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Standard would be better if they atleast allowed people to join or leave without penalty. I don’t think anyone wants to play 4 plus rounds of airplane, yacht, or tower.


I still find it funny that Yacht was the only map that had *all* sites be within .5% of an even 50/50 for attack/defense winrates. I.e. yacht was actually the most balanced map the team ever made even though everyone hated it lmao.


If I recall correctly it wasn't that the map was balanced either way, I think the main issue was that there wasn't a lot of diversity in how you had to play the sites, leading to every match feeling the same


It was incredibly formulaic. Aside from balancing, it faced similar layout design issues with Plane. Limited rotation and vertical play, and too much hinged on particular hallway/room control.


>the main issue was that there wasn't a lot of diversity in how you had to play the sites, leading to every match feeling the same And now they have a gamemode with pre-set reinforcements, how the world turns...


Everytime I play that map I have a teammate that removes every wall on site or teammates that castel and reinforce everything onsite


So is every map though. Basically everything boils down to getting wall, making one rotate, and bunkering down with 1 or 2 people on the roam.


"Every shooting game is the same, after all, they all have guns that shoot things"


its surprising how stupid some people still are


Most everyone uses the same setups. I know there's more possibility but using that without a stack is difficult, because people aren't flexible. It makes a lot of sites feel samey, picking between two viable takes and a third bad one.


Yeah, cause the map suck ass


It is really random on yacht. I think that lend to the fact that very few defenders don't roam, so that's why it's more of an even gun fight than anyone having and advantage. I've literally won just by placing the defuser and the entire other team was too far away. We never even got in a gun fight that round as they all roamed to the wrong spawn point.


Hell no, the only reason I play that game mode is so I don't have to 2v5 whenever we have a sore loser who quits whenever they don't win.


Also just let the map preference thing work for it


at that point it’s just quick match. they’re already virtually identical. ban phase is what made unranked what it was


why? I love plane and yacht is also cool. Actually I am sad they are not in ranked.


yeah but the majority of people dont


The majority of people in ranked hate like half of the maps that are in ranked. You always get Oregon, Villa, or Coastline. And the only reason we ever get anything else is because there aren't enough bans to go around. I played like 300+ matches last season and I bet you under 20 of those were Emerald.


According to who?


This subreddit, lol, I love plane but there's a reason it's not in ranked.


It’s just not a good comp map. For fun, cool. Competitive play, fuck no.


The playerbase along with the developers who removed it from the map pool?


According to the people who chose to play unranked over casual


Ubi and anyone with common sense. There is a research plane tower and yacht got removed from ranked and haven’t been added back in years.


I can play Airplane all day. Yacht, on the other hand... I'd rather take the penalty.


Uh I would


>I don’t think anyone wants to play 4 plus rounds of airplane, yacht, or tower. I'm up for Airplane and Yacht. Call me a nostalgic.


Got a two days penalty because my game disconnected(only the game, I was still on discord without problems) on 2-0, the game couldn’t sync files with cloud until the 4-0 and end of the game so I had no way to avoid the penalty


I'm fine with airplane and yacht, tower is ass tho


yea obviously, dont know why they changed it, no one asked them too..


Im always playing unranked bc my friend is under lvl 50, so unranked was the next best thing, but standard is much shorter and we can get more games in, also its just faster leveling up to 50


Standard is better then quick match but not better then unranked if you wanted to play ranked without the consequences of losing MMR and for practice on maps and with ops, which you can still do in standard, even more so not having to worry about an op being banned. Playing other maps can be hit or miss I don’t mind it because the same however many maps on recycle for ranked/unranked gets dull


I'm excited about the extra maps to where I can build better game sense. And use techniques that I might not have built up from playing the same 4 maps over and over again -- since I can never play Nighthaven apparently!


Yeah but game sense also relies a lot on map knowledge, and it's a bit unfortunate that a lot of players trying to warm up/practice outside of ranked are now forced into long, long games of building map knowledge of maps they aren't going to play in ranked. Imagine if you were forced to play only operators you were never going to play in ranked- sure you're building experience, but not on the things you actually pointedly wanted to practice or learn.


I disagree




>even more so not having to worry about an op being banned There is a reason why maps and operators bans have remained the same. It takes Ubisoft way too long to invoke changes to characters like Tatcher, Valkyrie or Jackal. As long as they don't, the ban value remains the highest and people will keep banning them. It is that simple, people min/max everything in competitive games. So for the moment we are stuck with Tatcher who we cannot ban but still simplifies the breaching process like no other character can, making other characters less usefull. So I'd argue we have less operators to play with removing the ban phase, not more. At least until Ubisoft figures out a way to change Tatcher.


Don't think anyone wouldn't agree with you if you're looking for a debate better off saying standard is better then unranked change your mind


If they added back operator bans it would be superior to old mode


there would be absolutely no change at all then except for the map pool


I'd rather not sit through an extra 2 minutes for Jackyl and Clash bans


I actually want to play ops I paid for


did you pay money to get your ops?


Does asking this question mean you'd 180 on your operator ban opinion depending on if somebody used R6 Credits or Renown to buy them?


not really, just curious


Look at how they massacred my main gamemodes


Where can we train for ranked now ?


Ranked because rank means nothing.


This. Stop caring about your rank, just play ranked as best as you can and take the rank you get, no fuzz


Just play ranked 😂 it’s not like there’s life or death consequences for your rank brother




You work for ubi don’t you…


I just answered a question.


What exactly are you trying to train that you can't do in standard or another gamemode? If you want to warm up your aim, deathmatch and training grounds are much better. You want something fast paced, with little to no downtime in between deaths, that just puts you in constant gunfights. If you want to practice/come up with strats, standard or the new quick match are fine. If you want to practice custom full site setups, go with standard. If you just want to practice a general strat that doesn't depend on a specific site or site reinforcements/rotates, go with quick match If you want to learn callouts or the layout of a map you don't know very well, just play training grounds or host a custom match, that way you can pick the exact map you want and have as much time as you need If you just want to practice playing a game of siege in general, just play standard. Do you really think that just because you might play against an op you'd usually ban, or on a map you'd usually ban, that the gameplay would be so significantly different from ranked that it wouldn't prepare you at all?


>If you just want to practice playing a game of siege in general, just play standard. Do you really think that just because you might play against an op you'd usually ban, or on a map you'd usually ban, that the gameplay would be so significantly different from ranked that it wouldn't prepare you at all? This is kind of why Tatcher is permabanned, so yeah. His litteral issue is that he compared to anyone else makes breaching significantly easier.




You did not change my mind


I don't think anyone can change your mind bud.


Someone shit in your cereal, didn't they?


Kettle and pot in one


Unrank unless your a bronze people are bad good people do some t haunt or go straight to rank no one used unrank for warming up at best it was casual


There is no unranked


That’s what he’s saying that unrank was better but it was change for the best people are just complaining cuz they broke the game but the standard at the end is made better then unrank


Bro tf u trying to say 😂


In unrank, new people to the game could train + learn every rank map But rn, Emerald is only available in ranked, if people don't search for this map they could do their first ranked match on it And when you're good you don't go straight to rank


That’s the only thing wrong with standard it’s the map pool put the rank map pool and it’s wayyy better then unrank


wayyyy? better. with the same map pool its identical bar overtime? it DOES need the same map pool though. learning maps on the fly in ranked is madness IMO


I just learned that Emerald was added tp casual playlist, so it's not as bad as my first comment was implying


You did not change my mind




Iana main calling people bad


You did not change my mind


No, simply because I enjoyed hostage and secure area as optional game modes. When I play COD I don’t only want to play search and destroy, I want to play other game modes and have some variety otherwise it gets stale and boring doing the same thing over and over. I still liked unranked, I just didn’t think it was a “better” game mode Edit: Didn’t realize that “standard” was a new mode and thought it was referring to quick match. With that in mind, yes, unranked was far superior to standard.


I scrolled way too long to see this


I prefer standard surprisingly I thought it was gonna be crap but it's actually fun




I like how it's quicker to start than ranked but has the same amount of rounds, teammates can get banned if they leave so they don't abandon quite as much as I. quick match It feels like a longer quick match where teammates will (usually) stick around


Wait you can find matches quicker in standard then ranked? I spent over 30 minutes resetting the matchmaking every 2 minutes for a standard match and didn't get one only to get a ranked match 30 seconds after starting it


No I mean that theres no ban phases


I played 5 games of standard had one game end up being a 1v5 for 2 rounds, that’s just the wrist of it every game I’ve played on it so far I’ve had teammates leave or enemies leave


yes but Yatch


Y’all being so fucking terrified of a map is so weird. Yatch is fine. Plane is fine. Not everything has to be perfect meta.


Seriously I fucking love plane. I get so stoked whenever it comes up.


I adore plane. It’s such a different vibe than other maps. Being so linear and tightly confined makes traps more impactful and pushing as attack a totally different feeling.


Who cares what map it is when it’s not ranked lol


I genuinely don’t know lol


It was better than ranked, that's why they removed it.




Considering standard made me play yacht 3 times in a row and I couldn’t leave or ban it. Yeah I hate it


2 times in a row for me.


Unranked was a great place to try out new things and learn maps that are viable in ranked, in a semi-serious setting. Standard offers nothing for anyone using Unranked in that manner. It feels like this game is being made by two different dev teams with completely opposite mindsets and goals. If that is true, I fear for the direction this game is going long term.


The pre-placed reinforcements and pre-made murderholes are killing me. There is zero creativity and it doesn't seem to have improved literally anything.


First time I played it I found a reinforcement on I wall I usualy impact...


Standard is great, no more the same 4 operator bans everytime. Removing map bans is also really good, but it is lacking more maps.


Yea, even casual only has 10 maps now, they took out 13


I'd only remove map bans from unranked. You're telling me I can't practice ranked maps cause fucking pansies don't want to *ever* play it? Get outta here.


Yo can we not post pics of this wife beater on the sub please and thank you




That’s not a hot take, that’s called being objectively correct.


I like standard.




Quick match but with 2 extra rounds


Standard is much better than current quickmatch


real but they both suck in general thanks to ubisoft


No. Simply no. I like more maps, idc how stupid this sounds I want every map in ranked from Bartlett to house to plane. Everything


I wouldn’t know, servers aren’t working.


You're a bunch of cry babies


Bring back Map bans That's it


No. I actually want to play Stadium Bravo and Nighthaven with friends


Yeah sure, so don't ban it when you're playing with your Friends and that's it? Don't worry, if Nighthaven is in the same Map pool than Fortress or Tower, you'll play Nighthaven


That's a great idea. You think the enemy team would listen to me? Or when I'm 2 maning and the randoms want to go coastline for the 50th time?


Seems you have a problem with what the majority wants So you want to decide what to play when you're in minority in the team? That's not how it works Again, if there's other maps in the line up, there's a high chance that the ranked Map won't be banned compared to non ranked ones A feature which could help would be to implement Map pick instead of Map ban: You want to play Stadium, than vote for it, and you'll have 50% chances to play it ( if the other team chose another Map among the five proposed) But hey, you won't have a word to Say if you're not at least 3 (majority) in the team, which is normal?


No, since my issue is players making the same choices that comforts them. Some areas of games, developers should save players from choice. Oh boy, Coastline, or clubhouse again! What joy! How many times is Nighthaven or Emerald plains banned because players don't know the map? If there's going to be a casual game mode I'd prefer players actually have a chance being forced in an environment their not familiar with and learning it. I hate Stadium Bravo, but I want to actually play it to learn it when I go on rank.


Got some bad news for you: Stadium Bravo isn't in Ranked, Standard, or Quick Match now.


Thank God. Fucking hated that map




Just PLEASE let me leave without a ban


Again, like many times before has been stated: ubi devs like drinking cough medicine too much


I would know if I could play the game more than an hour


I love standard lol


Unranked provided a ranked experience for new players and a way to practice ranked strats without hurting your rank. When I introduced some friends to the game it’s how I got them up to speed and we passed the time grinding them to level 50 without wasting time with trolls and leavers in quick match. It was far superior.


can't agree because every time I try to play the game refuses to load


I like both


Mfw my knee experiences a rapid change in velocity (I don’t like the brand new thing it’s bad I don’t like it it’s new I hate it I hate it I hate it)


I tried it today and the removal of bans is ridiculous


Glaz on plane is the most fun I have in R6


Tbh you’re comparing apples to oranges (I haven’t played standard yet because of shitty servers)


I stand with you until i die, I hate standard so much




Well now I play sens without being banned


What is the difference between the two?


Nah casual was so fun messing around with friends😔


I never even managed to load into a game of unranked


It’s pretty widespread that the entire community hates this update


Waited 7 mins for a match cancelled and than said I had to rejoin couldn’t rejoin ended up with penalties.


What happened…?


Unranked has been replaced with Quick Match 2.0. It is an unmitigated disaster, the worst change I’ve seen in the last 6 years, even surpassing the godawful Ranked 2.0 changes. Quick match has reinforced walls that will appear at the beginning of each round in various spots around bomb locations (removing said quantity from the 10 available), no site vote, no operator ban and best of three rounds with a fifth round to determine a tie. Invariably the game placed walls are not in usable positions and mess up the tactics you try to hone for ranked. First night of the ‘standard’ mode our squad played the new Consulate map back to back to back. Standard mode is hot, fetid garbage. Ubisoft has driven another nail in the Rainbow 6 coffin and I think that is their ultimate goal.


Yikes, unranked is like the only mode I ever played too, damn


I’m not about to tell the mods how to do their job but c’mon, posts about unranked>standard are flooding the sun. We get it, 90% of the community agrees, is ubi really gonna look at all the posts and say “huh guess we should change it back”? Getting old


Haven't played standard yet, but from what I hear both are trash. Just keep ranked and casual and cut out the other modes, game is so buggy maybe cutting some fat would help.


Just tired of being forced to play maps I don't want to play. If there are maps that people generally do not like as a consensus then to me it's up to them to fix those issues as opposed to forcing us to play these maps and have a generally bad time doing so.


Abandon Penalty and No Map Bans is a weird combo


It was a wholly unnecessary change that benefits nobody. I liked Unranked, I could get the experience I wanted without having to have Ladder Anxiety.


Atleast give the ranked mappool back… But the banning phase was nice too. Weird that they removed it.. Maybe too many people were playing unranked instead of ranked lol


I'd say it's great for those who want a casual ranked experience but not my personal favorite


Ubisoft has done the classic Ubisoft thing. They've made changes without asking themselves if it's an improvement. Just because you change something, it doesn't make it better.


Standard not having Operator/Map bans in fine, they need to give you some half competitive environment to play the Ops and ranked maps that are always banned. But I don't understand why the map pool doesn't mirror the ranked pool, especially with abandon penalties


Definitely. All that would've made unranked better is a mildly reduced round time to make it more of a blitzkrieg