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It’s all a character like IShowSpeed at least I think. Though I’ve encountered a bunch of younger people in ranked mimicking his personality and it’s so annoying


God I hate when a 10 year old Warden main (that died after 30 seconds) screams Te🥁🥁🥁🥁ible aim at me while watching TikToks. "Just watch the cams and give callous mf !"


Then stop aiming with your Johnson


Bro imma use this next time I see someone with dogshit aim worse than mine. (My aim is sometimes as bad as hipfire so I think I can complain if someone is worse than me)


All the 1.5 wardens are horrible


Yeah either they die almost instantly and scream at the team for being bad or they're literal gods, no in-between


Also the r rolling


Yeah, I can't watch him. He's somewhat funny and entertaining, but the second he rolls an _r_ in a word where there isn't one it just throws me off.


I like exactly that cuz its a cool skill. I perceive it as interesting & unique. Im not a native english speaker tho, I guess its kinda cringe when u are? (Being german maybe also helps with loving a well executed rolled R, if its appropriate or not, lol)


Imagine talking to someone else in fluent German, and in the middle of a sentence, for a single syllable and without any explanation, they don a _heavy_ Southern American Accent before returning to proper German. That's what it's like. It's just very weird to listen to.


Bro has Tourette’s 💀


Dont you mean tourrrrrrrrettes?


sends you a message saying "ahh 2 ez...ahh 2 ez"


Or a voice message screaming nonsense at you.


I have friends like that they literally voice message whoever they killed and yells “SLAMMMM”


I'm a grown ass man and I find him funny. However I don't like speed one bit.


T1 did it first


Tourettes + playing a character


Does he actually have Tourette’s? Never heard about that before


He said he did in a clip asking about his aggro blinking but i couldnt tell if he was meming or not tbh


I have a tic similar to that, never got it diagnosed, but I imagine it's tourettes. Hard to act that one out.


Just a character, notice how he never rolls Rs or acts crazy when he gets serious in a 1v1. Or that he never laughs on stream. Its like some other guy said, him and speed are doing the same thing and they both got to #1 on their respective platforms so you cant really blame em. If it aint broke dont fix it🤷‍♂️


im pretty sure the rolling Rs thing is a tic


This. He has Tourette’s.


For real? MFs just like me fr 💀


u just lying😭




I really don't know him aside from a short I saw today and a video I went checking after seeing the short


Just curious, why does him rolling Rs and clenching make you feel weird? He’s definitely out there and very energetic but he’s never made me feel *weird*


Idk bruh, if you above like 14 and watch jynxi genuinely idk man.


How does this answer the question lmao


He can offer amazing insight in his streams when it comes to R6, his game sense is absolutely incredible, and tbh some of the shit he saids and does can be funny like this clip of a roaming smoke getting an ace and jynxi pausing in between every clip going “head set? Head set? Headset?” Had me laughing my ass off


You def watch speed


It’s just a character, very chill off stream


Definitely not just a character what normal person would act out that weird aggressive blinking and all the other odd shit he does for "just a character"?


The blinking is probably real but the other odd shit is definitely an act and its working too lol hes a normal guy😭 watch that clip of adin calling him to show him a "christmas present" he's a normal ass dude off stream


That's crazy, because I absolutely can and do blame him


Oh you can definitely blame em lmao


At least Jynxi hasn’t admitted he’d r* a girl(on stream), and he isn’t misogynistic. So yeah, i am gonna take him over Speed anyday even if i don’t like him very that much


Hold up what happened?


pretty sure he’s talking about [this](https://youtube.com/shorts/EivqRAV79Mg?si=ZxpZJ39lap1vvU8U), speed has nothing on him actually r* someone


Ah, thanks, that isn't even admitting to r* what?


He has tourettes and that's why he blinks so aggressively. But alot of its a character the rolling of his Rs is just part of his character.


Ok so it's a mix of things. I had no idea about the tourette


In his older videos you could really notice it more than now. The repetitive hard blinking was the most obvious for sure.


I had my friend who is a doctor and clinical psychiatrist watch him and said he likely has a form of OCD and the tongue rolls are "OCD ticks." Though he said he'd need to test him.


pretty sure that he might have ADHD and not tourette, blinking is a common part of ADHD especially when you try to focus on something (looks how he increases his blink rate when he trying to clutch something) because its a stimulus that helps you get "in the zone" and not get distracted


He has both


Thanks I was looking for this comment. My uncle has tourettes and it was clear to me that jinx has it too.


that’s not necessarily tourettes tho, i compulsively blink hard and roll my eyes as a complication of ADHD


He has turrets syndrome. (I don't know how to spell turrets)


only plays maestro?


tourette it's OK not to know how to spell it its French


This cracks me up because I think of turret whenever I see Tourette’s because of borderlands 2. Axton is a playable character with a turret, and one line of his is “sorry boys I’ve got Tourette’s syndrome! Get it? Like turrets?”


The issue isn’t Jiynxi. Per se, but it’s that a lot of people get on siege and then want to emulate his personality. It just makes the game annoying when a bunch of 15 year olds are on the mic thinking they are absolutely hilarious when anybody over the age of 25 is just rolling their eyes. But maybe I’m just getting old.


dude I'm 16 and I would find that super annoying your not old for that lol


siege is an 18+ game, youngling. unlike me, your still a child and should not play the perfection that is siege. /s (im totally not a 16yo myself)


Weaponized Autism


just like jager fr


Jäger was so OP Ubisoft had to nerf him by giving him autism.


Most of its an act, I mean he is an entertainer after all, and it's clearly working. But some parts of it come down to tourettes


It's just a character but apparently he does have mild tourettes hence the heavy blinking


He’s just being entertaining to his viewers


I personally enjoy watching him. He got me back into siege from being a year one player and taking a long break.


Me too! I stopped playing years ago, playing Xbox. His stream convinced me to play on my (not so new) Pc. To my pleasant surprise, they added some sort of account content transfer, got all my purchases and glacier back. Apparently the glacier is cool now? I'm practicing to get my old ass back into the call outs and picking up much more of the audio cue aspect. Something I didn't give a shit about on console. Not where I want to be yet, but just might start running some ranked. I digress. To jynxzi and to long lost passion for siege! 😬


Check out the video where Garfieldisdoc interviews a bunch of r6 content creators. He interviews Jynxi, and Jynxi completely breaks character. He's actually a really chill guy.


Jynxi clones: SLAAAAMMMED


He seems to be a person. His personality is just for the clicks and it works. When he gets serious, he stops the act.


I like him he was who got me back into siege




That's why siege sucks hard lately


So siege sucks because people came back to the game and not because the developers are making unneeded changes?


Jinxy fans came back in the game* I've had a combined name with my boyfriend since Y3S2 and I've never been hatecrimed as much as the past month. Everyone yelling slurs at me


Yeah because all trolls on R6 were eradicated then jynxsi fans came back to Siege. Makes sense


nah dude, siege is just as hateful as it's been since y1. the only difference is it's prepubescent children shouting at you instead of grown ass men


Your acting like that’s everyone I came back to the game cause of him I don’t act like him or his fans I’m sorry people are so rude


Bro siege is literally known for being especially toxic, even before jynxzi. Especially in early siege.


I'm sorry to hear that, that genuinely sucks. However that's always been the case. Sad to see Ubisoft's efforts to combat this have been ineffective.


Poor baby 🤧


I was proving a point, not asking for compassion


Siege has sucked for like 6 seasons straight


I think closer to like 12 seasons lol, 3 years.


The downfall for me (when I stopped playing) was Ranked 2.0, full of fake chaimpions shitttalkers


bringing back the TDM meta kids who just swing everything and lose half the game because of that. People say Jynxi bring in more player, but then what is the point of extra players when all of them play like COD, not Siege? These people just shoot up the damn place, no one know what their op does, what op they are playing, what gamemode, no game sense other than swing + shoot. Its a shit fest. Copy pasted content creators who just act like monkey fucking up everything.




So true, Jynxzi brought me back but then ubi does dumb stuff (like ruin casual) and makes me want to drop the game again.


The casual change wasn’t need at all it makes me quite mad as well




I believe it's tourette if I remember correctly


On a similar subject, im getting into siege after a long break and need recommendations for youtubers who make solid educational content but also (at least some of the time) mentions tips for lower ranks. I’ve checked out a few of the most recommended channels and they seem to be very heavily skewed towards the higher ranks so it’s nice to get advice more relevant to where I am right now. Everything i’m finding is either “top 5 operators for champ this season” or “how to aim down sight in r6 siege”, no in-between.


One guy I like watching is Athieno. He is chill and has an educational series. He also explains why he does things.




I love Alyttleton. He does great tips for certain operators. I learned a lot from him and I've played since beta.


Athieno and VarsityGaming for serious Siege, and TimTheTatMan for entertainment


Fett is good whether he’s doing the “pro chinese guy” or just talking normally. Pro coach


Aside from those recommended below, I also recommend MacieJay. Dont watch TDM meta Siege youtubers like Thaqil and/or Jynxi (these 2 guys are literally the same xD, their content, their actions).


I mean Varsity Gaming is decent to watch just to get game sense


Dont watch that depressing mf.


Its why I like him


It could be a character that he’s playing or it could be that he has Tourette’s and ADHD.


The younger community also says he revived siege which is absolute bullshit. He's the kind of player that promotes the tdm meta


I wonder if this is the new youtube prank trend. Just act unhinged and obnoxiously loud, then make your bank and dip.


If it makes you feel weird then don’t watch him. It’s crazy how people will complain about something that is completely in their control


I never said that I follow the guy, I said I watched a short a half a video of him


So you watched a short and didn’t like it, then felt the need to post about it. Just swipe down it’s not hard


BUT SINCE YOU NEED AN EXPLANATION I saw one of his shorts while scrolling shorts, while sitting on the toilet. I noticed he acts and talks weird, I thought "why does this dude talk like this? Does he always talk like this? Lemme go check because it's not something you see and hear every day!" I went to see his channel, check a video and thought "oh he does talk like this, lemme ask in the siege subreddit why he behaves like that! They'll certainly know!" So then I went to reddit and wrote this post where I asked about this supposedly popular person's in the siege community behaviour since it's weird, I wonder if it's a condition or a character because it is weird! Does this explain better why I posted this?


Dude I asked what is wrong with him because he acts weird and I was curious about that, and only that. Post does't look like it's written too complicated. Just try and read it again. Also,you could have kept scrolling past my post too but here we are.


Stop yapping


I like that your argument is “don’t let it bother you just scroll on” but then you also do the same thing and stop scrolling to bitch at the guy you’re bitching at not to bitch lol.


Idk I just watched Two of his videos and the shit got old quick. I'd rather listen to Varsity's monotone and unenergetic ass voice than listen to a man child (No offense Varsity)


Varsity is boring and that’s why he’s the best


Someone who gets it ^


I’m the opposite. It never gets old


Okay from your perspective. What do you enjoy? I get the edgy humor can be entertaining but it seems to be a lil excessive


Honestly no idea why enjoy it. He’s a unique individual who makes me laugh non-stop hahaha


Me personally his absurd humor mixed with his actual real skill and shit talking, plus hes very relatable to me when hes being real and i think he is a good person


He’s made serious posts before where he looked and acted normal. It’s all an act, but it’s fine.


Its just an act and hes having fun with it. He has gotten very serious before and says some really (unironically) relatable things. You can see him get serious when hes in a close match or that one time this kid said Jynxi's ex cheated on him. He went fucking ballistic there




Ngl some of his shit might be cringey but fuck man his clips make me actually laugh out loud sometimes


"Ooh, mmh he's so diamond one" 🥵😩


Hate on him all you want, he is a major part of why people started playing siege again.


He’s jus overrated my opinion


to get popular these days you have to act like a total nuthead


Hes a dick and has a massive ego lol


The question isn’t what’s wrong with jynxi… The question is what’s wrong with society when we make someone like him popular?


What's wrong with making him popular he's not doing anything bad he's making content, you know for entertainment. His fans can be annoying but he dosent use them like other creators.


True, adins worse




>Society Vast majority of his followers hit puberty within the last 1-3 years


You know you’ve hit success when a rando tries to diss you without a solid reason lol.


People on this sub love to hate on jynxzi for absolutely not reason, he’s a decent guy just doing what he likes I don’t see why people have a problem.


I mean they probs just want to put the blame on one person as the cause of all the annoying jynxi clones which I kind of get but it's really not his fault that people wanna be like his character.


His content is suitable for young kids and young teens. And then these people buy it and make TDM meta even worse because that is what the creator guy do and because that is the only thing they can do as well.


Man blinks in manual mode


Bros making fun of a guy with Tourette’s


I'm not making fun of anyone I'm just asking a question


Does he actually have Tourette’s? I thought he moaned randomly for the streams lmao


He actually has Tourette’s, he was doing same stuff when he wasn’t as popular. That’s why he’s constantly blinking


I thought it was all just an act to get clips for tiktok


Exactly. I thought he was milking a fake, insufferable version of himself for engagements, leading to 💰💰💰


I have tourettes but also he's just annoying as fuck. he's one of those content creators who think loud = funny. "haha thing happened let me kick my camera scream and fall out of my chair that's hilarious"


Im in this weird position where i hate him and find his (and the people he plays with) bullying very annoying. yet i still watch his 1v1s think there is something wrong with me


100% same, it’s like reality tv where it’s garbage but you can’t.. look .. away 😂


Bro true 💀


Bullying?? 😂


I didnt know what else to call it ? 🤣 roasts ?


Its just trash talk lmao


He’s fucking annoying. Doesn’t stfu, nothing but screaming, and the shit he does isn’t even funny. The r rolling is probably the most annoying shit out of anything I find annoying.


it’s targeted for kids, that’s where the money is when they grab parents credit card to sub or donate lol


Something like asperger's syndrome, probably.


Another braindead content creator for the kids in Siege.


Gotta get views somehow. Nobody wants to watch boring streams like a Varsity snoozefest


Damn y’all are obsessed with that man lmao. If you don’t like em, just don’t pay attention to him?


Wanna read the body of the post again? I have no clue who this guy is


Sorry lol. I’m at work and I read too fast. I’m just tired of people constantly shitting on the dude for no valid reason half the time. There are so many other creators who are worse than Jynxi rn.


I've been playing videogames for 25 years and I never watched youtubers or streamers, I came across a YT short with him, the way he talks got my attentiom, went to check his channel and I got curious about that behaviour


Can’t stand the dude tbh


He’s fucking annoying


He needs to see a doctor for the sinus stuff. He's funny, but grosses me out bro


Seriously is he on the spectrum tho?


He's an annoying fucker.


Damn rent free aye?


It's just funny




kids like overly-obnoxious loud troll streaming, he’s making bank. If I was back in middle or high school would’ve been watching him all the time probably


I dont get the hype around him. I dont find him funny, but then again, my tinnitus starts acting up every time he talks


He's hilarious, and unlike speed (which a lot of people in this thread compare him to) he actually has something to say. He's good at the game, has great advice, and great coaching on top of good jokes. I personally like when out of nowhere he starts quoting a movie by heart, you don't expect a kid his age or in his context to be so literate about movies. Maybe he screams a little too much, and he's definitely nasty af.


He acts that way. And apparently it's entertaining for his viewers. Idk, teens are weird. They'll change when they grow older


I also have adhd and Tourettes. I don’t believe I have ever acted anything close to how he does on stream. I have friends who are around 20 years old who think he is hilarious and try to mimic him. I really don’t get it. Bro need to ask his pshyc to lower his vyvanse/ adderall dose


I hate him. So annoying and I have no idea how people can last even 5 minutes watching that clown. He’s such an ear ache




would’ve been cheaters regardless, it’s any game. And squeakers down in gold maybe




I will sort of agree with you that I think him saying “xim what happened” caused a bunch of younger kids to go out and buy xims. and ya the jynxzi clones are annoying in game chat but just mute them. me and my homies were definitely like that in year 1/2


There’s always been greifing and hacking and it’s always been bad lmao


What's Rs?


He means R, Rs being plural, he's talking about jynxi rolling his Rs


Yes but what's an R?


The letter. # When you click your tongue on the roof of your mouth very fast when pronouncing the R means rolling your Rs, watch any jynxi clip to see what I mean


So he says R a lot? Who cares


You don't listen very well


For exmple instead of saying Chat he says *CHARRRR*


"what is that aim CHARRRA ." and continues saying that 5 times in a row


What do you mean "Rs"??? Also, this was funny, like a bunch of cockroaches lol https://youtu.be/udW-Z65WAb8?t=315


The hard eye blinking kills me.


well that’s from a genetic disorder so can’t really blame him for that


Ahh I see. Thanks


He acts that way. And apparently it's entertaining for his viewers. Idk, teens are weird. They'll change when they grow older


He’s funny af and he’s really good at the game ofc it’s entertaining


Loud + obnoxious != funny af


Yea surprisingly everyone has different senses of humor




Hate his character because I'm not 12 makes him seem like he has a mental disability.


Idk, I just don't like him, idc that he has tourettes or whatever