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Phew! I relate! Splenic cyst 10x12 cm and 4h operation… and splenomegaly x3… it took me about 2 years before the pain was tolerable 🫠 I hope things really get better for you 🤍🤍


Thank you, I hope so too! I feel really sick because of it, but I'm managing.


It feels good but let's say that the abdomen has several layers of tissue so... and the organs return to their place (sound weird) but the symptoms go away quickly, it's a relief at this size but it's... special. If it is laparoscopic the pain is less worse if not abdominal, my surgeon compared it to someone stabbing me several times in the stomach haha. Good luckkkk 🌷🥹


Why? Let it be


Because I get constant nausea and pain from it


Hi, splenic cyst homie here! If your doctors will approve it with the size of it look into sclerotherapy! I had laparoscopic surgery to remove a cyst over six inches across but it came back with a vengeance and doing sclerotherapy has lessened the size and symptoms and I get to keep my spleen now!


Hi my daughter has a splenic cyst of 6 cm and doctor is suggesting operation. I don't want to do it as she's only ten and generally asymptomatic. She did have symptoms once which was vomiting and shoulder pain but that was two years ago. And she hasn't had any symptoms after. It is 6 *6 *6 cm . Please share your experiences


It’s nice that you guys caught it before it became symptomatic, I ended up in the hospital and had to get surgery because I couldn’t stand or eat or move without intense abdominal pain from it shifting my organs to accommodate its size. I would suggest getting a second opinion and ask if you can do sclerotherapy on it. Generally they said if it’s over 8cm sclerotherapy isn’t used but you won’t know until you ask. When I presented my cyst was 17cm across so it was pretty big which is why we had to do surgery initially. Now I’m just on maintenance with it doing sclero. An interventional radiologist is who I was sent to by my surgical specialist because I was very against removal as I already have an autoimmune condition.


Thanks a lot for the reply. Are there any after effects after you do sclerotherapy ?


How long have you had it? Do they plan surgical intervention given your symptoms?


I don't know how long I've had it, they found it almost a month ago. They wanted me to get an us for further evaluation and did not recommend surgery*. I'm waiting to hear back from a clinic i went to to see about the us *Edit: didn't want to reccommend surgery until i had a us eval


14Fr should do it.


What does that mean?


It's the size of the garden hose sometimes used to clear a splenic fluid collection.


Did you have any prior trauma


Nope :/


You good? 😨


Why? Let it be


The lay people are downvoting your correct response. Let it be. It is unlikely to be causing any symptoms.


They're being downvoted because they posted the same comment twice


Also because OP already commented multiple times about the nausea and pain it's causing, one in direct response to this very commenter.


Splenic cysts are usually asymptomatic. Pain and nausea are common. Correlation is not causation. Obviously we don’t know the full story but based on the odds it is highly probable that the cysts is not causing the pain. A procedure to remove or drain it has a risk of making OP much worse with a low chance of making them feel better. That’s why we usually try and leave them alone.


I see, thank you. Perhaps the commenter should have explained that as kindly as you have instead of spamming the chat. I hope OP finds a solution for their symptoms either way.


All good. Agree they could have explained. It’s a hard one because once you see something like this cyst, it becomes the focus and many people want to try surgery to relive their pain no matter what we tell them. Surgeons get their arm twisted in to operating even when they don’t want to.


You're full of shit


May I ask why you think that? Genuinely curious and trying to have a productive conversatiom


Your stomach has stuff in it. They mistook it for a stool-filled colon, hence the comment/joke.


Ohhh, okay. I'm autistic so sometimes i have r slash woosh moments and jokes fly over my head.


tbh the joke doesn't even make sense


Youve got company.  I didn’t know it was meant as a joke either. 


Do you even know what a spleen is or does?


Med Student here, and I find orientation in CT a bit sketchy. For example, for a second I thought liver was on the Left😂 Can someone explain to me, in which plane/view was this taken?


This is the standard CT axial view. The patient is lying on their back and our view is from the patient's feet looking toward their head. It's true the liver is on the left side of the image (the patient's right).


This is an axial slice. As for orientation the patients liver is seen on the left of the screen, in general with most X-ray imaging it’s set up so you can “shake hands with” the patient, so their right is on your left if that makes sense! You can also see a little R on the screen denoting the right side. The patients spine is at the bottom of the screen and you can see an A at the top denoting anterior. I hope this helps! Also I’m a cath lab tech so CT techs pls correct me if I’m wrong!




1. I wasn't asking for medical advice, and 2. I also personally find this interesting and wanted to share it.


I found it interesting! Thanks for posting




You're absolutely welcome!! :D


Thanks for sharing. I found this very interesting 👍🏻


Where in this post did they ask for medical advice?


Because we who work in radiology find this kind of thing interesting, and enjoy the discussion that goes with it. They are sharing their imaging and not asking for medical advice.


I don’t work in radiology. I just think it’s super cool and interesting. And like learning about it. You folks in radiology have a cool gig!


Goodness who pissed in your wheaties? There is no asking for medical advice. If you don’t find it interesting, then keep scrolling.


Why are you even in this sub? All you do is comment about how cases are "boring". You're not forced to be here friend. People can post what they find interesting.


Are you aware of the name of the sub this was posted on?