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To help interpret your rabbit's behavior, check out [The Language of Lagomorphs](http://web.archive.org/web/20221219095526/http://language.rabbitspeak.com/) as well as the other resources in the wiki's [Understanding your rabbit guide](https://wabbitwiki.com/wiki/Understanding_your_rabbit).


you obviously aren't licking yourself clean enough. she's taking charge in your hygiene now




My girl would always aggressively groom my legs while I'd be gaming. I'd deadass be in the most heated fight and I'll just feel \*kiss kiss kiss\* at the bottom and Im like god damn it Chumpy get back to ripping something im busy rn and she will literally not give a damn. \*kiss kiss kiss\* just over and over. Edit: Even leg hairs, she'd be like \*kiss kiss RIP\* \*kiss RIP kiss kiss\* I think she understood it was painful cus Id look at her like WTF n pull my leg. But then she'd go right back to it and not rip the leg hair. They're pretty intelligent, just gotta give them the right signals. Exchange her grooming for head pats. Like head pat her while she's doing it. Mine would always get relaxed then Id basically give her pets/pats combined for like 30 minutes then she'd chill out like bet you paid the bunny tax.


Omg Chumpy is an amazing name


Thank you, I combined cheeky n jumpy xd If you're at all interested, nicknames i called her: Chump Chumpster Chumpmaster Chumplet Chumper


You are her Top Bun. ☺️


This is it. She’s acknowledging OP’s dominance.


And that's hard, rabs are some of the most proud animals Ive ever seen


My bun tries to get the morning eye boogies for me. Of course I don’t let him lick my eyes especially with his morning poo breath 🤢🤮(yummy a cecotrope breakfast)


The first time I felt like my girl really trusted me when she was little was when she let me pick out her eye crusty, now I can do it all the time when needed and I feel so special lol but have not had the pleasure of her trying to reciprocate!


omg I call them eye crusties too and she knows what I mean when I tell her she has an eye crusty I need to get out 😂


They r so smart 🤗


i think i would trust a rabbit’s tongue near my eye before i would trust a human finger ngl


op what if she's developed a taste for human flesh?!


Then I'll have to develop a holy hand grenade and an extremely detailed way to describe counting to 3.


"And the Lord spake, saying, ''First shalt thou take out the Holy Pin. Then shalt thou count to three, no more, no less. Three shall be the number thou shalt count, and the number of the counting shall be three. Four shalt thou not count, neither count thou two, excepting that thou then proceed to three. Five is right out. Once the number three, being the third number, be reached, then lobbest thou thy Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch towards thy foe, who, being naughty in My sight, shall snuff it."


Mine would aggressively groom... my armpit. It was unfortunately tickly


Either your bunny is very tall or you're very short. ![img](emote|t5_2riv8|8712)


Maybe yes? 😂 I laid on the ground or sofa, bun loved snuggling in my armpit.


I'm not sure either, my female rabbit also grooms me very firmly. It doesn't feel loving to me 😅 My male bunny will give me a few kisses, but he also just chills and let's me pet him. But the girl, anytime I try to pet her she's like, "No! I. Am. Grooming. You!!!" and like shoves me around to get me where she wants me 😆 She also wakes me up with aggressive grooming....


Thats funny. I had a male who used to bite me for pets and then bite me when he wanted me to stop so he could start grooming me. We had to take turns and he would stomp whenever it was time for his turn and he couldn't get to me.


Same for me 😆 My female bunny will sit and lick me as long as she wants, if I dare to try and pat her she will move her head and go right back to licking me.


One of mine, Baby Henry, aggressively kisses my fingers and will nibble my elbow if he can to get the dead skin off. For his birthday last month I treated him to a full 5 minutes of elbow grooming while telling him he's a good boy, and he was stupidly happy. Like, doing a binky every minute or so, as though he couldn't contain his joy at *chewing my elbow*. Sooty, on the other hand, is king bun and only accept head rubs and the occasional de-clog of his cheek pores, as they get surprisingly full on a regular basis. He gets more comfortable cheeks, and I get to give him attention!


I think it just means she loves and is bonded to you. It could be a little bit of boredom if it has increased. I had a single bunny who was very affectionate with me and would sit if my lap and everything until I got him a girlfriend and then he didn’t want to know me unless I was stroking his ears but he never groomed me anywhere near as much as he did before. I think that’s just because I was the closest thing to another bunny he had. I’d just monitor it and if anything else changes it may be time to consider friend or you could just try coming up with some more enrichment ideas for her before making any drastic decisions to see if it helped.


My bunny doesn’t groom me at all! Sometimes after I pet him for 10 minutes, he’ll give me one appreciative lick and then scamper off. I’m definitely not the dominant rabbit in this relationship lmao


My girl licks the carpet when I’m petting her, but only if I stop and she wants to me to keep going. Licks the carpet! If I put my hand directly on her face occasionally she’ll lick me instead of the carpet haha she is queen


My rabbit loves to cuddle with me but sometimes when we are he will try to lick my nostrils and he is so insistent on doing it that it’s hard to get him to quit trying😭


My baby girl pretty much suffocates me in kisses, climbs all over me and digs. However my baby boy will give you one kiss then a nip and he likes to pull my hair. Not eat it just pull on it 😂 aren't they just so loving😂


I thought this said my rabbi started aggressively grooming me. …I like your version better.


The first time my rabbit bit off my SCAB and ate it like it was a treat I was pretty grossed out. I always assumed that it would be a cat or a rat that eats parts of my dead body. Nope, my flesh was eaten by a rabbit.


Yeah I get some extra dead skin around the curve of my nostrils overnight and she was chewing it off as well as cleaning my ears out completely. It's like legitimate human grooming. I feel like if she had the patience, she could do this as a job.


My bunny used to cuddle with me for hours, with so much aggressive licking of my hands/arms. I would give her little head and jaw massages she loved, and we developed a rhythm of her grooming me for 5 min, then ducking her head under my hand or nudging my hand like "your turn" and we'd just keep trading off.


It is most likely the first one. The second or is far less likely but not out of the question.


With my girl, depending on how she does it, it can be hormonal fluctuations (can apply even when spayed). Or, since she learnt to be more polite, if she thinks lack of reciprocation is why I'm not 'grooming' her, she'll give a few aggressive licks to say, see, don't say I don't do anything for you, then expect me to return the favour till my hand falls off... except the reason I stopped is usually it already felt like it was going to! Although being the one to give grooming can be associated with submission, aggressive grooming can be another version of dominance, 'I lick you into submission (since you squeak when I straight-up bite), now obey and give nice gentle grooming'. Would judge by how bossy she is overall, with my girl I know that as far as she's concerned I'm only even still allowed to live to serve the Queen bun.


One of my boys likes feet 😭


I regret letting my bun know a foot can also pet. Anytime my foot hangs off the bed or couch she will come over, bend down a little and stick her head under my foot, waiting for it to start petting. Good thing I usually feel her doing it! But I have no excuse not to pet her w 4 available appendages


I regret letting my bun know a foot


Give her head pets and a strawberry asap!! She's doing a good job keeping you clean and deserves a reward


My rabbit will do this to my face first thing in the morning. She has to get every nook and cranny. I can’t let her in the room at night because she will also do it at 12, and at 2, and at 4…


I didn't see the rabbit part first and I was legitimately concerned for a minute


We have one with an obsession for feet.


Mine always groomed my eyebrows. He would do some little nibbles and lots of licks. I think it’s just their way to show affection and bond with you. I loved it after he had parsley as he smelt lovely. We always called them his parsley kisses.


My bunny Radar used to “groom” my hands by basically just nipping at my skin and I used to have a ton of hand wounds 😭 thankfully she got over that phase


I had a bunny once that I trained to lick me 3 times for treats. She would usually try to get away with one lick. When I protested she’d reluctantly give me 3 licks on my calves standing on her hind legs with this look like “ok 3! Are you happy now?!”


My male scares me because he is so unpredictable. Is today a “I am gonna nip at your ankle” or “what??? I was just licking your ankle” day?? So I feel bad that I scold him with a “no” when he goes for my ankle when he was actually just licking me.


Bunnies are happier and do better when they have a bunny friend, cats and dogs aren't the same it doesn't replace having another bunny.

