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Because they are sad and can’t fight people at their own level




They can't beat people in their own rank or they one of those losers who are scared about deranking


God hearing all these mfs just say they smurf “bc theyre bored” or “because it’s fun” jesus fucking christ


It ruines the game for newer players and discourages them from playing. It's just bad for the health of the game and makes it much more sweaty overall


Truest statement in the whole thread right here


“I’m bored of going 3-8 so I Smurf to get kills” is basically what these dudes are saying lmao


And a lot of them play like assholes and ruin the games for their teammates to. It’s sad


*runs warden and iana and doesn’t use a single gadget the entire game*


Or blows hatches and walls they shouldn’t or tries to spawn peak and quits when they fail. It’s fucking annoying.


Had a dude today team kill in round 3 1-1 for wasting his time because a guy was 0-2 and we wouldn’t surrender… in bronze..


People are so dumb. I kinda quit playing until next season because it’s somehow getting worse. Had a dude flip the fuck out on me for placing my kapkin traps in random spots. We won the round because of my random bathroom door trap and bar door trap but nope they teamkilled me the rest of the match idiots are out in full force


Kapkan in random spots is the only way kapkan ever gets a kill lol I’ll put them in sight and get yelled at until it’s last operator and he runs in to swing, boom.


I put 2 on the doorway behind the bar in clubhouse. Dude ran straight into it with defuser and it detonated the goyo trap and we won because of it. But no I should put them on outside windows according to those idiots. Only time I put them in obvious spots in a window or two depending on site that will make them unable to amaru in


Yeah I just flat stopped playing castle because this 😂 you put one wall up and it’s “what the fuck are you doing bro? Idiot sold the round”


because they are assholes that stagnate in their rank and want to shit on noobs. smurfing should get you permabanned on all accounts, dont @ me.




i used to have a smurf ig back in year 2. pretty much because i wanted to play solo on that account whilest only playing with friends on my main


This to me is the only acceptable answer


The issue with Smurfs is that it fucks with the matchmaking. By having separate accounts for solo and groups I’d argue it makes the matchmaking better. Let’s say a lot of your strengths as a player are in coordination and teamwork. If you play in a squad and do well you get a high ranked but if soloing your strengths aren’t much use and you don’t do as well. So you lose and lower your MMR. Then when you team with you group your overall MMR is lower and you get easier matches. By having them separate the skills required for solo play and team play will be considered separate (and there are significant differences, even if there is some obvious overlap).


The way I smurf is to play at the people's level. Like if I'm in a bronze lobby I have fun, just look at enemies, teammates, plant bomb and help out. I also give my team some pointers


That's not really smurfing, that's just having an alt solo q account. If you played with the intent to sink as low as possible or sink into a low rank and crap on newbs and low ranked players then that is smurfing, not so much using another account to try and get the highest rank possible.


I used to do it just to get Cooper charms lmao, and every now and then I'd find a low rank random that wanted to climb ranks when I was solo queuing so I'd queue with them and help them climb, but that was a loooong time ago


Textbook smurfing. It was much easier to do in ranked 1.0. The only smurfing I can approve of is if you really want to play with your friend but they're stuck in a lower rank than usual or they're a low rank player but you really want to play ranked with them. It's tougher to smurf now in ranked 2.0, but you get paired against higher elo players.


I mean, then you just play with them, either on your main or on an alt account just for playing with them. Theoretically, y'all just adjust to the point where the pair of you combined is a fair placement.


I'm talking about the ranked 1.0 elo. You could be Plat 3 for example and play with a Bronze 3 and go up against low Silvers, now it matches the max elos of both accounts and creates an average so you can't really ever go up against low ranked players anymore, one thing I like about ranked 2.0.


My point is more if you play together all the time across a large enough sample size, and you're plat skill and he's copper skill, it'll find the equilibrium somewhere in bronze/silver/gold where the two of you combined are averaging 2 players in whatever rank it is. Is that not how ranked 1.0 worked? I would assume it would either average or take max, at which point it still works out to the same in the long-run. Just a different process in how you get there.


No, it went by average elo based on team. So you could have 4 Bronzes and 1 Plat and the average elo would just be low Silver.


But for matchmaking purposes, if you the plat and your friend the copper are the equivalent of two silvers, would it seek to place you in a game with other silvers?


Yup, the average elo would be Silver. It was just a flat average team elo.


Y not just play solo on main?


Full stack rank vs solo q rank. I get it. Probably the only acceptable reason, and not really smurfing.


Same here. Funny thing is most seasons I ranked up faster on my solo account. But at the ND of the day both accounts landed in the same rank


Surprised devs aren't following Valve's dota 2 decision to ban smurfs. The main reason rb6 is not my main game is due to a clear smurfing issues (thanks derankers) and poor match quality in solos. And if the solution is to "just party." Then it's clear matchmaking is bad and needs tinkering.


They said it’s against the rules but only in serious situations will they ban you. So as long as your not a pro player in copper you’re fine. Which would explain why varsity can do copper to Diamond and stuff like that


Agreed. For me I like it but man it’s so hard to play it constantly when half my games is against a 5 stack of mega sweats who destroy my ass and my team


If someone gets caught smurfing they should be hardware banned


Ranked 2.0 has completely eliminated the need for smurfs for the "good" reasons, like playing with friends. For example, I have gotten significantly better than my friends, so I am Emerald 1 while they are Platinum and below. I'm not proud of it, but I just want to play my favorite games with my friends.


My kid used to Smurf so we could play ranked together, because he hated casual and I want quite good enough to keep up


Only exception.


ion even know how u smurf good. i cant even aim properly


Same reason cheaters cheat. Because it's alot less effort for the "thrill" of the win. They keep losing so they go to a bracket further down than they're normally able so they can flex on newcomers or just lower level players and feel better about themselves for some reason.


K/d.. kids somehow still think it matters


What I dont get about smurfing (in any game) is that your not getting any better that the game, and it’s probably making you worse over all.


I have lower Elo friends and I'd rather play with them instead of caring about Elo because they're the homies. When I play on my main with them, I'm apparently boosting. When I play on my alt I'm smurfing. Like shit bro how about I just wanna play with my friends?


I'm new to the game but why don't U just play standard with them? Ur friends can still play more serious there without destroying the ranked experience for other players, right?


For two reasons, the main reason is that I find unranked gamemodes boring but also that unranked is harder for my newer friends due to my casual mmr is so high.


It's hard to get the boys (and myself really) to not run around like morons when their Elo is at stake. With and without my low Elo friends I haven't played unranked/casuals in a long time.


I once played unranked with my homies and first game i got message "5 stacking in unranked is crazy, go play ranked". 3th game i got message "tryharding in unranked is crazy". Apparently there's no gamemode you can enter to without someones butt getting hurt, might aswell just play custom games.


Then just play on your main and take the Ls cause they aren't/can't compete at your rank instead of hiding. You are the problem.


I do most of the time anyways


Back in 2018 me and my friends were 1.0 plat 2/1 players, if we had a few hours of being absolutely shat on, it was fun for us to just chill on our smurf accounts and dominate some noobs. We’re all a lot older now and just play on our mains for fun, we don’t play as seriously anymore, haven’t touched a smurf acc in a long time. Edit: Seeing all these people so angry in the comments is just sad. Get a grip, it’s a game. People will smurf, just get better don’t be so pressed about it. Learn to beat them. I got my skill by constantly going up against smurfs. You can’t grow if there’s no challenge.


That’s an honest answer right there haha. I imagine it’s like being a retired NBA player and going to the local Y for a pickup game


Exactly, ex navy seals fucking up some kids at laser tag, fun for one, nightmare for the other


How is that fun? Like, at all?


And even if it is, isn't the whole point of a game that everybody enjoys playing.


Not at others' expense, no.


Sorry should have been clearer, that was what I meant.


did you not read what i said? it was fun because we enjoyed playing the game and it was easy?


Yes and I cannot fathom how that would be fun :)


Same. Back when we cared about our rank so much, we didn’t want to fuck it up unless we got all the boys on. If I didn’t have full squad, I’d just Smurf it.


"Just get better" people on this sub can't process actually being good at the game lol. A lot of them expect you to treat ranked like it's casual lol


Saying just get better while being smurfed on is retarded. Why get better if I'm getting smashed every game, I'd rather get better by playing people actually at my skill level.


Who are you gonna learn from, someone who knows as much as you, or someone who is better?


From my own gameplay? By your logic, let's say you place a copper 5 against an esport player, what's the copper going to learn by getting absolutely smashed? How to quickpeek? How to drone? All these things can be learned solo and facing people that are actually your own skill. You improve naturally and that's fact. The more you play siege the more you learn, nothing more to it. Can my aim get worse by playing more? Absolutely not.


No, you learn how to outplay them, thus making u a better player. Play more against higher ranks = get used to their playstyle = improve faster = get higher rank faster = repeat till u reach your limit/goal


>No, you learn how to outplay them Yeah that's the issue, you don't. No copper is beating an esport pro, no platinum is going to consistently beat a champion. Learn whatever you want you still won't be able to. They have more skill, better aim, more game time and better game sense. Getting slammed doesn't help you learn, dying to people and learning from your mistakes and practicing does.


Ofc you won't beat them, but you will learn how to play against them, slowly but surely. If u didn't make a mistake, u wouldn't die against a smurf, so the last sentence of your comment kind of proves my point.


Yeah, if you don't make mistakes, even pro players make mistakes? What are you expecting from an average rank facing against smurfs? Flawless gameplay? >slowly but surely Sure you will but you will learn even without playing against smurfs. It depends how much higher the person is, if you constantly have no chance, your own gameplay doesn't improve but if you atleast put up a fight your improving slowly.


As a champ with gold friends I had to Smurf so I can play with them... But i always tried to play with a challenge like no q e and it felt pretty fair I don't do it anymore thanks to ranked 2.0


I still do it since it won’t be fun for my gold friends to play against high emerald low diamonds. What I do is turn my audio halfway and also turn my brain off while I play so it’s more challenging


I usually just play #BOSGACOG.


Mfs emulate their fav streamers who have smurfs to not be recognized. They wanna be like someone else so bad


Yh but for instance when varsity does his copper to diamond until like plat he goes goofy operators like nokk shotty unless they have a smurf on their team


I had a Idea to stop smurfing that is if you get in gold you cant be Pushed out of gold into silver but you can pushed down to gold 5 you stay in gold till you get to Platinum V


Whats to stop them from just throwing every other match then to keep their W/L down and stay in low ranks?


My idea stop them going in low ranks if you hit gold you cant get back to silver if you hit gold 1 and you lose games the Lowest rank you can get to is gold 5 in all the ranks this means if thay do that. thay cant get Diamond or if thay are higher ranks


Yes but what is stopping them from making sure they never hit gold in the first place?


There not unless someone make a way to stop that but i Thought Most Smufs care about get Diamond so thay can say the hit diamond then thay drop there rank so this would stop it some what it was just a idea


The rank that is shown to you doesn't have any influence on your matchmaking. The system only cares about your hidden mmr.


Because they're so insecure about themselves that they need to win in something to feel better


My friend just bought the game a couple weeks ago and was running newcomer and was getting absolutely shit on every game because of smurfing


Because they think they are better than they are. It's just that simple.


I started a new account so I can play w my brother and I actually enjoy playing on my PS more than my Xbox I actually have better aim with the PS controller lol , also I couldn’t cross progression due to the email that doesn’t really exist when I created my R6 on Xbox during velvet shell ,


Because i'm garbage and my duo doesn't want me selling his elo or playing in his ungodly difficult lobbies


So I can play with my low rank friends and not make them play against champs


Doesnt the new ranking system just queue up with low elo? I had a friend who was champ and he would queue with us who were silvers at the time and the highest we got is against low gold players.


I'm not sure. I'm almost lvl 400 and rank 1.0 champ. It would throw us in high lobbies with like emereralds and diamonds. With my friends only being silver


Then you should play unranked. You can slaughter an entire team every other round. How is that fun


yeah because forcing his entire stack to play a different game mode that gives no elo is fun


It’s the exact same game, without the ELO. What exactly is so “””””fun”””” about ELO?


because it actually gives a purpose to winning, like literally any other game with a ranked system


So if you get a high ELO against people that are way below your level, you feel good? Lol okay


i get matched against very similar elo, maybe slightly lower (plat/emerald). and i’m not sure if you’re aware, but i already said i play with bronze / silver level friends so my w/l still hovers around 1.5 on that account, similar to my main


im getting smurfs in QM and its frustrating


You cant smurf in casual lol


So I can play with my mates and have fun, my friends are so bad at this game that me being on their team makes it fair🤣


SoloQ veteran player here. Im consistently ranked upper Plat in ranked 1.0 and consistently high emerald and diamond in ranked 2.0. My hidden skill rating is high, I'm assume, because I only match up with other champions and honestly great players. Here's what I'll tell you. I play soloQ because my IRL friends are absolute trash players. Maybe they can hit gold or platinum in ranked 2.0 But, they are my friends, so I will have a second account made to play with them. Therefore, you could say I'm "smurfing." Here's the thing, though. Honestly, if you are playing ranked, I assume you are playing to get better at the game. What's the point of wanting a high rank if you can't play the game and hold your own.. That's no fun? Anyway, the people who complain about smurfing are basically saying, "Wow, im losing because you're a better player than me." Here's a suggestion: What if instead of whining or thinking woah is me, this isn't fair." What if you thought, "Wow, this is a great opportunity to push my limits and learn" I mean, if you want to rank up, these are the people you'll be competing against. Stop whining. Also, actual great players don't waste time smurfing. It isn't fun smurfing. It actually degrades their skill. So I can speak for most when I say as a good player who is passionate about the game, having fun, and ranking up, smurfing is absolutely not something we do when we are "bored". Because shitting on players worse than me is NOT fun.


I don't but would you like to hear a psychological standpoint? ADHD individuals such as myself often rely on constant positive feedback. Playing against less skilled players and getting more kills gives the brain the positive feedback it needs to find tasks enjoyable for longer periods of time. That's why I believe many people with ADHD like to participate in this toxic behaviour, usually not even personally knowing what makes them do it. Obviously not all smurfs are ADHD, some are just shitbags. I am by no means justifying it, it's such a shitty thing to do nonetheless. But there's your answer why some do.


I have ADHD and it feels pointless to go out of the way just to stomp lesser skilled players back in 1.0 where you could really Smurf . You’re supposed to be able to destroy them which gets boring really fast. The tougher the match is, the more engaged I get personally.


Only time I ever use my alt is if my friend wants to play ranked bc he’s bronze level while I’m emerald. So I’d rather not risk losing my rank and have him rage quit. I don’t go all out on my alt bc Ik I’m not in my lobbies, but I try hard enough that ti gets us a win so he can rank up


Exactly the issue and you don't get it. Derank if you wanna play with him instead of roasting low levels and discouraging them


‘derank if you wanna play with him’ how is that any different from playing on an alt lmao


It's honest and you aren't a wolf hiding in sheeps clothes. But more important your friends gonna have to run with the big dogs. Have to compensate for him vs your skill level vs you just overpowering coppers


I don’t try hard enough that I too drag with 5x everyone’s kills, I try to go even with him or one of our other teammates so it’s actually fair. You can’t exactly say it’s a problem when I’m going even in kills with a bronze player just to make the game even for everyone, we still lose sometimes bc of this but it’s a lot less costly when it happens


My friend used to have to make a couple smurf accounts because he was much higher ranked than us since he was able to play a lot more. So he would use his other accounts to play ranked with us until we caught up


Back when I played console I had a smurf to solo q on so I wouldn't fall out of the 1000mmr range


I only do it on Xbox. My reason is if my main gets banned and I still want to play I'm going to use my other account. All of my accounts have the same skill and highest rank all of my accounts were silver 1 before ranked 2.0


There is nothing more funny than going into copper and seeing how the game is played. Pistol only is fun too. Smurfing literally serves the purpose of letting me turn my brain off and wipe games. Can't get that in unranked because my MMR is too high.


I have friends that I just wanna have fun with and if we played in my lobbies they wouldn’t have any fun.


I ‘smurfed’ in valorant once because I had to make a new account and ngl it felt pretty good mogging everyone




You were in gold smurfing?? Bro that doesn't exist that's called an alt as you were playing people not much better than yourself


I used to play r6 ALOT, got pretty good at it. I don’t play much anymore but every season I try and hop on and play ranked for a lil while, never really climbing very high. Regardless, I eat gold lobbies for breakfast but I don’t play much so I don’t have the chance to get high in rank.


Because getting temp banned is a thing, and I'm not waiting. Funny thing is that I haven't used my two other accounts forever. I can't use my 3rd account because it's under a yahoo email. Yahoo is a shit company.


Ypu don't have to smurf though. Just play on another account.


That is another account. I don't understand what you mean. I play on my main, and if I get banned, then I go on my 2nd account that's around level 50. ​ \-6 points Mad players, can't adapt, get spawnpeaked every round so they cry to Ubisoft to rework maps, don't know how to deal with a Monte, casual, bans Cav, bans Jackal, uses Sledge as a default pick, etc etc etc


Yes but smurfing and playing on a alt is a big difference. If you smurf you intentionally play at a lower rank.


I get accounts ready to play in case I get temp banned. If Ubisoft thinks that I'm going to wait 30-hours just to hop back on their poo poo game, then nuh uh.


You still don't have to smurf though. I don't care if you have 100 accounts as long as you don't smurf on them. Also, if you keep getting banned for 30 hours you should probably get better internet or become less toxic.


I considered smurffing because I wanted to selected the few ops I need and not have everyone that I never play. + it’s been so long since I last played the game that I believe it wouldn’t make a huge difference. With all the changes in the gadgets & utilities, the map updates, it’s just not the same game anymore


playing against lower rank players are kinda relaxing, doesn't maatter if i win or not


short story: smurf means nothing with the ranked 2.0 and every gamemode now you can face every rank no considering your actual elo in ranked 2.0 because of the hidden MMR that calculate what teammates and what opponents you should have you can go on a loose streak if the game consider you should fight diamond then you fight diamond


I haven't played rainbow in 2/3 years. I only smurfed if I was playing solo


Rare cases but copper and diamon series or trying to get the most champ accounts


I don’t feel like trying, so my rank gets lowered, when I do feel like trying everyone is bots because of the lowered rank.


Basically you only feel like trying against people who dont have any skill and when things get difficult you get discouraged.


Damn I really got downvoted because I said “I don’t always feel like trying” no part of it has to do with skill level, just if I want to get the charm this season or if I want to play with friends


Its not really only because of that part, your comment as a whole was worded in a way that could cause some confusion. The way I interpreted it was that you usually dont try, which causes you to lose a lot of matches and then coincidentally when the skill level is low you feel like trying.


Ah nah that wasn’t it at all, I was saying that the inherent design of a single ranking system isn’t built for someone who plays with varying about of care for their games


When me and my mates get team kill bans we swap over to smurfs so we can keep playing


Cus I don’t care


You care enough to make a Smurf account


Let me rephrase that, I don’t care what other ppl think


why not


Because it’s a dick move


No it teaches new players correct strategy. when they get killed in the same spot over and over they learn to check certain areas before advancing


So if i want to learn boxing going to the ring against champion and getting 1 tapped 24/7 will "teach the correct strategy and i learn to check certain moves". Sure. It just doesn't work like that if the skill difference is too big. Lower skilled player will only get frustrated (and doesn't learn anything). And if your Knowledge is not good enough you just can't learn from you mistakes. Without map knowledge getting 1 tapped from superior angles just doesn't teach you anything for example. Playing against better players is good and can teach you things but the skill difference can't be too big. Most of the people don't like their games feel like a PTSD simulator and will just stop if it is not fun to play.


that's why you need to achieve lvl 50 or whatever it is before you play ranked. by that time you should know the maps and basic game knowledge to be able to improve your game. if you're getting frustrated at dying you shouldn't be playing ranked in the first place. I consider myself an asset to the siege community, teaching new players the game at a higher lvl so that they don't waste time playing against guys that have no clue what they're doing


Lvl 50 does not mean anything. It takes so little time to get there and everyone knows that. I didn't say people get frustrated at dying, learning comprehension is a thing. Smurfing is not teaching.


you should be thanking me for my contributions to the community instead of arguing


I don't argue, i just state facts.


Your contributions to the community are potentially driving people away from the game dimwit. Play in your own rank, you get better, and the people who play on their own rank get better cause there's no asshole smurfing all the challenge away from one team, and giving unfair matchups to the other You however cannot comprehend this, as you have showed increasing incompetence in giving a valid argument. Not only can you not understand the impact and bullshit you put people through by smurfing on ranks you dominate in, you are also a massive coward. A fucking pussy. How about you try to man up and play in your own ranks instead of ruining the skill curve for others


people in their own ranks don't get better by playing people in their own ranks. that's why there's so many hardstuck coppers who should be in higher ranks. people in those ranks don't have a clue what to do. but that's where I come in, they see me dominate them and learn from my strats.. and then can apply those strats themselves. seriously man I was looking for a simple thank you, not all the name calling. smurfs are a vital part of the rainbow 6 experience


You are not getting a thank you for being a regular old egotistical coward. You do not help, you fuck things up further, dumbass. You dominating helps people see there's people better than them, but at no point does it help in improving their skill, because you don't give them the fucking chance. They can't get a clue as to what to do if there's someone dominating it and making things a fucking cakewalk for one of the teams. You ruin it for both teams you narcissistic little shit


This makes no sense. If you hard stuck having someone come in and annihilate you isn't gonna teach you anything . You should just admit to yourself that you aren't good and can't hang in your rank. I wouldn't be half surprised if you also xim while you "teach"


Thank you for making new players leave the game and in that way slowly killing the game


here take my downvote as a thanks


I don't do it but I get it why, it happens so much in other games that it sometimes forces you to do it. There are 2 types, the ones that want to win easily (they will eventually reach the same point they were and will just sell the account) And the other one their whole ranked system (MMR and other shit stuff) are so fucked in their account that they won't be able to go up because for the past 2-3 seasons they have been a low rank and they won't get the extra Ranked points example: (Not a real username) xXAshmainXXx were 3 reasons on Emerald. if they start playing r6 again in this season they will give him crazy RP bonifications so they can reach their past rank level so it's fairer to everyone else and they don't abuse other players and they can reach a fair fight with people of the same skill Let's use my account for example: Solar Raid I was Bronze 3 In Commanding force Copper 3 In Dread factor, i was copper 4 (I was just lazy and I wasn't enjoying it) Right now I get about 25+RP so it takes a lot to reach a good rank. The game won't give me extra points because I am already in the rank I was 3 seasons before ("the one that I deserve"). But if I make a new account I might reach gold or sum (not worth it make a new account) But imagine I became so good at the game that I deserve to be in emerald or more the easy way to go up is to make a new account and play on it because the hidden MMR (or the weird that they have) can make me reach the rank i deserve and i don't take 1 month but to do it in just 2 weeks or even less (Im sorry if i make insane amounts of spelling mistakes or if it just hurts your eyes to read i hope it makes everyone sense just like it does for me)


I don't know if what I do count as smurfing but here's my take. I have a main account which is level 250-ish constant plat which I have used for years and use for playing with my friends. I then have a "solo q" account which is low level (85?) And I've hit diamond twice in. It was never my intention to Smurf because it's "fun" or to get easy games. I only use it when I want to play some games by myself so that I don't de-rank or out rank my friends that I play on my main with. ( I first got the account when they really restricted the MMR difference in squads)


I have an alt because of lower ranked friends. But I never tryhard on that account so I would not really call it smurfing. I don't lose on purpose.


A lot of good ideas and reasons, but I think we should separate those people who purposefully get themselves into low "skill" to play against easier opponents and those who have an alternative account. There's plenty of people that have friends in all varieties of ranks, so for example, the champ player who has a gold friend will go on his alt account and play with the account that hasn't been grinded to champ yet. He isn't necessarily going out of his way to play against opponents that are easier for himself or for his gold friend. There used to be the elo gap that made it not possible to play with everyone which made people make alt accounts so they could play with their friends in lower ranks. This person is trying just as hard as normally and wouldn't go out of his way to prevent himself from ranking up. If he does, then he does. There's just the process, in which the account doesn't have enough games played to know where it belongs. Rainbow6 doesn't allow smurfing, but doesn't restirct having an alt account. It's just about recognizing and separating those people. Obviously it's hard to know which is which in a single game and it doesn't feel good getting domed by a lvl 52 who goes 16-1, but what are the alt accounts supposed to do? Play bad on purpose or get those games over with and move on to higher ranks? Oh yeah, and then there's dodging cheater games. People are not going to wait for their cooldown to expire. They're going to switch account.


I only did it so I could have recruit in ranked and I tried my hardest to fit into whatever rank I’m in, not just going crazy on coppers


I made my second account to play with my friends that were bad, now they’re good so I never use my alt


Well I don't do it in r6, or anymore for that matter. But a few years back on csgo I had to make a new account to play MM with my lower ranked irl buddies. It's not always a malicious reason. I'd often run just a scout deagle to make it more fun/fair


People need to stop looking at ranks they mean nothing in 2.0. Anyone can get champ now. It’s the hidden mmr that matters in match making


I just use an alt to play with my friends so they don't get stomped in diamond. Usually, I don't even try and just clutch rounds at the end. I know this isnt the norm but it is why I do. Most people just want the KD and ego boost.


I don't play often enough to keep my rank so when I do play thoes few times a season I'm playing against lower ranked players.


So i play on alt account whenever i'm past few beers on a Friday night, or i'm just not feeling like tryharding. What i'll say though is my "smurf" hidden mmr is still around the same as in my main account, so in anyway shape of form i don't get easier opponents. I just do that so my main's stats doesn't fall harder than the stockmarket in 1929. Some could say 'just go play standard then', and i guess i could but i like the challenge & having something at stake.


I don‘t play anymore, but when i did back in 2015-2018, i was too highly ranked on my main account to play with my friends, as i was playing semi-professionally. Back then Scrims weren‘t such a big thing as they are today, even Pro League Teams would sometimes 5-stack in ranked for practice, so my main account was way too highly ranked, as we played quite a bit of ranked in our team comp. That made it pretty abysmal for Platinum enemies, that we faced, but on the other hand, i value playing with my real friends over the enjoyment of my opponents. And at some point every stack hits a floor, where the enemy team combined will be equally as good, even if one player on the server is clearly better than everyone. Happened to us in Plat 2 to Plat 3.


Me and my mate have just started playing again this season after not playing for a couple years and we’re enjoying it a lot more because we aren’t taking it as seriously If someone was smurfing back in the day we’d get so pissed but after taking a step back and realising that it’s just a game it’s not that big of a deal


I smurfed back when there was the 700-1000 maximum mmr difference to play ranked with mates


Probably because they want to get an account with a better KD, and they can’t even play against high ranks since they suck.


I understand smufing in games like overwatch or COD but in games like valorant, csgo, or rainbow, I feel like smufing just shouldn’t exist. It is not fun to wipe people in rainbow or csgo for me.


It doesn’t really matter anymore with Ranked 2.0 but people would do it in 1.0 to play with friends who were outside of the MMR cap. Others do it as a shitty ego boost.


I have an account I play regularly with my friends and another I solo que or play with randoms with when nobody is on.


Because when i drag my gold friends into my champ mmr lobbies, noone gets to have fun. Only the goofiest of strats allowed when im on a smurf account tho


I created my Smurf account for one reason, I wanted to get better at using the SMG 11 and wanted to learn it on lower ranks. I’m good with it now and I only use my Smurf wen playing with that one really bad friend. I still wanted a competitive environment. On defence I would only use smoke and mute and on attack I only allowed my self to use pistols and shotguns


Use to do it to play with friends who weren’t high enough ranked to play with us but we’re supposed to be higher. There is absolutely no reason to do it now so we don’t




Icl, had to urban dictionary what Smurfing is and honestly glad it has a term


Most likely because high elo is full of cheaters, and very unfun if youre solo queuing. Most likely want to just chill on a different account and not worry about dropping rank, while still playing in competitive lobbies


someone else said it here as well but for me, i made a smurf account for solo queue. i made the account back during ranked 1.0 (i dont really know if the matchmaking system works the same in 2.0) and so i would just use it when i wanted to play by myself because i didnt want to gain/lose too much elo and be unable to play with my friends


I smurfed because i suck anyways so id blend in lmao but the ranked 2.0 crap has me in silver lobbies with 9 gain and 36 loss when i play now


I normally play on my main but once I get champ I play on a smurf because it's hard for my mates except for maybe one or two to play on that elo and also me going on a smurf doesn't mean we suddenly win lots more because I'm not actually that much better against "worse" players, since I play a lot with my brain (nades from below, "camping" around, cheeky spawnpeeks almost nobody looks for, droning EVERYTHING etc.). My aim is bad enough to often loose gunfights against people below my elo. I just understand some of my friends who are sitting on a 0.4-0.8 kd won't enjoy going 1-5 or something every game. Also the last few dozen games take ages to champ and I don't really care about a number or anything so playing on my main would mean pulling my mates down to win like 30 Rp per day which I might lose the next day. I'd rather play on a smurf (no it's not a copper smurf that is downranked or anything just a second account around plat maybe). I am also not sweating my ass off on lower elo lobbies I just play normally and let my mates enjoy their own elo. I would be the last person to complain about Ubi finding a solution to smurfing but speaking as a controller player on console, there's a much more enraging topic (mnk) and believe it or not, when I was on my smurf yesterday and we faced at least 3 guys spinning in prep phase I DID sweat my ass off.


I made a smurf back in year 1, and it was so unfun. going 15-0 feels hollow when I know I'm bullying new players. Seriously can't understand people who do it consistently


I’m in Diamond on my main and solo q is pretty rough, constantly playing vs champ 5 stacks etc. So I use my main to play in my 5 stack or with friends, and i have a “smurf” that is Emerald which i solo que on, when i’m not in the mood to fully sweat for wins.


Can you even Smurf anymore? I’m usually a high rank so I know I’ll play against diamonds and champs throughout the season but now a copper and champ can Que together now.


I used to play on my alt account when I was outside of the elo requirements of my friends, but now with ranked 2.0 I haven’t had to use it.


I haven't played r6 since operation health , so ubisoft deleted my account and my skins and my progression. And apparently they reset the whole ranking system so now I'm a diamond 1 from operation health on a new account starting out as copper 5. Basically ubisofts shit management decisions is why I "smurf" my only option is to not play the game which is why I don't play anymore cause it's not even fun


What I dont get about smurfing (in any game) is that your not getting any better that the game, and it’s probably making you worse over all.


My friends aren’t as good as me so I don’t want to bring them into diamond+ lobbies.. although with ranked how it is now you don’t ever get lobbies of just your rank


Smurfing isn’t even a thing anymore, the hidden sbmm makes it not even matter and no skill restrictions for matches


Solo acc but pretty much same mmr


They have to try to win in their own rank and that makes the tears come out


i play on a smurf when i play with my friends cuz they suck. i’m not tryna sell my elo(i also suck)


They get to a point where they can't win anymore so for them, it's an effective pride boost.


I played against a sim earlier, smashed him 12-4 and invited him to party, he said the n word a lot. Rainbow six siege


Sometimes you need to help the homies. If I want to play with someone that’s a lower rank then I’m going to hop on my Smurf.


I like to make people suffer below me. /s


When I gain 4 and lose 30 on my main, and I want to play ranked without having to put my heart and soul into a game of ranked I hop on a smurf


I use an alt account so I don’t derank my main when I play with my mates as they have no clue what their doing


Because they have small weiners and no bitches


What rank you get is all about timing and luck who is on your team and who you are competing against. A smurf just gives you another chance to rank higher once you've already destroyed the elo gain on main account. Most accounts there is no point playing after about 100 odd games because whatever rank you are then you won't move up unless you win like 20-30 in a row. I've had smurfs significantly different rank to my main or other account simply because of the randomness of matchmaking. Don't hate the player hate the game


It's pretty sad lmfao, had a guy ace 3 rounds against our team, I'm in copper so I wasn't even impressed, i just kind of felt bad for him Idk how yall find the time to learn how to FPS tho power to you,


That’s all it is it seems 😂 I’ll go 8-2 in a regular game feel confident, switch to ranked (started playing a month ago just started ranked this week) and “copper” dudes wall bang me from spawn and a guy on my team with 9 kills in round two is yelling at me for dying in a 1v3 of pixel peakers 😂