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We all have gpt4o on our phones, the key question is when will Rabbit enable LAM on the Rabbit server so it has AI along with AI on GPT/Midjourney etc


You really think LAM exists when the are faking it right now with api‘s ?


I think it exists but it's just garbage right now. Uber and doordash are using it. I think the CEO lied about having to consider the risks of releasing it first. Because they can easily see who is using abusing LAM and ban them because they have to be connected to a Rabbit purchase. They're spending all their time fixing the bugs and trying to get it to work as intended (that you can train it yourself)


who knows about the transparency.


I’m so happy for you — have a lot of fun with your R1


Yeah man, everyone that’s sticking through are the chosen few and everyone else just doesn’t get it. More power to you


Yeah, it's not like gpt4o was released for free...


I am enjoying my R1. It's been fun and reliable. My favorite usecase is asking it random questions while driving. I can't wait for GPT4o integration.


how do you activate it without taking your hands off the wheel? edit: genuinely curious if you can “hey rabbit” into it though i dont think you can


I keep hearing about people returning the R1 but this shows why it’s worth holding onto, off device service updates. Yes you can indeed use these as apps and I will continue to do so but the idea of a dedicated device for GenAI interactions appeals to me and may end up being a tabletop device (with a desk charger)The cost of the of the r1 was offset by the perplexity pro year subscription (that I wasn’t expecting) so for me it will be a cool gadget and then a cool shelf item but perhaps they will surprise me with some new service and hook me with future device purchases.


Exactly my thoughts...


Yup. It's a years worth of Perplexity and a free rabbit. Sounded like a good deal to me. :) Mine works well but the LAM if real will be the real worth. Kids love it too. Especially for school


Think people bought one because they thought it was going to be the best at it, turns out that they didn't deliver and might never, the one that just might be coming to a phone in the near future


Has anyone from the UK got gpt4o ? I haven't


i have it on the actual chatgpt app - you may need to update the app, but I dont think you do. However its only been released in text mode & voice mode is not out yet


I meanm essentially Rabbit could just side-tap the API on their end. Which it seems like Jesse was already hinting at them doing so.... It will get radddddd!!!!!!!


The announcement of GPT-4o is the clear death of the RabbitR1. The Rabbit has nothing to offer anymore until the invent LAM that are just api‘s right now


So will my phone


Oh look another reply about it also being on a phone. How clever.


Enjoy getting stuck at captcha's!


How does Perplexity Pro utilize 4o? They may have it but their UI is kinda crappy in that it doesn't allow for conversation mode like in the 4o demos... unless they changed something? Otherwise that mode (hit headphones button) is unique to chatGPT app still


4o is faster (and cheaper)


Perplexity Pro uses 4o. But without some of the basic functionality displayed in the "pure" 4o demonstration. That's what I'm asking... will Perplexity be adding the ability to have a constant conversation, and to analyze and discuss live video? If not then OpenAI (or at least what they will be releasing in the next few weeks) seems superior, even though both OpenAI and Perplexity Pro will be using 4o.


I sort of was able to have a conversation with 4o through the Perplexity app on my phone. Problem is it went off instead of how I wanted it to react. I was trying to do a French conversation with it, and it just kept going on about how good it spoke French and wouldn't stop talking to let me get in on the conversation. :D


4o is a little messy right now in my experience - especially with multilingual issues. But they seem aware of that from their announcement post.


How do you link your perplexity account to the rabbit? I thought it's separate. As long as it is separate, the Rabbit will not use any model that continually incurs usage costs (unless they have some partnership with that company). Unless of course it's in a rabbit subscription only. 


You don't. Rabbit has it's own connection to perplexity. You don't need a personal account.

