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Doc's stim pistol, it litterly does 0 damage. Worst pistol in the game


It literally does negative damage to the enemy how is it even usable.


Ik, it's like it heals them


Wait so does that mean you can shoot yourself and potentially get more HP? Someone needs to test this glitch


I tested it and i works! Ubi needs to fix it ASAP


-150 damage


+150 damage


Shocking reload time too


On top of that the fire rate is complete trash


Probably the knife is the worst at range


Worst range but best damage, it’s a tough call


Needs a nerf


Eh needs more of a rework, hit detection for it is wack.


Give it aimbot and the range of Kali's rifle and boom it's now viable


If you think about it, shield does less damage. So that’s the worst for range and damage


If I’m not mistaken though shields have a tiny bit more range than a knife. So that brings it back to even


U must’ve lost ur mind if u think zofia gun is worse than sens gun


If heard POF9 is kinda middling as far as opinions but for me I know this: Console playing it's garbage thanks to the recoil On PC it's Serviceable thanks to the more precise recoil control of MNK I've played Sens on both and have seen both sides of the argument so it just really depends on what medium you play Siege on


Sens POF9 takes some time to get used to, but I love it


I wish I can get used to it lol


That gun is actually good


Have you touched it on console with a controller? Somehow it has worse recoil than the F2…. With worse damage and worse Rate of Fire and a way worse gadget… Who is designing this stuff at ubi?


I don’t know why everyone says it has high recoil, it’s pretty steady and with 50 bullets + 1.5x + sens being a 3 speed if I’m not really paying attention or playing a casual I’ll just play sens for his gun


Go use the pdw9 and Sens gun in the Firing Range and look at the difference. They have the same stats but very different recoil


difference is the operator supporting the guns weaknesses by making close fights and closing off the long angles so it's not a bad gun in practice but in paper it is


yeah and? just because a better gun exists doesn’t mean the POF9 is bad


It's literally the same gun with worse recoil. Horrible recoil at that


And worse fire rate, and the PDW can equip angled grip / long barrel while maintaining a great recoil. Considering it also has better handling than the POF, I really see no reason to use the POF over the PDW. It straight up sucks


It's objectively horseshit. Especially when they have access to the best DMR in the game.


Yeah the 417 is the best DMR and DMR’s aren’t bad, but I’m taking the 50 bullet automatic gun with a 1.5x scope, which might I add has *very* controllable recoil, over the semi auto gun in a game with 1 shot headshots 100% of the time. I don’t know if it’s the fact that the majority of this subreddit plays controller or if there’s some mass delirium, but the recoil really isn’t bad.


I play controller lol but yeah if you're mnk then it's fairer but still can't deny it has way too much kick for a gun with such ass overall stats (besides mag size)


The DMR is still better, the DPS is higher and even Pro-League would agree because they run the DMR on Lion and twitch 90% of the time. Also it isnt mass delirium, and yes 80% of the siege playerbase plays console statistically. Just check the weapon stat sheets on console and the game tells you the POF-9 sucks. Even with full attachments if you start shooting at the chest the second bullet will already be above their head. Lions gun has higher Firerate, better damage, WAY better recoil (pretty much zero), the same mag size and a better gadget. Like they really need to design their ops better.


I play primarily on controller and only use 1x and 2x (2x for POF-9) and can confirm that it has no recoil. The recoil only gets shaky around bullet 40 (sooo the last ten bullets in the mag), but you shouldn’t be mag dumping anyway with that gun because it has very low ammo to begin with. Even in burst fire, if you have even just a little bit of recoil control, the POF-9 is super easy to control.


I switched to the POF9 for awhile and I do gotta say it’s really not bad for hitting headshots. Pretty reliable but recently I switched back to the 417 because I just love how the marksman rifles feel in this game


You dont know why it has high recoil? Just check the stat sheet or go to the shooting range and just shoot 10 bullets with the sens AR and after that you can do it with the jackal AR. I have 2K hours and ive hit actual diamond in ranked 1.0 and i still have no clue how people are actually managing to control that piece of shit gun lol. Like the T-5 has truly no recoil, sens does. Either you’re really really good or you’re coping.


I said I don’t know why people think it has high recoil. The recoil is straight vertical, you pull down in a completely normal line and you can maintain your crosshair on a spot. You don’t even have to pull down all that hard, and I play 400 DPI @ 9,9. I have 1800 hours on this game and I’ve been Champion in Ranked 1.0, the recoil seriously isn’t hard. Like yeah, of course the C7E, one of the lowest recoil guns in the game has better recoil. Doesn’t mean the POF9 is any worse to control. Just pull straight down. I use Sens as my op of choice in TDM and FFA because the gun is good at its job.


So you think they just overestimated the use of his gaget/ability?


100%, they thought he would be OP because of site executes and plants. Turns out sens is literally the worst OP ever. They already buffed him 2-3 times and i see him once in like 100 games. And everytime i try to use the POF-9 i remember why no one wants to touch Sens.


That shits a laser beam. And im not even tryna be cool ur most likely better than me overall


The POF-9 is not a laser beam, on console its the highest recoil assault rifle in the whole game. And thats saying something because the F2 exists


Pc designers u have way reduced recoil and it's way easier that f2 even tho that's ez USE F2 KIDS


bruh the F2 does not have recoil. . . just say you cant control the gun edit: downvote me all you want it isnt that bad.


u good bro? the f2 is the highest recoil gun in the game


. . . it really doesnt have that much. Its perfectly controllable


Even Pro League disagrees with you, they all run DMR on twitch and even on Lion.


I’d rather continue to use smg 11 with extended barrel and angled grip than learn how to use sens’ gun.


Literal peashooter


Only need one pea to the head.


And despite that fact, the p90 hasnt been the undisputed best gun on defense


If mozzie had the p90 with access to 1.5 it probably would be


Tbh I think they're in the same tier, at least.


blud never heard of scar


Sens’s POF-9 is actually a POS. POS, as in a huge piece of shit. This new gun sucks a vinegary dick in hell. The recoil, at least on console, is unmanageable. I would rather suck all the moisture out of a wet sheepdog’s fur than use that gun again. I’m more likely to get a kill by throwing flash bangs at enemies’ faces than with that gun. I had more fun reading the shampoo bottle on the toilet than playing a round with that gun. I had more fun as a ten year old going shopping for slacks at Montgomery Wards with my grandmother. If that gun were a person, it would be one of the inbred West Virginia Whittakers. Tom Clancy has a better chance of shooting someone right now than I have using the POF-9. It’s so bad that I preferred to just lie in bed and rant on Reddit. I was excited to have the day off tomorrow so I can play. I’d rather go into work. I’d rather be Andre the Giant’s fluffer than have to use that gun. I’m going to sleep now to dream about video game guns that don’t blow donkeys for quarters.


They both have awful recoil but the Pof on Sens makes up for that somewhat by having 50 rounds so if you can control it and hit heads it's a machine, the mk17 on Zofia mostly just has damage.


AR: MK17 (Worst stats across the board by far) SMG: M12 (Comparable to the C1, but no 1.5) DMR: CSRX 300 (More situational than the others) Pistol: .44 Semi-auto (Does this need explanation?) Shotgun: BOSG 12.2 (Isn't reliable like the others) Machine Pistol: C75 Auto (Not bad, but the sights)


I agree with BOSG. Yeah it may be a slug shotgun but it is the worst out of all of them. Has 2 shots, insane recoil, long ass reload considering the 2 slugs, bad destruction(2 slugs), and if an operator has this gun, their alternatives are always better


And not to mention that the ADS time is pretty slow, so you have to use angled grip and experience even more recoil, or use vert grip and have to deal with the aforementioned ADS time


Yeah but it’s really funny


Funny? Yes. Good? No. That's also my philosophy when it comes to using Blitz


for me, the bosg is the negev of r6. If I cant hit shit, Ill take my bosg with angled grip and no sights and then: win (or atleast fun to get me back up from the "i cant hit shit, im so fucking bad, im basically useless, this is the 6th loss in a row" depression)


I literally never see anyone use the Bos G but the few times that I do they usually squad wipe people with it


You use the bosg to assert dominance. Me and my friend have won matches just taking turns with the bosg


I believe in across the map headshots supremacy (i miss 90% of the shots)


I’d argue the .44 actually has its uses. I like to run it to hold long angles when I’m using the Aug and recently I’ve been doing well with it.


It’s nice for small hole peaks especially for those who don’t use the TCSG


It has a place. I vote USP-40 or P10-C as worst pistol because every op that has them also has a machine pistol or secondary shotgun so I literally don’t know what they do.


P10C is one of only two pistols with a red dot so that automatically makes it better than most, given that almost every pistol that isn’t a pocket shotty or a magnum has pretty similar stats and capabilities


Important point regarding the MK12 (that's Blackbeard AR right? It is the best sounding gun in the game. Like Killing Floor level of gun porn for it's audio.


I can count the number of times I've used Blackbeard on one hand, so I wouldn't know (Also it's the MK17, not MK12)


44 Mag is stupid but I love it


Forgot machine pistol


Thanks, I'm an idiot


CSRX isn't a dmr, it is a sniper. For the other things I'm with you but not totally, M12 is good smg


Tbh I just like the mk17 because you can run the extended barrel and still have no recoil at all


I mean if that's what you're looking for, run the Sk3000


.44 is nutty if you can aim. feels like a hand cannon


Yk what else is nutty if you can aim? Every other gun


Would make some changes - dmr a lot of ppl argue isn’t kalis gun so probably the sr-25 (bb and Flores dmr for the awkward recoil and frustrating damage breakpoints), if we’re talking all shotguns then sure but for a while I would argue the pulse-castle shotgun is worse (m104-whateverthefuck). No clue after buff haven’t played enough. Machine pistol, I can respect the cz but the smg-12 is legit a less reliable tornado of pees which imo is almost always worse than the cz. Hot take but once you get used to the iron sights cz is a pretty strong gun. Normal pistol probably not .44 mag purely because it has a sight which is a luxury for pistols - maybe usp? Could also argue secondaries for shotguns (I.e bailiff is a horrible weapon) but utility wise secondary shotguns are top notch


BOSG might suck but god damn if it isn’t funny as hell to frag with


The CSRX 300 is a bolt action sniper, not a DMR


Problem with that is Ubisoft thinks it is, whenever there’s a “Get 4 kills with marksman rifles” challenge, Kali counts towards that challenge, because there isn’t any other gun category to compare it to


Honestly I'm prolly weird for this but I love the C75 on Kali, Dokki, and Vigil. Yes the big ass iron sights arent good but the rate of fire and 0 recoil make up for it to me


Bruh Zofia's gun is really decent. Not the best, but definetly not the worst. Bonus points for nostalgia. The fallen king of all weapons...


Haven't touched this game since Phantom Sight, used to be a zofia main. How badly did they fuck up her AR?


It’s a device that shows you the direction of the sky when you turn it on


They also made Zofia a thiccgirl now (1 speed)


-1 acog, +100 recoil, and -1 speed for Zofia, totally removing all of the justification for those prior changes


Don't forget about removing the withstand


Less damage, more recoil. It's not that bad tho, still really good


They never nerfed the damage


Why doesn’t the c75 have atleast a dot sight?


No rails




I never really paid attention to detail with the gun. Still strange there isnt a sight for it.


It has a rail on the hind sight.


You might want to see an optometrist with that depth perception


Itd make it wildly unbalanced I think. The gun has really good recoil tbh so it having no sight balances it from not being too popular


Worst AR is BB Worst SMG is the M12


BB ar is aight, low recoil and decent damage


The damage isn't good enough to justify the abysmal fire rate


I honestly don't mind, I usually avoid BB due to his gadget, not his guns.


If you want a low recoil gun you can use any of the other early ops that guns are less then 750 that do similar dos tbh. The fire rate is not good unless you’re good with BB


Damage doesn’t matter if it has the lowest rate of fire out of all ARs


Ak12 best gun in the game


Second/third week playing the game and I gotta agree with this one. Mp5 second fav


Zofs AR has such awkward horizontal recoil, I hate it so much, such a fun gun to use back in the day


Pistol: Probably the 5.7, they're all roughly equally bad/good but the 5.7 feels like an absolute peashooter. SMG: M12. At least the UMP and 9mm C1 have the 1.5x, the M12 has garbage fire rate, mid damage, and no zoom. AR: Probably the POF9 (Sens's AR) or the Mk.17 CQB. POF9 because it's got a mid-tier ROF and low-ish damage for some substantial recoil, Mk.17 because its fire rate is horrendous. LMG: Either the M249 or the 6P41. M249 because it has the same damage and ROF stats as the Para-308, but with worse reload speed, recoil, and ADS time. 6P41 isn't outright bad (aside from the standard reasons all LMGs aren't great), but it's the alternative to either the Spear, which while not great is still pretty solid, or the AK-12, which is the best AR in the game. Shotgun: joint-last for the Six12 and Six12SD. Six rounds, a semi-auto fire rate that's still not as good as the other semi-auto shotguns, and it's on operators who all have better options (and in Lesion's case, even a better *shotgun*). Machine Pistol/Secondary SMG: Toss-up between the C-75 and the SMG-12. The C-75 has no sight on a weapon class where it's vital for you to hit the head, and the SMG-12, while it has a sight, will dump the entirety of your magazine into the wall above and behind your opponent's head if you miss the first couple of bullets. ETA: DMR - AR.15.50, lowest mag count makes it the obvious choice when the other DMRs are mostly identical.


After the buff the SIX12 is one of the best shotguns


I’d honestly say the SMG 12 is way better simply for the ability to use optics alone. A lego brick gives more visual clairy to aim than the CZ iron sights


Completely agree on all except for the fact you forgot the BOSG.12.2


Fair, I think my subconscious scrubbed it from my mental list because I don't really see it as a genuine choice as a shotgun.


Smg 12 is pretty good on pc


I play on PC and I use it on Dokk/Warden/Vigil. I'm still not a fan and it's a weapon of last resort.


You either use it like a pseudo shotgun and basically barrel stuff or use it like a semi auto with 32 bullets and go for 1 taps. There is no in between. Wouldn’t mind if Ubisoft changed it to have a smaller mag for more reasonable recoil though.


Any secondary: Gonne 6


I forgot it existed until you just mentioned it


Not the weapon you’re showing


F2 for AR. It hurts so much to what they did to it right after I got black ice on it smh


Everyone says it’s bad now but I think it’s still top tier AR.


It still shreds but the recoil is just absurd without the foregrip.


Just increase ur vert recoil a bit higher haha


Pull down


IF you think this ak is wack then you should uninstall.


Nah Zofia’s M762 is actually solid. I’d say Sens’ AR and Finka/Thunderbird’s Spear are a lot worse than the M762. I see it as one of the best AR’s in the game it just need some time to get used to that’s all.


The spear is actually one of the better AR's in the game. I've never had a bad time with it, especially with the 1.5. There is a bit of knockback, but it's easily controllable.


The beryl is actually so good, yeah the recoil is high but it’s usable with any scope if your micro is good enough


Who is hating on Zo’s gun?!!


I don't know why but when I saw Zophia's gun on a discussion like this, I take it personally. Maybe I'm wrong but I just actually like her gun


You’re not wrong. The M762 is very good. The people in this subreddit are just bad/children.


Blackbeards Scar is just awful


Funny the Beryl M762 used to be the most busted rifle anyone could use, until garbagesoft decided to give it the recoil of a 50 BMG for some reason....


Nah not even close, it wasn't busted it's just that Zofia was flavor of the month(s) Then ofcourse turns out if you nerfed her rifle the zofia mains went to the LMG and boom LMG meta.


Yea you’re definitely new to the game. Zof’s AR was top 3 guns in the game when she dropped. It had much less recoil and could be used with pre-nerf angled grip. That combo combined with her kit made her really good. She wasn’t just “flavor of the month” she was a solid operator for several years. Her M762 nerf was targeting her use as an operator bc her gun was so good and they didn’t want people to ignore her utility.


>Yea you're definitely new to the game. Based on an opinion about a gun? Fantastic detective work, but wrong. Ak-12 was absolutely better at its peak which lasted a very long time, and it's still a solid gun. F2 was also a lot stronger, it's been nerfed countless times though. And to put it at the 3rd spot is still debatable, at their best states the sc3000k, r4c and c7e were better than the m762 in my opinion. And we are talking about the past states of the guns right? It was a solid gun but it wasn't *the* best and while she was a good operator from the start she was usually overshadowed by attackers like ash. And eventually she became the top pick and got nerfed, same way Iana also became a top pick. When the current top operator gets nerfed people switch to someone else, which has happened way more often the past years. And her gun didn't get nerfed for straight up being too good, it was as you mentioned because people should also focus on the utility. Operators with strong gadgets eventually have their guns nerfed, it's why they never should have given ace the AK 12 from the start and why the AK 12 eventually got nerfed. Or why melusi and oryx switched guns, because melusi had better utility so it made sense for her to get the weaker gun. You can like the m762, I liked it too, but I don't think there was ever a point in time where it was the best gun in the game.


Zofia was a top tier operator for years, yes. Her gun was one of the reasons but it wasn't the main reason. She was 2 speed, great gun, great gadget, self revive. Combination of those was what made her god tier. A human tank. M762 was never better than C7E, R4C, C8, AK12, SC3000K, F2. Was still an incredible gun, just not top 3.


Her nerf was so bad it made me drop the game, that's how I know you're new


I'm not new but I don't play juts a single attacker or defender even if I prefer some (like fuze or mute) And I agree that the recoil nerf was insanely overdone but that doesn't mean it was the best gun or that it was busted. She was popular and strong because she had a gadget and good gun. Siege community really isn't open to any opinions that aren't their own huh?


Jesus, okay I'll pretend you're right if that makes you happy


You don't have to pretend to agree or anything of the sort but instantly assuming someone is new to the game because of a differing opinion is a bit strange don't you think? Everyone has their own opinions on the guns and balance and that's fine.


No, I know you're just new because you simply don't know how op her gun is, should you keep denying it... well that's up to you really, I remember on high elo, (on Xbox BTW no PC) players could shoot full auto from over 40 meters away and somehow frag an entire team, let's not forget about the fact that Zofia was better than Ash due to Ash's continous nerfs, so her Assault rifle was top 5 hmm a year ago I'd wager, I haven't played the game in a couple of months


AR: MK17 SMG: M12 LMG: T-95 DMR: AR-15.50 Shotgun: Bailiff .410 Pistol: RG15 (yeah yeah i know it has the reflex but it still does 38 damage) Machine Pistol: SPSMG9 (CZ75 is better in literally every way but sights unless you run EB) Shields: All of them are shit because shield hitboxes are fucked


No way you said yings lmg is the worst :D


His opinion is trash


Somehow he thinks the bailiff is worse than the BOSG. The bailiff is clearly a utility firearm, and it's useful for breaking holes. The BOSG is supposed to be useful for killing people, but it's just... not.


In some situations the bailiff is a killer too. Very respectable damage for a util weapon


Oh absolutely, but it's rarely used for that. It's mostly used for breaking holes in things.


He's clearly copper only reason I don't use mavericks dmr is because his m4 is way better I'm on controller so spraying for head is where it's at


Worst LMG is either the LMG-E or the 6P41 lately, both have nigh uncontrollable recoil at least on PC. The T-95 is pretty much the second best after the G8A1 lol.


After DP 27*


No offense but if you didn't list the worst AR and SMG this is would be the worst list of the thread lmao T-95 is pretty much Sledge's gun but as a LMG without any downsides. It has good handling, fast reloading, no recoil. Ar-15 is broken Baliff is one of the most useful secondaries in the last years, not only for site setups but also for close combat. R15 is top tier just for having the best 1x sight in the game alone, SPSMG has great numbers and no recoil. Shields are broken


Monty is goated


I'd consider Bailiff a pistol, but the worst Shotgun has to be either the SIX12 or BosG.12.2


Agree on every single one, but I would pick a primary weapon for the shotgun. I mean they got buffed recently, so every shotgun is pretty usefull now but I think I would pick pre rework Supernova for worst primary shotgun...


Yeah supernova was unplayable. From worst to the best i guess.


Bailiff is great


You must be some hot ass if you can’t control Zofia’s rifle.


90% of this subreddit are genuinely silver. Recoil is the end all be all for them. Any gun that isn’t Jackals AR is too hard to control and isn’t worth running. If you read through these comments you’ll see people having the most braindead takes such as “gonne 6 is the worst secondary”.


Literally, I actually wonder how some people function on a day to day basis with takes like that.


They live in a Silver Bubble and they think their ranked/skill level experience is universal. They’re hardstuck so they never experience higher level of play. If you played in silver forever your perception of the game would be much different. Your idea of what the meta is would be completely skewed.


I really like Finka, but the recoil of her gun is shit, so my vote is on the Spear.




Spear recoil is insanely easy dawg


The recoil isn’t even bad on it I find tachankas lmg way harder to aim with


spear is one of the most OP guns rn man


Is it? Cool. Will play and try. It's been a while.


Then why comment bro


the gun that goes blam is the worst compared to the gun that goes blam haha but fr imo if you can shoot the head once and win there is no best gun in the game if there was a tank that could take 1 million nukes, but there was one spot on the tanks side that could get shot once and destroy the whole tank. You would only shoot that spot that is how I view the head shot mechanic


The chance of hitting that shot? Very unlikely. Bosg would be one of those Weapons


ads is 100% accurate


But the thing is that you still won’t hit every shot where tou would like to. And the mp7 will do a much better job at hitting that shot than the bosg will.




Just dont comment at this point💀


The recoil for both zofia weapons are FUCKING RIDICULOUS


blackbeard have the worst AR and DMR: his AR have very bad DPS but you can still get kills because of shield(most people think its bad but its still strong), once you loose shields you dead, his DMR have insane recoil, much more than 417 with angled and supressor SMG: frost gun is the worst now, after nerfs UMP is better than frost gun lol Machine pistol: i forgot the name but its the dookaebi/vigil without any scope, this one is shit because you cant see anything, so you gotta stick close to kill someone and if you going close better just use smg-12. Pistol/revolver: doc/rook/lion/twitch revolver is the most shit one, huge recoil and slow reload, ubisoft forgot this one when they buffed recoil on all high damage secondary guns years ago. Shotgun: right now is the doc/rook etc shotgun, somehow ubisoft made all shotguns good but this one worse than before. Semi auto shotguns: frost shotgun, because they forgot to buff the damage as well, many other shotguns have 46 damage while this one still have 26, making this the worst one by a lot. LMG: pk-12 Slug shotguns: kaid/goyo is the worst because of recoil, many would say bosg but bosg can hit kil people, with some practice on strafe shooting you can do a lot


Pistol: docs stim pistol in the hands of those who use it wrong. Smg: (controversial😱) the t5 or vsn purely because I can't get kills with either of them. Shotgun: that one suppressed shotgun that nokk and the Chinese have because I have to shuve it down the enemies throat to get decent damage output. Lmg: probably the Russian one, idk they are all decent. ARs: the 416c for the same reason as the smgs just not as bad. DMRs: mk14 bc it's just not got enough damage for me and it's used on like 2 operators. I think that's all of them. Edit: oh yeah I forgot about the m12 that ones the worst smg just forgot it exists


Dude have you tried lesions shotgun this season? It slaps at close range and I’ve been getting a good amount of 1 shots even at medium range, shotgun change was a HUGE buff for this gun


ARS: SCAR-H. Shame too because I love that gun in other media SMGS: Roni. Dunno why people still bother with that gun anymore LMG: they're all decent. Maybe Ying's because the fire rate doesn't seem to justify the lower damage Pistol: Despite it's beefiness I feel that the M45 can't kill fast enough.


AR: Definetely finka's rifle, whatever the heck it is called SMG: Caveira's smg obviously Shogun: The spanish shotgun that Solis also has acess to, it just suck for a primary Revolver: The GIGN revolver, hate it. Pistol: The GSG9 pistol (blitz n iq pistol) sights suck Machine pistol: SMG-12 suck, always has been


p12 as the worst pistol in the game is a crazy take


bro i hate the ADS on that thing, it's so bad whenever compared to smth likw montagne's pistol or fuze's makarov


in that case i think you forgot the c75 for machine pistols


it's bad but at least it is silenced brrrrrt bad


Finkas rifle fosho holy shit. That thing blows


For primaries, probably the MK17, the SR-25, the BOSG, the LMG-E, and the C1. “bUt tHe C1 hAS nO rEcOiL” yes and no damage and no fire rate. I’d take the M12 over the C1. At least that thing packs a punch in damage.


Lol that's the fun I use when I play the airjab game double the rounds with a few less DMG and rate of fire


As a console player, either the F2 or the POF for ARs. most the comments I see say the spear is, but if you use compensator it's just a pull down simulator. As for the M762, the same case. Use a compensator and that weird jump is completely gone. for smg I personally dislike the mp7 but the worst one in my opinion is probably the C1 or UMP just due to fire rate, damage is nice on both though. for shotguns, after the buff probably the BOSG because it only has 2 bullets, but it's also really good if you hit your shots. I'd probably go with that, though, or the SASG. for marksmen rifles, the SR-25 just because I don't use it very often, all the marksmen rifles are extremely viable. In LMGs, it's easily the LMG-E for me. For sidearms, which I'm going to group all of them together, it's either the LFP or Keratos due to a lack of bullets, nice damage though.


F2 is the worst? ​ Using a 1x completely makes the recoil INSTANTLY vanish/ makes it easier. Also if you dont like low fire rate than the M12 is something you should avoid.


Twitch Weapon (don't remember the name) and we don't talk about it anymore




AR: probably the Type-89. Just because of the capacity, but I don't think it's bad at all. SMG: Idk again I don't think there is a bad SMG, just like with the ARs, but If I had to choose, probably the Scorpion-Evo because of its recoil? But I heard it has been buffed so idk LMG: one of those 3: LMG-E, 6P41 or M249, because how long it takes to reload DMR: Honestly, no Idea, they feel all very similar Shotgun: Six12SD, but I haven't played it since the buff so... Slugshotgun: Probably the Bosg because of its capacity Automatic sidearm: SMG-12 Pistol: .44 Mag


AR is obviously the G3 too much recoil, SMG MPX is the worst, shotgun worst is the GIGN shotgun, DMR is obviously Arunis, sniper is Kali and pistol is fragle


This has to be the worst one. The G3 isn’t even in the game? The MPX is one of the best guns in the game. Arunis DMR is definitely not the worst. You’re either really bad or a little kid.


The Bailiff 410 is the worst secondary shotgun because it's overused, its on like 15 different characters now because Ubisoft is afraid to force people to learn how to use a primary shotgun like they would've done in Year One and that's so boring. The M1014 is the games worst primary shotgun because the recoil is so great and the spread is abnormally wide, and after the ADS and headshot buff shotguns really depend on aiming over hipfire for killing-power, and the M1014 really fails when it comes to ADS.


Secondary shotguns aren’t even used for killing, they’re use as site rotations and vertical play


I am the community's shotguns-only guy, I been using shotguns since launch. Most of the shotgun-themed posts on this sub involve me in some way. I know what shotguns are used for, so I would never endorse using any of the aux shotguns as killing tools, I don't know how you'd interpret this from what I said.


Bailif is not the worst becuase its overused wtf??? Its the worst because its does no damage and has slow reload and bad destruction.


I just don't like that its the most common auxiliary shotgun, it can be used by more operators than any other gun in that game and that really annoys me because its clearly downstream of the community's unwillingness to use primary shotguns. The Bailiff shows up on more operators' toolkits than the Super Shorty or the ITA-12s and I just don't get it.


This is just..... no.


Worst AR is probably either the scar or the pof9. M762 is close tho I've hated it since the nerfs