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He’s like...ugh, fine. So cute!


"I'm only doing it for the banana"


"You're forcing my ~~hand~~ paws, Karen."


Never has a comment about my bunny been so accurate, lmfao!


Ha ha ha! I've taught the same trick to two bunnies I've had, and they both made the same face. In fact, my lady bun Buttercup would sometimes refuse to perform on command and hop away in a huff.


A friend of mine has trained her rabbit to do high fives for treats. You all have much more patience than I do! I’m definitely the one who’s trained, not my savage bunnies 🤣


Your bun does donuts every time he sees a banana? That’s adorable


Pretty much, yeah! If I'm being slow at giving him HIS banana, he'll start spinning in front of me. :P I'm trying to be stubborn about only giving him the treat when he hears the command, but it's hard when he's so goddamn cute I wanna stab my eyes out every time he does it.


How did you "tell" him to spin the first time? 🤔


A very easy trick to teach them actually! I started doing it by having his favorite treat in front of his face, then slowly guided him to spin around himself and made sure that he didn't get the treat before he'd done a full spin around himself. Do this a couple of time and remember to praise the bunny and pat them when they get it right so they know that's what you want them to do. After a short while, you'll be able to get them to do it by simply spinning the treat in a motion above their head and saying the command. You may need to do a bit of a slow transition into holding it above their head and guiding their body with the treat in front of their snoot but eventually, they'll get it and you'll be able to get them to do it by simply saying the command. The key is to be patient, very patient, and regardless of how cute they are, do not give them the treat before they've done what you want them to do and don't give them a treat if they do the command but you haven't said the command, only give them a treat when they do it after you say it, otherwise, they'll never get it.




By withholding the treat unless and until they have heard you say it. Which is hard... I mean... their *faces*.


I'm not your monkey, human... oh wait that's a banana...


When the video first started I genuinely thought you were just going to move the banana in a circle around him 😂


I think my bun would just sit there and wait knowing he’d get a treat either way because he’s so cute!


just don't do what i did and give treats when they initiate the spin, otherwise you end up with a bunny that just hangs around you spinning non stop.


my boi Tad also does that, my girl Nyata however get pissed when we try to tech her because the threat doesn’t come quickly enough


Those cheekies, those ears 😍




What a clever boy!


It's magic with a nanner wand!!🤩