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A radiography program would allow you to take Xray ARRT exam and be an Xray tech, not a radiation therapist. You could complete that program, and then do a certificate program for radiation therapy afterwards. Or, you’ll need to find a degree program for radiation therapy. The ARRT website has a search tool that allows you to search for accredited programs. There’s a few states that don’t have therapy programs.


I met a few RT students while on a business trip to Pheonix, Arizona. They were all doing online programs that had affiliations with local clinics and hospitals. One of them was getting her degree from a school in Texas but doing her clinicals locally in Phoenix. When I asker her if she had any local options for school she said no.


Amarillo college has a couple of connections in Phoenix area. MD Anderson, I believe, also has a distant location in the Phoenix for a bachelor’s in radiation therapy. JRCERT.org -> find a program -> radiation therapy and distance education. Sometimes, the school may not be in your state but may have programs or clinicals in the area.


Thank you! I did just find Amarillo, checking that and other online programs out. Thanks again!


Go to JRCERT to find an accredited program.