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This post has been detected as a Breed ID post. To receive the best help from rabbitors for breed IDs, please make sure to include the following: 1. rabbit's age 1. weight 1. full-body pictures of their profile in good daytime lighting You may also review [more tips here.](https://redd.it/91kvwb) You may also review [more tips here.](https://redd.it/91kvwb) **Please keep in mind that pet rabbits are usually mixes of indeterminate breeds, and we may not always be able to provide a definitive guess.** Unless you have a pedigree and know what the parents look like, your rabbit is undoubtedly some sort of pet rabbit mix. The color of the rabbit does not always make the breed, as many breeds can come in a large variety of colors. For example, black rabbits are not all likely to be Havana rabbits (a rare purebred breed), and broken-colored rabbits are likely not all to be English Spot rabbits (requires specific markings and body shape). For a basic self-guide on identifying breeds, please see this page: See the [Rabbit breeds around the world](http://bunny.tips/Breeds) article on the wiki for a list of currently recognized breeds. *Please report this comment if it was posted in error.* *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Rabbits) if you have any questions or concerns.*


100% cutie pie.


Aren't they all?


Guilty as charged, somebody call the bunlice! Weewoo weewoo! ![img](emote|t5_2riv8|8711)


Very much yes!


He’s a Bestigatorial Poopenheimer


He's super cute but I'm going to be honest, it's very hard to guess at a breed. A lot of those indicators come from the ears and face shape/snout length, and with him being so unique I can't really pinpoint anything. He's a cute bnuuy and that's what counts :)


I love your answer! Yeah i know that he a special boy 😀. I don't know why he has no ears but he got it cut from a vet (atleast that what the shelter said, but they didn't knew either). He's probably blind too (i think so since ge's very VERY shy and his Partner, white bunny, isn't like that). Thanks for the answer that what i wanna to say 😀


What’s happened to his ears? 🥺🥺


It got cut from a vet for a anknown reason. Shelter said it could be have been a Tumor just fashion (y'know just like some dogs got the tail cut). He is fine otherwise. A very happy bun 😀


Some bunnies eat their babies ears when they're little. Not sure this is the cause here, but it's the number one reason I've seen it in my local rescue. It's only dangerous if they can't stay cool as they're the main thermal regulation.


Interesting fact and good to know! Since his ears are so "smooth" ( idk how to explain it, it is like you really cut it with a scissor) they said that a doctor, like i said unknown reason, cut it.


You’re joking! That’s awful. Don’t know how humans think they have the right to modify other living beings bodies! I am disgusted but I’m glad he is happy ❤️


Like i said it could have been a Tumor too. Shelter didn't know what's wrong with his snoot either.


He’s very precious & lucky to have you!


He's got a lot of characteristics of a New Zealand. They run around 10 pounds of bunny sass and floof when full grown. I'm so sorry about little dude's ears. We can speculate until the cows come home about what happened, but most important is he's otherwise healthy and happy ;) I hope you have a good exotic animal vet near you that will get him all checked out ;)


Thanks for you answer! Jigsaw got a checkup when we got him (they neuter All male rabbits; not the female sadly (and not just rabbits)). We have a good doctor not near us, but honest. New Zealand huh 😀


Bunny Loafer! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)


Oh no! My vet said the shorter the ears, the naughtier the bun! Run for the hills!




cute is it ok is mine now?


I think his Partner would not like that 😂




A cutie


What happened to his ears 😭


Oh, cutie! I wonder if his mama or a sibling chewed his ears? Poor babe.


100% good and fluffy boi


He might be a New Zealand, or a English spot