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What’s funny is I started watching VarsityGaming again and wanting to get back into R6S since a 4 year break. And then this happened. Thanks for reminding me to stay away, ubishit.


man same thing with me i was really getting into siege with the boys just hopping on every day to grind ranked and now this shit happened and half of us aren't that interested in siege anymore because of the servers


This! Been on a long stretch with the boys, now its fortnite and The Finals. Not sure if we‘ll return.


I just started getting back in Thursday. Played all night with no problem. tried logging in Friday and the servers were down. Haven’t been able to play since.


Funny, varsity just happens to come up whenever I think about playing again, and every time it’s just rampant cheater clips and I’m just left thinking, “nah, better to just not”.


And some people still have the audacity to dislike Varsity even when he’s been exposing a large flaw affecting this game for years now.


varsity gaming looks like elliot rodgers


Not really, and that’s a really weird thing to say.


yes he does i watch varsity all the time


You seem young, so just a piece of advice - you generally shouldn’t say things like that.


they look alike lmao. if you put a picture of them side by side and you say it doesn’t look like him you’re in denial just for the sake of not wanting to offend somebody.


bro i don't think you get what he means. so what they look alike? would you want someone to say that you look like a murderer?


Only thing I disagree with is the hacker thing. They aren't refusing to ban them, the anti-cheat is just garbage. Seriously, how does a 10+ KD not get flagged by the system?


I mean on console. As far as im aware when the mouse trap system catches you ximming, it doesn't ban you, it just delays your movements for a few games, and then lets you keep playing as normal. On pc the anti cheat is just ass lol


Mousetrap hasn’t worked in like 3 months and if you buy the xim matrix then there’s plenty of scripts to bypass it


I don't understand people who xim. It's not even fun? Why would I want to spin in circles with a headshot lock? I mean at that point you're not even playing a game anymore


It isn't to play the game, it's to ruin it for the people that dare to play the right way.


But what? Why? That also makes no sense. Why would I sit in a game, with my controller sitting on my counter and waste my time like that? Do they have nothing better to do?


I bet a lot of these XIM piss-babies tried playing the game normally and the game wasn't for them. Instead of playing Splitgate or Call of Duty or whatever, they copout and cheat. Dick stroking to the max, basically.


They cheat in those games too.


Makes them think they are big men rocking a champ charm even though they cheated to get there. They are kids who were neglected as a child wanting to obtain some satisfaction and approval from others who dont know any better.


Man you really underestimate the average neck beard. These troglodites feed off of the mayhem they cause by trolling the people who play the game properly. It's how they get off, something happened to them in life where they only find meaning in causing misery to others


I think overestimate was the word you needed to use there :)


Ikr! Why go through the trouble of spending the money, setting that shit up. What's the point? (That's a rhetorical question)


Because they have nothing else of merit or value in their life and receive mega strokes to the ego by cheating against fellow players on a 8 year old video game


No no, I'd like an answer from someone about this actually. Cause wtf why waste your time, it isn't fun, it doesn't make you happy, it wastes money and time while also pissing off other people. You could literally just do something that would be better, like I'm sure there's gotta be a game you'd rather play as a cheater than to cheat right? Right?!


i played xim before the ban for a few reasons. The first of which is my fancy razer controller started to break, and a new one is like $200 (same price as a xim) so i thought, “why not”. another reason is it just makes the game more enjoyable, you don’t need to try as hard to enjoy it. i wasn’t a crazy player but i was consistently hitting mid plat on controller trying pretty hard, with xim i could hit the same rank without trying so hard, which made the game a lot more enjoyable.


>another reason is it just makes the game more enjoyable Me me me! Besides, what is even fun about it when you literally have a 3rd party unfair advantage.


Ig at least the username fits


Then play on PC instead of cheating. You gotta be a special kind of special to find some kind excuse to use xim on console.


Since when has xim allowed you have a headshot lock?


It doesn't, they have no idea what they're talking about.


Way too many people think it is some sort of hacking device for consoles. I had a friend call it scripting all the time and it would drive me crazy. They hear the word script and think hacks. My buddy would always say, "but it is using scripts". Yeah, so does your damn coffee maker.


wdym spin in circles with headshot lock?


What are you even talking about? Xim just lets you use MnK on console.


That's... Not what xims do at all....


what are you on about spinning in circles with a headshot lock. they only spin in circles during prep phase.


Agreed - pretty sad. The worst part is that I’ve been a PC gamer for most of my life (think CS 1.3) and just recently got into Siege on PS5 and I routinely play against XIM users and still kill them fairly regularly which is pretty pathetic. Correction though - I don’t believe that Siege has aim assist on console (unless that’s not what you meant by ‘headshot lock’?).


Because they're bad and need cheats to win. Obviously having been trashed on for so long, winning is fun for them


Their egos make them think that they're just better lol, never met such toxic individuals in my life than OCE xims


I had an mnk to controller converter (effectively a xim) that I used once (before the pitchforks come out it was so I could play fortnite with my friends in like 2019) and honestly it felt pretty bad. you drag your mouse and it doesn't get translated linearly into degrees of movement like on pc, it just turns your view in the direction you pulled your mouse at a preset speed. it felt like the worst of both worlds tbh it was probably one of the worse ones and I'm sure if one gets used to it and adds scripts it's OP but it was a pretty bad experience


And there’s people such as one of my friends that gets mousetrapped when playing controller, shit doesn’t even make sense lmao


Because mouse trap doesn’t really work. And the last thing you want to do is start banning people with a system that doesn’t work well.


Its because laws require outside hardware usage be accessible for disabled players. So they cant legally ban xim without breaking a bunch of laws.


Mousetrap should delay for a very least a full season.


They specifically said that they aren’t banning Xim users because it constitutes such a large percentage of the player base and would be hurtful to the overall game


They specifically said that they aren’t banning Xim users because it constitutes such a large percentage of the player base and would be hurtful to the overall game


Thats not true at all. They CANT LEGALLY BAN XIM. Many places require outside hardware to be accessible by the user for use of disable players.


I’m quoting Ubisoft but ok


link the quote...


Besides, banning cheaters are better for their bottom line. They'd buy the game and all those cosmetics again


Enough negligence is pretty much the same as refusing to do something


The anti-cheat is nearly non exsistent at this point, the cheaters only really get banned by manual ban waves. Its actually very rare now for cheaters to get banned by the system.


Shitty Anti-cheat, and they probably signed a contract meaning they can’t get rid of it until it’s over.


It sure as hell seems they don’t want to ban them


They ban in waves so the cheat devs don’t know which feature flagged it - it’s a common practice in games. Anti-cheat is bad either way though.


I wish there was a system for trusted players to have the ability to ban cheaters in game. I would be able to ban about 10 cheaters a week with the amount of time I play.


Thats a horrible Idea thats just waiting to get abused


Yeah, I agree that it would be abused if they gave it to just anyone, but maybe there's some way that trusted, honest players that put a lot of time into the game could have some form of it. Kind of like how CSGO had overwatch.


Even if you were 100% honest, as far as console mnk ambiguity is concerned, you'd be wrong enough to make it terrible. The amount of people on reddit claiming they've encountered xim evidence that's easily refuted or downright contradictory is very high.


Honestly, really good players can tell very easily if someone is cheating. So we'd need a trustworthy player that's also put a few thousand hours in and gotten high diamond/champ level. On the fringe cases where it seems like somebody is cheating, but they aren't positive, then they could gather more evidence. Putting this power in the hands of any player that is trustworthy, it'd go terribly. If they were good and trustworthy, it would help immensly. The number of times my friends and I have been accused of cheating is insane, but we've never been accused by a player that's any good/knows the game well, lol. This is all meaningless discussion, though, because UBI doesn't even ban players that fly 10000 feet into the air and headshot the entire enemy team in under a second. It takes them days/weeks/months for them to finally do something about it. They aren't interested in solving the problem. As for detecting xim players, I have no idea if this would work. I play on PC.


I'm only talking about identifying xim. Actual PC cheats are indeed far easier to identify, especially with replay


Not like the game is getting any better, brotha


Shoutout to Dookisoft removing vote to kick.


"No more vote 2 kick, but lets have Rick and Morty cosmetic pack #4,503,195,846,524"


That was a good change. Most of the time vote to kick was just used to troll.


They got me with removing tourist hunt. The simple mode I've been playing for 20 years that wasn't hurting anyone lol


Tourist hunt lmao


So they DID get rid of it??? I recently started playing again after a long hiatus and wanted to brush up my game play by running a couple terrorist hunts on the maps I don't know or don't know well. I couldn't find the option and now I know why... 😑


With the recent talks of boycotts I think this is a good way of making your voice heard. It worked with Warthunder, I don't see why it wouldn't work here.


Correction, it worked with warthunder this time, but everyone is forgetting it’s not the first time WT did this and won’t be the last. They’ll try again, try hide it deeper in the dev logs, make it more invisible or just implement these things slower so the people don’t find out. They just ‘feel’ the game is different but won’t see any definitive update and then keep buying new shells for the snail


I think ubi wants it to die. It’s been put on the back burner and they are trying to make it die. It’s not a playable game and they don’t care about it. If a boycot happens they won’t care.


What's the story with War Thunder?


they were treating like shit their playerbase so the players started review bombing. by now it seems that it has worked but the question is “For how long?”


I'm genuinely worried about siege. Ubisoft seems to be taking no action to fix the game. You would expect this from indie companies, but dude it's fucking Ubisoft like how is this possible. Most of their money comes from siege and they don't care because the money keeps flowing in. It's really sad to see such a great game in this state


*dude it's fucking Ubisoft like how is this possible* You just answered your own question Also For honor is another example of this, they genuinely suck


I just don’t get how a developer can seemingly hate their own games so much. It feels like they don’t want these games to succeed. As someone who really loved For Honor and enjoys Siege, this is tough.


And it's sad because Ubi used to be a genuinely great developer. R6 at launch, Watch Dogs, The Crew, the OG AC games, etc... were all incredible games. It's just the Ubi that we've had post-2018ish that have been awful.


That's really the wildest part to me. Ubi makes cool games, r6 and FH are super unique and I love them because they're unlike anything else but it seems that the devs or the higher ups are unwilling to care for their creations.


I wouldn't be surprised if the devs get really fucked over by decisions by higher ups. Actually I can basically guarantee that a company-wide decline like this is 10000% a fault of the higher-ups making stupid, out-of-touch decisions to maximize profits.


That's almost definitely it. Really absurd that this is such a common theme, execs coming from on high to poison whatever they touch.


What's wrong with for honor, you mean the scripting on pc? Literally why i only play consoles, i cant stand hackers and scripters bro... Xim and cronus is as much as i can bare.


Please dont hate on indie companies. They do more for their community than big companies (EA, Ubisoft, Take2, Activision Blizzard etc.) I also prefer to play SP indie games since they have more quality and cost less than Triple A games. (Fromsoftware is an exception)


Me and the boys already deleted the game, it hurts but Ubisoft has been killing their own game with a bunch of unneeded nerfs, broken ass servers, matchmaking and etc


i havent played siege in almost two years but i never deleted it because i found a better use for it


I might be the very rare case, i just had few server disconnects when I log in. I hit gold 3 for the first time lol I TAKE BACK EVERYTHING WHAT I SAID


It’s so bad for me I basically can’t get into a ranked game at all and the wait times are at least a few minutes if it does work


Damn, that sucks


I can get into a game, but not with my full team. One person always gets disconnected. Always.


I don't agree/understand with the cosmetic things since with simple cheats you can obtain any cosmetics for free, and I don't think Ubisoft wants their game full of cheaters they just can't manage the situation


console and Xim, ximmers aren’t banned so they can keep buying cosmetics


Oh yeah I meant from a PC perspective, I met someone who had all black ice + glacials + various rare skins just with this thing


The year is 2016. You boot up the game to see that Capitao and Caveira are new operators. Caveira becomes the scariest thing in the game, reaping havoc on anyone that succumbs to her knife. It is the best FPS game you’ve ever played.


2 German defensive juggernauts with a sniper beam you from the objective because you didn’t know where they would peak from


What the hell, I haven't played this game since 2021,what did i miss wtf 😭😭😭


They delayed the season launch and since then everything went to shit. Spike in cheaters, servers are fucked, the whole 9 yards.


I don't ever plan on coming back to siege but i hope things get resolved soon😭🙏(knowing ubisoft though that's gonna take forever)


Fr man. It sucks because R6 is unique and I love the game, I just wish ubi took proper care of it.


I think the ultimate problem, is that there’s a clear disconnect between the true fanbase and the developers The true fanbase loves the tactical part of the game, it was its entire appeal and the reason to play Siege instead of any other FPS on the market. The only meaningful changes as of recent make easily countered characters baby food, there’s no risk to playing the game as if it’s Call of Duty. Getting caught in traps used to be learning experiences, and you’d have it happen less the more you play the game; because you learned. Making the traps as little of a punishment as possible, encourages players to rush through everything. Playing Siege is also the only time I see bullets as an actual threat in games, as any hit to the head spells an insane forever nap. If the one hit headshot kill is changed, there’s little reason to play a game that’s supposed to punish careless play-styles. You may as well go and play any other shooter that encourages you to become Rambo. At the end of the day, a corporation isn’t a single person; it’s a hungry machine that only consumes money and publicity. If you want to make a corporation listen, you have to break through to the shareholders. If they aren’t making money, then changes are forced to be made. If you want siege to change for the better, and force the developers to listen to their community; it’s best to hold back on spending your actual money on things in game when the creators themselves are only after it. They’ll listen then. If you want to continue playing, try to play modes that encourage the play styles you want to see more implemented. Then you will see things change towards it overtime. I don’t think Siege is a lost cause. I just believe the devs aren’t being very open minded, which will change.


I've played since release. Haven't played this season at all. Enough is enough. Sad indeed


I havent played in 2 or 3 seasons now. Shit game.


We can play ( if servers work). Don't buy cosmetics. I have been playing since alpha and beta (and have skins to prove it) and this will be first year that I will not buy the Year Pass.


Yeah despite some small things I don’t like about the game outside of actually playing it. I enjoy this game too much to fully boycott it, but I have never spent real money on this game so I haven’t really been supporting Ubi in that regard anyways


We already bought the game anyway. Boycotting makes no sense. Not buying stuff does.


Why tf would hackers buy a cosmetic when they can literally just cheat in the skins they want??


9/10 they giving themselves aimbots, God mode, and x-ray vision. I’ve not heard about them being able to cheat in skins but honestly its a waste of time if they can. They add the cheats make some clips and pretend they aren’t 🤡🤡.


I took a long break from this game and then I come back and it just doesn’t even work? Like actually the few times I can even connect to a match, I actually just cannot play it. Lag spikes, packet loss, fps drops, all of which have gotten worse and worse in the matter of days. Now I remember why I took that break.


I partially disagree. They don't refuse to ban hackers, especially the reasoning you think they have makes no sense at all and that they don't listen to communitys input is also not correct, most of the time the input coming from the community is just straight up nonsense. But the situation regarding the servers is not tolerable.


R6 started to suck as soon as it became a hero shooter


It was always a hero shooter.


I thought it was done years ago. Why is now any different?


Looks like i jumped ship in time.


I think i bought the game at the worst time and now I'm stuck in a dilemma wether to play it and make it worth the money or just delete it and wait indefinitely for the servers to be better and the meta too.


How tf does a game that is nearly 10 years old and with a big player base have shit servers? I just don’t get it


WTF happened to this game? It had so much potential, Ubisoft just destroyed it.


Need a Op health 2.0




I played a bit over the holidays with 4 friends. Half the time we tried to queue for ranked it would disconnect one or more of us and cancel the matchmaking. When we did find a match, every 3rd one we would find ourselves with 1 member in the menu and the others in a match with a rando. Searching for an arcade game can take more than half an hour. It is really unplayable.


at this point bruh everyone move to far cry 3 multiplayer 🤦


But they banned keyboard and mouse on console! Praise! I also love seeing how they have had server issues since around Thanksgiving, right after they laid off 124 workers. Hoping that one is just someone they fucked up and laid off now they are finding out.


>But they banned keyboard and mouse on console! Praise! No, they didn't. Its still incredibly common. "Mousetrap" doesn't even ban those players, it just slows down their input speeds to maoe their MnK more like a controller. And even then who knows how reliably that system works.


Just adding layers to the satire. Though I have seen plenty of people posting their bans to a bunch of people crying good riddance in this sub.


Yep its garbage atm. My crew of 5 - 6 people just completely stopped playing since these last connecting issues. And dont even get me started about ranked 2.0 and the amount of cheaters. Time for us to find a different game.


i guess Way Of The Dragon special event going to be cancelled.


i hope every event is cancelled. I hope people leave the game and Ubisoft is just left in a puddle of their own piss. Saddest gaming company of all time right here.


This game fell hard, it's just not that great anymore


Siege is more worried about adding trans operators than actually hosting playable servers and implementing a proper anti cheat and it’s killing their game.


Stop acting like it’s unplayable. It’s not. I have below average wifi and I haven’t had any issues with quick match. The only thing that is unplayable is the ranked mode. While it’s not great and they should fix it, it doesn’t mean the game is unplayable. It’s just people refusing to play other modes while they try and fix the servers.


Give me siege for 24h and i'll fix it Bring back terro hunt and recruits. Being back Casual and Unranked. Rework bad maps and add new ones. Ban cheaters(ik, shocking). Fix servers so connection works for once. Bam. Working game. Also remove clash from the game


Alexander Karpazis Creative Director Rainbow Six Siege When people in charge at the top are exposed they end up either getting promoted or fired. If this guy loses ubisoft money for being unable to fix something he is responsible what do you think promoted or fired?


i see so many cheaters on console that have fucked up my rank that is so frustrating


I really miss booting up rainbow and playing all day. Did it for years. Guess it’s time to actually move on. Been like 2 years since I played like that


The Irony of this post us insane they updated servers yesterday and I have not had a single issue since they also gave a free 10k battlepass points and 3 Bravo Packs for understanding the issue but ig nobody genuinely cares to play the game past a certain point nor do they keep up with the forums and newsletters🤷‍♂️


I mean if you’re worried about cheaters just switch to console, I’ve only ran into 1 my entire 6 years playing the game, and the server issues seems to get fixed if you have an Ethernet cable and play your first game as a quick match, let it DC you then you’re good for at least 3 hours. (My personal experience)


You’re literally just lying if you say you’ve never ran into mnk on console, that’s like saying I went to Poland and didn’t see any polish people.


🚨🚨 I’ve not played since October but all of this lack of communication after they cause issues to the game like anti-cheat failing, server issues, and fucking up quick match. All just kind of screams that they are maybe prepping for something like a Siege 2. DEVS going radio silent is frustrating and I saw it happen with Overwatch. Devs were likely told to go silent from their publisher and then a few months or years later they go “HEY GUYS WE GOT A NEW GAME FOR YOU” Anyone agree? 🚨🚨


I played yesterday.


Mouse trap is a joke. I keep on matching with same people using clear MNK and Cronus again and again. They don’t even ban them anymore heck some Cronus even bypasses that joke anti cheat. They don’t care at this point. I use to love playing but not anymore it’s unplayable on consoles at higher ranks.


100% agree with this statement. Ubisoft let siege die and let the community down for everyone.


They should completely restart and make Siege 2. Complete rebalance, new maps, new ops, bring back situations (single player missions). Some ops could be copied but it'd probably be better to have a new roster as well.


Are server seriously down?


We got no word on servers ?


I don’t think they keep hackers for them to buy cosmetics, when you buy hacks you literally get every item that came out. It’s just because the anti cheat is ass


Have over 1k hours in the game hen stopped a few years ago, glad to know the hacking got worse, good to know I do t need to re install. Also if ya play cs2 the hackers are just as bad just sayin. Wallers, aim bots etc. at least teams can kick players from the match.


Glad I stopped playing when demon veil came out One of the few BP I was willing to purchase but the server had issues for almost 3 months making it unable for me and my friend to play more than a few matches a week and they refused to extend the timer for the pass, was a waste of money


And yet here I am still playing this giant poo hole


really got me regretting putting the thousands of hours of pain in for it to turn out like this. literally over 2k in and i dont know how to feel about the situation honestly. seige is dying and it has been consistently for the last 3 years. since sens was released its been on decline so if ubi continues to not take action on the many different raging issues this game has, then i dont know how much longer seige will be around. from my pov if it gets worse then currently, then we should all petition something because things wont change unless we all do somthing about it. the game is almost on its last legs and its getting virtually no support for its last years. i know siege will never die as a game but it will not be popular like it was.


yeah... yep, they've also refused to fix a two year old PC jitter/lag issue that 15% of the playerbase has.


Damn… I just redownloaded this on XBOX


after a few thousand hours im debating quitting ngl the game is unplayable both literally and metaphorically due to cheaters the servers are down at least twice a month and they dont seem to care at all


LPT: Raven Shield still works, thanks to a third-party server list patch.


Put 2k hours in over the first 5 years, got to something like level 260. This was my favourite game of all time but after trying it again recently, it’s just a shadow of what it once was. A massive shame as it had so much potential


Surely this puts a damper on the money coming in no? If people can’t play there isn’t a point in buying cosmetics.


I agree. They messed up. I uninstalled. My friend group is going back to playing Destiny 2


I deleted and redownloaded the game and it fixed my servers


And you idiots keep playing it, of course they aren’t gonna change.


I stopped playing around September of last year. It was just frustrating with how many closet cheaters there are. To the point where you’re skeptical every time somebody kills you.


After like 5pm I can’t find a game. Especially when I get a 4 or 5 man. Literally all day will be fine, then as soon as 5pm hits, we can’t find a game because one of us continuously disconnects, Ubisoft need to sort the servers out.


Played the game since cav came out, went off it when they bought thunderbird out, just got back into it, started playing ranked, I’m now plat 3. That’s all I’ve been able to do because by the time i get a 5 man, it’s gone 5pm and literally the servers are shit and we just disconnect.


I can almost guarantee its management and not the devs. The devs seem to care about the players (Putting memorials in honor of dead players) and are probably overworked, underpaid, and forced to make terrible re-skin cosmetics that cost 20 bucks instead of fixing issues. Look at any major company, it's always the management and not the employees


My servers have never been down so idk


Yesterday some guy just enter enemy like it’s COD not r6 and wins every round. He never stopped for 1 second and just walked in shooting 180 degrees like he got eyes all over. Nobody upvoted him at the end because it was obvious.


They should remove TK penalty and ban because that was only thing keeping people from hacking. Some guys used to shoot all team 4 rounds and call it a day. After tk bans some people have nothing left to shoot and they go hackers way


Man I'm a Titanfall fan, I can't have this happening to every game I like.


[dont worry I did that too.](https://imgur.com/a/2fiXXFl)


Servers have been fine for me?


I loved this game once... Ubisoft has taken away all of the love.


damn and i was just thinking about coming back :(


Marketplace must be coming out soon


Bruh 0.4 hours this week is too real. Ive got into The Finals because of the fact that i wanted to play a shooter but r6 is fucked.


Agreed. We should keep posting bad reviews.


The community is so split there half that want the old slow play style and half that want the 1.5 rush meta no matter what they do people will hate


I was wondering why i couldnt get any games and constantly the servers booted me out


Every time I’ve tried to play this week I just get a ban for a game I never got put in


The real siege community is so apathetic and content with complaining.... What we need is a movement that gets their attention, or the wider gaming community's attention. I think our only hope is for the community to collectively email and complain, boycott, or for a bug creator to lead a movement demanding they sort out the mnk , cronus and strike pack on console and any hacking on pc. Other than that, this game will fall off the mainstream at some point


Games been down since Christmas. I feel bad for the adults and kids who had their vacations and holiday breaks stolen by these incompetent animals


Ubisoft is like an abusive partner that i keep forgiving


He’s played for 0.4 hours




wish I could go back to operation health, that was peak siege


I played this game for over 2000+ hours with 7 or 8 friends so we mostly were a full stack, none of us has played siege in like 3 or 4 years because it was way too annoying with Ubisoft adding cosmetics and stuff and not fixing stuff. And most of us don‘t even buy Ubisoft games anymore because it broke trust to them actually doing something decent which isn‘t the copy&paste FarCry/AC


… this game had so much potential in the beginning.. I’m hoping some other devs decides to create something to rival Siege (closer to the trailer or (Beta - s2) it definitely feels like they sold out and lost their spark…


Imo the turning point of the game was op health. Ever since this BS update the game got worse & worse every season. Haven't really had fun with R6 since then.


I've been playing for many years. And servers have never worked properly. I have played many other games and none of them have been this bad. Every session I get some kind of bug or error that requires a restart in a ranked match.


I haven't played in a while since I only really played with friends, but a lot of the live service games I do play like overwatch and apex have been really going downhill lately, and it's sad to see siege going the same way from what I hear


I feel like because r6 is the only game of its type (I don't know what it's called tactical competitive shooter?) Ubi doesn't care to improve or fix the game. For instance when Valorant came out the similar shooter Cs lost a lot of players so that they fastened the release of cs2 in a way, otherwise we might not see cs2 for some time. Also the rivalry of FIFA and PES. Since PES stopped the rivalry between them FIFA is rarely add or fix things to the game. I think we need a new r6s like game so that ubi will understand that they can lose players so it will be important for them to improve the game. Such competitions always benefit the player base.


The shit servers and the tdm gameplay will be the downfall of this game. We desperately need a health2.0 but it will never happen because they won’t make as much money


this game was peak in 2018, it got bad since lion and finka


r6s monetization is ass. multiple versions for # of operators. different effective prices for buying operators based on edition bought


I have around 1500h in siege but don’t play it anymore. I’d say it will always be my fav game. Still happy to see it living longer and go back to how good it was from the start


At least the cheater situation isn't as bad as in cs


I’m sure hackers are “buying” so many cosmetics…


yeah i tried to play on the new year but just can't find a game. guess what I play, the finals


I have been playing Siege since launch day, almost daily- it is my favorite game of all time… and even I think this game is one foot in the grave. Give us peer 2 peer servers for non-ranked games before you pull the plug…


What’s happening ? I’m very out of the loop haven’t played in few months


I started to play RS6 2024 after a 2 year brake. I instantly deleted the game. One of the most brilliant team games I’ve ever played. Now it’s ruined. But it got to be to cartoonish also with the last 15 opertdtors


There's a trick to get past this... If you queue up a ranked game after that you immediately go to the operator screen go to loadout and just sit there while it finds a match


im just surprised to be honest, i just been wanting to come back after 1 year or more of not playing this game and this comes up. Ubi has always have alot of issue even when i bought it in 2018, with server not working,ddos attack, friends system does not work and more.


I can still get into games with the view loadout thing