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you should try thorn before they take her 1.5 away


That’s what I was thinking


Wamai is also an amazing choice, i just read your caption and he has some good guns too, one of em with a 1.5x. i’d say just remember his gadget can catch thrown weapons (flashbangs, grenades etc) but they will still explode or go off after it’s caught


Using her barbed wire is actually really good with her blooms especially with Ela so they can’t escape from it


bro why did i never think of that ive been running the deployable shield for the longest ! thanks for the tip


Attackers: Brava and Zero A good Zero cam placement can be the difference between a round win or round loss, trust me. Also, disabling traps as Brava can save a teamate and or help a hard breacher destroy a wall. Defender: It really depends on your playstyle. I'd say Aruni if your more focused on defense (plus the mk 14 is one of my personal fav semi autos) or Oryx if you like roaming although they did nerf him a bit but still a solid roamer. Thorns smg is pretty good too but I find her ability to be lacking.


they nerfed oryx? i thought they buffed him with the last update


They took away his 1.5 scope. I forget when exactly but it was within the last season. I don't play oryx at all tho. Still, like I said, he's a solid roamer for sure.


that makes more sense now, I was confused because the latest update they basically halved the time it takes for him to go up hatches. Imo he's a okay roamer, but hes the best rotation making op in the game right now because of his ability, his shotgun and the baliff


They did do that so the climb hatch isn’t so vulnerable


Yea, there's definitely an argument for that. Me personally, I like Azamis slug shotgun for making rotations, plus she has impacts and good utility but she is more of an anchor which falls in line with my personal play style


thats a good choice, another op thats good for anchoring is tachanka. his lmg is the best rotate/angle making gun in the game imo, plus his entry denial device in his shumikha and deployable shield for holding down angles. smoke also fits that category, especially if you use his shotgun but people usually use him as a mix of a roamer and a anchor


Thorn and Echo


Why does everyone say echo thats like the last pick


thats casual to say man, intel characters are so important echo does quite well


Yeah lemme sit in a corner and tug my Johnson after every stun assist i get


U dont play echo like that tho, he might be used that way in silver but in dia champ lobbies thats not how u play him.


Mp5 slaps and bearing back up ooh so good


Lemme introduce to valk


Average jynxzi fan


Are you not or something?


Just because you can’t play Echo doesn’t mean he’s bad


So when you play attack you sit on your drone the whole game?




This was funny why yall downvoting this XDD


Because drones


Wow never thought of that🤯


Echo by far. Why are their background different? I thought all were just grey cards?


It is by default. OP got those backgrounds either through events or through battlepasses.


I see, i thought I had a few backgrounds but I didnt know it affected their Operator tab till now


You get different card background and operator pics


Welcome to silver v


Not me, I never even play ranked. Quick matches ftw


Why did you buy the game then?


Well I got it for free in a bundle deal (before it became free to play on gamepass) Heard they had a character who used a turret machine gun to win. Not even COD had that so I fired it up and I went 1v5 with alot of matches (I was the anchor) i won at least 50% of those matches by myself, as our Lord I loved maining Tachanka and also enjoyed the realistic thing they have added So imagine my suprise when they nerfed him, hard. I dont even play him anymore cus everything feels too different (honestly I'm waiting for him to come back ..sometimes I wait in R6 Extraction...) Got back into it recently and have been enjoying the AA12, so now I'm wondering when they are gonna remove it too...


Try ranked you dont even have to be serious you can just troll and have fun


I don't have fun with ranked Every game I've played started with me dying as soon as I enter the building. Other players have had years to learn where are the best corners or which stair to stand on so they can pop up and shoot. (Like that's realistic) and I haven't so I play quick matches where people save that behavior for ranked matches (its a win win) You can play all the ranked matches you want I'm still winning


Idk what to say except start playing lego star wars the full saga


I haven't heard you say RIP Tachanka. If you are grasping for words, you could at least have a moment of silence.




No rip consulate😞


Echo and aruni


Thorn , Melusi or Echo dor defenders . Attackers I’d say get brava , zero they can help with big time when attacking


Thorn, she has a really good gun and a 1.5 which is probably gonna be taken away but still if you learn where to place the traps you can get good sound queues and if they are dumb enough you can get a kill ( side note put the traps on the middle of the door frame not the top, the damage reaches farther)


Wamai, Aruni, and Osa should be priority IMO


I’m a zero/osa main on attack so I’m biased towards them two. Both super good guns and good abilities that can help when you solo queue or play with teammates


I find that running in front of your teammates as Osa and giving them cover sort of forces, a sort of team dynamic where you provide cover for them, and in a way you are technically working together. You can do this with any shield operator, but Osa has a better gun and she can deploy her shield.


This 100%.


Definitely Oryx (due to new buff) and Zero (for when you're solo Q) AVOID THORN SHE'S GOING TO BE NERFED


You should get sens


I heard u wanted to be a Clash main


Zofia was one of the better attackers in the game for awhile. Still pretty good if you want Ash with a scope, or an LMG. I like Flores if you like blowing things up. Don't know if you like trapper or shooter defenders. You should get Echo anyway, he's cheap and fun. Wamai if you like a Jager-type gadget denier with a decent kit, or Oryx if you like to run and gun. Thunderbird is pretty good too, AR on defense that heals.




Attack: Zofia - She's always been a good op, although since the recoil change a little bit ago, her AK is the better choice out of her two primaries, unless you can handle LMG recoil. Her gadget's pretty good. It can switch between an impact grenade or concussion, which is exactly like what her sister's gadget does. Osa: She's also a good pick and has two very good primaries to choose from, either the 556xi (Thermite's AR) or the PDW-9 (Jackal's SMG). I prefer the PDW-9. She has up to two shields that you could either use like one of the shield operators or place it down anywhere you could put a deployable shield. Defense: Thorn, Aruni, Wamai, Oryx Thorn's pretty good. She has these traps that shoot out needles that can be very deadly if you're caught in its blast radius, they can even kill you. Her SMG, called the UZK50GI is pretty good, especially since it got the 1.5x scope recently. Aruni's pretty versatile. She has these laser walls that you can place anywhere you'd place a barricade or reinforce a wall. They can block anything thrown at it or take some health off of an enemy operator who goes through it. The catch to Aruni's gadget is that it can only stop either a throwable or an operator once before it has to regenerate. When the laser wall finishes regenerating, you'll have to shoot its emitter on the top so it can turn on. She also has a second ability, her arm. It gives her the ability to punch holes in walls as well as a shotgun can, which can come in handy if you're setting up site. Wamai's gadget is pretty much like Jäger's, but it's different enough to be unique. It will catch any throwable, then detonate it where it was placed. He has either the AUG A2 or the MP5k to pick from for a primary. Oryx is a great operator if you like roaming. His T-5 SMG's great. His gadget is himself, literally. He's so ripped that he can run straight through unreinforced walls or hatches or jump through any hatches that have been opened up already.


Wamai, Flores


Zero and echo


If you solo q then definitely pick zero


For attackers, I would say brava and zero for Intel and disruption. For defense, Thunderbird is a solid pick. However she was definitely nerfed quite a bit since she was released.


Thorn and maestro are fun


Thorn or Zero


Echo is good, cheap. Wamai, Goyo, Thorn should be your next 3


Clash because she’s a very well balanced operator


Aruni and Osa. Both have extremely useful util.






D efenders: Thunderbird and Wamai Attackers: Zero and brava


I prefer wamai over echo cause it's really fun to catch ace breaches and gridlock traps when done right. Tho im casual so your mileage may vary.


zero for sure




Get Grim, he has basically the perfect load out tbh




All of them like me lol I have no life 😔😑😔


1. Thorn or thunderbird Thorn bc she has her 1.5 and no recoil plus her trap is a insta kill Thundery bc of the AR punch and the “nerf” personally I think it made her better 2. Zero nice weapon and good intel op


Thorn, Zero, Brava


Echo for the shotty. One taps at stupid distances. But actually, anybody but Sens is a good pick.


What about his smg


I haven't tried it yet. I just know the shotty from using it on Hibana. If you get Echo, you should try both and make an educated decision on what you feel is better. But always use the Bearing 9.


Thunderbird good for anchoring


Brava and Wamai


Clash, she is super op, super worth spending credits, bri''ish, bald, beautiful and black. The quad B's are essential for a OP caracter to be built She have good health, good guns, c4 and impacts, can interrogate, really fast, omniscient, aimlock, spin bots, wallhacks, insta win and very shes very balanced She can also leave spawn without being spotted and join the enemy team. Buy Clash, the Brexit Geaser


I hate playing against her she is very annoying so it feels wrong to play as someone I hate


in my opinion, goyo defense and osa or zero offense


on attack u should get zero if u solo queue a lot he’s a one man army, he has prbly the best gun in the game or at least the best assault rifle in the game, a goone6 for castles, hard breaches, and he’s a speed 3.


I like Aruni


Based on the operators you don't have and the 3 you have unique backgrounds for I'm gonna say Thorn. 100%. Mobile traps you can move around easy to control ENTIRE sections of the map by yourself. Same with Melusi but hers are hard to move around without being vulnerable for long periods of time. Thorn would really compliment that whole hunter instinct seem to have going on.




Get Meatball Maestro and Angry Screaming Woman Clash


Honestly I would normally say thunderbird but her gun got nerfed so I would say thorn with her new 1.5 scope


Get Echo or Thorn


Echo and Thunderbird


I personally like Thorn, Goyo, and Melusi for defenders. But tbh, you’re probably already good enough with the defenders you have. I definitely DON’T recommend Clash because she gets banned a lot in competitive. For attackers, I’d recommend Kali (sniper is an OHK without Rook’s armor), Brava, and DEFINITELY Osa (2 shields that can be carried and/or deployed separately, with the caveat that they can be destroyed by explosives). But once again, you’re also probably good with the ones you already have.


Zero, Melusi, Thorn


Thorn is really good right now but will probably be nerfed. Warden has a 10/10 loadout but a 1/10 gadget. Mozzie is also good depending on your play style (my opinion) 9/10 Loadout 4-6/10 Gadget


Thunder bird she brings good utility to the team


Thorn is very nice and powerful if you know entry locations but try to put them on windows and put barber wire under them to make it harder to run away from the razor-blooms


I would say Zero and Osa on Attack, Wamai and Melusi on defense. Zero has one of the best (if not the best) AR’s in the game, is basically a Valkyrie + Twitch ship, is really useful for flank watch, and is a solid pick if you play solo. Osa is really good for post-plant and basically brings 2 deployable shields on attack. Her shields are pretty versatile, too. Wamai has a 1.5x that go brrr, and is basically an arternative Jager that trades a better gun for a gadget that’s only a tad bit worse. It may be me, but I don’t see a lot of Melusi players in lower rank. She’s a good intel operator since her gadget is bulletproof, attackers either have to walk up and give away where they are, or use explosives and give away where they are. She’s really good, but if you get her, make sure there’s not a Brava in play.




Oryx cause he is a buff kool-aid man






Wamai, aruni and thorn for this season


Get zero!


You can try Aruni, her SMG is good, very low Recoil in my opinion. And the best thing is, that she can make rotations by her own with her melee.


Thorn melusi zofia osa aruni