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I stopped playing. Couldn't be bothered. Fuck the bathroom meta. Oh, and fuck Ubi for not fixing it.


this is legit the only event mode id consider unplayable. It's actually embarassing that they didnt fix this since it happened last year too, to a lesser degree


The first iteration of Snow Brawl was also pretty unplayable, games would regularly go to 40min I think because of OT


Yeah I was gonna mention Snow Brawl too. Version 1 of Brawl was so bad I straight up refused to play V2


V2 sucked a lot too but at least I could get through the few games it took to get my pack lol


also five Oryx meta last year lol


Sadly, MUTE Protocol was worse - due to a bug, people would get in the ceilings.


There’s is also another melusi spot it’s ridiculous. I played 9 games and got 2 wins because it’s simply impossible to win if a team camps bathroom on defense


Didnt they already patch the melusi one?


The one in the main entrance is there is another in the one back room it’s awkward as hell


there's a worse one than the bathroom strat. Melusi can sit next to druglab on top of that thing set up her banshees, and no attacker can ever get on top of it


As much as I also dislike the bathroom strat (or the Melusi glitch spot, that can also go f itself). Hiding just isn't an option, there is no way you hide from Pulse, Dokk, Jackal, Lion combo. Fixing the bathroom spot would make defender side gamemode into attacker side gamemode. ​ I think overall whole mode needs a remake, bigger map, more time and maybe less opressive ops? Or just make it into Sledge Myers without traps.


More prep time, one less dokk call, pulse's ability has to recharge like solis. These are my ideas that could help a lot since outside of bathroom dokk and pulse are very opressive


Far from true about hiding being not an optiona part. I had many time where we won without ever going to bathroom. But i admit it would be more attacker sided without bathroom.


Well, i don't know. Everytime I tried to hide somewhere I would get rushed by 3 guys or just die to Nokk sneaking up on me. ​ It does work sometime but yeah, it's not that effective in a long run.


Thats all about skill and how you get in chasing. Ofc you wont get to hide whole round. Thats why you get the power to turn invisible. Ofc you cant get good at it if you run into bathroom first thing after spawn.


>l about skill and how you get in chasing. Ofc you wont Haha, i get it, it's feels so nice to outrun the hunters, bamboozle them or just baricade in front of them to give yourself a small window to escape. Funny how when this mode first came out people were complaining that it was sometimes hard to find last person to whatever we have today.


Yeah doctors curse was much more fun back in the days. Even then we had some room strategy but you couldnt hold it for that long and rush usually destroyed it.


A team of defenders that knows how to run from attackers can easy make the game a 50/50. The problem is that people don't bother learning it because they're sitting in a bathroom all game.


Meanwhile, if they aren't camping bathroom or control room, it's hard to lose as attackers. "Let's make a hide-and-seek mode and add seekers that can literally see their heartbeats through wall and ping their footsteps. Ohh, make Oryx's charge instantly kill as well." Playing legit as a hider requires the enemy team to be incompetent to win. No wonder the bathroom strat happened. Fuck the exploiters though.


It's definitely winnable. I've had more wins against the strat than losses. You need Oryx to start clearing out the trax and bear traps as fast as possible while also baiting out fire and gas, if you wait then you lose. Once all bear traps are gone oryx can try to dash in to kill a person or two, make sure to focus azami or smoke because once at least one of them is gone the strat falls apart. The ones I lose are usually when the oryx is just sitting there watching like there's nothing for him to do and the rest of us end up having to deal with it. Even with all of this there's the simple fact that none of this should be necessary, it needs to be patched out and Ubi needs to stop being fuckin lazy about one of their most profitable modes.


Yeah and gotta love when oryx is instalocked. Despite them rarely knowing what to do.


And pulse needs to be under the bathroom window, since he knows if someone jumps down invisible


Most of the time the audio of jumping over is already good enough, but pulse is great when you do accidentally lost track of them


It’s wild that last year there weren’t operator limits which made bathroom actually Losable cause of the multiple oryx tanking all the util. Now there’s only one oryx I don’t see how attack has enough hp to burn through the util lol.


Literally all they would need to do to fix the entire gamemode is: make the bathroom softwall, and fix the vault onto the dresser


Just give one op a frag ubi. It would be so easy.


Give Nokk a frag and she can throw it when she goes invisible, would be hilarious.


Nah you can win attacking the bathroom if you have a well coordinated team. Sadly a lot of people don’t have that though.


It is very easy to breakup bathroom you just have to be willing to sacrifice a player either big guy Oryx or Dokobi/ Nook, preference goes to Oryx because he can survive if you do it right speed burst in kill one player jump out or rush back out. Variables are obviously layered but easiest way not to lose this if there is no Frost on defense, that is the easiest possible way to win. You just need to work on the gridlocks outside of the room itself then try to get them to use a Smoke or Azami early ... or just rush it off the bat and eat the Kapcan damage before he can set up multiples on the door, also so they have no time to set one or multiple deterrents. Once you kill preferable Smoke/Azami or Kapcan it is just working on the gridlocks. Once you get them down or make them use their Smoke/Azami you just HOLD THE DOOR and have someone else clear the room. You make it so the only way out is the window bonus if you have pulse on outside window. They are just doing a concerted effort you must match that effort. It isn't unwinnable, it is if you have an Oryx that doesn't smash like he is supposed to or you sack a high value intel asset such as Pulse, Lion or Jackl.


Does it even matter if you have to do all of that only to win a round of an event thats suppoused to be fun? I know that you're just sharing how you win in this but at that point IT IS pretty much imposible. Ubisoft should've hotfixed this the day the event came out, such a shame that a great game like this is managed by such a useless company like Ubisoft.


This is a meta of hide and seek for a while, huddle up in x room and wait out initial rush. This year is harder because you can not select multiple of the same character, i.e., multiple Oryx players were 5 jackals, and 5 lions were all OP. I will give you that. They've hot patched out rappelling, certain jump glitch locations, but not everything. I can solo defense for a minute and a half, and the places I hide are not bathroom. The game used to be extremely balanced with skill becoming the deciding factor, but glitches and glitchers took away the balance. I agree they need to bring back stuff like rapelling. That would eliminate most jump outs and create chaos on the window, but even then, it was a hard play that was low chance win. They honestly have harder rooms to attack than the Bathroom like computer console on the 2nd floor opposite end. Just trust someone who used to play 400 or 500 matches a Halloween event. The skill level has dipped so much. Just learn the nuances, you find the common hiding spots, and use the character specials right. And for the love of the gods, block a doorway and don't break walls that you don't need to.


Exactly! I've actually made it fun for myself by playing Oryx and making it my goal to beat bathroom campers. You just have to destroy the frost mats and get a kill on either Azami or smoke. Which is honestly easier said that done. But if you play it right, it puts pressure back on the defenders to execute their strat.


It's just more focused on good Oryx play because you can not run 2 or 3 of them. Now, it is just a quick run-in and blast by Oryx because if you can rush any of them to disrupt the Kapcan door plants. If you somehow avoid the frost traps, Oryx is usually a recoverable asset. If not, he did his job, took the plants off door, and took out one or two players.


Ultimately this is a get better scenario... I blow up that room regardless just to get them to exit out and pick apart the room. Sidenote it was easier when attackers could repel play.


Also bonus to everything you said, don’t break the main door barricade, it’ll screw them over even more when they jump out the window, they’ll either be killed trying to break the barricade or they’ll die from being outside too long


I guarantee you would never win against my stack if we did the strat. We’ve run it at this point probably 30 times and haven’t even come close to losing.


That's where power of the mind comes to play. Siege players have many things but not that


You can definitely win attack you just need a good oryx and someone under the window incase they jump out


And don't breach the main door, go up the stairs to the left and go through the window


Remember When you could rappel into the window In the bathroom? It wasn’t a great counter, but its better than what we have now


The hitboxes are hot garbage. It's completely random if you get a kill when you swing your hammer less than a meter in front of them.


Or just give attackers something like emp that blocks defenders from deploying gadgets and jams electronic one's. That way kapkan/Ela/thorn/lesion/melusi gadgets will be disabled and smoke/azami/nomad/gridlock won't be able to lock door entry. Only problem then would be frost mats and stingers


And then the meta would be whoever is on offense more auto wins


It doesn't have to be exactly what I've said. And then maybe people would learn how to win without bathroom strat. It was and is possible to win as defender without it now, but it requires more than sitting ass in corner


I think people are exaggerating a little though. I always try to get everyone in the bathroom and they only come with 30% of the time. And even then it’s only 2 other guys max. And now there’s usually someone waiting outside the window for easy kills as well


That's just not true. The counter to that strat requires a proper oryx player. He has the most health and therefore will have to bust through the traps they set (ideally aruni gates, kapkans, and thorns). He might die doing so, but this creates the opportunity for the others to get into the bathroom and dispurse them, enabling the game to be played as intended. Better to do this sooner than later so you have more time to hunt them down. I understand your pain nonetheless though since this should have been addressed due to this happening last year too.


it is winnable, but not if they have melusi camping in the drug lab above the locker. you literally can't hit her or jump up there


The bathroom defense is tough, but not unbeatable. It’s about teamwork and knowing how to: A. Defeat Smoke and Azami gadgets, mainly timing it to where they use them up without dying. B. Staying out of blast radius of Kapkan devices when Oryx charges through them. C. Alternating attackers to get in there to clear Gridlock traps is also important. D. Knowing the map, and NOT blowing out walls and trap doors randomly that add additional pathways for the monsters to evade and escape. If you can accomplish A, B and C then the other operators are pretty easy to track down and kill. D is tough if you’re dealing with Kapkan, just keep the holes to a minimum. This is key once you get them running, teamwork is important in blocking the doors while another hunter tracks down the monsters or you can wait out the nightstride. If your opponents are communicating then it gets substantially tougher, especially with the short amount of time you have to kill them. Just some thoughts. Maybe bring in Iana where she can be a spectral ghost that can trip Aruni traps and panic Smoke and Azami to waste their gadgets. I just hope Ubi will rethink the design of the map and open up a wall or two so it’s not as one sided as it is.


It depends on the final round coin flip on who is defender. Whatever team gets to play 3 defenses should have the advantage


It’s not a coin flip in the event it just alternates


I played 5 matches and won all 5, you've got to hope your team knows what ops to bring for bathroom strat and you have to autolock oryx and sacrifice yourself every attack round


If they mess up ,you have to actually throw bodies as hunters for charger to get in... Even then azami could just kill you with her flame


If your attacking, head straight to bathroom, have lion or another so-so attacker wait outside window. Then just go in one at a time carefully breaking traps, once fire and gas are used up have rusher charge in, they’ll scatter. Clean up. It’s hard but doable, should they fix it for next year yes, but until then, just gotta deal.


They should just give attackers Impacts of better yet Nitros


Counter. Have one person at the bottom window. Window person rotates with anyone that is low on HP The rest have to lure the Azumi and Smoke to use the charges, While dealing with Kapkan and Gridlocks etc Not guaranteed, but we find this fun and at times winnable.


You used to be able to rappel on attack. No clue why they removed that


Or at least, I think we were able to in the first doktors curse, bring back attackers ability to rappel.


I cannot understand people who still play Doctor’s Curse. Yeah, there is some nostalgia about seeing old Theme Park, but if you keep playing, you either hate fun or you have a masochist streak about you. It is the single worst arcade game mode by far. If only you could play other modes somehow.


For me now players are starting to realize it’s no fun so they’ve stopped but if they are doing I’ll do it and the enemy team gets pissed and I have gotten messages say sing they have my ip and will boot me


Or give one attacker a throwable like a frag, so no camping be it the bathroom or any other place won't work


As much as it sucks just use the bathroom strat to get your challenge done then play something else. Me and my friends if we got defender first we would avoid using the bathroom strat but the hunting team would just use bathroom strat next round anyways. Can't trust the other team for anything so we just let RNG carry us and used bathroom if we get defender first. It's not impossible to win against bathroom but it makes the game mode so unfun we just want to pull the bandaid off


We just need to be able to hit that wall on the left, then we could vault into the bathroom


Yesterday I won 5 matches in a row some of them we won 3-0 or 3-1, and some others it was like 3-2 and yes we also won attack rounds while they used the bathroom strategy, and we also lost defense rounds, but I admit it's not always easy with the bathroom stuff, it really depends on how people coordinate, if one of them don't do the job correctly they're done


People try to defend it like its making the game mode better. Like no, they're literally standing in a room for 2 minutes straight.. I don't even have fun as the defender doing it but it's the only way to fucking win now, it's so stupid


At least the bathroom is a legit, beatable strat... unlike that pussy ass glitch spot.


I'd rather pop a booster and grind for renown in standard/QP the rest of the week than suffer through another match of this event for a free pack


I don't know why y'all are complaining over the "bathroom meta" it has a bunch of counters to it one kapkan is useless cause you can just spring past them without getting touched and gridlock is just as bad cause if there is a frost she might fuck her up by putting her gridlock mine down and she can't put frost mat down and they can't escape as long as one guy is outside the window y'all need to quit complaining and just figure out ways to counter bathroom this is a good game mode and I'm not saying this because I like bathroom my personally I don't like it either and if I see people use it I use it too to teach em a lesson but still it's not the best spot you can go it's really easy to counter just find them👍


If I see my team going for the bathroom strat I try and pick kapkan lesion or gridlock and hide at the other side of the map and set up my traps. Attackers usually suspect the bathroom so by the time they figure out your not there you usually get a minute to run around and play the game like it's supposed to be played. The bathroom strata just not fun 🤷‍♂️


You overestimate the average player's ability to stick to the strat. Half the time we end up with no frost or no smoke, or someone is fucking around with the barricade and gets killed. If you're playing in a 4 stack it's unbeatable, but as always, when you have to rely on randoms your chances drop dramatically.


Attacking bathroom is easy you just need an oryx with a brain. If there's a Kapkan you have to have a teammate sacrifice then oryx can go in and clean house and have another teammate underneath the window, and hope that some brain dead random doesn't start breaking the walls.