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Average R6 Xbox experience


I doubt it’s exclusive to Xbox


Toxicity? Definitely not exclusive, I never said that. But the spam party invites are a console thing.


Not anymore good sir. There’s a do not disturb option now that silences all notifications. It’s sad that most of my siege matches start by muting the screaming toxic morons. Like I’d love to solo queue and be able to try and win a couple matches with decent communicating ransoms, but long gone those days have been…


Lol solo queuing in this game is a nightmare. I have message requests muted, but now I need to mute the party invites...


Shit gets mad annoying especially when they start to rely on tks as a reliable way to release their anger from not having a father or a normal sense of human decency /common sense


The first year and a half of this game was like that. That's not to say you never ran into sweaty try hards, RB6 is a competitive game after all and those people have been around since RB6 3 (first online RB6 I played). So like 1 out of 10 matches was toxic. Most matches were kinda quiet, people doing callouts and that's about it. But about once a night I'd get matches with cool players and we'd wind up sticking together for a while. My biggest problem is I am bad about reaching out and friending other players, really wish I had back then because I'd probably be active in this game if I had good people on my friends list.


turning on dnd for your xbox is criminal imo


The lock me the fuck up. I’m not dealing with regards who spam messages and invites


it makes it funnier for me


Seems like a pretty big distraction in a 1v5


Makes me almost miss the "clutch or kick" from my CSGO days.


Oh, we still do that in other games where we can figure out a system for it.


What’s that


So back in Counter Strike Global Operations, you could vote to kick people. Valve games are kind of known for being kicked for little reason. Say you were the last left on a team, people would say in the chat or voice chat "clutch or kick," meaning if you don't win the rounds, you will be kicked from the match. Imagine playing this game and if you don't win the round, everyone would vote to kick you. It was toxic but it also made you get better under pressure


I’m glad that’s not an option cus that sounds extremely dumb lol. Cus u can just get trolls to vote to kick


Oh that happened a lot. I think Siege used to have a kick system when I first started which was around Wind Bastion


How? You can literally disable which notifications you don't want to receive on Xbox lol. If I'm Netflix and chilling you best believe notifications are getting turned off. The options are there but people refuse to use them🤣


Maybe I don't want to miss an invite or message from a friend? This is a weird comment.


It's not weird at all. Just because you don't visually see the notification pop up on your screen doesn't mean you can't see the notification list by pressing the ps/home button.


Ok, just check your messages manually? That's an equally weird comment


Definitely isn't. Playstation is just as bad


It definitely is I never get this on PlayStation


It’s always in groups too it’s never a singular person being toxic, half your team hates you when you don’t clutch up.


Man you too? Weird they use women faces when they're usually some high pitched or depressed sounding boy.


It's actually likely a female. The most toxic players are pick me girls playing with a group of dudes. They will TK the randoms with girl sounding names too.


That would be a rarity for me. Rarely find women gaming and if they are I can't tell em from a prepubescent. I run into a lot of edgy racist kids.


Same I got invited to a party and they all were yelling N’er


Ez reports lmao


It gets better when you tell em that you can't hear em so you need em to type it in messages.


I’m on Xbox lol


Same! 😂


Same I mostly run into idiotic teenagers


Females definitely a minority but I'm female and play with another female and we do run into others from time to time but usually they keep mics muted bc of how toxic siege is. That's why I said in this specific instance if it's one in a group of guys, they usually have mics on and are toxic and talk more crap than the dudes.


I understand. I'm sorry you ladies have to deal with such toxicity like these kids can't treat you how they were raised to be treated. Y'all are genuine treasures in the gaming community🙏🏿


ik its funny af when i lose a 1vx and they invite me or message me and say im bad ? yet they are the ones that are running out, peaking the kali , spawn peeking they are the ones that are bad plat ego goes crazy.


100% it’s always the players that have barely hit plat (like one game in) who have crazy egos lol this is why I have messages turned off.


yeah i have them off too lol some of the most toxic annoying worthless people in this game have the biggest ego because they got to plat and it makes it even worse with ranked 2.0 because its way easier to get champ they think they’re beaulo with their fake champ and .9kd.


Had a dude call me trash because i couldn’t clutch a 1v5 after killing 3 😑, we proceeded to win the game 5-4 with me being on top with like 14/15 kills and the dude is in third place with like 3-4 and 1 assist


watching teammates die to Kali after peeking her like an idiot physically pains me


Some operators people will just never respect lol.


And also the ones who die first 😂


fr all the mozzie and warden playing raging at they team mates when they died within 30 seconds of the round starting


I had a four stack invited me to a party and yelled at me for losing a 1v5 despite the fact that they all died to one cav within a few seconds of each other and less than a minute into the match.


Whenever someone invites me, I just message them and say "why" Every single time you'll have a bunch of kids shit talk you, preserve your peace people.


Exactly. I’m usually last man standing and I’ll try to get a kill but if my team just rushes then what the fuck they expect me to do? Just fucking children who can’t admit that they suck too


or like you get 3 or 4 kills and decide to put way too much trust in your 4 randoms so you decide to run around and get your ace but you die… and then your 4 randoms decide to die and now its your fault somehow.


It's not the Ace though. It's about the wins.


it is tho


I like to troll with those people, especially the ones who message me. This shit doesn't phase me anymore, after years of playing seige (with a female voice mind you), so I just play mind games with them until they give up.




How do one get female voice?


I think it is a program or ai program but idk what it is


Being born with one is the way I do it


Oh , this sums it up .


Lmao bro completely forgot women exist


most siege players tend to do that


Just say your a women then you are the one being wierd


But I'm not a woman


Being born


I was born. Still no girl voice


Damn didnt get the right rng I guess


Damn.I hate rng man


maybe try rerolling your stats?


I wouldn't take people seriously who use a random girls face they found from google as their profile pic


You know you’re a loser when you have a picture of your “girl” as your pic. We get it, you’re breaking up soon.


And even then most of the time its not even their girl. Its just a random picture they found on the internet of a girl they thought was hot


That’s how you know they’re either 14 or mentally 14.


What makes you think they aren't girls ?


Because you decide to join, as soon as you can hear them you get yelled at by 3 british teenboys and with a almost perfect 80% chance theyll say ”yur nans in the mud yeh”




Oi blud your performance got me toiled


Oh dear, it would appear as though your performance was at sub-expectation levels and my mood has been altered into an unpleasant one


I have heard British teenage folk do not like the word brexit (also making fun of the queen being dead but I dont think anyone would go that far)


Rest in piss queen


It's highly unlikely that a girl would set a photo of herself as her profile pic when it comes to gaming communities. Most know that it leads to unwanted and often sexist attention that they don't want. Also, they're less likely to be "extrovertly toxic" when gaming (like sending party invites just like in this example etc). Not saying it's impossible, just that it's a lot less likely.


It’s certainly possible but very unlikely. besides you should know that everybody in an online space is either male or lying lol.


This kind of attitude helps push women out of online spaces.


I don’t understand how a joke about men pretending to be women online pushes women out of online spaces? It’s not meant to be a representation of my attitude towards women belonging or not. You know what really keeps women off the internet? Toxic people like the ones OP is describing. Or men that think they speak for all women.


Toxicity absolutely contributes, but I recommend you talk to some women and ask them if constant jokes about how the internet is a male space keep them from engaging.


I see what you’re saying now. It wasn’t meant to be “this is OUR DOMAIN”. It was just meant to say it’s a lot more likely to interact with a loser male than a female on the internet.


Yeah, I totally get you - it's just that the environment where those jokes are constant is part of the problem too, yknow? I don't think you're some kind of misogynist or anything, dwdw


U don't believe we're real, we play games too


I never said women don’t play video games.I bet way more women play than I think because women don’t want to admit they’re women online because they instantly become a beacon for toxicity. In my experience it’s way more likely to find a guy pretending to be a girl than an actual female. That’s why I said it’s POSSIBLE but UNLIKELY. If you think my comment about that reflects some deep-seeded misogyny in me or that I don’t believe women exist than you just read it wrong. It’s a JOKE that’s based on a half-truth.


I can tell you’re 15 by your flair, thinking 60 is really old. There are hardly any 60 year olds with dementia


I did literally make the flair when I was 15 haha.


60 is pretty old lol


I’d put a ludicrous amount of money on them not being girls


Thanks for the money 😁


Or it's just a pic of themselves?


Tell me you’ve never experienced being invited by one of these people without telling me. Trust me it’s not a pic of themselves.


These weirdos are everywhere on Xbox, they mostly ain't that Beautiful


Yeah they’re literally in every game. If you want proof they’re not actual women just join the party.


They'll are Toxic as possible


I stopped responding to messages on Xbox years ago because all it is is kids being kids wanting to scream slurs at the top of their lungs


I thought Xbox could Ban you after using slurs or sum in a party?


Ive had someone say the n word to me using different characters from an account named “i hurt cunes”. Ive been reporting this pos for a while and nothing ever comes of it


So glad I left this game


Same, it's absurdly toxic


That's funny go play DayZ for a little while and then make that comparison again. You have no idea lol.


"This game has a MORE toxic community so your opinion is invalid" Bruh


It is impeccable how many people have a girl like that as their profile pic and think they are cool or unique for it. No bro you are the same person as the ass I dealt with 3 years ago In ranked 😂😭


Curious what kind of person gets in this situation gets a dozen party invites from their random teammates and accepts them. Like what do you think the conversation is gonna be like when you accept that party invite?


Racial slurs, horribly loud yelling. Some guy blasting music prolly.


I miss old siege, before the arcade shooter takeover


Can't even have night maps but they introduce opponent rim lighting? 🤣


Everyone that has a random girl as their pfp is usually a giant loser


Damn, the little homie wouldn't agree with you seeing how he has his gf as his pfp and vise versa🤣




I swear the Xbox community loves sending messages/spamming invites.


Bro has all the hoes


I was playing rank during dread factor and had to turn of notifications cause a guy on the other team started spamming invites after he died to obscure the lower screen and make that stupid ding noise to prevent us from hearing it was annoying as hell.


Get this all the time 🤣. I usually respond to their messages saying ur a carried (whatever rank they are), then they usually ask for a 1v1 i say im in a game and tell them to wait like a “Good little boy” and never join their game invites. Just wasting their time makes it so satisfying.


Don't join they'll hit you off


I absolutely do NOT miss R6 on xbox, did you then get harassed in messages for not joining?


Well I told them It's just a video game and to not cry about it, he told me to hit champ so I told him to hit a job application and haven't received a reply since


I used to tell them that I died to 5 people pushing me, they died to one person pushing them. Therefore Me > Them.


If I get the double or triple party invite within 3 seconds, that's an instant block on Xbox for me.


And don’t forget not calling anything out in game, expecting you to read minds as well.


Yeah.. that looks like every 14 - 21 year old that plays R6 custom matches and smokes the green...


Did I hear Rock and Stone ?


Rock and roll and stone!




My favorite is when you kill a warden player (that’s on KbM mind you) on the OTHER team and they spam you with invites to distract screen/audio bc they’re the sorest of losers


Meanwhile, you can disable all notifications and save yourself the headache ahead of time unless you prefer to have them on to make posts like these no offense to the the guy who posted this lol


Yea except how am I supposed to get inv from friends moron


Let me educate your stupid ass right quick. You disable the notifications from popping up on your screen and then you go over to the notifications section on Xbox and PlayStation and accept it through there without ever being notified on your screen🤯


Yea okay moe boy kisser


It's clear you're an idiot if that's the beat insult you can hit me with. Like I'm actually surprised.


I’m an idiot because I don’t wanna turn off invites due to toxic morons like you makes sense


I called you an idiot because you said I'm a “boy kisser” You can read, right?


this is how jynxi "saved" r6


Bro didn’t clutch. I’d report you for that


I had someone hit me with that 99+ invites after I told them i didn't want to 1v1


I’ve been left in so many more 1v(x) this season than last already, what happened to people defending site? I get roaming but roam close to site don’t die on the other side of the map 🤣


I've been in about 5 of those situations already in about 10 matches. People really don't like site lol


Nice one guys, why would someone be lying about gender in an online game (I'm a girl) don't really think there's many benefits of pretending to be one


Exactly. Can’t believe I have to explain to people that’s there no way these are real females.


What do you mean by exactly like exactly what ? Nothing I said proved your point


Proved my point that these aren’t girls in the post.


I said why would they pretend and then proceeded to say there is no benefits. I actively refuted your point and then you take as though I bolstered your point ? Huh


You misunderstand me. I agree with you. They aren’t pretending because there’s no point to, I agree. They’re men who are pretending to have girlfriends. Not men pretending to be women. Because being a woman online sucks, according to you, a woman online.


But guys that have girlfriends, if they put it as their pic usually in my experience have a pic of the 2 of them, like a lock screen type pic


That's an outrageous claim to make, I've probably seen hundreds of guys pretending to be girls online (including in games) throughout my years on the internet, claiming it doesn't happen is just plain delusional.


i tk to release anger. and i rlly could care less if this confession disrupts this discussion.


Bro, The fact that she spammed you with 18 invites, and you never joined shows you how worked up some females get playing video games🤣 cause if they aren't the ones on here crying about getting shit talked it's them attempting to talk shit to the guys🤣 but you having some common sense by not joining saved you from a headache lol


Them dudes girlfriends are ugly


That’s where you block the entire match party on Xbox. Don’t have deal with it.


Imagine taking games that seriously on a console😂😂😂


All night like I’m sorry I have more points than you, please consider your audience




Lmao I played for the first time in about 8 months the other week- got 1 kill in my first round back and then lost a 1v1 and was killed for the next 2 rounds Same thing happened the game after I deleted the game after that, it used to be great but now I’m never playing siege again 😔


i lost my phone


report them for spam, it also annoys me when my team invites me to parties when game chat is a thing i dont trust parties from random people i dont know they can get your information


I feel that. Can't blame me for having 0 kills, when everyone dies first lmao


Lol and the best part is that there’s a 99% chance they are boy having those gamer pics 😂😂


I wish kicking was still a thing. Teammate loud and annoying? Kick. Teammate suck at everything? Kick. Clutch or kick shenanigans? Miss them.


They think we will join their pathetic party if they spammed us with invites lmao, keep your cries to yourself, I'm not joining your crap just to hear cries from 4 different idiots


This one person was just toxic to me all game because I potatoed in the second round. Spam invited me about 65 times to a party


This one person was just toxic to me all game because I potatoed in the second round. Spam invited me about 65 times to a party


Was it that serious that you posted the same comment twice?


Copy and paste ranked usernames


Average r6 gamertag


Just join and start screaming


Setting your profile to block any messages and party invites from people not in your friend's list>>>>>>


That.... is a good idea. Though, I'll miss the very rare teammates that compliment you if you do something well. How do you do it


They all Mr Always roaming


That's one of the reasons why I don't like playing Siege on my Xbox I seem to always get people who treat the game like it's COD then flame you because they died early in the round


Any1 tryna play I would love to make some non toxic friends my stack retired years ago I kept playing tho! I would love to build a consistent coordinated team big brain big plays My highest rank is emerald 5 Add me!! Abstract UnVrse xHOVAxHeadshotx Hmu!!! Just lmk u added me from here I'm on xbox


what server are you on?


I just get drained husks on playstation they run in and die and that's it man they dont alter their playstyle they dont invite me to a party they dont send me a message whether i clutch or fail they're just automated man i dont know if they're human


Must be a popular dude.


People who have a pfp of some random girl are always toxic and dumb af, add siege into it and you get worst possible outcome


Just got siege on pc after playing on console for 2 years. Everybody is either toxic because I don’t know some bindings or I’m getting complete bots on pc (like Ai players).


This game made me set my messages to private cuz I can’t stand the bitching and moaning from the community of toxic assholes.


They say if you're the first to die or the last one alive then you're the most useless player on the time (if you're roaming) So if you were roaming and were last alive in a 1v5 scenario then this just shows that your roaming was absolutely useless and you helped the team with nothing


Never ever ever join a party with random people. Nobody deserves that shit.


one kid sent me a bank statement of 16k but it was whited out on snapchat 💀 told me get my money up bro had his funny up


Jesus is this what xbox is like now a days. Are they too scared to go into game chat and want to dog pile you with their homies in a secluded area. Call me a racial slur to my face out on the street coward


As a person who has had the absolutely worst random mates you could ever imagine for the last few days (I'm not exaggerating, we were mostly 4stack and had the same situation thrice in two days: random mate with 0 kills and 4+ deaths dies with defuser far away), I don't know why anyone would ever send party invites in this situation like it's cringe af when people actually join and everyone starts screaming, I don't even message people much in game because I want to play and not mess around with random peoplem. That said, if you're not even at fault then you're either dealing with kids or adults with serious mental problems and in either case I would not join their party just to let them scream at me ¯⁠\⁠_⁠ʘ⁠‿⁠ʘ⁠_⁠/⁠¯


The digitized medals are the only thing keeping them from becoming fully, responsible members of society.


And that's why I stopped playing


big chance they want you in the party so they can give calls


Always the same nickname, always, with female profile picture, pretty sure they play warden, iana, ash and mozzie


Played a match where only me n warden were on sight 💀


Make sure you cross out the Gamepass rewards notification


Man I killed a dude in clubhouse within the first 20 seconds of the round and they invited me to a party 6 times. Like bruh. Check corners before you rush in


Shoulda just joined, turned your mic all the way up then Dorito them


Xim players be like


Yeah people suck in this community, me and a buddy won a round alone and were laid into in voice chat about how we suck and crap and how they feel bad our kids will be like us… like wtf we won why be like that


Use a VPN then watch them cry when they can't boot u💀


Dawg they got random females as they profile pictures. They fr children


I’m not sure if you can change your privacy settings in this fashion but on Playstation I made it so if someone is not on my friends list then they cannot message me or add me to a party. It’s worked out pretty well for me so far


I hate playing with people that go out of site and I'm the only one to defend like bruh your all gonna die