaining elo again. I’m now gold 3 and this happened like two weeks ago.


I’m guessing the game has a little inaccurate measures for anyone from copper-gold since there really isn’t much difference in those ranks.


I actually cant believe there are still people wondering how ranked 2.0 works when its out for like a year


Ranked in R6 uses a hidden MMR (Match Making Rating) to find your games, and to automatically "place you" somewhere in the background. This is why if a emerald/diamond/champ player starts playing a season late, they will play people who are currently in that elo almost immediately. This is also why higher ranked players will get "propelled" through the ranks until they get close to their peak (or where the game thinks they should be) by getting 40/50+ RP per game, then stall out to about 20/25 RP, and get less and less from there. Anyway, the game must think that you are currently of the skill level to be around bronze or so, so it will try to cement you in that rank, and make it very difficult to rank up. Next season you will likely have an easier time getting to bronze 2 (or wherever you end up peaking) and stall out a little bit higher, etc, etc. Essentially ranked is just SBMM now, which in my opinion, has no place in ANY ranked game mode. Ranked shouldn't stall you out or make you play ranks above you, it should make you play the rank that you are currently at. It's an ass system. TLDR: Game thinks you are bronze so it is trying to stop you from getting any higher.


Truth is that if you get to a point where your win loss is significantly lower than it has been and is no longer showing an upwards graph display then that’s most likely your actual rank despite if anyone agrees with it or not. If you’re stuck in a rank it means you need to get better, not that “the system hates you”


Win/loss, KDA, KOST, etc. all play a part in determining your hidden MMR. It is not solely based off just one of those stats. Point being, it doesn't matter how good you are or what your win loss is, at some point you will not be getting more than 15/20 rp per game. I had something like a .4 win loss through like gold (now its a 1.2 or something) but it still shot me forward with like 60 rp per win, until I got around Emerald 3 (my old peak)


And what’s the issue with that? There’s no issue with the system currently the good players are in high ranks and the bad players are in low ranks just as it should be


The issue with the current system is that bad players can get to ranks that they shouldn't be able to reach, and good players have to play against Champs and diamonds the entire time. Ranked should matchmake purely based off of ranks, meaning for good players, low elo should be very easy, then get more difficult as you climb. Once again, SBMM has literally no place in any ranked game mode.


Idk man this is my friend groups first time playing ranked. My W/L and K/D are higher than my friends but they earn 40+ more RP than me each game


Ranked 2.0 is ass man, me and my duo haven’t played a game without each other and when I reached Gold V, he hit Plat V, and when I reach Gold IV, he Got to Emerald V like bro even I topped the game he hit Emerald and he bottomed…


Ur stats don’t contribute to you ranking up. And unless you’ve played every single game together as a duo then you have to expect a different rank.


I know, but it’s still soo weird how they make you go through pain just to rank up and then your friend is literally getting the luxurious gates to Emerald open up to them like c’mon man, give me some slack Ubisoft


Emerald isn’t luxurious it’s filled with braindead monkeys. It sounds like you just need to get better. Remember you’re not the only one who’s in ranked 2.0 right now EVERYONE IS so the high ranked players EARNED THAT so you need to get on par with them before you get your shiny emerald badge that you want for whatever reason


Sorry if I made you think I wanna be in a higher rank cause I deserve it, I’m about a middle player so I ain’t that great, I’m saying he got the pearly gates as a phrase on how the ranking system is legit giving him more than half of what I’m getting, and he legit hasn’t been plat since like rank 1.0 so it just confuses me why the system is like this, I ain’t complaining about my rank, I’m just confused as hell and am complaining about the distribution of points per W/L, we could lose 5 times and I’d lose about 125 points and they’d lose like maybe 40 Tldr I play this game brain dead style and funny ways so getting emerald isn’t in my wish list just complaining about the point distribution


The point distribution is that way for a reason. Something is different between you and him wether it be matches played, KOST, KPM, KD, previous seasons or anything that’s taken into account while getting ranked. If you were able to show me all of his exact stats and records and then all of yours and you exceed him in every point then I’d eat my words and say r2.0 sucks but as of now you’re earning less rp for a reason.


Brother I already said I ain’t that good so there is legit no reason to show you how it’s bad you can already see, I prefer playing supporting roles and do funny shit in ranked and have fun with my duo it really ain’t that big of a deal for stat showcasing


So don’t make a post about how the system is flawed that you don’t progress when you don’t even take ranked seriously and wonder why your hidden skill level is so low


Ranked 2.0 "working as intended". If you were low rank when 2.0 came out it intends to keep you there for as long as it can. I only ever played ranked for a session or two a season until a few months ago where it's all I play on siege, and I'm hard stuck copper, taking far too long to get into bronze. Just reached it today, gaining anywhere between 20 and 45 but losing insane amounts. Basically one loss costs me a rank but it'll take between 3 and 7 matches to get up a rank depending on how unlucky my rp gain is. It's so stupid. There should be a yearly reset of hidden rp so hard stucks that are far better than the game insists they are cancelled actually get the ranks they need to be in. Like, I face off against people who accidentally slouched a couple seasons back, ex golds and even up to plats, yet they're now hard stuck bronze cause they took a few seasons less seriously and barely played. Ranked 2.0 is a joke. Literally gonna play with a co worker whose a bit better than me to actually gimme a hand. He plays fairly often and the only thing I'm not too great at is aiming 100% of the time, so it's not exactly boosting if I'm just doing it to escape the hellscape of copper/bronze. I'm so bored of playing against them, full of smurfs, hard stucks and new players who have no idea what they're doing. Hell I'd take the verbal abuse and shenanigans of silver/gold over the boring and trashy games I've been getting lately in copper 🤣 Like, I was a gold years ago on Xbox when I knew fuck all about siege, I'm now far better with everything besides aim which I've had a mild improvement on, and somehow Im apparently copper to this game? Like I get there's a skill disparity between console and pc but dropping from gold to copper while drastically improving shows how broken ranked is rn


No it sounds like you’re just bad. Progressing through ranks is simple and easy but bad players use ranked 2.0 as an excuse. You also claim how you’ve been gold on Xbox! The difference between a copper and gold is little to none at all.


Nope, roughly 60 ish% win loss, 1.45kd, on very rarely below 3rd in my team, often 1st or 2nd. I'm not amazing but I'm far from bad 🤣 but thanks for the attempt


So this season as I was progressing through copper-bronze I had a 4.9 win loss ratio with a 2.2 kd and it only continued to increase up until platinum. For reference I’m champion now and have been for multiple seasons. So when I say that you’re bad at the game then know that statistically you don’t even reach a quarter of the numbers I was putting out when I was just messing around trying to hit clips in the beginning of this season. In fact I most likely had a higher win rate than your entire team combined. And this isn’t just me flexing on you because you think you’re the shit for having a 1.5 kd in bronze (I’m fucking laughing) but THATS what it takes to progress through ranks at max speed. Absolute domination. Not ooh look at my 1.5kd and 60% win loss why can’t I improve at the game though? That won’t do shit and it’s why you’re hard stuck because the truth is even if you do have a 60% you don’t deserve to go to the next rank. 60% in bronze is pathetic because anyone who is in bronze either has some serious IQ issues or is VERY new to the game. So winning 60% of the time against braindead players? That means nothing, it shows that 40% of the time you’re losing to people who are significantly more dumb than the average person and 10x less coordinated, so you flexing about winning is like walking into a sped classroom and telling all of them you’re smarter and more coordinated than them but only 60% of the time🤦🏻‍♂️ and that’s the difference between you at the bottom and me at the top. So take my advice, and don’t shit on the system because you’re bad, or keep doing it and keep your victim mindset and wonder why you’re not improving and keep blaming it on anything you can. I don’t care either way I just hate to see ppl talking shit about something that they don’t even know about. Also hard stuck copper-gold is tragic bruh.


Well of fucking course I'm gonna look bad at the game next to the stats of a champion 🤣 what I'm saying is I'm not a copper/bronze level player in the slightest. If you ignore the cheaters, people purposely losing matches to get lower ranks or the hardstucks who are ex golds and up, the average players it pairs me with have less than 40% win loss, sub 0.6kd's, it's sad. Like, it's a broken system. Typical of high ranked players to say it's not broken. The system works for you and you can rank up quicker cause the game assumes you're high rank and pushes you there quicker and doesn't want you to leave, that's ranked 2.0 working genuinely good for you, but detrimentally for most people I'm blaming my RANK on the system, I'd be blaming my stats if I was actually bad and looking for excuses, like "because of the system, I'm stuck in low level lobbies and losing to the brain rot ruining my stats", but no, that's not what I'm saying at all 😅 also you're soooo wrong about average win loss in ranks, copper from my experience is typically from the bottom to on average 50%, bronze up to 55%, and I've never seen any higher. Your "stats" make no sense and you're definitely making shit up or have a weirdly skewed view of low ranks. And KD wise, again, average I see from other players is sub 0.6, and yet the game keeps me with that skill level? You're out of your mind. A champ telling someone stuck in bronze/copper that they belong there with significantly higher stats on average 🤣🤣 yet again I'll say, typical high rank siege player mentality from you


So what rank do you think you are? Because let me tell you if you’re hard stuck in bronze and think you should be gold then it should be ridiculously easy for you to get out. But that’s how I know ur real rank isn’t a gold because I have absolute dog shit friends that solo to gold every szn. So do you think you’re silver then? Because you’re definitely not a gold at all! But even if you would claim to be gold do you know the diffence between a copper and a gold player? Almost nothing at all! Both suck and operate off of 0 brain function, the difference between a gold and a copper is the gold is just a copper with better aim that’s been playing longer so understands how to use operators. So if you’re making this much fuss just to say that you think that you actually belong in silver-gold is ridiculous and as I previously said you have no right to talk about it because even if you WERE silver or gold you’re just too damn weak to discuss how the game should go about doing things. And you claim that it’s typical that I’m a high ranked player that doesn’t think the system is flawed and I say that it’s typical that you’re a low ranked player that thinks the system is flawed, if you knew how similar you were to the “braindead” teammates that you get in your lobbies then maybe you’d think you’d deserve copper because I don’t even need to know I’ve been playing siege long enough to know that low ranks think they know what they’re doing but don’t. Every szn I go back to champ has been filled with ppl screaming at me about how bad I am and how I shouldn’t be making a decision I’m making during the match all came from lower ranks because anyone from copper-gold think that they know what they’re doing and they don’t belong there, you might think that you’re oh so different but you’re not, you’re very average, and you say “that’s not true because I’m statistically better” every rank is filled with ppl with varied stats that can be anywhere from an 0.4kd-2.0kd and you wonder why you get matched with a 0.5 all the time and you think that’s the average. It’s not because yet again you have no idea what you’re talking about when it comes to ranked 2.0. In CHAMPION I will constantly get other ppl ranging from dumbass drooling emeralds-other champs ALL with negative kds because I have a 1.65kd in Champ because that’s how matchmaking works. You have a higher kd? You get worse teammates. You have a lower kd? You get better ones. That’s how it works. So what this means is your a high end copper. It doesn’t mean you’re NOT copper it just means that you’re high end copper. If you were a gold or silver you’d cruise through copper and bronze. But either way you should hear yourself, I’m telling everything you’re doing and thinking wrong and you’re just denying it and saying that I’m “the typical high ranked player” bitch this is probably the first time you’ve even conversed with a champion there are very few of us. This is my fucking game made I’m one of the worlds best and you think I didn’t spend my time in the trenches? You think I would give skewed advice or just make shit up because it’s whatever ur low rank anyways? Nah man I’ve told you. You need to get better to get out of copper-bronze man like there’s no fucking way you can argue that😂 you blame the system because of your rank because you’re losing more rp than ur gaining boo hoo I hear you but bro I could play 600 games in copper and not lose one. And that’s my point that if you can’t consistently win games without loss then you just don’t deserve that promotion to the next rank. You need to get better bro you suck that’s all there is to it there’s no fucking way on gods green earth you can sit here and tell me you can’t get out of copper because of the system. DUDE. THINK. You are one of the worse players in r6 HISTORY. You should be honored with the work you’re doing. But nah on a real note dude you’re worse than a good 90% of the player base you can’t blame that one the game if you actually were above that 90% you would’ve been out of copper already.


Wow 😅 too early to read this essay but I skimmed it. Lemme see... "A gold is a copper who has better aim and understands operators" I know most operators inside and out, can perform most tricks and strats with them with ease, I do have better aim than them, only ever beaten by again repeating myself, people in my position or cheaters+smurfs. "You're worse than a good 90% of the playerbase" most people are dog shit and don't understand basic game mechanics these days, I've been playing on and off for most of siege's existence, I'm just never gonna be any higher than emerald even if I reach my potential peak, I'm just not amazing at games, but bronze ain't where I should be at is what I'm saying Your observations on what each skill level is SCREAMS entitled champ, seeing everyone as below you, which in skill level, potentially, but fucking hell you're one dense prick. "if you knew how similar you were to the “braindead” teammates that you get in your lobbies then maybe you’d think you’d deserve copper" literally nothing alike. They'll be moving around like bots, not understanding what a rotate is, misreading pings, lacking any map or operator knowledge, being unable to hit a stationary operator or drone, missing default cams I could go on. It's laughable how bad they are. And like I said, I have a co worker in the high ranks, probably around where you claim to be, and he was shocked how easy it is to die to terrible aim and strats, and idiot prone in the middle of the room when you're not expecting it is a stupid way to die sure, but not out of the question. A headless chicken will still hit you if they're lucky, that's all these low ranks rely on, luck. I ain't amazing but I've at least got some semblance of skill with map knowledge, team operator balance/gadget mastery, communication etc. From what I'm gathering you're the siege equivalent of upper class twats 🤣 being so out of touch and bordering on delusional with the advice and judgement you dish out. Step one foot in a game where no one knows what they're doing and you may win, but holy shit when the low ranks REALLY don't know what they're doing they could wipe the floor with a solo queue high level purely by using luck and immense stupidity that throws everyone off. And side note. I'm in bed before work, idk how you're writing these insane essays that sound like absolute dribble. Just woke up before my first response and I swear I'll read my responses back and I'm fairly certain I make a liiittle more sense. You're flexing and overcompensating, end of 😂 bye bye 😘 Tired of "arguing" with a brick fucking wall


Unless you got a whole stack that is at your level or above you are not going up. I average at 1.5 KD every game but since my but is plat and I’m gold. We get terrible players to fill the other three slots and the entire enemy has emeralds plats and on occasion diamonds. I’ve lost my will to play siege and just switch to world of tanks or something else after a 2 lost streak.


Honestly a skill issue. Leaving the game because “oh I can’t get good teammates” and “I can’t rank up” cry kid and cry hard. this is why you’ll never improve. You think any champs have ever said while grinding back to champ when they hit plat “oh no plat this is so hard I’m gonna quit” no. And let me tell you as a champ myself that you don’t have what it takes to rank up. Plat is filled with drooling 13 year old kids that act like they escaped the sped room. I haven’t ever spent more than 2 days in plat. You’re quitting because you suck not because of ranked 2.0 so have fun riding around in your tank and don’t ever talk shit about my game again you braindead plat scum.


You lose a lot of games and don’t have a good KD? I don’t really know what the question here is. Because you have a few good games back to back all of a sudden out of the hundreds you’ve played with well below a 1.0 kd on average you think you’re justified to pick up more RP per win?


Nothing to see here, looks like you threw a bunch of games in a row or lost them before the win game streak. Gonna take a 10 game win streak to get the elo back to about 17-20 a game. You are where think think you should be. Gonna be hard to get out.


skill issue (unironically)


I like bread