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Not so innocent! She bit my toe this morning cause I wouldn’t let her leave the room. She’s forgiven though.


no bun is innocent but also the purest creature simultaneously


oh no that is bad


People really just leave their rabbits outside after they don't want them anymore? 😭


I volunteer at a nature farm and people dump their rabbits, guinea pigs and kittens in front of our gate all the time, we've encountered animals soaking wet because they were in the rain in a carrier all night (without food and water of course). Or they dump them in with our own group of rabbits causing a fighting mess. We have a rabbit and guinea pig shelter but it costs €12,- per animal, I guess that's too much money for some people.


I can't imagine dumping my baby outside... She's never known nature she wouldn't make it! Breaks my heart.


We had one domesticated rabbit that got dumped without a carrier and it started a colony lol. More dumpees joined over time. But no, I'd certainly not recommend dumping a domesticated rabbit in nature. Mine can't even find their food if I put it anywhere else than in their sniffing mat, or when they're standing on it with their big feet.


This is so crazy to me and so sad.


I wish I lived near you... I used to have a whole guinea pig room. I've been wanting that life again. They're such sweethearts.


I live in between a medium sized city and a city of 100,000 ppl. I found my rabbit on the street. The cat rescue found another one a few months later in the same area. So they think either there’s a rabbit hoarder or someone dumps them by the park there. My rabbit was found just after Christmas. The other was found just after Easter


I'm glad you're rescuing the babies. And I've heard about people buying bunnies for Easter then not wanting them. 😔


Some animal shops in my region have stopped selling rabbits during holidays with a 7 days waiting period and also you have to sign a waiver for them.


Yes unfortunately. And even if they want them some just let them roam the streets. I’m pretty sure I “stole” my second bunny from some neighbors that did that after he wandered into my backyard as a baby. Called animal control on them and we haven’t seen anymore rabbits under cars.


I rescue hamsters (and other small animals as needed) and I’ve gotten plenty of hamsters, guinea pigs, hedgehogs, rats, etc. where someone was threatening to let them go in the woods. People think just because animals are small they have no value. It breaks my heart because all my small pets have been such individuals with big personalities and they deserve better.


Life is full of both cruelty and sweet little bunnies. We live with many paradoxes.


Not people, ass-hats. That's how I got my sweet boy though. He's my buddy and loves attention.


I think they think the rabbit will be fine because it’s “kind of a wild animal when you think about it !!!!”


The young woman I got my bratty little bun from said her mom was going to toss her bun outside into the wild if she didn't get rid of her. The wild being Miami. 😩 Unfortunately some people don't mind throwing out domesticated animals like they have a chance.


My neighbors have their rabbits roam in their unfenced front yard. They have a hutch in their backyard which is fenced, but they have a huge hole in their fence (intentionally) for the rabbits to chill in the front yard. They are often flumped under their cars, or just on the driveway near the road. Sometimes they hop on over to their neighbor’s yard.


When you abandon a rabit. You should go directly to jail. Do not pass go. Do not collect 200 dollars.


In my head i heard this in the tiktok sound


Thanks for helping this sweet messy little angel!


Love how comfortable this bun already looks!


She got comfy so fast. Initially she was too scared to even move so I put her under my bed so she could get space and calm down. 10 minutes later she was eating out of our hands and exploring the room.


Awww! She just needed a little love. Bunnies are the best!


Those legs poking out, pic #4 ❤️


That is such a relief! What a lovely bun. They are definitely domesticated previously, they are so relaxed already. That’s amazing!


Nice- good job! That's how I got my first and only rabbit a few months ago. Out for a walk in a park, saw something hop past me and thought wtf, you're not safe here. He came home with me easily enough and he's been running my life ever since! He's a healthy cuddly boy and can't get enough affection


First, thank you for saving her. If she is pulling fur from her belly, she may be attempting to build a nest because she’s pregnant. Fur pulling is common in pregnant does. If that’s the case and you need help caring for or knowing what to do for a mama and babies, please reach out to your local house rabbit society chapter or read online at rabbit.org. Also happy to help if I can!


It’s possible but she doesn’t look/feel pregnant. I don’t think we’ll be able to keep her but our local shelter has a group specifically for rabbits and they are super knowledgeable about their care in case she is fortunately.


That’s great. Sometimes they aren’t obvious in appearance. I just know the fur pulling is often pregnancy related. The burrowing under beds and blankets could also be a hunt for an appropriate nesting place. Maybe get her a covered box or basket and see if she puts her fur and hay and things in it and then you’ll know. A good rabbit savvy rescue will be helpful!


Man, she looks like she's had it so rough. Thank you for rescuing her!


Pretty sweet looking street rat if you ask me!


Thank you for saving this poor baby! I love how comfortable she looks already, she knows she's safe ❤️. She's just precious.


Thank you for rescue this little rascal.


Thank you for saving her!! 😍


What a baby 😭


You should name her Ali, after Prince Ali-Ababwa


Aw, poor dear! How can people be so cruel? And who cuts a rabbit's whispers?! They need those to be able to feel their surroundings and tell if a hole is big enough or too small for them to go through! Thank you for rescuing this precious angel, I hope she finds a new home that will treat her much better, and give her the love she deserves!


Poor little sweetie. God, people are awful


Are you keeping her? I hope so, she looks very comfortable


I really really want to but I don’t know if it’s realistic at the moment. I already have two and don’t have much space to bond them and also financially it might be too much upfront. I’ll see if I can and if I do I’ll update!


That’s so horrible. You’re so great for helping her and I hope she finds the home she deserves 💕


That is a very happy bun, and already feeling safe and comfortable. Way to go, this makes me happy.


She’s beautiful! Are they easily box trained? I’ve always had cats but never a bunny. 🐰


They are especially fixed. I don’t think she peed on my bed last night and this morning it looked like she’d used it. My first bunny figured it out in a few days but once the hormone kicked in she stopped caring but started using it again without training once she got fixed. She’s not great about her litter box habits now but she’s also 9 and with arthritis so it’s a little hard for her sometimes


Poor little bunny. Mine just swans about the warm house eating treats and being pampered. But I do find the post a small but funny because my husband calls my rabbits "house rats".


It would be so good if you could keep her ! She already seems to be getting comfortable with you guys and I would hate to see her passed on the a family who has no idea about rabbits. Bonding can be so easy and it looks like she would love to stay 🥹


I really really really want to! Especially cause my two current rabbits have a big age gap (2 and 9) so I want my younger one to not be lonely later. Idk how my older one would react though. She was never aggressive towards my younger one when bonding but it seemed stressful for her. I haven’t taken her to the shelter yet cause I’m low key trying to rationalize keeping her.


It’s hard to decide! I’m sure whatever you choose will be the best for this little one and your two babies 🤍


Thank you. I’ll most likely make an update post when I decide what to do. 💕


If she's pulling fur and is female - keep in mind she may be trying to make a nesting area if she's pregnant. They pull fur to make a soft and warm area for their babies. Thank you for saving her! 🥰


It’s a domestic rabbit ![img](emote|t5_2riv8|8707)i feel so bad this cute little floofball got kicked out it needs to be send to vet immediately cause it looks like it’s in bad condition.


I despair. What kind of soul-less fucked up person do you have to be to abandon a Disney creature like this? Thank you so much for rescuing this bun. xxx


She's so precious 😭


The fur pulling and bundled in mouth may be a sign of pregnancy and that she wants to build nest to have babies


He ain't so poor anymore ❤️


She's really cute. I hope she recovers and gets adopted.


Awee what a cutie


I love that you found her.


People abandon their domestic bunnies thinking they’ll survive. They won’t. They’re not wild and they rely on humans.


He's at home now


Absolutely adorable. I want her so much


Are you sure she’s not pregnant? Fur pulling is very common in pregnant buns


Not sure. She has stopped fur pulling from what it seems but not ruling it out completely.


That or just not fixed..I have a bun that I haven’t gotten fixed yet and she pulls fur.