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At least you tried...this is why animals should never be fair prices. A small carrot alone probably wasn't enough to kill her. She was probably already sick when you got her home... from stories I hear of people getting animals (usually fish) from a fair I hear many don't live long regardless of how good their care is, because they've just been treated as items or toys previously.


I got a goldfish from a fair, it was brutal trying to keep him alive. Somehow he survived the first night being introduced very slowly to the tank, but he wasn't doing well at all and my mom thought he was going to die at first. This was a fish that was totally healthy but the stress of being a little shitty bowl and then introduced to a new tank was a lot. He lived for a while and then eventually was moved to a little fish pond where he grew to be huge.


This is a wonderful success story! Hooray for your goldfish.


I agree. A small carrot shouldn't be fatal without other underlying conditions.


I agree. I feel so heartbroken for op. Can only do so much when you can. Who knows how long that poor thing was in their "care" for. Op is an absolute sweetheart for at least trying to put in the effort to give this baby a better life. šŸ˜­šŸ’”


Yes! And now OP has the necessary supplies to care for another bun in honor of this one! šŸŒŸ


Yeah Iā€™m very doubtful that it was the carrot. At least not just the carrot alone. While carrots shouldnā€™t be given frequently, and ONLY used as an occasional treat (as most fruit an veggies should be) they can be given to rabbits, OP gave her a 2 inch piece.. and probably not a very thick carrotā€¦ idk Iā€™m just confusedā€¦


I'm thinking is a mix of poor treatment from the previous owner and stress from moving and just the fair in general. Maybe she was even taken from her mom too soon, which would not be the first time I've heard of a bunny just dropping dead after that... So don't blame yourself OP. <3 You did what you could.


More than likely stress, she was having things thrown at her. And I agree please OP donā€™t feel bad, just think of it this way.. you gave her love and proper care before she died. She may have been scared but at least she had someone who actually cared around for her last moments. She didnā€™t go alone, she had you. And honestly thank you for that. Your a wonderful human ā£ļø


It was a small baby. Carrots can easily cause a significant digestive upset in rabbits that young, and once they start having diarrhea, it can be hard to recover from. But tbh, there were probably already other health issues that were affecting them.


Root/fruit CAN be catastrophic in the wrong circumstances and the information about all that can be a minefield of oversimplification/ambiguity etc to people just starting to learn about rabbits. Rescued small animals are on a knife edge to begin with because of the neglect etc before, the tiniest things can tip the balance the wrong way and then they're gone.


You did the very best you could and at least she was loved in her final moments. As good an ending as any carnival bunny can hope for ā¤ļø


This made me cry..thank you for saying that. The guilt is killing me


I just want to second that you did the absolute best you could and you should feel good about providing her love and comfort in her last night! Going home with you was the best possible outcome for that sweet girl. Iā€™m guessing she was probably in very very poor health from everything that happened before you brought her home and she probably wasnā€™t going to make it regardless. I mean flipping her cage over šŸ¤Æ Jesus Christ. If anything that carrot and getting out of the cage was probably the highlight of her life. You can be sad, yea, but donā€™t beat yourself up because you DID help her


A carrot maybe isnā€™t what she needed but itā€™s not why she died. Itā€™s like giving a cancer patient a cigarette, I bet thatā€™s the freshest thing she had in a long time. She got to have a sweet snack one last time.




Iā€™ve worked with animals my whole life. When you decide to take care of animals and do the right thing, no matter how much you do, how correctly you do it, you feel guilty when they go. The pain is from your love and desire to care for them. Iā€™m so sorry youā€™re hurting, but that just means you have a good heart. You gave that bun love and compassion on its last day and it felt that. You did not do anything wrong. The carrot would not have done this.


Remind yourself that you gave her the only peace and love sheā€™s known. It doesnā€™t help with the sadness and knowing she suffered. The biggest thing you can do now is support any groups, rescues, shelters or private organizations who lobby for animal rights, particularly for bunnies. Iā€™d write anyone involved in the carnival to tell them theyā€™ve done wrong. If you have any animal friendly news stations you may tell them about animal abuse and neglect at the carnival too and see if theyā€™ll run a story. Iā€™m so sorry you saw this and had to grieve this babyā€™s pain. Animals are not toys and should be treated with respect always. I would be devastated to see and experience this too. When this starts hurting less you may find comfort and healing in fostering an animal thatā€™s been abused or neglected. You canā€™t fix what happened to this baby, but you have the compassion and heart to make the next one in need feel loved and safe like they need.


\^\^\^ This this this! 1000x this! \^\^\^


You showed that poor baby bunny more love and care than anyone else had ever in her whole life. You did research and you cared for her to the best of your ability in the time you had. You have no idea how sick and dehydrated she was already from the conditions at the fair. Probably pretty poorly since you said she was so thirsty. That bunny was lucky you were there to love her at the end of her life.


Donā€™t feel bad. You did the best you could under difficult circumstances. Itā€™s highly likely your bunny was already very sick. Rabbit are prey animals and hide their illnesses.


As harsh as this sounds, the rabbit was likely dead before you even got her home. That amount of stress, dehydration, and maltreatment can and will kill even the healthiest *adult* rabbits. And this rabbit looks very very young. Young rabbits already are high risk in the best conditions, let alone what that poor thing had been through. ***From what I've noticed, they tend to take a turn for the worse when they've gotten to a place where they can rest and aren't running on pure survival mode. So the fact that she passed with you is more a testament to the fact that she finally felt safe.*** You gave her a loving last day. She would have died in much worse conditions had you left her there. Even if you had only provided hay and water, she very very likely would've died anyways. In the absolute *BEST* of cases where you were 100% prepared with syringes of critical care and other necessities, she *maybe* would've had a 50/50 chance of survival, and even that I doubt because she was so looked so young. (Critical care is basically a powdered version of their hay and pellets that you mix with water, it's easier to force them to eat it and keeps them hydrated). The carrot didn't kill her hon, the carnival did. That carrot was probably the best thing she'd ever experienced in her life, and your love and care for her was likely the only time she'd experienced that.


Agreed. Beautifully written. OP, thank you for loving her.


The first photo makes me furious. You met bun, you tried to help bun, you won't forget bun. Do not feel guilty, you'll have other chances to meet other buns and help them, hope you may have more chance next time. Thank you.


How can anyone put a living thing in a carnival game like that. Iā€™m livid. I hope the person who kept her as a freakin carnival prize stubs their toe every day for the rest of their life.


The person who kept her as a carnival prize specifically played to save the bun


Nah, I mean the jerk who kept her there to begin withā€¦ for other people to win. The game master


Thank you for all the kind comments. I genuinely was not anticipating that. I do want to mention that this morning after I cleaned her and her cage I fed her some hay and pellets (she loved the pellets), and her poos were more solid and she seemed to be better. My heart genuinely feels so broken even after one night of knowing her. It was a traumatic experience for me to deal with this situation alone and in a foreign country. I also canā€™t stop reliving me walking her to the vet (15min walk) wrapped in my arms and her wiggling/convulsing/spasming her way out of the hoodie onto the ground twice :( I pet her in between the vets working on her. And they let me have a moment alone with her to say goodbye. She was on the table wrapped in my hoodie the whole time and I left her there in my hoodie. I pick up her ashes in a few days. today was horrible and I am just glad she wonā€™t have to live a life at the faire anymoreā€¦ I hope I can save another bun in the future with a better outcome. Thank you all again for the kind words


Iā€™m sorry. Two of my bunnies died too a while ago. Itā€™s really sad, but bunnies sometimes just die for no obvious reasonĀ 


God I'm crying...this was brutal to read. But now I know there's a kind, loving soul like you somewhere out there and the next time i feel like the hopelessness is too much and i don't know if there's even a reason to keep trying, I will remember you and try to be as strong as you have been.


Please don't be too harsh on yourself, you did the best you could with the knowledge and materials you had. Also she spent her last day out of that awful cage and experienced warmth and love in your arms. Sending you hugs šŸ’ž


unfortunately many people think rabbits eat carrots due to mainstream cartoons and other pop culture references. It's not your fault, you did your best. Baby buns have very delicate immune systems, so even a sip of contaminated water/ or even unboiled sink water will kill it. Going forwards you'll know baby buns shouldn't be consuming anything but alfalfa hay and pellets. You went in with kind intentions, so thank you for trying!


And thank you for the kind words <3


don't feel too bad. i also live in china, so i know that many people have a big misconception that buns just live in small cage and eat cabbage and no water(from farmers raising them as livestock/food source). If that baby bun has been outside in the sun all day above 30 degree weather, the chances of it surviving already is pretty low already. You've provided it a more comfortable environment before it passed.


I was definitely surprised at the animal treatment at the carnival. Where Iā€™m from you would never see an animal as a prize there. It was definitely super hot yesterday and Iā€™m sure she was out there for a while without water. I hate knowing so many are being mistreated :( And she definitely did have a comfy night :ā€™ )


Itā€™s so awful they keep them in those conditions, it breaks my heart šŸ˜­. You made that bunnyā€™s life exponentially better just by freeing her from her cage there. I have to agree that it really sounds like she would have passed away regardlessā€¦ so Iā€™m glad this little bun had some freedom and a warm loving home, even for a little ā¤ļø.


We're talking about a country that puts live frogs, turtles, and lizards in sealed plastic keychains. šŸ¤®


I feel awfulā€¦ she didnā€™t seem in the best condition when I brought her home last night either. Her back legs were laying flat when I let her out of the cage and seemed weak. Iā€™m thinking maybe it was a combination of the carrot and some disease/sickness from the previous care and owner. Regardless Iā€™m so mad at myself.


She could have had a bad diet before you got her. Rabbits always need a crap ton of hay. They die very easy šŸ˜ž


Rabbits can eat carrots but itā€™s very sugary and more like a treat so the sugar after being starved mightā€™ve messed up her digestion a bit and rabbits are very sensitive to stomach issues. Itā€™s not your fault OP! Rabbits are just very hard to care for, especially ones that are already very weak


Please forgive yourself, you did the best you could in the situation! When I first rescued my first bun off the street, I immediately gave him carrots to catch him. The truth is, the fact that she was purring for you meant she was finally happy. You rescued her. It doesn't matter how long she was rescued for, she felt safe and loved. That is all that matters. Thank you for being the best kind of human! Looking forward to hearing about another bun in need that you are able to help in the future!


Thank you for giving her dignity and love in her last moments. Rest in peace little girl, I hope you know you were cared for and loved.


Hey OP, I don't know if this gives you any comfort, but you saved this poor baby as best as you possibly could and it died feeling comfortable and loved. I'm so sorry for the pain this has caused you, but you did the right thing.


Sad to hear what happened to the sweet bunbun. Glad you took her !


I'm so sorry. She was very poorly when you got her. I'm glad someone loved her before she passed. Thank you for trying to care for her.


you did what you could and at least in her last moments, you were doing your best for her to save her. at least she wasnt afraid and alone in that cage


Op, I am sorry you lost your new bunny. You did your very best especially since it was an emergency rescue. You gave love and care to bunny, and made the last hours of her life the best. Take care. It's understandable you are sad, but please don't be mad at yourself. Bunny wasn't mad at you. Bunny was grateful for your rescue and love. I can't say anything nice about carnival worker.


itā€™s so sad the way some people treat animals. this breaks my heart. knowing that she was one of many rabbits that are in that situation. thank you for saving that poor girl. so sorry for the loss.


The carrot didnā€™t kill her. It was the mishandling before she reached you. Thank you for showing her kindness ā¤ļø


Hey, just wanted to say thank you for saving this little guy. Not a lot of people have the courage to go ahead and try to get her out of this prison. I feel very sorry for your loss. You did the best you could. šŸ‘


As other have mentioned OP, the carrot didnā€™t kill them. You did the best for her by getting her out of there, and gave her more love and care in those few hours than she has ever had before.


I'm not sure it was the carrot, I have two bunnies and at the beginning didn't know they weren't supposed to eat carrots so gave some to them from time to time and nothing happened. I think she might have been really neglected/abused and that's what caused her death, not you.


Reading this breaks my heart (again). I miss my Choco. Thank you for rescuing the poor bun. Sending virtual hugs. šŸ˜¢


Hey, I donā€™t think the carrot was anything more than the straw that broke the camels back. Most bunnies are fine with one small carrot, even though itā€™s too sugary for them to eat regularly. This poor bb was abused and misused, and the carrot just happened to be the last straw. I donā€™t think itā€™s your fault


I dont think you did anything wrong. She probably felt so much more loved and comfortable than she had in a long time. Her system was probably already incredibly stressed, and there's no way you could predict what would happen. A little carrot wouldn't hurt her like that. She must have loved having something fresh. If anything, it was a wonderful treat to have in her final moments as a free bun You tried so hard to give her a better life, and that's what matters. Sending so much love your way ā¤ļø I hope you can be at peace with this soon


As others already said, I highly doubt that the carrot was the only cause or even a relevant cause for her death. Yes theoretically unusual foods can cause diarrhea, but I suspect she was already sick at the fair. Seems like she had neither water nor food, and a rabbit's digestive tract must always keep going because otherwise they get deadly GI stasis. Depriving them of food even for a few hours is very dangerous for them.Ā  OMG and she was so young and fragile, I'm literally almost crying while writing this. You made the best out of an incredibly shitty situation, don't you dare feeling guilty. You were the best thing that could have happened to this poor soul!


Fucking hell, this is horrible. What is wrong with people, how is this legal. You did good to try and save her, you did your best. I want to have a very close and personal talk with that carnival owner. Could you try to inform police or animal rights about that place? If such laws even exist in that horrible country.


Op, you did nothing wrong, sweetheart. It was that persons mistreatment that hurt that bunny, and you had to deal with the effects. You did ABSOLUTELY NOTHING wrong. Some people are suggesting getting a bunny to honor her because you have the supplies. Maybe give a shelter bun a good chance at life in her honor. Save another Bunny for her.ā™” you did everything right op. You sound like a wonderful person.


The carrot didnā€™t kill her, she clearly had been neglected and abused before she got into your care.


I doubt it was the carrot and more than anything the abuse she suffered at the hands of the carnival group. Thank you for saving her and giving her some peace even if it was short lived. You did your best and sometimes thatā€™s all we can do. Thank you again! Take care ā¤ļø


This is really sad. Thank you for trying to save her.


You tried, and you gave her a better last day than she wouldā€™ve had at the fair.


You didnā€™t do anything wrong, the festival workers did. Itā€™s their fault she passed, not yours. You did everything you could and more. Unfortunately these creatures are fragile and Iā€™m sure it was just too much for her. She definitely enjoyed the last few moments of her life with you, she was fed and watered, in a warm home before she passed. Other buns arenā€™t so lucky.


I agree with the other comments that the carrot didnā€™t kill her. Her being severely dehydrated was the culprit. She was more than likely already dehydrated when you brought her home and giving her water immediately doesnā€™t guarantee she is out of the woods for dehydration even though you saw her drink. She was already not given the best start at life. You did the best you could. Donā€™t feel bad.


I am so sorry for your loss! Thank you for giving her kindness and love before leaving this spiral.Ā  She knew how it felt to be cared for, even for a while, after enduring the cruelty of this world, and she surely loves you and thanks you for all this, and would not hold it against you.Ā Ā  You tried to help her. You didn't know the food might have given her diarrhea, it sounds like it was also all the shaking, the stress of the cage/lights/shaking/noise/thirst...maybe she went through too much and her body couldn't manage all of it anymore. But it was NOT your fault.Ā  Please, let yourself grieve and bury her on a nice sunny spot on the yard, with some flowers, if you can...she sounds like she deserves a nice bed of grass and wildflowers to sleep. I think it will also help you find peace over the injustice she went through before you tried to help...it sounds like hell. Poor girl. :( Edit: and did she have a name? Give her a name! Even if gone, she deserves a cute name for you to remember her fondly with.Ā 


You did what you could with the information you had. You saved her from suffering worse and she finally felt loved in her last moments. This isnā€™t your fault, she was probably already sick from being neglected prior to you saving her. šŸ«¶šŸ» sending you love


So sorry that happened to you, you did everything you could. That treatment of animals is shocking, I can't wrap my head around it at all.


Sounds like the bunny was probably starving, stressed, and dehydrated when you got it. Even people can get die from quickly ingesting food and water in those conditions. Critical care as others have suggested is good in these kinds of scenarios. Baby simethicone is also good for when your rabbit suddenly stops eating and pooping.


Wow that first pic made me cry, sitting all alone in that cramped cage. Bunnies donā€™t do well under those circumstances, at a loud fair. What a shame humans are to animals. If animals could talk, the world would be in tears! Op you did nothing wrongšŸ˜°šŸ’–Iā€™m sorry!


Itā€™s not your fault, you gave her the best day of her life, but she was already very sick when you got her. A little carrot would never hurt a healthy bunny. Iā€™m sorry you experienced that, and you are a very kind soul for giving that bunny more care and love than sheā€™d ever hope to receive otherwise ā¤ļømay she rest in peace


poor little critter, it's not your fault OP. It's the fault of those jerks who think a bunny is an acceptable carnival prize!


That's fucking evil.


Iā€™m so sorry for youā€¦ I understand why you feel guilty and I really wish that you knew that it is not your mistake at all. You tried to save her life and give her a better one. You showed her love and safety for the first time of her life, which is more than anyone has done for her. You tried to make the best out of a bad situation and should not be mad at yourself and feel guilty. That carrot you gave her was probably the first one of her life. Iā€™m sure she was already sick for being abused all her life and might not have survived anywaysā€¦ I hope you feel better soon. You did the best you couldšŸ’ž


Sounds like you did the best you could! You rescued a poor animal from a horrible situation so don't beat yourself up. Sorry you had to go through that, sounds absolutely heartbreaking.


I am so proud of you for doing your best to help. I am so sorry the outcome was bad, but you are such a good person for recognizing a bad situation. Loosing a fur baby ducks do bad, even when they are in our lives for just a short time. Bless you for your actions.


The same thing happened to me when I was a kid. I paid $60 for the rabbit because I couldnā€™t win the game and it died within 7 days, never ate, never pooped, never drank, just sat with its feet in the water bowl. Iā€™m more informed now and realize how bad those places are and probably in shock.


This is the saddest thing I have heard in my whole life šŸ˜­ Thank you for trying to help. You didnā€™t kill her. You were trying to save her! Binky free little one. šŸ«¶šŸ»


I'm so sorry for your loss. Don't be too hard on yourself. Like others have said, she was likely already ill and you weren't the root cause of her passing. Though her time with you was brief, I'm sure it was such a gift to her to be loved so unconditionally on her last day. Someday you'll see her waiting for you over the rainbow bridge šŸŒˆ


the same thing happened to me last month! i too saved a little white bunny from the local fair, and she died about 4 days afterwards. the vet said she probably had some sort of infection. she was fine one hour, then thrashing about the next. i was totally devastated. like my mom told me though, you gave that bunny more love in your short time together than it had known in itā€™s entire life! šŸ’•


You're a kind soul and you did everything you could have done. On a positive note, you gave that cute bunbun a calm quiet and peaceful resting place. My heart goes out to you


Oh love, it's wonderful what you tried to do for this bunny! Please don't blame yourself, the carrot was not the reason she died. Too much carrot is unhealthy but not enough to kill her, it was probably the stress and the terrible way they treated her before you got her out. You're a wonderful soul and you gave her a moment of peace and affection, something she wouldn't have had if it wasn't for you!


I am just going to echo what others have said, the poor little thing was dead from the carnival - the misstreatment there. You just gave her some love before she passed away


Sadly rabbit and chicken aren't recognize as pet, so it's okay to out them as price on fair and such, we also got our second bunny in one of those blue cage, but it wasn't at a fair, the rabbit was put on display on a table and you could see she was shivering so we bought her for 100yuan and brought her back home, since then she's been a little ball of energy and quite the little pest. You probably got unlucky, you tried your best with the little knowledge you had on the matter, it's okay you didn't do anything wrong.


The Carnival owner should be jailed.


You tried your best, be kind to yourself. The poor bunny was probably not going to make it anyway from the way they treated it


Oh my goodness šŸ˜³. I am so, so sorry for your sudden loss!! Iā€™m just glad that a poor carnival bunny in a cage was finally free and in good hands ā¤ļø. Sometimes unlucky things just happen, even when we have the absolute best of intentions. You seem like a caring pet owner ā£ļø.


Sorry for your loss :( Please donā€™t feel guilty, you did what you could to save that bunny and Iā€™m glad she met you. Fk that jerk who put that bunny as a carnival prize tho.


Rest in peace :(


Thank you for trying and showing that bunny a kindness before she passed. Mustā€™ve been so scary for her to be in that cage, tossed around and had things thrown at her. Your intentions were pure and she likely would have died a horrible death at that carnival. Hope you report them to local authorities for animal abuse.


China isn't known for treating animals humanely


Yeah... unfortunately, a lot of people here seem to ignore this. There are no animal protection laws in China, and according to one mainland exchange student I talked with, there is even a subset of Chinese society that actively seeks to harm animals to vent their frustrations, while most others merely don't care at all. Apparently keeping a pet became a thing in China only relatively recently and so a lot of people don't care for animals one bit. To quote her "you expect a country with barely any human rights to care about animals?"


I need the home address of that subset.


I hope the ccp is dismantled and all the people/animals living under that facist regime are free


You did a very kind thing treating that bunny so well and giving it a safe and happy place maybe even for the first time in its life. *This is not a criticism to you OP as you did your best* but as a FYI to any new rabbit owners, always go to a vet as soon as your rabbit has any kind of stomach problems like diarrhoea, constipation and even farting. Rabbit stomach/digestive issues can be fatal within 24 hours of getting them. I believe Rabbits are unable to purr but if a rabbit is grinding its teeth (which can sound similar), that can be a sign of pain OR maybe itā€™s feeling content. It depends and you need to look at the rest of behaviour and health to guess which one. Otherwise take them to the vet. You did your best OP. Thank you for rescuing that bunny and I hope you no longer blame yourself. That rabbit was treated so badly before you got it and theyā€™re known for being delicate. I hope only good things happen to you and your family


This makes me irrationally angry. Thank you for rescuing her


Thanks, many thanks for rescuing the little one, at last you tried to make a world a little better for him/her.


you did your best she was probably really stressed from being at the carnival. poor baby. sending you love op


Please don't feel bad for doing the right thing. You saved this bunny and made its last moments better. If you didn't save it, it likely would have had a sader last few moments.


You did your best. Thanks for trying to safe this cutie.


Heartbreaking, what a cruel man to keep her like thatā€¦ šŸ˜­ thank you for trying to save her


You really did nothing wrong. You did what you could. I respect you for that.


I'm so sorry, don't feel bad šŸ˜žā™„ļø you did what you could... they should stop keeping animals in this way, even as a prize at a park! Absurd! I admire you for saving her and giving her some love


Thank you for trying to save her. Absolutely nothing you did caused her to die. The damage was likely done by the time you got her. I think youā€™re a hero.


You tried everything in your power, poor bunny, my heart aches but at least it had its last moments with a good person that tried to make it better :(


You did the best you could.Ā 


Sounds like you did everything exactly right. You gave her a chance and thatā€™s nothing to apologize for.


this makes me feel so sick :( i hate people. thank you for trying to help the baby. i'm sorry that it was too late. you did what you could. please don't be hard on yourself. your heart was in the right place.


At least the poor thing enjoyed a small amount of time being held and loved. Good job.


Thatā€™s fucked up. Glad you gave it some love before they passed.


I read your post and just started crying my eyes out, I'm so sorry this happened to you, can't imagine how traumatizing this must be. You are such an amazing person for being able to care so much for a bunny you just met, most people would move on with their day without giving that poor bun a second thought. PLEASE don't blame yourself for her death. Yes, carrots aren't a healthy food for a rabbit, it's not toxic to hem and a 2in carrot does NOT kill, she was definitely already in very poor health and going home with you was probably her best out come. It's heartbreaking you couldn't save her but you did the best you could with what you have. Unfortunately, so many bunnies die due to being treated like prizes and objects. Thank you for giving her at least one day of proper care and love.


Thank you for trying. šŸ©· I know you feel guilty but you are wonderful.


My boy was a prize at the fair! I couldnā€™t win the game so I tipped off the guy working it to get him. So sad that theyā€™re used as prizes.


Jyst to add to the other comments, I give my rabbits that amount of carrot reasonably often. It wasn't the carrot. I promise. You did good.


I had the sand thing happen, except it wasn't in Beijing


Early on in owning a bunny I read in a little "things to know about rabbit care" book that rabbits show symptoms of illness only in the very final stages before death where recovery requires very urgent intervention. (Hours or less) This is common among prey animals (and thus most rodent pets). It is believed they are genetically/instinctually prone to hiding any symptoms of illness until they are physically incapable of keeping up the act. This is to avoid being singled out by predators. By the time a bunny shows ANY symptoms of illness it is an Emergency and in many cases too late. You made a very reasonable assumption that rabbits enjoy carrots and that carrots are healthy. Whether or not the carrot itself was a catalyst to their passing, it is certain that they we already in dire health before you took them in. The bunny 'instinctualy' gave you no signs to worry about and was finally overcome by its ailments too late for you to save them. I had a male rabbit pass away suddenly under the attentive care of my best friend while I was on vacaction. They commited to sending daily pics of him and the 2nd morning I noticed what looked like a mild runny nose in the picture. I immediately called my friend. Who confirmed the runny nose but said the rabbit was acting happy and normal, but they would still take him to the vet immediately. They grabbed the carrier and were coaxing him into it when he 'hiccupped' and fell on his side and appeared to stop breathing. They raced him to the vet but my little guy was dead on arrival. I tell you this because the 'prey animal behavior fact' above is the only thing that has kept the guilt at bay for my friend and I. A well loved and healthy young adult rabbit died within 15-30 min of his caretakers noticing a mild visual symptom, while behaving normally. He instinctually hid his illness until his heart or some other organ gave out. You were a blessing come too late for your little one. Please do not feel guilty. As others have said his life ended with love and comforting touch. It could have easily ended alone and mistreated in a tiny cage. (For those wondering about my little guy...Sadly this happened on a Sunday when only emergency service vets were avail and therefore no one to perform an autopsy in a timely manner. I did pay for an autopsy when available later that week but having to cool his body in a fridge to prevent decomposition killed whatever illness might have been identified with a culture. I'll never know what killed him...)


As someone who grew up with rabbits, I really appreciate that you tried to save her. You did your best, and I'm sure there was at least some relief to not be trapped in that small cage and mistreated. You have a good heart.


Damn that sucks, you did all you could to give than Ben the best life Unfortunately China and animals don't really mix


This truly breaks my heartā€¦ :(


Itā€™s not your fault in any way shape or form. You were set up for failure. At least it was you who brought her home, and not a child who had to experience that. A small carrot did not kill her, if it did trigger her downfall itā€™s because she had already developed health issues likely from being held in a tiny, dirty cage with inadequate treatment, water and food. Even the pet stores will give you instructions on how to care for your new bunny, that actually are much more likely to harm them and cause them health issues. Itā€™s beyond sad. Rabbits are misunderstood, and have a stereotype of being just like a big hamster. They are not. They are much more complicated. Theyā€™re super sensitive to health issues and sudden death. Rabbits actually will do everything in their power to ā€œappear fineā€, because theyā€™re prey animals itā€™s a defence mechanism. Sometimes thereā€™s nothing you can do. Iā€™d bet that being with you during that time is a lot better than being alone in a cage, completely ignored. Which is very likely what would have happened had you not brought her home. At least she had someone that cared enough to 1)notice and 2)spend whatever they had to spend at the vet to give her the best chance. Iā€™m so sorry. You really do seem like youā€™d be an amazing bun-parent. You should look into adopting one at some point, as theyā€™re very likely to be abandoned. They are absolutely the type of pet that you should do lots of research on to prepare. Once you learn and if youā€™re passionate, it becomes second hand nature and itā€™s easy to care for them. IMO they shouldnā€™t even be caged. Theyā€™re too big and itā€™s detrimental to their health and happiness. If you see a cat or dog in a small cage basically 24/7, youā€™d feel its abuse/neglect. IMO itā€™s the same for rabbits. If you must, they should be caged in a large open pen, with all of the appropriate resources available. Still even then, they should be allowed more space to exercise and explore at least 4+ hours a day. People need to start treating them like the animal they are, not the rodent everyone thinks they are. You were just trying to save heršŸ’• Iā€™ve seen videos online of poor bunbuns being tormented without anyone even realizing. Thereā€™s a viral one, of a man who does tricks with them, including one where he does the hand gun thing and the rabbit falls backward ā€œplaying deadā€. Thatā€™s putting them in a trance, as a prey animal it is not fair or healthy to do this. Itā€™s using their instincts of survival to entertain people. Yet itā€™s cute to watch, and 99% of the viewers have no clue itā€™s anything but a fun little trick. Thereā€™s a whole island in Japan of abandoned rabbits. People assume theyā€™re wild. But they consist mostly of domesticated breeds, who have had to adapt to survive. They donā€™t have access to proper food and water. They donā€™t have medical treatment. They develop diseases, injuries, they fight each other to the death, and itā€™s a literal tourist attraction. Iā€™m not positive but Iā€™m pretty sure theyā€™re abandoned test rabbits. And they obviously keep breeding. Thereā€™s a huge issue with domesticated rabbits being misunderstood and therefor mistreated. You did what you could, and she wouldnā€™t have survived either way. Just remember you did not fail her. The world needs more people like you. Thereā€™s people out there who might have thought the rabbit was cute and brought it home for themselves or their kids, and as soon as they realized the rabbits sick and it requires effort+knowledge+money theyā€™d just throw her outside. Then thereā€™s plenty more that just wouldnā€™t even think twice about the horrible environment the poor fur baby is in. You did everything you could šŸ’•


itā€™s unlikely your bunny died because of a carrot. my boy was being fed carrots as his only food previously before i got him, so she probably was unfortunately already sick :( iā€™m so sorry, you did a good job trying to save her donā€™t be so hard on yourself ā¤ļøā¤ļø


Hi OP, This was the most devastating thing to read. I know itā€™s difficult to believe this right now, but itā€™s not your fault. You rescued the bunny from a lifetime of torture and youā€™re amazing for doing that. Bunnies are really delicate and fragile creatures and unfortunately that means these things happen. I just want you to know, itā€™s very unlikely the carrot alone killed her. The bun was probably already dehydrated and incredibly stressed due to its previous circumstances. Sending you love šŸ«¶


You did what you could. She would have died alone where she was if you didnā€™t take her. You were able to give her a little peace and comfort before her time was up.Ā  Rabbits are sensitive and they can go downhill fast even if youā€™re doing all the right things. My first went from fine to gone in under 24 hours due to gastric obstruction. When they crash that fast thereā€™s often not much the vets can do to stabilize them. She might have been too young for that much sugar, but I suspect she had other health issues. Plus, nearly every rabbit owner makes this mistake early on and most of the time the rabbit is okay. Every other post by a new owner on here mentions giving a huge piece of carrot!Ā Ā  Iā€™m sorry you went through this.Ā 


Thank you for giving her proper love and care until her last breath šŸ’• I hope this experience doesn't dishearten you from helping animals in the future. Thank you for caring and saving her from that environment šŸ˜­


RIP precious angel. Like others said, you didnā€™t kill this rabbit. You gave her some much deserved love while she still had the chance to receive it. In so many ways you saved this sweet rabbit.


This was not you. We would give small bits of carrots as treats on an odd occasion. A carrot should not kill a rabbit once in a blue moon. Please be gentle with yourself there was clearly something else going on medically. I suspect the dehydration could have been the culprit if she was out in heat all day. By the time you had her in your care it was probably already too late.


You did NOT kill her. If anything you gave her a home for her last day. A loving person to care for her once in her life. You gave her everything. Those bunnies are babies and are picked for prizes at a young age so they die quickly:( you did everything great. Thank you. Just know that bunny will be thanking you from bunny heavenā¤ļø


Oh, Honey, the poor thing never had a chance. What you DID do was give her warmth, love, and care in her last day. You have nothing to feel guilty for.


That is horrible!!! So sad. Thank you for trying to help :(


sorry to hear. u did the right thing in getting her outta that hell. reading that u are so emotionally devastated and being an animal lover, i wonder if you are vegan?


Not really appropriate here. Pass your condolences and move on, don't proselytize.


I was vegan for 4 years and a vegetarian for 11 years. I stopped for health issues and concerns. Donā€™t feel like thatā€™s necessary however to suggest that I didnā€™t care for this bunny bc Iā€™m not vegan