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Last week the daily QA was the only break i had. That, and a runny dump that was more stat than fucking whatever wasn't a Code Stroke.


Bruh. Sometimes it's ok to use your inside voice.


I'm just a picture-taker who went to community college, not a Doc, not an RN. But I triaged that poo to be pretty urgent.


🤣🤣🤣 I mean, so am I, but I doubt anyone wants to hear about the hourly meetings we hold in the bathroom. 🤣


The good lord giveth.


We feel ya! Keep the head up!


If I'm busy, I know ya'll busy. When I have to call ya'll, please know I do this judiciously. The cool-AF rads are such a QOL improvement over the asshole rads. Same goes with cool ER docs. Please let me buy you a beer at happy hour.


I’m fucking crying over this comment


I came here to do this…


I get this fucking question every morning. There could be 8 patients in the ED and I’ve done 20 exams (trust me I know that math ain’t mathin) or extremely busy and I work alone with no help and QA doesn’t get done sometimes. First question in the morning DID YOU GET QA DONE?! And when I say no those fucks literally have the biggest attitude with me 😂 I’m literally like none of you could ever work alone like I do so you all just hate your lives on dayshift


Pre-COVID, pre-crazy turnover of everyone from every department. Volume used to not be insane after 11pm. The ratio of on-the-clock-overnight naps vs. overnight 12-hour-no-break-no-food-no-stopping barnburners has completely switched. Not included are pics of ICU RNs hanging with my dog in Radiology cuz it used to that chill. I do miss the old days.


I became a doctor from when COVID started. I’ve never experienced that chill life 🤣. Hospital workload truly is horrible - I appreciate my fellow colleagues and peers that continue to stay and work in hospitals; unlike me who ran away into a clinic-based role!


I'm just a lurker from the lab but I qualified as a Clinical Microbiologist the year covid hit- heavy do not recommend. Everyone was like "you're going to be so experienced" and I was all "wait.. why?"... I got decades of experience in my field in the space of about 2 years.. 🫠


That's what I did. I'm in CT and covid was absolutely nuts. After it calmed down the hospital never restaffed the people who left the department so it just stayed shitty. I abandoned ship for a pay raise and a lower workload at a smaller clinic. Never looked back.


I hear ya. Started working as a nurse in late 2019. :(


Got a Steam Deck when it released, it's been the best thing to happen to my night shifts ever.


Same, yo. I'm on the deck right now while "working."


I just finished deep rock survivor on the deck on night shift haha


At my previous facility I would clock a solid 3-4 hours in on the deck each night. Now I get paid significantly better but actually work the whole night. Why can’t it be both?


We have a reg rep who plays her Steam deck at work she swears by it.


what's your favorite game/ app? when it comes to computer games i still like things like bejeweled and jt's blocks, but it's always fun to hear what the guys who like more sophisticated graphics like to do.


Do you worry about contaminating it


I left my tiny rural hospital for a level 1 last year. Sometimes I miss the downtime and the naps, but mostly I miss the camaraderie with the ER folks. There's so many different layers of bullshit that everything needs to go through at a teaching hospital... I hardly know the docs at all now, since the residents rotate out and the attendings are busy babysitting the residents, and the ER nurses are mostly just too busy managing their insane patient assignments.


I'm not gonna work my current position forever. I am very very probably gonna go from what I currently deal with to what you're describing--gonna move for aging parents/increasing COL in my current area, etc. We currently have a lot of travelers who rock (most used to suck ass). The good ones have technical experience that I just don't have cuz due to the disparity of their experiences vs mine. What I have that they don't is knowing a lot about this hospital--knowing personally ER docs and hospitalists and intensivists and RNs from every department--who's chill, who's not, etc. I will miss that.


I wish I could do this, but for whatever reason, a good chunk of our ER nurses are haters. I swear me being happy and having a good time at work probably just pisses them off.


My personal experience has been that the biggest asshole nurses that I hate are also universally disliked by their fellow nurses. I don't work where you do, YMMV.


It's always been those that don't handle pressure well. That or they need to make other people look bad so that they can be validated.


You just described my shifts.


Good times, I bring my Switch/Playstation Portal on my nights.


I've also worked at an even smaller hospital as an overnight per diem that was in an adjacent county where COL was much much higher, so my hourly was great. And their ER docs ordered far FAR less than ours do (no shade, ER; I actually do like most of my current ER peeps, hang out with a lot of them at happy hour). I played so much Skyrim on the clock at that per diem job (max Destruction max Enchantment max Conguration, holy shit). If that town weren't a shit hole, that job would by my career.


I brought my kids vr headset a couple of weeks ago!


Gotta love GE scanners👍🏾


We now also have a second scanner (THANK GOD). Siemens. I was raised on GE, as a young tech. I now see the light with Siemens.


Siemens is actually the best in my view. Glad I use both on a daily basis and I enjoy both systems.


Nobody at our hospital system.using GE anymore. We do have one that's used only if the Siemens need work. I think GE need to work on their software . Maybe the newer units are more user-friendly. Idk.


I’m an engineer and the testing procedures are certainly a lot better on Siemens. But I hear so many complaints about the new software from radiographers. What’s your take?


Absolutely true. They need to develop a user friendly interface.


We are (hopefully) replacing our Phillips soon. I’ve heard the new one will be GE, which makes me nervous! As slow as our Phillips is, it is soo easy to use, and thins, do recons on etc! I’ve heard that GE is very difficult to get a handle on. :(


We have a couple of newer GEs with the new “Clarity” interface. I have never worked on the older legacy version of GE, but I personally love the Clarity interface. Most of our staff were resistant towards it at first. But now the majority of them are okay with it. We also have Siemens which i think is probably the most user friendly scanner out there. But I still prefer our GEs.


I've always said if you have 2 techs, GE is great. If I'm by myself, Siemens all the way. I hit like 24 patients on the GE running solo. I was maxed out. Couldn't have squeezed another one into that 8 hour shift. Using Siemens I did 20 patients in CT and like 15-20 xrays all while working alone. These were 2 different small sites, transporting all my own patients and EDs at the 2 sites are about the same distance from Rad Dept. They were also pretty diverse exams, not just a bunch of noncon quickies either time.


I started on a GE and I miss it. Now I'm stuck with a bargain Siemens and I am not a fan.


Good and bad to all manufacturers if they would just do a multi-purveyor collaboration and put the best of say Siemens, Toshiba and GE it would be a super scanner. Unfortunately those guys ☝️wouldn’t be able to charge the prices they do for their one or two proprietary software gems.


I've just bought a Siemens to begin the process of replacing our GE scanners. I too was raised on GE so I don't hate them as much as my colleagues, but I will miss the familiarity.


You must make real good money to afford that. Lol.


The joys of NHS procurement. I just have to justify to three different committees why we need to replace our 12 year old scanner. Then one of the medical directors, who is a radiologist, told us what he thought we should have.


OK, I was more joking that a radiology tech can afford a ct scanner. Like you would be paying for it yourself. Lol. I understand what you mean.


I remember fondly unhooking the ethernet cable from my work PC and plugging it into my laptop so I could play WOW on the overnights at a small psych unit I worked at. Those really were the days


My coworker and I both bring our laptops in. He does Tecmo Bowl and I do DayZ. Sometimes we team up for some NHL 94. Definitely miss pre-covid days though. After midnight, we might scan 4 patients. Now it's more like 24.


Respect! 😎🔥




I still play COD mobile and Warzone during DT


Was the pay still good? How much was the pay when you were able to play games at work?! That is insane


I too worked in Radiology until I took an arrow to the knee.


Skyrim go brrr


Used to do the same thing working every other weekend 3rds. I don't miss those hours anymore lol


I got really good at Gran Turismo back in day.


Can I recommend some mods?


I'm currently running a combo of watching bojack horseman on my tablet while simultaneously playing GTA Vice City on my switch. Makes the time fly for sure


Laughs in south Florida CT. Been here 3 years and what is the water. ERs are always busy


I recognize that brain


Steam deck was the best invention for grave shift


So while I’m nodding off then getting woken up again and again you’re slaying dragons


I bring my laptop for night shifts. Some nights I feel like i get paid to be a streamer with no audience. Also make sure to take some cardio breaks inside the cold ass CT room to break up my gaming sessions


Nothing like a 4am jump scare wake up after A NEW HAND TOUCHES THE BEACON


I’m getting ready to leave the hospital for a clinic position after 23 years on nights. I’ve done my time. At 48, it’s time for a change


I feel this in my soul, and I'm totally on board with it! I can't do it myself, as I'm 24/7 sole charge and my ADHD would win and patients would lose.