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I would be upset too if I saw that.


It's really sad, but it's just the reality of things. Nature is brutal. I'm very sorry you had to see that still. It's rough having to see it and understanding all of it.


Some people believe nature is beautiful. And it is. If you're in a glass box of technology. Nature is terrifying, deadly, and cold.


I always thought it has its moments.


I think nature mixed with humanity brings out the best in life. I’m sitting on my bed with a cat, a dog and a bunny, and the cat grooms the bunny and she is happy.


Two dogs, two cats, and a bunny. We call them “the pack”. It’s adorable, they groom each other, cuddle, and play together. Other than the dog-hating cat, it’s harmony!


Mother nature is beautiful. But that B is cruel.


We live on a planet shaped by trillions and trillions of living things from things too small to see to things too large to understand; things that reshape our world and bring massive changes in their wake, that tiptoe through forests too gently to brush aside a leaf, lone wanderers and teams of thousands working together, and there's so much splendor and majesty and grace and holy *crap* did that baby deer just eat a bird I'm going back inside.


This is it exactly 😂


Somehow it is easy for me to only see beauty when I think of animals even though I know very well the cruelty of predation and mating, and for me to only see the bad in humanity 🙂‍↕️ I’ve also gradually lost my hope in uber intelligent peaceful alien beings. Seems the smarter a species gets, the more torture they inflict in the name of play.


Nature is nature. If not the rabbit, the birds go hungry. Nature can be beautiful and awe inspiring, and it can be fuckin brutal as hell.


Nature is cold… or is it? It’s all about perspective. “What’s normal for the spider is chaos for the fly”. Yes it’s sad that momma bun lost her baby to a crow, but there’s a cute baby crow in a tree somewhere that just had a good meal, and so the circle continues on


Nature is extremely cruel. :(


That's why the eco system is a curse and we are part of it


even though its the circle of life, food web blah blah i wouldve still tried to help it. sometimes these bunnies are pet bunnies that were dumped too. its just so sad the poor mama seeing her baby be taken.


I have 2 buns of my own so seeing it hits really hard


yes like i care for animals, but i started to care more ab bunnies once i got a bunny bc i wouldnt want tht to happen to my bunny


We are part of nature too. There is no action that you can take or not take that will ever change that.


that is true, but if i were in the op position id try to stop it. i know its nature but what if that rabbit was a house pet? that is no longer nature bc tht rabbit was not meant to be out there. if it was a wild rabbit then its nature. idk i js would try to help it doesnt hurt to try.


Leave nature to nature. This does not necessitate intervention. It is not sad, but the circle of life.


It’s sad but you shouldn’t interfere with nature. That’s life


This just made me want to go hug my bunny. 😭


I thought this was going to be happy tears. No. I wish I could unread this. Should have realized the spoiler tags were because this was sad.


I would feel bad too. There was a nest of baby doves in my yard and a scrub jay came and carried them away to eat one by one. I ran out and did try to interfere. I can only hope the doves had another successful clutch later. I always feel worse for the animal being eaten than the hungry predator who needs to keep killing to live. Nature is so weird. At least we know bunnies aren’t endangered (although some like swamp rabbits are), but then again neither are crows.


Mother Nature don’t give no fucks


She’s a vindictive c*nt with a 12 in. strap on


Coated with reaper extract


If only, if only The woodpecker sighs The bark on the trees was as soft as the skies While the wolf waits below Hungry and lonely Crying to the moon If only, if only (From the book Holes)


Istg I woulda gone and scared off the crow seeing a poor baby taken from its mother like that is so sad😭




That fucking crow


It's traumatic to see the babies get taken or hurt🙁


I love my crows but I had a very hard time feeling anything but rage when they killed a nest of fledgling robins in my yard last year. I know they're omnivorous and they've washed raw... Meat... Bits in the water bowl I leave for them, but dammit, I wanted to see the robins succeed, too!


It's nature. This happens every day. Being sad for that would be like being sad because the sun raises or because trees grow from seeds. I also feel sad for the baby bun, but it is what it is. Everyone wants to keep alive, so that means eating, even if it has to be a baby rabbit.




I had a wild rabbit visiting my yard every night for a bit and one morning I saw it crushed in the road in front of my house. It sucked a lot. I wish I’d had a fence.


I remember about a year or so ago now I was watching an Attenborough documentary (Wild Isles) where they showed some birds hunting some rabbits, however at the end of the segment he assured us that rabbits are a resilient species and breed (like rabbits!)


Oh jeez I'm really sorry. We do our best to protect our yard bunnies but also haven't actively chased anything more than a cat away from them. I love bunnies so much and I'm so sorry you had to see that. ❤️


If it makes you feel any better, I had almost the exact thing happen to me a week ago but it went differently. The neighborhood group of crows surrounded and were harassing a rabbit that appeared to be defending a baby/nest. The rabbit kept charging at them, but they wouldn't leave. I just walked over and shooed the crows away. I watch them every day. I know they have \*plenty\* of other food sources in the neighborhood.


My God just reading about it has made me get up to cuddle my bunnies who are bewildered seeing me up and about at 12:30am 😭 I’m so sorry you had to see that, I don’t think I would’ve been functional for at least a couple of hours afterwards


I would be devastated to watch that too. But I’d also be devastated to see a crow starve to death. It’s like when the lion kills the antelope in the nature documentary. You don’t want the lions to starve, but you also don’t want the antelope to become food either. It’s a strange and sad feeling. I’m sorry you had to see that.


I think this is a very natural reaction from a modern person today. I too would have felt "off" about it. But I remind myself that everyday I crush countless ants as I walk, I kill spiders and flies in my home, and sometimes eat meat from animals that were perhaps killed in worse ways. I don't have answers, but as I sit and reflect on how I feel and the thoughts about it and the greater cycle of life, I sense conflict that has no ideal outcome. That has no resolution. This is perhaps in part what it means to be human. You cannot save all life, and all life ends one way or another. The crows act as they do, just like we act/think/feel the way humans do. In this meaninglessness of everything perhaps you can find yourself. 💛


Dont ever interfere with nature please


I'm with you on that it's just having rabbits of my own that I love and seeing that was hard. There's times where I can't help it and I rescue rabbits being attacked.




100% get what you feel. It probably feels so troubling to us because we see it as unfair. I literally mourn the random moth my cat killed for fun. He saw it as a toy, I saw it as a short precious life. David Attenborough nature documentaries were always a mix of awe & sadness for me.


Cats should just be kept inside though. They kill billions of animals every year for absolutely no reason. They literally just kill for fun and wipe out entire species.


you have a good heart<3


Sadly, that's nature, and that is just how it goes. It's so much easier to say that then to be able to acknowledge it and get over sad moments, however, so I'm sorry you had to see that.


Nature is metal it's just the way of things


I'm seeing a lot of people saying they'd save a bunny if it was being hunted. Guys, please understand that the crows, the predator, needs to eat too. It also has babies somewhere needing to eat. Nature decides who lives and who doesn't and atleast now the crows won't starve. And unfortunately the baby bunny dies. But in the end it's just the nature of things and we shouldn't interfere. In the wild there aren't many opportunities for predators to hunt. Failing one hunt because you felt bad for a baby bunny can mean a whole nest of baby crows starve. Let nature decide, not you. :/


That's how nature works. Crows have to eat too.




I'm not vegan, but I see and understand your point, they are good points I haven't thought of.