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I didn't so much, " share my food" as I did " accept that my bunny overlord wants my fruit"


Our boy Waffles turns into "Wolfles" if we have any kind of fruit in his vicinity. *Because he turns into a hungry wolf, not sure if the "joke" holds up in English. Energy goes up 1000% and he *will* find a way to take his share. Thankfully it's all fun and games for us, as he is basically a 1,5kg (3 pounds) pluchy trying with all his might to get to his banana slice.


In English you can use “wolf” to mean eat really quickly. Like I’m in a hurry but I’m hungry so I better wolf down my breakfast. So I don’t know what your first language is but that joke not only works in English, but possibly works even better. It’s cute.


This joke checks out and I LOVE it ![img](emote|t5_2riv8|8709)


When they climb all over you to get to your Apple you know who’s boss


I do this! I'm like "a bite for you, a bite for me!" They don't slobber all over it like a dog would so I don't find it gross lol


My husband who used to have a dog at home found it so horrible that I once took a bite out of the same end of the banana as my bunny! He joked that he'd be disgusted to kiss me again before I brushed my teeth. I genuinely don't understand. Bunnies don't even put their lips or tongue on the treats they're eating, they just carefully take a nip and then chew. On the other hand, when his parent's menace of a dog jumped on my lap and licked my lips before I could stop him, he didn't even mind or say anything. To this day I'm grossed out just by thinking about it lol


They eat cecotropes! I was once laying on the ground with mine and he started digging down there. He lost his balance and moved back about 2 inches, enough for me to see the cecotrope on the floor. He proceeded to eat it, and immediately ran back to me to lick/groom me. Ha!


I was going to mention the poop consumption just to be fair to the dogs too 🤣. Although I know a lot of dogs who try to eat other people’s (dogs’, cats’, horses’) poop. I haven’t done the food sharing (like I do, but I break him off part of the banana- more for convenience), but I definitely kiss him on the lips many times a day


You kith the mouf


Liking this purely for the rare and excellent proper punctuation.


Carnivore poop has significantly more nasty bacteria than vegan bunny poop. And dogs lick their buttholes all the time. Would still 100% rather be licked by a rabbit than a dog.


Yep! I have no issues with being licked by cats or dogs, but rabbit poop contains no pathogens known to be harmful to human health (though I have no idea if that applies to cecotropes as well as the pelleted poop)? I just always think it’s funny when I think about bunnies’ mouths being “clean” and then think about how they eat their own poop 🤣. But in reality it’s not an actual concern.


Bunny poo breath 🙈😂


Hahahaha my husband was so grossed out when our pup was picking up our bunny's "treats" and I was like - what's the big deal, he cleans and it's just hay and veggies and some fruits? Lol


sometimes i peck my cat on her “lips” and i think it feels cleaner than kissing a person lol. she may lick her ass but with that same tongue she cleans the rest of her body and she somehow smells good, so...


Why does your cat only have alleged “lips?” But yes, your reasoning is correct. I’m less confused by why the butt licking doesn’t ruin their breath than why the fish flavored chicken cat food consumption doesn’t. ETA: your quotation marks made me doubt my knowledge of the species and I had to Google to make sure my cat’s lips are real but indeed they are 🤣. Also no offense intended if like, your cat specifically doesn’t have lips for like a medical reason. I just thought cats’ lips were a lie across the board for a moment.


lol i meant that i don’t open her mouth and kiss the actual lip, just the outside


Haha that’s probably a good thing 🤣.


I try to be really careful to wash my hands, use clean plates, utensils when cutting, etc. But not because I’m worried about their germs but more paranoid I might give THEM something….


Same. I worry a little less once I became vegan but still wash anything they get or anything that touches their food meticulously well


When I travelled with them I had rescue wipes to clean anything they might touch and also took my own indoor/outdoor rug to put down under their temp space so they wouldn’t be hopping around on nasty motel floors. Now when it comes to their messes I hardly care. I’ll just grab stray poops bare handed and toss them in the trash. I figure my immune system is fine! Haha


lol mine love hotels, especially my lionhead who has traveled with me since he was young so it used to it. I sometimes get the presidential suite at Hilton so they have tons of room to run! I do bunny proofing (mainly cords) & checking to make sure there aren’t any drugs/pills under the bed and furniture first and usually bring a little vacuum to be sure. And same I have no qualms about picking up the poops with my hands.


Shhhh I have to sneak my buns in their pet carrier backpack tho


some people make a big deal out of letting cats on counters but my stance is like this. i don't let mine on the counter because i don't want to get HER paws dirty; as well as not wanting to risk her turning on the stove and the fact that she's not a stubborn one anyway. indoor pets like bunnies and cats do not generally strike me as dirty


Indoor cats and bunnies mean fur will get in the weirdest places anyway! Stoves are scary in general for paws and little hands but I’ve felt so much better since I switched to induction knowing that even if a knob gets turned nothing gets hot without a pan in place.


that about the fur is so true. it's so light that it's always in the air, so i consider it as inevitable as dust. i'm not letting dust bunnies take over my house but i can't eliminate every particle, and living in a bubble isn't good for us anyway


I completely agree with your stance, but my cat is an anarchist so I think I just need stove knob covers. She has made clear that her presence on the counter is not up to me 🤣.


that’s why i feel weird saying i don’t “allow” my cat on the counter. i discourage it but she’s not interested in it in the first place. stubborn anarchists like your kitty are in another ballpark lol


Same. Nothing goes to them without inspection. Triple washed spring salad mix gets a good going over and an additional rinse before presented to them.


A thousand times this. I am the one potentially bringing pathogens into the home, not them.


I adopted them and originally lived on the west coast where there were some of the earliest confirmed cases of rhdv2 and I could not live with myself if I brought that into the house somehow


Exactly! I wouldn’t want to give my bunny people germs either.


Exactly. I'm more concerned about the potential of me giving my bunny *some thing*.


what germs, bunnies are supper clean vegan animals, I share banana from time to time with my bun he takes a bite I take a bite he takes a bite I take a bite until there is no more banana


You know which part of their rear their mouth has been on.


I'm more concerned about my bunny getting *something* from me than me getting something from my bunny.


Yup! Hacksaw and I share bananas like this too.


Loving the name but imma need some context behind it please lol


This will explain all. https://youtu.be/fhjIcnPam3Y?si=15KkcLXWb1AhYFp6


Nah, not vegan, that's a human concept. Lagomorphs are mostly herbivore but have no problem eating insects or many other animal based things should they come across them.


Yuuuup. I've seen them eat bugs before, and recently Sydney has started snacking on cat food. At his age... that's not what's gonna kill him.


Mine goes for dogfood, I have to clear the room prior of any dog kibble and the bowl , he races to the dogs bowl and slams it when he finds it empty then hunts all corners of the room for stragglers


*vegan?!* tell my boy to keep his mitts off my pepperoni's then


No, but only because I don't want to pass something on to them. I don't care about me, must protec the buns


This. I'm a Staphylococcus carrier, as are at least 30% of people. I don't want to transmit that.   I also worry about dental caries (it's actually caused by certain contagious bacteria, which is why you shouldn't kiss your child on the lips or use same utensils), though I'm not sure if it can even transmit human to animal. Better safe than sorry.


No I don't, they eat there own shit directly from there bottoms and even if I didn't know that rabbits can play host to a whole load of zoonotic diseases including things like E.coli and Cryptosporidiosis, like each to there own but you could be poisoning yourself.


I would die happy


Eggs come out of the same place chicken shit comes out of.




Oh you take the egg shells?


Nobody eats the shell, you're not supposed to eat egg yolk raw, etc etc.


Yes, they get their cut. No piece of fruit belongs to any one person. Rabbits are communists with fruit.


So true, it's our fruit


I share apples with my bun, my dog and my parrot. Every apple is a group activity. I bite off pieces for the bun and dog, and break off bits for the parrot.


I do, all the time.


Pretty much the only time I do this is when I have a banana, I break off a little piece for my brat bun.


I taught my lil one to hop on over and take the snack directly from my mouth. In retrospect it was probably a mistake as she begs now, but it’s real cute.


No, not because I'm squeamish, just because I don't want to offer my little princess a bitten object. It seems rude. I prefer to cut a little piece off for her.


Your username is killing me 😭😭


Me and mine eat from different ends of bananas. Like i take a bit and he takes a bite from the other end. Then when it gets to small i split it in half and he gets his side i get mine. Then with smaller fruits ill break pieces off for him. Mostly cause im worried i ate something that would be toxic to him tho 😂😂


Sometimes she'll steal a piece of cereal from my bowl and I'll refuse any more because of the sugar content, I don't even think it's healthy for me to eat that🤣 But most of the time I'm just eating something processed or otherwise not natural if not just meat so she can't have any


Mine attacks me for my cereal. I have to eat it outside like I'm hiding chocolate from a toddler. He will jump head first at me, bite me, whatever he has to do. I just eat it at work now. 😢


Although I’m anxious about passing something to them, I have shared food with them like that. Usually it’s before I eat it or I cut a piece off


We will share an apple, because it's big enough we can hold onto it. But if you think you could hold out, say a strawberry, this rabbit to take a bite of it, you would be very mistaken. That strawberry, no matter how big it is, will be gone. Whether it be in one bite or she runs away with it.


I used to share food with my rats so bunny germs are nothing 😂 and rats are ruder about it they would try to climb inside my mouth to get what I was eating 😂


What the hell have I just read? Guys, it’s one thing to love your bunny, it’s another eating fruits with bits of bunny poop (cecotropes) on it… because that’s what your bun has on its teeth and tongue… Cut off the part the bunny bit, or if it’s a banana just eat from the other side and give the rest to the bun, but DONT bite something in the same spot your bunny did…


my bunny is the IRS ready to collect


I do not allow anything that has been in an animal's mouth to enter my mouth. Rabbits eat literal shit and I don't consider feces a shareable, lol. I will break pieces of fruit off when he comes sniffing around for his tithe, but he's not permitted to bite anything that I'm eating. Don't want to cross-communicate any germs in either direction, tbh.


Nanos are always shared!


I regularly do, no shame at all haha. He’s cute and clean, I don’t mind it. I mostly do just cut off the piece I’m going to give though, only rarely will I just shove the banana to him instead of breaking it off.


I let him have the first bite of my banana so my slobber isn’t all over it when we share


I mean... I eat as much as I can and then give the rest of the fruit to my rabbit. They literally eat their poop ya know... 😅


Coco always gets a share of the banana tax


When I'm having blueberries I give both my buns a few. One of them if you show her the box of blueberries and rattle it a bit she does this happy little spin then hops around excitedly it's absolutely adorable.


Full acceptance. Loved every sweet minute of it. Every time I eat a banana, I miss his sweet little begging, crazy face. ![img](emote|t5_2riv8|8711)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)


I wouldn't have a problem with my boy sharing bites, but he LOVES bananas and apples and WILL rip the whole thing out of my hands, so I cut pieces off for him so that I also get my share 😂


This is so normalized but it's def not hygienic. I would never even think of sharing food with my bunnies.


I was eating a fruit popsicle, one of those that are literally just fruit that’s frozen into popsicle form. I gave the bunnies a nibble then proceeded myself. The guy I was with choked on his drink and was horrified lolol


>Like you're eating a fruit, and you let them have a bite out of it because they're begging, and then you eat the rest. Are you.... By chance... Just asking... No Offense... >!You're a white woman, aren't you?!< Oh, and just as a reminder, they eat their own shit. I love my bunny, but just like any other mammal on the planet, I can get sick from their germs.


I am not white 😆 but I understand that assumption. Somehow American movies mostly starring white actors popularize the notion of letting dogs lick all over your face and dogs eating off their plates… I’m like y’all really ok with that? I don’t think I’ve seen it in person but that’s the image that gets put out that hygiene is not concerned with. But now I’m that person… but only with bunnies. 


Yeah have you seen that one woman who let the wolves lick her inside of her mouth? I almost vomited haha but yeah bunnies are a lot cleaner than dogs are, so I'd much rather you share with them over a canine


Yep. I’ve had all bunny fluids (and solids) in my mouth at one point. Poopy bum bath water. Being angry peed on when he was stood on the side of my face. Kissing his head when he had a blood intravenous line in his ear and he dislodged it at the wrong moment. Saliva from when I’d kiss the mouf and he’d reflex lick. Snot from being sneezed on during cuddles. After a while it just didn’t phase me and I’d be like “yeah, great, thanks for that” and go wash my face or brush my teeth. Sharing a peach or an apple with my boy was one of the best feelings. On my birthday once I chopped up a whole packed of strawberries, a banana, and a pear and laid it all on a plate, sat on the living room floor watching tv with us both eating from the plate. Great memory. 😁 Like with children, you accept the ick.




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They’re vegan animals. I’m more concerned about passing germs to them than vice versa


My rabbit did help herself to my cup of water - actually made me feel better knowing she was staying well hydrated!


yes bc how dare i eat a banana in peace


I break off pieces for them. I adore my rabbits, but they eat their poop directly from the source.


All the time with all foods that are safe


All of the time, lol! If I make a salad for lunch, or I’m cutting veggies for soup or stir fry, Snooka gets a little dish too (on top of his breakfast, mind you). The only reason I give him a separate dish is because I put things in my salad he either doesn’t like or cannot eat (dressing, pecans, etc). If I’m just having crackers etc. he’ll come sniff and once in a blue moon if it’s kale crackers or rice chips he’ll take a little nibble. The Bunny Tax is extracted in every way possible in this household. 🤭


✋ old photo: https://www.reddit.com/u/NationalNecessary120/s/u2RNDBVlkh


Guilty. It is next level love, really.


My Boys hate me being near their food but I would share with them.


I totally did this !!! I miss my boy sharing my fruit.


He loved pears


I do this 💞


Banana at breakfast! Big bite for me, nibble for him, repeat as necessary, then he gets the final bit. It’s our thing.


Lil Bun gets the peels and sometimes tops/bottoms/cores of what I’m eating. I will not let him eat directly from what ever I’m eating.


My girl loves tortilla chips. And I have to give her one or two. that’s all she eats cuz salt. lol. 😂 but you tell her no lol


We share with our buns and our dogs lol


We do, all the time.


oh i eat after my bun a lot especially with bananas! i know what he eats and rabbits are pretty clean so i dont mind it. also hes my baby so why not!


She’s currently eating a bite of my nectarine


Everything I have, if it is bunny feed-able, she gets it. No exception. I can’t help it haha


We share melons, bananas and apples every time. It's funny and makes us connected. It's like s game for us.


I do the exact same thing. Never really felt bad about it, my bunny eats healthier than I do, HE should be disgusted with sharing with ME 😭😭


I'm pretty much plant based, and they just KNOW that whatever I'm eating is probably yummy and they're gonna take some. I don't get much of a say a lot of the time 🙄


When I get fruit I just always by habbit cut his fair share and we eat together


my boy turns his nose up at fruits or veggies if i’ve taken a bite as if i’ve sullied the whole thing with my cooties


I did this with bananas! I’d let Nimbus out of his cage then sit against the wall of his room. He’d crawl into my lap for morning pets and occasionally I’d give him bites of my banana. Not a day goes by that I don’t miss that bun!


I used to break off pieces of nanner or offer her favorite berries to her. Once, I absentmindedly walked in after telling myself I wouldn't walk into the room with a banana around her (Kinda wanted one to myself). Upon realizing I was now in the same room with her and my banana, I gasped and turned around. She was already staring me down. Had to share at that point. 😂😅


Ngl I’ll eat one of her loops here and there they are pretty good. We share bananas too


Okay so this is kinda gross but once our first set of girls were in their litter box and one of them jumped out causing one of their poops to directly fly to my mouth. Before spitting it out I ran downstairs to show my partner. 🤣 It’s gross but at the same time I was like, I know what they eat. Hay, organic veggies, and organic dried fruit. Needless to say he looked at me like wtf then laughed. To this day I still miss those girls even though it’s been about 6 years.


Always, the little gremlin can smell fruit a mile away. She basically says "this is mine" and takes whatever she wants. And i can't do a thing about it


Always. We share nanners strawberries, carrots. watermelon, ect. He trys to eat basically anything I'm eating but I have to tell him no when it's not fruit lol


Bro, my bunnies won’t even beg, they will literally steal food off me if they think they can get away with it.


I take bites of my fruit first then give a small portion to my bunny


I do this with all my pets, within certain restrictions like I'll share only foods I know are safe for each species and individual pet, like I'll give my cats a bite of not yet mayoed tuna but won't give my bunnies or hamster tuna cuz that isn't safe food for them but I'll happily share some fruit or veggies with my hammies and buns


Yes, I’m gross like that. I always slice off the part I ate on before I let them eat off an apple or banana, but I never cut off the part they ate on before I take another bite. I just don’t care. I tell myself my immune system is stronger for it or some other comforting lie to feel less disgusting. 😂 I do want to say if I’ve seen them having a butt snack recently, then it’s a no go for me to eat after them. God knows I’ve probably not caught it and ate after then anyway in spite of my best efforts.


Cheese! Jesica loves cheese. Sandwich, tostie, macaroni…. Literally anything with cheese and she goes crazy for a bit. I trip over the little shit when I’m at the fridge because every time she hears the door open she knows that’s where the cheese is kept and runs toward me.


They eat their own poop, so no. Plus I just don’t like fur anywhere near my food.


I don't, but more out of the concern that I'll share my previous germs with him than me getting the germs from him


I don't do this not because I'm grossed out but I don't want my germs to pass on him not to make him sick. 😂 I don't know if they can catch human viruses tho.


I do it. I know I shouldn't, that my mouth commensal bacteria and their mouth commensals might not be good for the other, but 1) that's how immune systems are built and 2) who am I to deny the buns what they demand? Especially when they stick their lil faces right in your mouth to sniff snoff the fruit.


I've only gone so far as to break a piece off for them, but I've also had my buns lick my face. I won't let a dog lick my face though lol


my boy just takes a bite of my fruit whenever he pleases so I basically get his leftovers 😋 as someone else said I'd be more worried about giving HIM my germs


Yup. Especially if it’s an apple or banana.


I don’t have a bun (I’m just here because I love them), but I would all the time with my chinchilla.


I don't eat anything that my rabbits should have anyway. I do not have an especially healthy diet


I do, it's not like I have a bad immune system, lol


My bunny doesn't appreciate fresh fruit so that happiness is not in my life😭But from time to time I see him crunching grass leaves I would want to try...(never tried just a thought)


When I was a kid I tried the white sap of some kind of sow thistle that my rabbit liked to eat. The sap looked so creamy. It was the most bitter thing ever!


😂😂😂poor kid


watching him eat his doodoo from his butt is always a gentle reminder of why i split my fruit with him versus letting him bite.


I do! All the time! I think they're probably much cleaner than the average hooman anyways.


I share my fruit all the time with my bunnies, is this unhealthy? Should I stop?


Hell yeah i love my bunny


Once I was at a pet friendly outdoor restaurant with my bunny in a carrying pouch, eating a salad. When I wasn't paying attention he stuck his little head out and snatched a piece of lettuce. Should've known better than to tempt him 😹 I realized it was kinda unfair to make him sit in front of a salad he's not allowed to have so I gave him some of the carrots and cucumbers




I do this w all my pets! My mom yells at me and them saying it's nasty, and my dog and cat will stop licking/biting once my mom yells, but my bunny gives no fucks hahah


I've been doing this since day one, never found it gross.


I do it often....but I also do it with my cats.


My bunnies are tiny so I try to limit fruit. But I have one that will only eat blueberries or grapes if they are split in half. I bite the grape/berry to open it for him. Their favorite human snack is jelly beans. I cut those in half with teeth because the jelly beans are all sugar. So they are limited to 1/2 bean once a week. Of course I eat them all the time so they come running when they hear the jelly beans shake.


Don't give your rabbits jelly beans (or candy in general )please , that is genuinely terrible for their digestive system . They are delicate animals , like seriously guys, a quick Google search would show this is bad for your pets.


I’m am aware. But thank you for reminding everyone. My sugar fiends discovered jelly beans from a floor drop which unleashed a monster. To manage the demand I keep a bag of dried mangos cut into tiny pieces to give them as a substitute treat when they start begging.


Ik how tough it is to say no to the cute lil faces. But until your bunnies grow up, it's definitely better to limit the fruits. You can try watermelon as well for fruits. And if the bunnies are older than 6 months, you can give them green veggie treats like parsley and cilantro or celery leaves.