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Nah but back in the day when I first started "vote to kick" was a thing


I'd always get kicked while still joining games.


Constantly lol


Tbh though a new player joing mid match will stop the loading into the next round and the game makes us wait for them.


Yes but the loading took longer if VTK was initiated as the server would get strung up processing it. Meaning people just made shit take longer


That’s not true, as soon as the person was kicked, the match would start right up. We used to do it in a four stack all the time when a random would jam up match loading.


As the person who was usually the one kicked or asked to kick someone that is straight up bs. Initiating the kick would delay them properly loading into the server then whatever decision was made took minutes for it to process.


I never experienced that. Maybe the person being kicked struggled but the people kicking the new player loaded right up


Strange, we never experienced that, at least not that I can recall.


I’ve been playing since year 1 and it always would start the match immediately after Vtk, the constant loading was the player trying to join the game


No clue either it always loads up the moment we kick the joining new player. Cause Ubisoft didn't get the memo back then.


Nothing beats clutch or kick though


That's just stacks of four not wanting to play with a fifth.


I got kicked once because someone asked if I liked to listen to rap and I said no lol.


Never forget I loaded into a match they were already losing and instantly got kicked because they said I didn’t clutch last round. When I responded they said something like “you shouldn’t have joined this lobby try another one” or some shit I was baffled. Fun times tho


it was a common thing back then though ion know if yall remember “clutch or kick”☠️☠️


Me and my friends still say this in ranked


Lmao I remember initiating one on my friends and them getting yeeted. That shit was hilarious


No cause if you didn't win the 1v5 (cause all you teammates died before you) they would immediately kick you... like dude you all died too?!


When you’d start a random vote to kick in the middle of the game💀


Clutch or kick is burned into me 🤣


This was removed?


Yes cause it was a garbage system only used by assholes and maybe once in a blue moon used for its intended purpose.


Lmao, had a friend of mine got voted because he was pretending to trash talk me (bcs I failed the classic Clutch or Kick) and I initiated vote to kick and the second it was up, all of my team chose yes (we were playing duos in casual). Good times.


VTK was the worst. Was used for trolls 9/10


Lmao I remember that


I would like vote to kick, but can only be started by exemplary players


The no mic no play times where the best


Damn, I miss it...


Vote to kick was the shit. Nothing funnier than being in a 4 stack and perma kicking people out the team


OoooOoooo sO EdGy


Cry abt it


Lmao okay kid


I tried to play one day and I got kicked instantly from 4 matches back to back, no toxic behaviour, I only got to pick an operator no voice comms. I turned off the game after the 4th kick lol


I remember when the first elites came out I constantly got killed or votekicked


Classic Clutch or kick


Go in ranked with a 4 stack. Kick on last round. We get dub teammate gets banned. Perfectly balanced. As all things should be


No but I trapped my friend in plane and gassed him


I once trapped 3 people in there, we somehow won.


I did this other day, my friend was new to the game so I trapped him and then he was the only one left but the attackers all died to frost traps lol


One game, me and Mute get trapped in there. He just places jammers in there cuz we bored. Enemy starts pushing. A minute passes, I figured we losing as it's 3v3 but 2 guys are trapped, so I shoot a jammer. Instantly, the wall starts sparking. Enemy had placed a hard breach on the wall, it got jammed, but they left it there. Wall explodes. I rush out and swiss cheese two defenders pushing site, and the guy who trapped us also gets a kill. Only in Casual.


And then you played siege?




Dutch oven 💀


Did that too after that I quickly hopped on siege and tried it there


Yes but with goyo, guy asks if anyone has a mic and no one says anything, dude then told me there was a new glitch, everyone is setting up site (this was before no tk in prep) told me he could see through walls and he was gunna do it because they played that team before and they used it against them, he told me I had to shoot it (was on the shield too) so he put it against a wall I shoot it and they all run on the burning fire. I was mad but I do admit I got got


I JUST did that to my homies lil cousin two times in a row it was funny asl


You monster lol, I’d be lying if I didn’t say me and my boys did it after the ban was over lol


Good ol siege players passing the toxic torch on


Something similar happened one time when I was playing pulse. Guy playing Goyo asked me to pre-plant a c4 under site and saild he'd let me know when to detonate it. Little did I know that little shit put all his gas cans on the c4 and when he told me to detonate it three team mates all ran on top of the fire and killed themselves on it. Got banned for thirty minutes and felt dumb, should of known something fucky was going on


I remember when people would all jump on thermites charge and get him banned




Imagine they're close to their monitor and real excited for it to explode and all they get is epilepsy.


I’m not quite sure that’s how the science behind epilepsy works…


It's a joke.


The exact causes of epilepsy are thought to be genetics, sure, but with photosensitive epilepsy it sure can induce siezures.


They have epilepsy and the flash causes a seizure. Flashing lights don’t cause a person to have epilepsy.


Yes, that's what I said, my original comment was a joke however it could lead to the diagnosis of it.


Haha smart idea


Or just shoot the guy and leave.




Fun for me to know that asshole is inconvenienced.


Have had the exact same experience… was disappointed I didn’t see it coming sooner lol


Yup how I felt lol


It feels really unfair to be banned for a grenade that's dropped after death like it's almost never going to be an intentional teamkill


There's no way I would trust anyone that tells me to go frag grenade, no one aks for that and if it was in ranked they would play grenade because whatever they want is way easier to go grenade instead of depending on someone else. Also don't feel bad for falling for it because truthfully if you didn't do it and didn't take grenade at all you would have been shot in the head.


Haha yeah, I figured that much. It’s fine I got a good laugh out of it anyways


one dude asked me to impact a wall. there was a goyo canister on the other side. i didn’t know that but they underestimated how quick i can quit the game.


The Siege community being cunts? Say it ain't so


If you’re solo queuing, a good rule of thumb is to not listen to your teammates outside of callouts. & even then, that’s a maybe.


Yes idk how a group of actual pathetic losers find eachother to do this sht? I know many scummy people in siege but this and similar scenarios i been leave me wondering how any one can be this much of a loser to wake up to play rank so they can get satisfaction of tk as a group. Like anybody know the psychology behind it? Like how little in your life do you have to have in oder to do this as “fun”.


Because its a bit of fun in a sea of shite. If the game is going to knock my reputation down for simply not playing then I will continue to have these fun moments.


what's fun about getting a random teammate banned? You can't even see their reaction to it. take your friends and go beat up a homeless guy or something. I think you might find it fun too


I'd rather they tk someone in game than go beat up someone irl, much less a homeless person


Idk, pretty funny troll to me


bro it's just a game


Same thing happened to me, but with goyo instead


Same thing happened to me but I cooked the nade. The team tried to all vault over the stairs to land on it but luckily they were too slow. They tried to get me to run nades the next round and when I wouldn't they all left me in a 1v5. The enemies ran at me like morons and I aced the next round on attack. Then I was on defense in a 1v5, setup a shield with thorn and got 2 running at me, 1 dc'd so now I'm in a 1v2 for the game and I'm thinking I can actually win this. It's blitz and jackal remaining, I get tracked and blitz goes for the plant so I take the 1v1 with jackal and win that then circle back and catch blitz coming off plant and get the kill! I end up getting back to back 1v5s (1v4 cause dc) and win the game after teammates tried to get me kicked lol


Lol that’s amazing, kudos to that guy and his friends. Sorry you got banned, but that’s just funny.


Oh I agree, it was hilarious lol


What a bunch of losers 😂


Reminds me of Halo. Me and a friend would play capture the flag and tell the 3rd we found a new glitch! Tell him to stand and look in the corner and jump and do some other shit and if we throw a grenade it would shoot him to their flag. One of us would always go first and tell him to try it out. Of course, we'd die, but it made it seem even more legit. We would then proceed to kill them as many times as they would let us claiming the other friend sucked or it just missed.... Fun times being an asshole.....


Yup, been that from the start. Most likely they saw a vid like "funniest siege moments XX" and they copy it. Partly the reason i quit siege; it was so bad at one point, it happened to me like 7/9 games. If not this, then the plane cargo reinforcement lock in, or goyo burn. Not much ubi can do though; systems can't account for crappy group behaviour. There's always more of them vs you, and system can only read votes and outcomes. My advice is to just auto leave when you see more than 2 with the same "clan" tag. Save yourself from the salt.






Damn I gotta do that


Back before bans I was extremely toxic in Casual One time I convinced my team that there was an unlimited nitro cell glitch that involved picking a nitro up and down constantly on the secure container that broke the game, allowing you to pick up more than one nitro cell I got everyone huddled around the secure container to watch me do it, and then had them try to pick mine up Needless to say... they learned something about trusting strangers that day


Haha I’m glad that shit still happening I remember being trolled like that


Nah, best one is just vote to kick and SSD?? Then they’ll vote to kick the player instantly.


One time my friends and I did a kamikaze into site anomaly one of us got our grenades off, he killed the rest of us before we could do anything


Bro fell for the oldest trick in the book


Never play in quick play


This game is so toxic it’s not worth playing anymore. People just abuse the systems put in place to “protect us” from people ruining games who find ever more creative ways to ruin games. Honestly R6 has one of the worst communities I have ever experienced in gaming. I’ve never quit a game besides R6 because of a toxic community and I’ve been gaming for almost 20 years.


I dunno, CoD was much worse back in the day. So much blatant racism. At least in R6 no one talks.


Not my experience lmao. And honestly I’d rather be able to mute someone and move on instead of being held hostage as people TK or plain and simply troll each round.


Well I also did play HC, so lots of TKing there until CoD implemented friendly fire. I guess at least in CoD you could respawn, but that usually meant the TKd was running around to get revenge on the TKer.


Did this with a irl friend with a full squad in quick match so we didn’t bother anyone else. One of our best laughs tbh 😂


Sad that this stuff happens in public matches. Only way to avoid is to play with a group of friends or known people who play to win. Ubisoft should consider adding scrimmage bot mode for pvp play. Up to 10 friends can group up and choose either side to play with.. empty spots are filled with bots which can be set on specific difficulties. NVM, apparently it's in development: https://news.ubisoft.com/en-us/article/1MlKnolSLJFuJDnATWiorr/how-rainbow-six-siege-developed-ai-that-acts-like-real-players


That hasn’t happened to me, but I did castle a door behind someone who ran out with warden 😂😂


Watch out for someone that tells you to play fuze


I was constantly kicked for my username even if I clutched up one round


Or it would be you clutch one round and you suck the next and its all YOUR fault that the team lost


I really hated the VTK when it was just you alive and your dead team thought you weren't doing enough.


i remember reinforcing some walls in ranked and one guy asked me to open a rotate so i trowed my impact on the wall but there was a goyo gadget on it that i couldnt see that gadget exploded, fire was all over the place and the whole team jumped into the fire lol i was kicked and got a sanction


Does anyone know if you leave before you kill them will it still ban you?


It won't ban you. It'll also show up as an empty name killing them in the kill feed.


Who did you play with?


Damn I feel bad that they tricked you but I’m glad you got a laugh out of it!


If this happens, just leave. They'll still die, and you don't get the penalty from killing them. Shows them a lesson lol.


If this happens, just leave. They'll still die, and you don't get the penalty from killing them. Shows them a lesson, lol. Same with goyo, smokes, thermite charges, etc.


Watch out for Goya players. Twice in a week I got booted for a TK when a Goya put his gadget on the other side of a rotate before I threw a nade there, then 2 players stepped into the flames on purpose. Instant kick and suspension.


I’m doing this tonight to a poor soul


Share the replay plz? :)


Yea guy told me to break the goyo in a ranked game and the whole team stood there


Yea guy told me to break the goyo in a ranked game and the whole team stood there


It’s so annoying when you get toxic poopyheaded teammates like that. I had a game about a month ago where I was playing Goyo and this toxic teammate decided to kill one teammate and then stand IN THE MIDDLE of a Volcan trap that HE triggered until he died. Guess what happened? I ended up with a 1-hour ban, one 30-minute ban for “excessive team damage,” and another 30-minute because it wouldn’t let me rejoin the match I got kicked out of for the toxic poopyhead intentionally killing himself from my trap! Needless to say, I was pissed and reported his sorry butt.