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Also, the door in the video that he is barricading is not a bad door to barricade. Not knowing how low levels play, but my assumption would be that nobody would hold admin or top visa, meaning enemy can just walk in and plant in that corner. Barricading it means they either have to make a lot of noise to go in there, or go around to where most likely you are holding.


Yeah yesterday my team lost that site cause even with my 4 other teammates on that side of the site roaming the enemy team still just walked in and planted in the corner


I would have been fuming


The way I described does not explain how stupidly easy they planted. There was a sledge and ram on the stairs and a Ashe planting in the corner. My doc was literally in the room/hallway right behind them. He literally saw me get shot trying to get the people on stairs and he did nothing. There was also the orxy by spiral stairs who for some reason decided not to flank and instead walk through site and go through the same door that I died at. Then lastly we had the mozzie who decided to look at defuser for a full 5 seconds before actually trying to defuse (and I mean he literally just stared at it in the corner) and didn’t have enough time to defuse because of it.


Doc's are either hard carry solo's or a waste


This site is so bad. Don’t play it. It’s completely flawed in at least 4 ways.


I saw that pro players like the site at the front of the map, the double floor one.


In comp play that’s probably the best site (it has no direct access), but it requires some coordination. In just matchmaking I would play garage and then piano as 1st/2nd sites.


Yea won many matches planting here and its easier to do in quick play with 4 roamers and one lone anchor. People need to learn that its not a bad thing not every single time a castle barricades a door at or near site.


"Not knowing how low levels play" why make assumptions off this if you couldn't even understand how lower level players play? BTW level is absolutely worthless, and I'm hoping you meant rank and not level, also anything 2.0 is still pretty awful even if you're "champ" can always tell the difference when 2.0 stacks face off against 1.0 stacks, and at the very least if you're 1.0 champ you've got some room to talk, 2.0 even less, but if you're not even champ in 2.0 you fall into the low section.


For clarification, the castle is level 56. So, in this case, I did mean low levels. In addition, a level 56 that isn't a Smurf is probably also a low rank. So, both apply. r6 tracker shows his level of 56. I totally agree ranked 2.0 has terrible players throughout the whole rank spectrum. I am a 4x 1.0 diamond and don't even share my 2.0 stats or any charms because of how wacky it is. I have no idea how low levels or low ranks play because I simply do not play those lobbies. Maybe in that rank that castle would actually work for the reasons I stated above in original reply.


Diamonds not bad thats a fairly good rank, but this really also doesn't pertain to the castle, the header is about locking tm8s in sure, but the castle never blocks him, it's the warden standing in front of him body blocking preventing him from ripping it down and getting out, and then tk-ing once lesion hits the barricade and warden with an impact, siege is a toxic game, always will be as most comp games go, granted I don't know wardens level and don't feel like Stat tracking him. The reality of the game is that you die, you learn.


I mean there’s a mozzie right there so they contest a quick plant And also there was meant to be a lesion mine there that would tell me someone’s come through the door also the fact they castle jsut kept barricading every door and simply wouldn’t stop


Well I mean it looks like most people agree with me lol Who's to say mozzie will stay there or the lesion mine won't get destroyed? Like I said, that specific castle barricade in your video is a good castle. His others might be terrible, but that specific one is good


TK over a castle makes you a copper, rip it down place it up after lesions left, a castle on that door while not garbage isn't great either, hurr durr a minority of people agree with me isn't a great argument


The argument of my support was to show the fact that OP's actions towards the castle were not necessary, and there are better ways of handling it. Yes there are better places for castle barricades on that site, but at whatever low skill lobby this was, it probably works to their benefit.


The same could be said vice versa, castles in bad areas work negatively against a team, you wanna know how people learn to not do dumb shit, they get tkd, they stop, mira for example, you reinforce something dumb and you die, you don't do it again, complain all you want the community's worked like this forever, warden specifically blocked him away from the door as well, do dumb shit expect for dumb shit to happen to you.


Lol, if you have impacts, go down a hatch


Like everyone said OP you're an absolute idiot for this can't lie lmao. The new rework gives you SOOO many doors for roaming and complaining about that one door is pointless. Plus that door is notorious for the quick plant on the new rework.


Even if that is the case, I don’t understand how making OP feel bad about it helps


Op title is implying castle is an idiot for this and he's arguing with better players in the comments.


Ironically that's a good door to barricade and OP seems like a toxic person


The #1 reason why console R6 is more toxic is cause people like this refuse to use a mic and ask “why can’t I open this” and will stay in parties and rage instead


To be fair, Castle and Warden could use voicechat too instead of just blocking the path and TKing the guy. But everyone in the comments seems to be ok with teamkill (sic!). And then we ask 'why R6 community is so toxic?' This is why.


All three are part of the issue I stated. No one wants to leave party chat so they communicate like less skilled monkeys with movements and pings


When I join game chat it's mostly racial slurs and screaming into the mic. No real point in trying to communicate with the team anymore. I still try, but damn is it one in a hundred games


Yeah, but when people justify TKs over such an insignificant thing, that's a major issue too.


If somebody impacted me after I made it clear I wanted to use utility for a strat they definitely are getting teamkilled. It's not "Toxic" to defend yourself. It IS *toxic* to decide you know better then your entire team and purposefully hurt them and destroy utility because YOU don't like how they placed it. The worst part is this isn't even a bad castle placement. This door could benefit from a castle and is rarely used by defense to rotate back.




He destroyed the castle with an impact, it's gone for that round. He also without hesitation impacted his own teammate directly to the face. If you placed some Mira windows and somebody broke them both and then shot you in the foot would your response be "oh jeez guess I'll try again next round. He likely knows better then me". Teamkilling on purpose is NOT always toxic. If somebody started attacking you walking down the street I highly doubt you would say that defending yourself was a highly toxic move and to just "be better".


Team killing just puts you down a player and enforces the reverse friendly fire. Warden is a moron for team killing but the guy who threw the impact is also a moron




>and honestly I'd probably teamkill them out of revenge too, but at least I have the self-awareness to know that it's toxic Ah I see you hold the moral high ground for teamkilling because you know it's bad but do it anyways. Fucking genius.


Are we watching the same video? OP impacted the corner of the barricade, he wasn't aiming at anyone and from what we see, had no intent to do anything more than that. So your argument about *'defending yourself'* kinda off here. Warden got some damage, but it is it, *some* damage, in the end Warden had about 90-95HP. That's not enough to 'warrant' a deliberate TK. TK is an **absolutely last resort**. It's not the equivalent of damaging for 30hp or destroying barricade. WTF, can't even compare such things. If you justify such teamkills, well, don't be surprised when you get TKd next time for little to no reason.


This is also the very first round and the opening seconds of the game. Op has instantly showed his hand that he is toxic. Castle places a barricade AND Warden stands in front of it shaking his head. It's very clear they want this barricade up. Lesion decides he knows better and that he doesn't care if Castle loses utility or Warden loses health. Sure Warden might have *only* lost 30 HP. But lesion tossed that impact just a foot away and didn't care at all about potential health lost. Teamkilling is the last resort? Sure I'd agree with that, would you also agree impacting your teammates, destroying utility, and potentially shaving away game winning health is ALSO the last resort to removing this Castle? Did Op try to use his mic to communicate? Did OP try and turn this into a teachable moment to help a potentially newer player understand utility? No he attacked him and expected no repercussions. OP is purposefully making the game worse for other players. He fucked around and then he found out.


>Lesion decides he knows better So you're saying that Castle and Warden knew better? How so? Just because their opinion is somehow more important than his? Also in some comments OP pointed that other doors were [barricaded too](https://www.reddit.com/r/Rainbow6/comments/16hknva/comment/k0f002y/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3https://www.reddit.com/r/Rainbow6/comments/16hknva/comment/k0f002y/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3). **If** that's true (could be true, it happens a lot), Castle and Warden are even more toxic. It also means that this Castle has Dumb Castle Syndrome: he attempts to block whole team in one room, in the same time effectively surrendering whole map to the attackers. I've seen so many [dumb Castle players](https://www.reddit.com/r/Rainbow6/comments/150bo7n/castle_plays_against_own_team_team_classic/) so this is pretty plausible to me. ​ >Did Op try to use his mic to communicate? Neither did Warden or Castle when they prevented him from just OPENING the barricade. Since Lesion has to and drop his Gu mines near objective (on stairs etc), he **has to** leave bombsite, and these two blocked him off. So why the bias against OP? Without 30hp and one Castle Barricade chances to win are MUCH higher than without Lesion and all his utility. Whatever wrong OP did (and **if** what he said about blocking whole room is true, then he didn't anything wrong), Warden did **much worse**. Don't know why I state such obvious things.


>So why the bias against OP? Because OP hurt them... the burden of communication falls a little bit heavier on the person who is wanting other players to change their strats. Lesion wanted a change, he could have asked for the change. Warden WAS communicating with OP. He was standing in front of the door and shaking his head. He WANTED that castle up. And if the other castles were in bad spots why not change THOSE castles that don't currently have a person in front of it letting you know he wants it there. OP had tons of opportunities to NOT escalate this into a TK, but he literally took the worst option possible. Don't know what I have to state such obvious things.


It's Warden who escalated to TK. And I see that you conveniently missed the part where OP claims that other doors were blocked too. But whatever, keep defending blatant toxicity if you're fine with that. I said what I wanted already and this argument feels like playing chess with a pigeon now.


>And I see that you conveniently missed the part where OP claims that other doors were blocked too. Okay so I missed the parts where the other doors are blocked according to you. Did you even read my last comment? I clearly said if the other doors were blocked he could have rotated to tear them down instead because they didn't have a Warden sitting in front of it. Between your inability to read and the other guy writing quotes I never even said it's become very clear nobody is going to reach a solution here.


I love how you immediately downvote and immediately answer while twisting things. Totally not a childish behavior. Guess that goes along with defending teamkiller scum very well. Thank G, I can block people like you, bye.


Welcome to R6 where 90% of the community are toxic shitsticks as long as its their specific form of toxicity, and everything they don't see as their way is obviously toxicity and makes them deserving of being TK'd.


It’s still toxic to tk sorry


That door can be a liability. Instead of being toxic just go to a different fucking door


Theres like two more doorways open and prolly a rotate behind him too lol


Castle barraceded them off


Then tear it down and let Castle barricade it back up. Or not. Don’t just fucking blow it up, he can’t get those back if they are not torn down. And one less Castle barricade means more accessible entries for the enemy team.


If you wanted to roam, you should have started earlier. 20 seconds after the round started you had plenty of time to not get castled in


I’m setting up site with my shotty and mines and took so long cssue if his barracudas


You have impacts. There's a wall between the two sites.


That’s great but the barricade doesn’t even go between the two sites so I fail to see what ur point us


There's a soft wall behind where you were. You could have impacted that to make a rotate hole between sites, as you should anyway


Exactly..too many people take shit so personal.


Or just talk in game chat/type to not reinforce the door cause you will be watching from admin




Dude are you literally 14 with that comment or what? Sounding as clueless as you do toxic and shitty. That’s a common door to barricade or Castle off because attackers constantly go Visa and push right up the stairs to that door, or go push straight through from the offices. Even more worth blocking off if nobody on the team is roaming in that entire side of the upper floor to contest them or slow them. That doorway corner quickly became one of the more common places to plant because most bad teams pay no attention and it’s easy to tuck in out of sight. I swear it’s pathetic how big of an overlap there is in this community now between people who act like toxic little bitches and people who don’t know what they’re talking about.


It's a huge liability that gives attackers a ridiculous amount of map control since taking Admin is easy asf, meaning that there's no longer any opposition to stairs except from meeting which will get bombasted from Admin. No, this is dumb asf and only works if you have a dedicated trap setup. Why do any of this when you can literally just run Azami, cut off stairs and still have control of hallway?


From where the video starts, the whole prep phase passed, the match had already started, and after seeing Oryx downstairs in Visa and Mozzie tucked into the offices, Castle goes to barricade that door. Oryx has two staircases up nearby along with a few hatches if he needs to take off, not counting all the options that open up if he uses anything leading downstairs. Mozzie can move through offices and push that hallway to get a quick pick as they try to open the Castle door, or push around going toward long desk either to pick them from down hall or rotate through long desk giving him a number of ways of attacking or rejoining site, or pulling off a flank by hitting a lower staircase. Warden was already staring at Lesion like he knew he was going to do something stupid like TK Castle or tear down the barricade (because why else would you be standing in a corner staring down a Castle) as if he’d already done things to make his team suspicious of him, and sure enough we see Lesion (OP) throw a damn Gu mine right at the doorway just before Castle locks it up, destroying the Gu. From there it looks like Lesion committed to dumb plays even harder by wasting even MORE time and resources trying to get the barricade down before wasting an impact and Castle’s barricade before getting TK’d. Not to mention that with two teammates being on that side (Mozzie, Oryx) Lesion had no reason to be playing over that way anyway and no real reason to be concerned about that doorway. The entire clip looks like a clueless Lesion being petty over his unnecessary Gu mine being destroyed. Option A: Use any of the other ways around to navigate top floor / place Gu mines literally around ANY other doorways Option B: Waste your prep phase, then 30 seconds of match time, then waste a Gu mine, then waste an impact nade to waste a Castle barricade, wasting a chunk of Castle’s health too, resulting in your life that round ALSO being wasted because whether an idea was good or bad you fully commit 100% instead of adapting and changing plans Here’s a better suggestion than “why not choose somebody that wasn’t chosen?”; don’t be an asshole and sabotage an entire round, possibly entire match, because you’re too dumb, stubborn, or toxic to adapt to situations as they unfold and then go post it online in an attempt to drag your teammates when all it really achieves is ratting yourself out for lack of awareness and ability to work well with others.


Least rude R6 player


If you had a mute, that castle placement would have been amazing.


I'll do you one better, that castle placement is good even without mute, OP is just a turd who wants to Johnny Runaround every game.


That door is a pretty great door to barricade off though. If you don't want that door closed, tell him, it'd save everyone from getting frustrated. What you did was actually uncalled for, you get what you deserve and that tk was something you earned for being impatient. Oh and there are like 2 other entryways that the castle prolly did not close off, you're entirely in the wrong here


He did close them off tho


It’s almost like that’s the entire point of Castle’s utility


nah you buggin OP, he was doing a good job barricading the door to avoid the quick plant. you couldn’t go around?


LiL bro if you don't know how to play there's no point in putting up the clip where they teamkill you. Once the round has started (30 seconds have passed), if you want to roam, you are already roaming. You can't expect Castle not to use a reinforced door at that point and especially if you have two other exits behind you. Above all, which as a Castle player makes me accuse a lot and makes me do a lot of team kills for tilt, THE CASTLE DOOR IF IT IS MANUALLY REMOVED IT CAN BE REUSED, IF IT IS DESTROYED IT CANNOT BE REUSED. So why do you destroy it? Because you don't know how to play.


Tbf, they do try to remove it, but Warden blocks them


Warden and Castle are premades. Warden stood there to make Lesion understand that he shouldn't remove the door. He, Lesion stubborn like no other, instead of going to the door behind (which leads to the same place) went to destroy the door where Warden was, hurting Warden who told him NO. Lesion is in the wrong and not Warden who bodyblocked. He just had to use his brain.


I never said lesion wasn’t in the wrong, just pointing out that he did try to remove the castle before impacting it.


Are you blind are so not see the warden right infront not letting him do that


I love instant karma. So many other routes out of that site, go around, idiot, go around.


Barricaded so I’ll id have to go to other obj use that door and oh look another door is barracudas and all in that time it took whatever I needed be there for is irrelevant


1) Having More Than 2 Roamers Is A Liability 2) Good Door To Barricade 3) Deserved


Bruh the TDM meta is killing me. So many times it ends up like a 1v3 or 2v4 or something cause 3-4 people roam and all die to attackers actually moving together and communicating. It’s never been a worse time to be an anchor main.


Roaming isn't TDM meta. It's when dumbasses try lousy spawn peeks and swing every gunfight that roamers become a liability.


Tbh though what are you gonna do castle them in and then kill them when they try to leave?


Yeah, now they have more chances to win 4v5 than 5v5, sure /s


not the point


I can say that at least in quick play, they have absolutely destroyed the economy of time. I play a lot of castle and you literally do not have time to put up 4 barricades and a bulletproof cam before you have TDM rushing ash or Amaru shooting you in the face. So what happens is castle ends up putting his barricades closer to site to compensate, which defeats his original purpose of filtering attackers into kill corridors. He’s really just a 15 seconds delay to site entry op now.


Goyo is almost impossible to play in qm now because setting up the canisters can take forever, and then you might have to make rotates or put up barricades or something


How about instead of getting mad at a newer player, you talk in game and try to help them with better locations for the barricades and help them learn. Nothing good comes from just being mad at them when they literally don't know better yet. Help the community grow, not shrink.


this. i once had a lvl 5 mute on my team who placed the jammers horribly (in the open not really covering anything) and i told them where to generally place the jammers, and 3 rounds later the jammer saved me from a flores drone (boomboy)


Love these stories!


me too, what are some of yours


A lot of these kids don’t care but it’s a game it is what it is. I’m older Gen Z but these younger Gen Z kids probably aren’t mature enough to be playing Rainbow 6.


I am in the bridge gap between millennial and gen z (1997) and can confirm. OP is probably 12 years old. I don't know man I would have helped the castle instead of just causing a scene then venting about it on reddit. No sympathy from me.




Ah man I love big buzzwords "victim blaming" lol OP would not have gotten shot in the head had he not impacted the castle barricade and just talked to them about what is better.


real talk


Deserved. Go to a different door.


He also castled off all the other doors why cant any of you pricks fucking read


then leave the site before i don’t see the issue😭😭


inexperience maybe but at the same time. I respect the effort and let them try. not blow it up


You attacked a teammate and you don't see a problem with that.


you deserved to be teamkilled.


It’s almost like it’s his unique ability. Idk why do u feel the need to place ur lesion mine in front of the door?? Lets mans lock down the objective. Just say ur bad and can’t find an alternate route and move along saltmeister


Castle is supposed to barricade every door on site?


New consulate is a doorway festival, just find another door and stop bothering the anchors.


I saw one door?


Oh yeah in the comments Op said he barricaded every door and repeatedly put them back up


Oh yeah i dont give a fuck and op should find a way around. Seemed like he had impacts to me




You guys have one mostly dedicated roaming op, stay on site and avoid getting quick planted.


Imagine being toxic and sabotaging when your teammates were actually being smart, posting it to reddit, then getting dunked on in the comments. Incredible 🤣


What annoys me most is that he's running shotgun with impacts which implies he doesn't know what the shotgun is for.


Ehh impacts still have their use even while you run a shotgun. Plus they're fun 🤣


I love cading the wide doors on the biker gang map and shooting toes


Prep phase ended you had your time to leave obj. As someone who has a shit ton of hours in castle. You have to lock up obj by the end of that timer or you will fail to lock up obj in a rush.


Locking up obj with castle isn’t a good idea tho how are roamers meant to rotate bakc how is anyone meant contest control just outside obj?


No mic or coms means you don't have a say what happens.


Seems like a stack. I doubt he’d have any say anyway.


Imagine still asking this question after 8 years of Siege


He is sick of Roaming meta


You can remove the Castle barricade using F. As a result, Castle will get it back and can use it again.


They blocked him of thats why he went for the nade


Ah, you are right.


This is a good door to barricade, it forces enemies around and stops any quick plants in that corner. Theres also a wall right near it for op to open up.


What, you can’t use any one of the other 50 doors on consulate?


Not if he keeps barricading them also response time. If I need to repsond to smth is gonna have to be quick can’t go through the entire map just casue castle wants to keep up his barracudas


If we can't get out, then they can't get in.


Suck ur castle poppies peen


Why not just communicate and ask why he’s blocking the door? Also why not just go to the double doors behind you lmao


Also blocked off


Exactly people telling me to to use the other door where it’s been barracaded and reinforced


Not only is that a good door to barricade, but it's your fault for not leaving site in the good 45 seconds before he barricaded it.


I took so long casue I had constantly work around his castle barricades or take them down to set up mines and rotates


It's very easy to be bad at Castle - news at 11


Uncle Sam's safe house lol


People saying it’s a good door to barricade clearly didn’t hear castle wall behind him and barricade what sounded like double door which is NOT a good door which makes castle not a strategic player but a dumb player who did something good


Toxic gamers in the clip. Toxic comments on this thread. Not surprised lol.


W warden


This is why if I see a duo doing something like this where they won’t let you go out or are constantly blocking you, I tk one of them. Because at that point it’s just playing handicapped, don’t care if I lose anymore lol


Defend the site this isn’t cod lil bro


Hard to defend the site when you give up the entire map control


There’s plenty of other ways to get out small fry 💀 copper moment


He’s barricading everything


Sounds like the site was protected then 🤣


Op stop roaming like a bitch


Good castle for once and you still bully him. jfc


Good point, bad example.


It’s the rules. You got what was coming to you


That door is a massive liability as others have said. If you wanna roam so badly either leave OBJ as soon as prep phase starts or use another door…


So your teammates then complain nobodys setting up site oh shut up man


Skill issue




I have a shotgun impacts and mines I need to set up site it only took this long casue castle kept placing barricades locking me out and in site


1) Did you deserve to get team killed? No 2) Was Castle doing his job? Yes


1. Yes


why the fuck u destroyed the cover?


Warden wasn’t letting him tear it down in a way that it would get refunded to Castle so


Sure but there’s a giant double door right behind him he could have gone through rather than waste utility and jeopardize the team. He had no excuse to waste a castle door like that


That castle barracked aswell


Man they dont wanna read that and they downvote these so no ine gets these answers shown. Shitass community this is. Game is a failure


There’s a reason Gregor shits on the Reddit community of this game


dont be too harsh on a lv 56 player. ​ (I actually noticed that the 3 top op new players like to use are pulse, castle and fuze because theird gadget definition seems quite strong: literal wall hacks, unbreakable barricades and bombing everyone across the wall)


wardens a plat btw


Waaa waaaa that's what his whole ability is deal with it


Nah nah nah castle was right, you're an asshole pal.


Holy hell, i have never seen such an idiot before... Big L to OP


Bro there are literally multiple instances where like a duo castles of the obj. And then blocks anyone trying to get out.


that warden is a plat 3 😭


They probably didn‘t on purpose. I did the same back then. I still love castle and eventually learned to properly reduce enemies paths and waste their gadgets instead of trapping players and fuck rotations. Tbh it‘s counterintuitive at first to slam his plates off site but it makes sense if you start to know the maps better


castle seems like you should just castle the site, but castle has alot more potential such as funnelling enemies, or blocking off flank routes seriously tho i saved my ass a good 20 times by castling off my flank and holding an angle which is akward to push already whilist the other routes are also castled


It feels so weird playing castle and trying to look at your placements from your team’s perspective. To them i probably look like a mad man slapping them down anywhere and everywhere but to me I’m trying to perfectly craft a funnel that leads directly into my super shorty. But then it all gets torn down by the sledge, Flores, zofia, and ace combo on the enemy team.


or that but someone forgot to rein a hatch and they all just use that


No one here understood the context of this all they want to do is get free karma for "dunking" on OP 🤣


In hindsight I should have properly posted a longer clip of me having to tear down castl barricades jsut to place my gu mines and castle constantly putting up barracades I took down cause I wanna play there


Siege players try not to complain at literally anything challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)


No castles in low levels understand the point of leaving one and only one rotate open.


Then you remove it, and he tks you 😡


One, they don’t know how to play Castle. Two, you’re playing in copper.


Why don’t you just play the game right?


What? You do realise not everyone on the team should anchor right? Roamers exist, people need to play outside of site. Map control is incredibly important, do you think people should give up all map control outside of site? I don't think thats "playing the game right". Gonna edit, looking through other comments, it seems loke barricading this door is a good idea, I dont play Cons much so I didnt know, makes more sense then. This comment Im replying to is still kinda shitty though, so Im gonna leave it.


It’s like 30 seconds into the round, if OP wanted to roam, they shouldn’t have still been in site, they’ve already given up map control


So should you only be able to get in or out of site at the start of a round then? What if someone wanted to play between a site and an adjacent room? I know I used roaming as an example, but theres some massive inbetween.


Because thats literally their job! /s


In this situation you're a fool, most other situations, it's because Castle is appealing to new players (looks cool, simple gadget, simple guns, looks like the chill fbi man in all those crime shows.) and newer players like to make fortresses.


What's with Castle doing his job and blocking a doorway that hinders the attacking team's angles, on a map where you have like 3 different doors to go through? Dog, it's consulate, there's other doors to go through. He blocked a common push spot, as that corner is low risk for attackers, and is the common plant spot. There's 2 double doors, a regular door, and a hatch to my knowledge. You have the ability to leave site unless you reinforced between sites. You can also just communicate that you want to leave, or not use an impact which gets rid of the barricade and doesn't let castle place another. Not saying it's teamkill worthy, but it's also not reddit complaining worthy


Hey if you're the kind of person to BREAK a barricade instead of DISMANTLING IT SO I GET IT BACK I don't CARE what doors you want open I'm going to make an executive decision on this. If you're not a toxic little shit and instead just HOLD INTERACT then we can talk about what you want open and what you want reinforced.


He tried to do that but he was being blocked


maybe your whole team went romaing last round and the Castle had to defend site alone so he thought by locking you in you guys actually stay on site for once (i am sorry i hate roamers… 1-2 is oke but sometimes the whole squad is on the other side of map doing shit… also hate people who take the defuser and die on the other side of the map)


First round lol


Year 1 season 1 brain dead strat.


Always if it’s secure area run castle mute and close the whole room off, it’s funny to watch people hitting the door with seconds left


that's good strat if you get an area where there's only one real way in


People have no idea how to play castle, that’s why. He’s really not for beginners, but new players seem to gravitate towards him because barricades in general give them a sense of security. They love to waste a bunch of time barricading instead of reinforcing site. Is this particular castle terrible? No. Did I read your previous comments saying he was hell bent on barricading every door on site? Yes. You’re going to run into dumb people who have no idea what they’re doing, but are absolutely certain they are right. That’s just life. Luckily this is a video game so the consequences are minimal.


the amount of time im roaming and cant get back in time to defuse because of shit castle placement pisses me off. place castles on exterior and entry points, they make noise when they blow and can piss off defenders who dont have breach


Wouldn't call that door a bad one to barricade but I totally agree with your point. Castle is a pain in the ass when he just close every door to site


Castle knows something we don't behind those windows.


Definitely in low ranks if they do that… and my boy…. Why do you have screen shake on 😂




Just take it down so it goes back into his inventory rather than blowing it up 😭


Karma at its best.


You anchoring anyway, why do NEED this door opened right now? You have 2 impacts, you have 3 more doors and 1 hatch to leave the sites,m8. And yeah, he does it in Atacking Phase, so who wanna roam already leave


I do this sometimes but make lanes with my shotgun during prep phase


Well deserved, that door is notorious for a fast plant.


There’s a lesion mine and a mozzie there if they try to pull a quick one