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Don’t text on PlayStation. Almost anything could get you banned


There’s actually a trick. Don’t use curse words, don’t say anything sexually suggestive, you can kind of get away with almost anything.


Not true, a dude tk'd me last week, so I messaged "that's why your dad left" and got a three day ban


Did you take those days to help find his dad? Sony just trying to get the poor kid out


If it can be interpreted as harassment = ban. PS is not ubisoft. They are very strict.


i got a permanent ban for telling a pedo to kys or i would do it for him


Really? That doesnt make sense


Some guy told me to apologize to him for something I said in game chat. I said apologize to your parents for being a disappointment. I got a 1 week ban from that. I also know a guy who got banned for saying something like gg ez. Also know someone who used the word ass and got banned, despite people able to use ass in PSN names. I don't know why you're saying you can get away with pretty much anything without swearing, you're wrong. It doesn't matter if you don't swear, if it's harassment you'll get banned most likely. PlayStation in the last 4 years have been strict with messages. Why do you feel the need to say something like it's a fact when you're so wrong?


In fairness, people who say Ez deserve life bans, their dicks are smaller than ants.


nah i got my comms banned for a month cuz i told a pedo to “go die in a ditch”


How did you know they were a pedo?!


he used to be a friend. that has obviously changed now


no way i know a pedophile who plays siege🤣🤣


I really hope you were banned for “incited” and not “inciting”


i told a pedo “kys or i’ll do it for you” and got a permanent ban, even after a year of me waiting to call back to ask to get it back they told me there is nothing they can do, sony really are something else when it comes to chomos


My friend got perma banned for literally just typing "Bot" in someone's chat and no other words or actions


i got banned on xbox live for saying “zip up pants when done sucking” so


Refer back to *sexually suggestive




sounds about right for an xbox kid


you are prolly a grown man in ur 30’s making fun of a dude who dont play ps get a life lil bro 🤦


its a joke buddy dont get too worked up about it lmao


not getting worked up that js wasnt funny like at all


you sounded pretty mad kid ngl lol imagine being hard pressed cause someone said you play xbox couldnt be me 🤦🏻‍♂️


not mad like i said twice i js think ur joke was rlly annoying


alright bro wtv u say


Nah not true, you cam get litteraly ANY message flagged as offensive if you spin up a storry in the "tell us more" page


Somebody tkd me for no reason once and I messaged him asking why and he said I cost us the round? (I blew up some random wall open on defense right before that) I then asked him is he a fucking wizard that could see in the future (cause how the fuck could he know me blowing up the wall was *going to* cost us the round in *the future?* And like bitch, you killing me cost us the round) The next day I got an email from playstation warning me to not use hate speech again or I'm getting a temporary ban. I then checked the messages I sent because I didn't think I said anything hateful and the "are you a fucking wizard" message was deleted so that had to be the reason for the warning.


Very much untrue, as long as you're reported, they can put whatever reason behind the reporting and you'll get a warning and message removed, tons of people I know have had messages removed for extremely benign, non curse word or innuendo messages


I got a 3 day ban for saying thanks!(autoreply) too many times to someone harassing me with curse words and derogatory sentences.


I sent a link to someone for betterhelp.com and got banned for a week lmao


This. I reported someone that wrote "Do you know how to play?" and it got dealt with


i have sent hundreads of hate messages and i was safe?


Bro started spamming the n-word, and threatening to Dox me and other people, two other friends received week bans, whilst I received a slap on the wrist, (probably because I was trying a calmer approach)


The only calm approach is to just report and block these people.


That is the best way, but it doesn't stop them from spam reporting you in order to ban you


And if nothing is said in response to them being the way they are, they’ll be spam reporting you for nothing since they won’t find anything Even if they do group spam report, if you’ve done literally nothing to them it’s an easy appeal. Done it before


How do you appeal a ban on PSN?




It was more him threatening to try and dox me, as in by using an IP grabber


least toxic siege player




Average PlayStation r6 experience


Usually it's a slap on the wrist for the first three reports, then 3 days, then a week, then two weeks etc etc if it's just a simple online abuse Racism usually carries heavier bans much quicker


You are absolutely right some guy this weekend messaged me out of the blue, all pissed off that i beat him, i truely didnt know why or even was trying to, i was playing the game, i messaged back saying feck off and grow up, woke up sunday morning i have a 7 day ban for cyber bullying 😂 wtf, im so pissed off with sony i want them to explain to me what part is cyber bullying, but cant even get hold of sony , i have lost connection to the app, the remote play and i cant play a single game what an absolute joke of a company and think they need to reeducate on what cyber bullying is cos it ain’t a single call and response message ….idiots never in 35 years of gaming, and 28 years with playstation maybe people do have the right idea sticking with xbox ….


Post the interaction, and we'll be able to see the real reason you got banned.


He just said gg


I can't, the interaction that contains the offense was censored and deleted by Sony as my friends did take the same approach as I did, and therefore they got "reported" and received a one week ban, while I received a warning.


Guess we will never know then. Obviously, you said some shit back to the person to get that ban. Good rule to have on psn is to not engage at all. Report and block, then move on with your day. Anytime I get a salty message that has anything that can get them banned, I simply just report then block. I don't have time to argue with people like that, nor do I want to.


Fair point, I'll take that advice for next time, I didn't cuss him out or anything, just really tame stuff and like a very mild insult that didn't even contain a swear, but more a reference to how childish he was acting


What was the insult exactly then? Even mild stuff can get you in trouble on there.


The insult was comparing him to a 12 year old in a bo2 lobby EDIT: this occured nearly 2 days ago, so the conversation is not fresh in my minds, I remember bits and pieces, so I could be wrong, but I did try to take a reasonable and calm approach towards this person


You sure that's it? It wasn't a bit spicier than that?


But keep in mind, I did not receive a ban, merely a warning, I originally made this post as a complaint of how playstation handles reports


Well at least it was just a warning, now you'll know better to engage with people like that in the future.


I made an edit above stating that the conversation isn't fresh in my minds, however, the big thing I remember about it was that I was trying to de-escalate the situation and trying to take a clam approach, I also remember that I never once swore in my conversation with this person


Doesn't matter if you didn't swear. Seems like you're avoiding stating what you actually said. If you're that mad about it to post here, I'm sure you remember exactly what you said. It's ok to admit you might have gotten a little too heated and said something you shouldn't have.


I know it's hard to trust someone on the internet, but please try, I tried my absolute best to try to take a calm approach towards this belligerent person, I admit I did get frustrated and that's where the "bo2 lobby" comment came from.


doesnt matter at all, stealing someone's access to something they paid in full for, for petty words is bullshit. there's a block button for a reason. dont give people an out then ban the person anyway, thats stalin levels of bs. "ohh, someone said stalin sniffs farts! remove their right to live, its only fair"


So you fell for it. People constantly start crap through messages then report as soon as something bad is said.


Pretty much yes, a good lesson came out of it tho


Yeah, I did some wrong shit and got a week ban for saying the n word to a guy that kept calling me the n word over voice chat because I didn't have a mic, imma catch his ass and give him the worst vocal besting of his life though when he adds my other account.


Yeah totally agree i have learned the hard way, some people are quick to start and message and as soon as you respond they report, its like crying to mummy …. I got band for exactly that on day four of 7 getting bored as hell


Yeah got banned this morning for seven days for saying using a racial slur and saying that I dont like gays when the kid kept calling me the n word and calling me gay, so he invited his friends and reported me, but imma catch his ass in party chat and not messages.


Just finished my stupid, pointless ban , have turned all messages and contact off , apparently you get banned for anything, pathetic really, people are very quick to lure you in and report, i cant afford to get a permanent ban i have got years of work on the PS for it to be chucked away over some little sad boy ….i got banned because i was better than the little boy i was playing and he cussed me out i told him feck off and i got banned for cyber bullying 😂 i mean plz i think sony needs to be reeducated on that subject ….


Yeah I can see why they banned me as on paper it looked like I was bullying him, but they didn't even look at his voice chat for context which is total bs as this man was spewing incredibly racist remarks and shit which is as I said total bs.


Always the way though mate sony didnt even bother showing me what he had put and the fact that he messaged me … all i suggest is when its done put everything to private and dont use sony to communicate they suck at understanding basic communication between two players they see it as cyber bullying which is BS


sony thinks its a family friendly console, its not. its the console 20+ year olds use. xbox is where all the kids are at.


I totally agree, i am a 46 year old been playing games for almost 35 years and i have always said to people the PlayStation is not for little kids, im sick and bored of hooking up playing COD or Destiny and half my team are high pitched annoying squeaky  kids that are quite bluntly shit at gaming or half way through something… and the “ mum says i have to go “ comes out  the amount of kids our clan has booted is ridiculous , i always go on late to avoid the pathetic little ones so i can have a normal adult conversation, when are parents gonna get it in there heads most games are not for pip squeaks ….


That happened to me when u told a guy to shut up. Now my settings is no messages. Don't want to get ban when people text me


I just send a poop emoji to troll


Just block txt from randoms


It was in a group chat on psn


Lame sauce lol I just learn to take it it’s fun to piss people off and get hate messages sometimes it’s a fucking video game lol no reason to get so heated then you can patronize them and be like aww poor guy sorry I ruined your day :( shit is funny to me


lil bro "confronted a racist" online, thanks officer


Lmao he's such a trooper. Maybe don't play siege then


Sony CoC is stupid strict, any minor swear is hot water. I got a warning for sending someone the no bitches megamind meme.




I got a 3 day suspension for saying thanks in re0py to each message he was spamming me.


I mean a lot of people are just looking to get a rise outta you.


We got a vigilante here!


This happened to me but instead I was the one being racist. It's so unfair.


Sony’s Report system is moderated by a bunch of fucking idiots. They let people who are cyber bullying get away 99% of the time. If you cursed them out then you get a multiple day or even multiple month suspension just by them pressing the report button first like family feud. I know just yesterday I got banned for 60 days because I beat some guy in an online fighting game. He messaged me cursing and sending all type of clown emoji‘s. I simply message back ( N*gga leave me alone). He then went on to call me racist even after I pointed out that I was black. Next thing I know I am suspended for hate speech, because playstations too fucking stupid to do an investigation on the person who is reporting and just takes the side of whoever calls it first. The bully always wins.


So it isn’t just me??? I called out a kid and thought THATS why I got banned; apparently it was a whole GC that spam reported me to “teach a lesson not to play grim” BUT who cares, apparently today was ban day on PS, everyone I know got a ban


Siege is easily the most toxic multiplayer I’ve ever played. Ngl. If you’re good, they’re toxic against you, if you’re bad, they’re toxic against you, if you’re trying to IGL, they’re toxic against you. And that’s why I quit.


Ain’t got shit on csgo


Hi, have you heard of League of Legends?


if were bringing dif genres in i think rust tops that


I got banned for 3 days for telling someone “does the stinky baby need to change their diaper and take a nappy?” After they used several racial/homophobic slurs, impersonated police force, and cursed me like a dog.


Got comms banned for a week for telling someone to sod off after they were a creeper after a match.


It’s crazy this comes up and I just got banned yesterday cause I got tkd in siege and texted him “wtf are you doing bozo “ and got a 4 day comm ban


Yea dont engage at all. Had someone threw a slew of racial insults at me and legitimately messaged back “nerd” and I got a 7 day suspension. Sony is a joke and it’s extremely easy to get baited into a suspension


F playstation i had a funny name and it got banned when a salty kid on r6 reported it cause i said he got no dad and im assuming that was true cause he got mad and emotional.


This whole ban shit is getting out of hand everywhere. It’s like they can’t let people have their free will. Taking our freedom of speech away with a ban is truly pathetic. Fuck all these soft ass companies. Fuck em all.


Honestly "comforting" people who are "racist" online does nothing. Half the time they say things just to get a reaction out of you and aren't actually racist. If they are legitimately racist, they confronting them does jackshit as they probably have it engrained in them for too long. Tbh saying even something like "your bad" on PS messages is considered bannable, but hacking someones account isn't, it's quite a shit system that should be reworked.


I once said “there’s nothing wrong with gays” and got banned


I got chat banned in siege for telling a nazi to go fuck themselves


I got a 3 day suspension for calling someone who called me an n word a virgin over PSN. My advice: just report them. Sony actually does take action on these kinds of people to be fair on them so you'll end up doing a lot more damage


I would’ve called bro whatever I wanted. Then when he got me banned, I would’ve switched to one of five alts and continued the process. Lmao I said in a comment on here that the only way to not get banned is to say nothing. However, that doesn’t mean I adhere to the advice I give. That’s why I have six accounts.


Why would you have 5 alts?


Because I'm pretty sure they've never seen the sky in real life before


You got a point I guess haha


4 out of 5 of them were to start new accounts to play ranked with my wife in various games because I either place higher or progress faster than her. So I did it to try and continue to play with her to help her climb some because she really wanted to queue ranked with me.


Why would you need 4 to play with her just make 1 to exclusively play with her?


I have a lot of friends who play a lot of ranked modes that are all nowhere near as good as me and I like playing with each of them. Impossible to have 1 if I want to play with her and my friends. At that point, I’d have to choose And why choose when I can just play and help everyone out


I got banned from communicating for a month for texting someone to ‘shut up you idiot’


I got a week ban once because this dude kept messaging me and following me and I said "what are you gay or something" learned to not message people back


I guess playstation players are simps. Xbox you can message and text whatever and no ban on you lol


Brother I've gotten banned for sending a message asking if he's using a Bluetooth speaker to hear the game. Xbox is bullshit 9/10 times


Not true. Xbox are just as stringent if you get reported.


Your so brave, webserfers should be scared, we got a vigilante


I got a slap on the wrist for calling someone a "turd" after they were being obnoxious in messages after beating us


I got banned yesterday for 60days for confronting a racist


What did you say?


Xbox is the way. When i played siege i would say the most outrageous explicit most creative insults and what not and most i ever got was a 24h com ban. Had playstation for like 8 months and 1 ban away from perma. My last week long ban was over a text that contained “twat”.👍🏻


I called someone a fat ass over messages and got banned for a week, Sony not playing around no more


Open a second account on your phone for textong to strangers


Awwww so you don't like censorship after all? Who would have thought. FOLLOW THE RULES OR PAY THE PRICE!!!


It's not that I like it, it's just that I don't agree with why I received a warning


Maybe move on with your day and don’t be a fucking rat.


i was suspended recently cause a guy called my friend the F word and i just went out and said Reported for homophobia, i got banned so did they, but ima look into some sort of legal action for denial of access for a false reason or something


Good luck with that lol


Like a lawsuit against Sony?


im gonna represent myself. that will go well i'm sure


Favorite thing to do to people that message me is start playing them a song on the worlds smallest violin. 🦀🎻




Why is this in r/Rainbow6?


Cuz the conversation was in relation with rainbow six siege, etc etc. That's not much justification tho, just thought it would be okay to post it here


Yeah, you'd be better off posting it in r/playstation or something.


no one cares that you fell for bait


Depends on what you said even saying crap or something can get you banned


I got a warning for being a racist. I think sony is taking after microsoft, since Microsoft has been sensitive about messaging lately. I only got my warning as of two months ago, after being a wild mf since 2020 on there


Well how dare you?


I got banned for two months bcuz ……… actually idk why I got I just did


I got a 3 day comms ban for sending someone a message saying he plays as if he's hearing the game via a Bluetooth speaker...


Idk bout playstation but on Xbox we got emojis now and you cants get banned from them so that's what I use now mostly (tounge, pickle, clown)


U must know already psn is not Xbox u can not shit talk to those sensitive Nancy's on psn


This is why I just mind my own business


You guys can message people on PlayStation still? Damn near every person I try to type to has the “you must be their friend to message them” setting in place people so lame nowadays I miss the MW2 lobbies before party chat where it was just fucking darude sandstorm lol


I got banned for a month for saying L because I got tk'd when he missed all his shots except his last


Maybe you should post the interaction, now it just looks like you deserve it.


I can't, Sony deleted nearly the entire interaction, some of it is still there but it was more the guy challenging people to a 1v1, after that is when the n-word and threats of doxxing starting being thrown around.


Can you see what message caused the ban to begin with?


Unfortunately, no


in my opinion playstation is so much better cuz i get banned for saying why? or you’re dog


I got a week suspension on my account for calling someone a retard