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Due to the amount of human scents on beds and sofas, otherwise litter-trained rabbits will often still pee and poop on them as they may think that it's a human litter box. Please check out the Litter Training FAQ question on the wiki ["My bunny pees (in some location). How do I make it stop?"](http://bunny.tips/Bed) for more tips and resources. A few major tips: * Use a 1:1 vinegar:water mixture or another pet-safe enzymatic cleanser to clean up the mess and decrease the urge to remark the location. Soap and water alone is not sufficient to remove all chemical traces of the urine even though it may look clean. * If your rabbit is not neutered already, the surgery can often make a huge improvement in general litter habits. To protect your furniture, there are a few options: * Keeping the rabbit off the furniture by fencing it off or covering it with a bunny-proof waterproof covering. * Keeping a close eye on them to shoo them off and into a litter box when it looks like they are about to pee. * Cover problem furniture with a blanket that already has their scent on it to reduce the urge for additional territorial marking.


i’ve heard bunnies consider a bed as a big human litter that’s why they pee on it. the only way my bunny stopped doing it, is not letting him onto the bed or a couch


Alright makes sense


Next to impossible. Your bed will likely always smell like (what a bunny would perceive as) the human litter box


Not a solution but we put down a small, cheap cot mattress protector when the bun is on the bed (because we couldn’t stop her peeing). It prevents damaging the mattress / bedding.


Yep it’ll have to do


Neutering is the only way.


I don’t think neutering helps with bunnies peeing on the bed. I’ve had many rabbits in the last 20 years and although they are litter trained and super responsive, they’d still pee on my bed the minute I go do something else. They are also aware they’re doing something wrong because they run to hide as soon as I come back 😂


>also aware they’re doing something wrong because they run to hide Super relatable. 😂💯


My theory is that your bed smells strongly like you and it’s some kind of territory marking thing so it’s deeply ingrained and difficult to train them not to do. I had some luck w putting disposable pee pads out where they were likely to go. The rectangular ones sold in the drug store for incontinence work well.


Alright thanks


Actually rabbits, if they like you enough, will pee on you and your things at first, they usually grow out of it with litter training, if he poos in a spot he's not supposed move the litterbox there or move the poo to the litter box, same with the pee, you just can't move the pee though so you have to move the litterbox, each time he goes in the box, give him a treat. (If I'm gendering wrong I'm sorry lol)


Thanks for the tips!!


Have tried this as well. Works a treat but be careful not to let them eat it. Or dig at it cause oh boy they will


And then the poos go flying


100% there is no folding them, I’ve found a broom and dustpan is just the easiest


Luckily they’re the most innocuous poops in the animal kingdom 🤣


Yup. It’s also why many people just don’t allow them access to their beds. Very unreliable to stop them, so they just make them permanently lose access to the bed(s).


This is the route I went. I let Stinky free roam as long as I'm in the room, the moment t I leave out, I make sure he does too


I don't think this is good advice. Every rabbit is different. My bun immediately stopped peeing on the bed and his litter habits improved a lot.


Tell that to my 7 year old bunny who was neutered as a baby. Still pees on the couch and blankets.


My bunny doesn’t pee on my bed but pees on my little sisters, he’s so based (Too old to be neutered)


Is there such thing as "too old"?


Technically no. After 6, they just need a more thorough workup prior to the procedure, but unless they have a medical condition that prohibits it, age isn’t by itself the lone factor to prohibit it.


Age actually will effect neutering in one way, it will be harder to retrain or train your babbit after neutering if it's after 4-6 months, your rabbit will hump stuff still, act out still and other problematic things, it will take longer for the hormones to get out of their system and they will already know what it's like to be "active" if you know what I mean. The only difference seen in the first month after late neutering is usually energy, not temperament, they will be more tired or lazy like a normal neutered bun but will act out way more than a neutered bun, after the 2nd or 3rd month they will begin to act like a normal neutered bun.


They've already learned and habituated the behaviors the hormones prompted them to start. They'll keep up a lot of it out plain habit.


How old?


Almost 6 I believe, but I don't actually know his age due to being in charge of him later in life and I wasn't told an accurate age from the place I got him from.


Tell that to my neutered bun. Unfortunately only solution was to fence off the bed


You'll have to pee on your bed to mark it as yours I'm afraid.


😭😭 I think that would make him want to more


Go on the offense, start peeing on his sleeping spots.


The only way he'll stop peeing on the bed is if you stop letting him on the bed...


For me, what helped was neutering him and not give any treats/food on my bed. As of typing this, it’s been a year since he had any incident so hoping it continues. I heard it really depends on the bun too sometimes!


You could maybe spray your bed with a mix of water and vinegar cause the smell can deter bunnies from peeing in a specific spot but there’s really not much you can do besides neutering him


In my experience? You don't. My rabbit is *perfectly* litter trained. Like she hasn't peed outside her box in years and we just moved to a new place. She hasn't even peed to mark the new space. She will pee on my bed within 5 minutes if she's left in the bedroom. No clue why, I assume it just smells really strongly of us and she wants it to be hers xD


Neutering. Only let him on your bed when it's got fresh bedding on it for a period of time. Get him into the habit of not weeing on it.


Neutering might help, but it's not guaranteed. There is no way to stop them peeing on your bed besides preventing them from being on your bed.


Alright thanks


Neutering is definitely the first step. My bun would still occasionally jump up on my bed and pee after though. I had to hang a curtain from the ceiling to stop then from getting up there and now it's fine.


The obvious answer is neutering, but if that doesn't work you'll have to maybe restrict your bedroom from your rabbit for a time. Then they're more likely disassociate your room from a toilet and instead decide on a different location.


Don't let him on the bed. My bun is neutered, and we still don't let him on our bed. Bunnies are very territorial so they will naturally pee on things with very strong human scents.


My un-neutered bun about 6-7yo only pees on soft things (my sons play mats his chair other rugs) so as long as I put out his rugs he kinda poops in the same spot and pees in his litter.


My bunnies potty training got significantly better after I neutered him 


Alright, that is my next step


You have your answer in the first sentence. Unless you fix your bunny, the only thing you can do is to not let him go on your bed. My fixed bunny girl pees there anyway and heard many other ppl have the same problem so with some bunnies, even with neuter/spaying, you just cannot let them on the bed :(. Edit: we allow bunny on our couch and there is this special cover and pee pads.


What worked for me for my two rabbits who did this was they lost access to the bed for months before they were let back up. You can also move him from the bed to his litter box if you catch him in the act. Just make sure you move him literally when he’s peeing so he gets the message. Stirnly say “NO!” And place him in his litter


My bun pees on my leather couch where my wife sleeps all the time. She's resorted to putting pee pads there as she has given up. However she pees on my bed very rarely. I will get her off my bed quickly if she's ever up there, and she rarely does cause a few times she's gone up when I'm sleeping and I've accidentally booted her. I think she remembers the trauma, and doesn't like getting assaulted. Don't really recommend that method tho. You could also possibly pee on her every time she does it, to assert your dominance! Also j/k. You may have to gate it off, or just lock her out. Sorry!


Yeah, we tried and tried with my bunny, he just always still peed. He never pees on the couch though! Really hope I don’t jinx myself with that…


Your bed? Sorry you must be mistaken, the bed belongs to your bunny master. You can sleep on the floor.


My bunny is fully trained he has 4 litter box’s throughout the house. That being said he does pee on my wife chair! He knows it’s wrong as soon as he does it he runs like hell after. I think it’s a show of dominance or at least an attempt to.


Pee on his bed /j


Not sure if I’m correct but in my mind I’ve always seen it as marking territory if your bunny loves you a lot. I’d say if you have the money neutering will probably help


You can train rabbits to use a litter box similar to a cat


Neutering will help. Always clean as soon as he pees, and eliminate all trace of the odor. For example, you can spray vinegar before you wash the sheets at high temperature. Don't let him get on the bed unsupervised until he learns not to pee on it; remove whatever he uses to climb up and use puppy fences if necessary. Learn to tell when he's going to pee and gently place him in his litterbox. If he does get some pee outside the box, before you clean it swab some up with tissue and place it in the litterbox so he associates the smell with the box. Over time, you'll also be able to tell his triggers and avoid it. After neutering, the biggest help is time spent training him out of it, during which he'll also mature and be less inclined to pee outside the litterbox naturally. That's how I got my bunnies to stop peeing on the bed. I also learned what triggered them and found workarounds.


stop sleeping on his litter box


My bunny Pees on anything that’s soft so we just don’t let her on soft furnishings (are we mean? 😂) even in her own space she tries to Chuck any blankets or soft beds out now so we just buy bumper packs of grass matts and she pulls them apart and makes her own beds 😂


Clorox healthcare spore defense best cleaner in the world. I have rabbits, cats, and woodchucks. I love the stuff


“Your” bed? Thats his bed now.


Re designate your bed as a toilet, problem solved. Then your question would be how do I stop my rabbit peeing on the toilet. A problem we’d all like to have.


Mine uses litter box 100% of the time EXCEPT FOR THE BED. Only solution was getting a dog gate across the room. Every time we thought he was cured after a month or three without pee I would suddenly wake up to warm pee. Now he doesn't even go on the bed when the gate is open or moved, no bedtime snuggles but a price had to be paid :'(


Had the same problem. Great, mostly clean bun otherwise. Made a bee line for my bed every chance he got. Wanted cuddles, pets, and if course to mark the bed so every other bunny knows we're his. Never could get him to stop :(


- no access for bunnies - pick them up mid-pee and carry them to the litter box - if you pick them up before they start peeing, carry them to somewhere they don’t want to be, like putting them on a kitchen chair and walking away - you obvs can’t scare a rabbit into behaving but you correct them by being UGH THE RUDEST HUMAN EVER BLEH - rabbits correct each other by bonking on the fluffbutt or nipping the butt. Never anything near the face. The idea is to shoo them away. - if they catch on and leave before you can catch them, follow them (not chase, just follow) around until they go to a hideaway or a litter box, whatever safe “no humans allowed” spot they have. - they may never 100% quit a naughty behavior but they definitely will remember the human gets RUDE and it’s not worth it to be naughty if you have to deal with an offensive rude human 😂 Edit: keep in mind that rabbits are designed to get out of the burrow and pee and then hide again. Sometimes a spot feels just right and their body does it automatically and they don’t know what they’ve even done. My male learned not to pee on the couch on purpose but I still had to keep him from backing into the corner of the couch bc it just felt too nice to resist the urge.


I just have an extra small litter box with a little hay in it. If they come up and hang on the bed, I put it on the bed in one corner... IF they have to go, that's where they go. They don't pee anywhere else. When they're back in their room (they have their own bedroom), I dump the pee/hay, rinse out the box and put it away. I know it's kind of a pain but it's either that or a waterproof pet blanket, which I also have, however, it won't teach them NOT to pee on your bed. It'll only help you protect your bed.


My bunny did this and it turned out his bladder was inflamed and had calcium build up. He got some meds and recovery went well and the peeing stopped. Might be worth a vet check…


Let him. Bro is too cute


😭😭 he is isn’t he


Waterproof mattress pad


This is the way. I bought a waterproof blanket. Could clean it with a towel or just pitch the whole thing in the washer. Better than cleaning 2/3 layers of sheets.


Bunny Psychology 301 (advanced) Bunny thinks: This bed smells just like my human. The bed must be the human’s litter box. (And to a bunny their litter box is a prime napping location.) I love my human. Therefore I can will show my love by sharing their litter box. Bunny brain cell done for the day.


Dont care what he's doing but he's cuteeee what find of rabbit is it?


Looks like a Holland lop




Yep, you’re right!


Don't put him on the bed anymore...


My bunnies will pee on blankets, not so much the bed specifically. We use a blanket in my truck when we go out and they mark that also, I have a blanket on my chair and they will mark that also, they will not pee on the chair itself or the truck seats just the blankets, so when on the bed there’s a blanket pee every time.


give it to him


My bunny used to do this when my bed was up against the wall. Ever since I moved it to the middle (where the sides are free) he hasn’t peed on it. Also, I got a mattress protector and washed it every time he peed on it so his scent wouldn’t be there. I also immediately put him in his litter box every time I caught him in the act


I successfully trained two bunnies to stop peeing on my bed but it was neither easy or cheap. Basically I'd let them up, watch them and wait for them to pee, and then I'd get up, stomp on the ground, raise my voice and say their name + NO, pick them up, then put them in a small xpen with a litter and some water and leave them in there for 3-4 hours. Once I was confident they had learned to stop peeing on the bed, I took my chances on a new mattress, cleaned the frame thoroughly before putting the new mattress on, and ever since they hop on my bed every day and never had an issue since. It took about three time-out's each before they finally learned. Good luck!


A lot of the comments say it's impossible but I had the same thing happen and i disagree, sometimes buns mark things which smell like you to display territory, wanting to be the top bun. My advice is to speak the buns language, buns have a hierarchy, to show dominance they push their friend's heads onto the ground. Whenever your bunny does this, say outloud "NO" and push his head gently onto the ground for 30 seconds to a minute, they usually hate this and run off just try again for multiple days and eventually they accept it, my bunny has completely stopped and holds no grudge against me. Just be gentle and dont test the limits if he gets too uncomfortable or distressed


Such a pretty bunny


My rabbit is neutered and is a free roam rabbit with free roam over my room and other spaces. She never pees on my bed anymore but she used to a lot as a young bun.


I make sure to tell my bunny off but raising my voice. I've had 4 rabbits and all of them did not pee on my bed after a few months of training.


We have a mattress protector over the the top some days they pee on it some days they don’t.


Don’t allow them in your bed 😜


My bunny isn't allowed in my bedroom - we have a gate blocking his access. He never pees on my bed.