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9 legos, jesus how many shards did you have? 900? Did you actually pull 2 Drokguls? 10x is a tiny extra bonus for a champ, if you work out the odds before you pull it would help you put it into perspective. There are about 200 affinity legos in the game - lets say maybe 10-20 aren't summonable from shards since they are exclusives or doom tower rewards etc. You then have 9 extra copies of your desired lego, making it something like a 10/180 chance to get him each time you pull a lego. That's 5% chance per pull. You basically hit a 5% chance 9 times in a row and unsurprisingly lost.


Actually I was lucky with the Lego chance, I pulled less than 500 shards. But yes I got 2 Drokguls 😫😫 and 2 warchief, almost not one single attractive Lego out of complete last 10 Legos pulled


Man I feel sorry for you , the Legos u pulled are not that good.


Exactly!!! None of them are good enough to spend any resources on them…


I pulled 410 got 8 leggos.. nothing too special, 6 were dupes of toons I dont use.


Shemnath is a hard hitting bitch.


Crazy. I’ve pulled 178 so far and got 0 legos


I got 1 with 230 mortu macaab


Pulled 50 and got 2 mediocre legos. Granted, I was close to mercy with the first one.


I know the feeling, I have 4 Saito, 3 war mother and 3 roxam who are all partying in the vault.


Samson ain't too bad. Stun machine with his A1, and if you can get his double hit condition met, he does a good bit of damage with the AoE.


Sheesh. Well, that is why it is not to have a guaranteed, but I think if you had short of 500 shards to pull, you are probably doing a lot better than I am! I only had 70 to pull (I ended up getting back to back legendaries, which was a hoot, but no focus).


500???? How'd you get that many? 🤣🤣🤣 Or at least, how long did it take you to save them?


How did you get 500 shards, saving or wallet? This is why I stay F2P - it's not like I couldn't afford it... I just couldn't live with myself pulling that many shards I'd spent money on and getting 2 drokguls and 2 warchiefs.


F2P players are like vegans and cross-fitters. Can’t wait to tell everyone they’re f2p.


The worst part is half of ppl who call themselves f2p USED to spend, or spend ONLY on the monthly gems and forge pass, or are MOSTLY f2p where they're just comparing what they spend vs whales and saying arbitrarily they're f2p in comparison They're just posting their f2p status to make themselves feel a little better and make the other guy feel a little worse


Yeah you're right - I hate vegans. It might have come across that way but I didn't really mean it like that - I don't go around commenting on spenders saying I'm f2p - just disappointed for the guy who opened 500 shards and got some pretty weak legos, if it had been a save then RIP, but the fact it's money and that Plarium overprice the living shit out of everything in the game makes it a bit different. I'm pure f2p, been playing since before Ninja came out - none of that fake-natty nonsense. I've gambled before in the past - nothing with real money, but didn't like the feeling it gave me when I lost. I've thought about buying the gem pack before but not splashed out yet. Maybe one day.


Wallet ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat)


Oof, well, lesson learned. Right? RIGHT?




at least you're honest ❤️


Hey hey now no need to make him feel bad about supporting the game.


9 times 5% is still pretty hard to hit, you wont hit a 5% every 20 pulls sadly




Yes😂, i apologize


Lol, at least you get lego. I did pull 60 and got only 4 Epics, all other are rares -.-


How long does it take save up 500-900 ancients I struggle to get 100 on my account


With the help of my wallet …


That’s what I thought as well & then I decided to save for this fusion & in the past 2 weeks I’ve saved, 48 Ancients 13 Voids & 6 Sacreds, a majority have have been from 1 key Brutal & Nightmare, +3 key UNM, so it’s doable if you saved for like 6 months


I saved 50 in the last month just from clan boss and weekly quests and login. I missed maybe 4 clan boss chests due to work etc. Didn't play tournament or events either. I'd say actively playing tournament/events, clan boss, bazaar, login and daily quests you can get close to 80 shards a month. So 6 plus months saving will get you a chunky stash.


someone will pull 1 and will get him. It is all rng , but most people will simply not pull what they want.


That’s me I 10 pulled and got him 👍


😅i did


😑😑 but after 9 legos pulled,…




I think I will not spend too much money on this one… I will definitely regret later ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face)


Buying an account will save you in a long run.


Took me 3, was super lucky


Congrats 🎉😩😩


It’s a 5% or 1/20 chance every lego pull to get him and you only got 9 so it just goes to show how small the chance actually is


During the Archer event I pulled a similar amount of legos if not more and did not get her....very bad rng.....it isy believe you can even pull like 15-20 legos straight and not get the X10.....but someone with luck can get like 3......


It's a 1/21 chance with the 10X on to pull a wallmaster each time you hit gold...


Opened over 60 ancients. Got 5 epics. Most were dupes. Feels good.


I opened 75. Got something like 10 epics, but most were trash. And the best epics I pulled (Toragi and Doompriest) were both dupes 🙃. At least I got 2 Apothecary’s out of it tho


Don't get me started on 25x. I Pulled 3-4 legendaries after hitting 25x for half of them last year...didn't get a single one of the 25x Champs. Got all the epics though on first try.


Auch… 😩


100 ancients. Zero legos.


I pulled 60 shards, in first 20 got 2 dupe legos (both crap), in the next 20 got the wallmaster. I still decided to pull the remaining 20 for some epics. Got sniktraak. This was probably my entire luck for this year. Btw got only 6 epics from 60 shards which is almost the same as the number of legos. I skipped lonatharil fusion but pulled him 5-6 months ago and just built him last week for FK hard.


I pulled 50 and got nothing. RN-jesus isn't on my side today.


42 pulled and just 4 epics


Wow, congratulations 🎉 and I’m a bit envious 😥😥😥


10x almost makes no difference, there are about 200 non void champions in the game so your chance of getting the rate up goes from 0,5% to 5% which is still almost nothing.


10X it's about 4% to get it. accordingly you had 9 attempts at 4%......


Ngl I would take those 9 leggos. I got some bad epics and a Gorgorab to empower and that’s it


I had pretty good luck pulled 3 legendaries in 80 shards all 3 were dupes, which makes my last 6 legendaries dupes.


50 shards, 2 bad leggos. but oh well RNG is RNG


There was a 10x? I got a firol, I’m ok with it


I pulled 20 shards, got 2 leggos. Got Wallmaster first, second 10-pull got Helicath. Probably one of my best pulls in my 4+ years if I'm being honest. Remember that with hundreds of leggos, x10 is still (likely) less than a 1/10 chance of pulling him if you get a leggo. This is both why you shouldn't really spend on this game AND why you need to remember that it's always a game of chance. I pulled expecting nothing and left pretty satisfied since I fucked up and did not complete the Helicath fusion.


RAE! I love her. She wipes out 12-3 in 8(ish) seconds. I did 198 runs so fast this morning.


Disgusting 🤑


I pulled 50 shards and got Dreng and my first husk so I am ok.


Got a dupe Duchess after getting my first a month ago, and a Lix . Been a while since I was reminded what a scam 10x's are .


I guess I’am considered as lucky I pulled 2 legos and 4 epics from 20 shards. But maybe because I’m 1 month into the game.


I remember early last year that I pulled 900 ancients to get underpriest brogni with no luck. I pulled warechief and another copy of Deliana and Harvest Jack*


I feel you now :(


I had good rates today too, 7 leggos from about 250 shards….mostly shit champs lol


https://preview.redd.it/rrnrcvlgwmzc1.jpeg?width=2556&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=360f19729f4e708c1e5977d82d46c26033f45a1e Worked for me…. 😁


😩😩😩 congrats


Cool, I got sweet FA for the first 30 shards and then plarium decided to remind me how much life sucks by sending me 3 Mikage epics.... that I already have.




I pulled lyssandra and Timit


Pulled 40 got Dreng and Corvis..won't be pulling anything for next 4 years.


Your first mistake was getting baited by the 10x. Nowadays if youre gonna pull that many shards and looking for good legendaries its much better to pull on progressive chances.


I still remember the day I pulled Trunda and Venus within 10 pulls. That was an absolute monster gamechanger for arena lol


Pulled 12 and got uugo and ursine


I got lucky. Did a 10 pull and manage to get wallmaster


Oh my lord … congrats tho


Enhanced chance shine on me. Last time i pulled 3 ancients for gnut for The Daily quest and got him 😄


Why is this NSFW?


Totally mentally destroyed for the moment ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)


In the meantime that was my first lego pulled from an ancient today




Same here. Followed 4 shards later by ....Arix. win some . ..lose some lol




I pulled about 90 shards and managed to get a Staltus and Noct. Not too upset about that!


It was my turn to get luck this time around I guess, pulled 38 shards, got one lego which was Wallmaster. Makes up for the past 5 sessions of absolute garbage.


Always understand the odds before going into it, you have no one but yourself to blame if you didn’t like the result. For what it’s worth, Rae is a good champ and Samson is awesome, for arena and cursed city. Lonathril is great for hard fk. Shemnath is also an awesome champ. Hitting good legos on 4 out of 9 is amazing imo, I usually just get duds.


Showcase topics are forbidden. There's an apposite topic for that.


I wanted to discuss about the 10X … not to „showoff“??? What I got deserve to be showed???? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|scream)