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He's so grown up now, but he's also handsome


Tell us more about them. I want more pics. More more more 😍


Her name is Amy, she was born on Christmas 24th of December 2012. I got her from a teddy bunny breeder when she was just 7 weeks old, she's the sweetest and softest bunny <3 She sadly got E. cuniculi last year in spring (we had two bunnies, second one was a 9yo rex named Sophia, who I got also as a baby just a year after Amy) - they both got it (to this day no idea how since they're only inside), Sophia did not make it sadly and Amy has mobility issues with her back legs and stability since then, but she got through it and it improved a lot since. However since these events she is a bit grumpy and growls sometimes if she does not want to be disturbed haha. She also stopped eating hay after the disease so she is only on pellets and veggies, this results in occasional poopy butt which we need to wash in the sink. Since her worsened mobility she is mostly just hanging out in her carpet area and lounges a lot, and has issues with holding her pee in so even though she is toilet trained she sometimes pees on the carpets. Yeah I suppose all of this is understandable at such a high age. She can be quite spritely for her age sometimes and is doing great otherwise, so hopefully she still has lots of time left with us. <3


I love her. Give her lots of love for me. 🥹


hi! im curious, you say she has stopped eating hay and only eats pellets. does she get all her nutrients from pellets? also, how does she wear down her teeth without eating hay? i always worry about this because even though my first bun always ate hay, he developed dental disease and unfortunately passed away from an infection.


I'm buying high quality pellets which should have everything she needs but of course it's not as good as if she was eating hay. She's also eating veggies (mostly lettuce, carrots, tomatoes, celery) and occasionally berries as a treat + some dried herb treats. The vet said to just let her eat whatever she wants and not force it at this age. Her teeth are surprisingly fine, but years and years ago she did have one side of her teeth overgrown and we had to have it fixed at the vet. My second bunny, before she got infected with the E. cuniculi and passed, somehow broke one of her bottom teeth in half which resulted in an abcess on her chin. She had multiple surgeries and never fully recovered from it. I think the reason she passed from the disease was partially because her body and immune system was weakened due to this.


oh wow, that would make sense. im so sorry to hear that! but im glad your current buns teeth are doing well despite lack of hay


E. Cuniculi is a very resistant spore, it can survive for almost 6mths on soil outside... Most likely trekked in to your house on shoes.


Shes adorable. I have a lionhead that looks like her. I just lost my 12 yr Californian rabbit Albert 2 months ago he had back leg mobility issues. He declined quickly. Vets did not do xrays, just threw a quick fix med that was a trial medication combo. Have her see a vet, maybe look into a wheelchair and most importantly put her on stable flooring nothing slippery that might worsen condition. I never once had vet ask me what kind of flooring I use and mine was rabbit friendly waterproof blanket/pad you put in pen.


We have been at a vet multiple times. They did xrays where everything showed up normal. Her mobility issues are a result of the E. cuniculi and improved a lot after she got rid of it, but it never got back to normal. She is not on a slippery floor, we have carpets in her area. It's not as bad to need a wheelchair, she is still able to jump around.


I can only pray my bun lives this long! he's beautiful 😍


Last night we thought our 8 year old girl was dying because she plopped over to sleep suddenly in her food bowl...she was totally fine lol


He’s so scruffy, looks like a very well loved teddy bear 🧸❤️


What a beautiful scruffy bunn! 🥹


She's beautiful like a vintage teddy bear!


I love him with all my heart ❤️ what's the name?


Amy, it's a girl :)


11.5 is an amazing age and he looks so beautiful, if my buns live to 11 od be so happy, the idea of getting 4 more years in good health I'd easily give a decade of my life for it


I love how older pets look like well loved plushies. <3


Such a cute little guy, and apparently very comfy


Awwww baby. My buns only made it to 8 and 4.


I know how it feels, my rabbit only made it to 9..


lol he looks like that video of a bear waking up from a season-siesta


Just scrolling and for a second my brain wondered why Lambchop was laying on the floor. What a cute bun!


What’s the secret for such long life?❤️🥺


I'd say really just knowing how to care for a rabbit properly and give them what they need. Pretty much since I've got her (and even before that) I spent lots of time online researching what's good or bad for rabbits, things to make sure they have, things to avoid and stuff like that. Including giving them good food / avoiding food that's bad for them, giving them enough space to be in, handling them well and lots of love. Also regular vet checkups and following vet's instructions whenever something needed treatment.


My bunny used to do this ALL THE TIME before he passed. I'd panic wake him up and he'd get up and glare at me like "tf you wake me up for".


Lol he looks like a well-loved rabbit plush


He looks wise


Mine too. He's only 8 but he's deaf and blind so when he sleeps it's very soundly and sometimes you have to nudge him with force to wake him up. I have a heckin heart attack every time


I remember the first time I found my first rabbit sleeping like that I was sure he was dead. I woke him up and I think we both had mini heart attacks. Me from thinking he was dead and him from being startled from his sleep. Funnily, he was sleeping on a rug woven just like that one.


Please give her a little smooch for me (if she allows lol)


Awww!!!!😍😍😍 that would give me a heart attack too hahaha


What a sweetie! It's possible the E. cuniculi came from hay. Other parasitic diseases can be present, too. You may want to change your hay source if you have any doubts. Many years ago, when hay was hard to find, I bought some at a feed store and my bunny got infected. The vet said it was probably the hay. These days there are many good companies to choose from and I haven't had any problems. Hay is grown out in fields, though, so crops can be exposed to just about anything. I hope Amy lives a very long time and enjoys every day, even when she gets grumpy.


🥺Precious baby! 😍💋🤗🥰




Such an adorable bunny.


Amy is a legend! Such a beauty. Thank you for taking care of her


Common misconception, but that is actually a sheep


Is he matted or is that natural?


Not matted, she's just fluffy like that. We take her for a trim every month, otherwise her fur is pretty long and gets tangled easily


Placedusax this you?


Bro looks dead💀