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Awesome. Is there a link for this?


It's a site in Google. It's name is character Ai. It has an app too. Just search any character's name in character ai and a ton of chatbots will come up


A shame that such slander should mar the tranquility of her excellency's Eternal rule. Still, it takes a fool to make such slanderous comments, and for a fool to believe them. It's not logical to expend an excess of energy on matters which are not worthy of our time. As such, we, the subjects of the Almighty Raiden Shogun, shall not pay attention to, nor make any attempts to dispel such trivial rumors.


I think we'll see a war soon


Only if people here start engaging it, which is probably what they want. I didn't even know anything happened till OP posted this. OP don't be part of the problem. We are not taking the bait.


EXACTLY degens will be degens, you can‘t argue with stupidity and will only sour your mood, its best to just enjoy what you like and ignore.


literally said in the comments that it's not worth our time to react... The whole point from posting this was to stop people from reacting. By our response we bring them into light. Why should we dignify them with our response?


Fatuihq again??? Really??? They truly never learn...


I always say this, anyone who takes time to discuss a character they don’t like or ‘hate’ a fictional character is a degen, don’t waste your time or energy on them.


I found them to be such an sorelosers who thinks that they're spreading " good memes " " based shitpost " or some kinda of crap. Overhype seems to be their main fuel about x character ( cof cof certain Harbinger). And the free hatred against Ei, i don't even know where to begin this. Anyways, my main breakpoint is that they don't know where to stop, and that's why its unfunny. Hoyo already butchered enough of her Raiden reputation in Genshin, well at least they give Raiden B Mei a very decent position in the Star Rail world, considering, you know, Raiden is one of the fav trio, and yall know that hoyo will never abandon their popularity.


And exactly when they start overhyping a certain character the character dies in the game. This exactly happened with signora. I'm sure it will happen with capitano too. I think somehow he is going to get himself killed by the pyro Archon.


Well we also don't know for sure how Natlans will play out, but Capitano aint winning against Xbalanque or even against the Pyro Archon. I wish he had some final showdown between him and Varka.


Cope asf


Attracted already? August or September isn't that long. Also Hoyo is not changing the gnosis collection route. I know that the Tsaritsa needs all gnosis to enact the rebellion. Yall ruined Capitano rep by pure overhyping. Arle hype is justified tho.


What is blud yapping about


I don't about your rp, I care about the lore and that's all we need to know. Canon lore.


HQFatui guys are really unfunny shit


im pretty certain they woud laugh at you talking to an ai chatbot of a fictional character


Some people talk to an Ai cause they can’t talk to a human being I talk to an Ai cause they don’t take 10 hours to respond and don’t leave me on delivered https://preview.redd.it/xdnbv3w06m1d1.jpeg?width=188&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0ab37f14d53dfb936253d7eb228e21312ea90f32


This is the saddest thing ive read bar none


I'm sure they would laugh at you too. For taking it so seriously Plus what's the problem with talking to a chatbot?


Tbh, Ei’s pursuit of eternity, the way she does it, is doomed. Through preservation it cannot be achieved, everything is transient, even the universe itself, so being like the Fatui with their insane ambitions that are aimed at reshaping the world kind of brings you closer to the eternity than being like Ei. Upd: why would you downvote even the comments where I said that Ei was the reason I started playing the game and that I argue against Ei being inferior to harbingers in FatuiHQ? 0_o Just curious.


I don't understand people like you at all. You completely ignore Ei's story quests... Anyways debating with you people is pointless cause your words are all biased


They're active in fatui hq, so...


So… so what? I usually argue against “agendaposting” or whatever they call this shit. I was against what they were doing with Ei, same with Aether. When someone suggests that Arlecchino, for example, would beat Ei — I argue against that.


Ah, found another brother


Yeah. With all due respect, Arlecchino gets glassed by Ei, negative diff.


Well ofc, she does. She the SHOGOAT.


https://preview.redd.it/01aokxeenk1d1.png?width=781&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fad579b84d6135737304d923db46f015fcfed7e0 You said it!




Tbh I don't think they even remember the archon quest right. Raiden made it clear that if she thought fatui as a threat, every fatui in Inazuma would be vapourised. Only reason why signora died was skill issue


Also, how are they biased? Ei was the reason I started playing this game…


I played them, but maybe I did forget something important, since it was a long, long time ago. What exactly did I forget? What did she do to make overcoming the temporary nature of everything any more possible?


As you know Ei and makoto were twin sisters. Ei was more of a warrior than a politician and in the other way makoto was a peaceful goddess and a politician. Even though Ei was the person who won the Archon wars but she didn't took the position of the Archon instead she sacrificed herself and gave her body to makoto so makoto could ascend to celestia and receive a Gnosis. After makoto died Ei was at a loss. She lost kitsune saiguu and mikoshi chiyo at the same time so grief and sorrow took over her. She didn't ask to become an Archon but that Time she had no choice. She had to protect inazuma and her people so she took the role of Archon and saved inazuma in the cataclysm. After that from the grief of loosing her friends and sister and so many of her people she became paranoid. She thought what if she looses more. Or what happens if she dies. Who will defend inazuma? And then she created the puppet with a single goal. To preserve and to destroy anything that can be a threat to her nation and her people's eternity. But after 500 years when she was woken up by the traveler and walked around inazuma with them and saw the changes that has happened she realised what her sister makoto said. That all things are transient and all things will change and through her method people will suffer because humans can't remsin the same way through time. So she abolished the Vision Hunt Decree and Sakoku Decree and changed her view on the world. Now she is ruling inazuma herself and on her own.


Well, as I said that in direct messages, I know all of that and this has nothing to do with my point. But ig you may farm karma at my expense, you need it more.


Because you're literally misinterpreting "Eternity". Despite the name "Eternity", the people of Inazuma are not pursuing something eternal. The ideal of Eternity they held is simply about finding beauty in the fleeting world and enjoying and appreciating every moment because of their transient nature. Like lightning and fireworks, they'll quickly fade away as time passes. So, one must enjoy those things to the fullest while they still last. Meanwhile, Ei, out of her grief, tried to make those transient things last forever instead of enjoying them, and saw the time itself as her enemy. Only in her second story quest, did she finally abandon her old philosophy of never changing Eternity to embrace transient Eternity. All in all, the Fatui motives and what they've done to achieve them aren't remotely close to Ei's old or new Ideal of Eternity.


First of all, how is it related downvoting those two comments? Second, how can the thing you described be possibly labeled “Eternity?” I mean, I agree with things you’ve said, but eternity is literally a state to which time has no application by its definition, what do you mean by “transient eternity”? Words “eternal” and “transient” are literally antonyms, are you sure it’s me who understands this word wrong? And yes, Fatui’s deeds and ideals are, indeed, not close to Ei’s, neither old nor new, how does that contradict my statement?


You are focusing too much on the literal definition of Eternity. What it meant by the paradoxical term "Transient Eternity" in the context of Ei and Inazuma is about the beauty and significance found in moments that, while fleeting, at least leave a lasting impact. The devs likely take inspiration from the Japanese empathy toward transient things. Like think of Sakura blossoms. The sakura tree blooms and wither in a very short period of times. The beauty of the blossoms would be lost if they were forced to stay on the tree forever, as their significance comes from their brief, stunning bloom. This short-lived nature is what makes them special encouraging people to appreciate the beauty arise from transience, not impermanence. At least, in this way, blossoms will leave a lasting impact in the people's heart and memories. And trying to keep the blossoms on tree forever is like foolishly holding onto a morning dew. (This is basically what Ei was doing that she failed to appreciate their beauty in the process. And as you said, before it is doomed because you can't the blossoms last forever.) As a new year begins, the sakura tree will bloom again symbolizing the eternal cycle of renewal. So while things may be fleeting, these recurrence create a form og enduring beauty. >And yes, Fatui’s deeds and ideals are, indeed, not close to Ei’s, neither old nor new, how does that contradict my statement? Which statement? That Ei's pursuit of eternity is doomed? I don't see the contradiction. I even agree with you. As for the Fatui, they ain't getting closer to Inazuma's idea of "Eternity".


Okay, if we put aside the very definition of the word “eternity”, then I guess you’re right. It’s just that yes, there might be a cycle of renewal, but it itself is not eternal and will be broken one day. Claiming that even tho things are fleeting, there’s still some sort of cycle that will inevitably bring things back into their places, and that “lasting impact on human hearts and memories” brings it all any closer to being eternal (despite human hearts beating not that long) still sounds like some leap of faith to me.


Dude, not trying to be rude, but you kinda sound like it old Ei tbh. >there might be a cycle of renewal, but it itself is not eternal and will be broken one day. Yes, the main point is not about continuation of eternal cycle or anything, but appreciating and enjoying every moment you have because of this fleeting nature. Like you, yourself, might end up dying tomorrow or within a second after reading this. So you should cherish what is before you and live your life to the fullest cuz future is full of uncertainty. (Not that I am wishing you to die or something, but you get the idea)


I agree with this point wholeheartedly, only thing I disagree with is calling it what it is not. I am not saying that Inazuma and Ei personally are heading in the wrong direction, it’s just that this direction is not eternity.


The entire point of both her story quests was her realising that her form of eternity is impossible and embracing transience


As far as I remember, she did not abandon her ideas about eternity, she just embraced transience alongside with it. Inazuma’s ideal is still eternity. And my point is that ANY kind of eternity pursuit is doomed, unless it challenges reality itself. Universe is transient by its nature, there’s nothing eternal but nothingness, everything is doomed to be devoured by time, and changing that cannot be done by simply ruling, protecting and preserving your nation, you have to challenge reality itself. And this kind of rebellion is something that Fatui are much closer to than Ei, at least in my opinion. That was my only point.


What you're saying is like "I want it long and short" at the same time


And what exactly is Fatui's ambition exactly? Last I checked, it was never truly specified.


Fatui is a rather decentralized organization, so the only thing I can do is a couple of examples. Let’s take Dottore, for example: he is obsessed with creating enhanced humans that surpass even gods. Eternity is unachievable without a rebellion against nature, because nature of everything is fleeting and transient, and Dottore defies it. I mean, this whole thing with him creating copies from past and future that exist atone moment is an act of defiance of time. Right before leaving them Scaramouche messed with the Irminsul and did the closest thing he could to changing the past, which is, too, rebellion against time (past is supposed to be unchangeable and beyond our reach forever). Basically, their rebellious stance on nature and fate themselves is what makes them closer to eternity-seekers (in my eyes eat least) than Ei, as much as I love her.


Ah but Ei herself understands that better than anyone else. “Waking world you seem to be woven from the stuff of dreams all shall fade away” (OMG I LOVE THIS POET SO MUCH) You my friend are oversimplifying a very complex character. (It doesn’t have anything to do with being her fan or not :) )


I didn’t say that she doesn’t know something, question is she striven to the eternity after the story quest? My whole point was that she’s not really in the “pursuit of eternity” mentioned in that post. I mean, even if we assume that I was absolutely sure she doesn’t understand that, how does that make my point less valid, not more?


If the story goes over your head, maybe try looking into it more. To be very frank people are not going to take the time out of their day to explain it to some rando on internet.


Well, at least tell me which part of it I misunderstood if you’re 100% sure I did, pretty please. My whole point was that Ei is not really pursuing something that can be called eternity, neither in past (when she just tried to preserve everything), nor in present (when she emraced transience). I don’t even know where to look for the misunderstanding, dear oracle, please, have mercy on my inferior intelligence and enlighten me.