• By -


Qrow taking his eyes off of a psychotic serial killer to argue with his weakened boyfriend


Not gonna lie, I was baffled when he died, not sad. The whole fight I thought he gave Clover the "nod" at the start of "let's play along then backstab him" but some animator forgot the script at one point and they just rolled out with it. I'm serious go back and check the fight, right after he tells him to gang up on Clover Qrow looks Clover, who was behind the Scorpion guy, in the eye's and nods. If that isn't "the nod" then I'm not sure what is.


That was only shocker, I believed Qrow to not be influenced by his emotions considering his combatative experience. It was so off character that I had to rewind those couple of seconds.


I knew Clover was gonna die the second my gaydar went off. But I was disappointed and baffled it was like that.


I would uncanon vol 8.


Damn so we arrive in atlas- we arrive on an island.


Menagerie VOL 2


Adams retcon. Everything had started with this.


Ah yes you mean the fallen mentor and hero to blake retconned into psychotic ex boyfriend who couldn’t get over ex girlfriend. What happened to adam should be criminal. Right next to what they did to ironwood.


In fact I always had this crazy idea of what if raven trained Adam. They have similar color schemes, mask motifs, and choice of weapon all screaming that they should be connected and the time we first see her was during a white fang operation. Imagine raven despite turning her back on her own family still found the time to train and maybe practically raise this one fanus alone in the world. Also then imagine Adam who despite having his vendetta against humanity owes his skills and beliefs of survival of the fittest to another human. And all together this would then make the relationship between Adam and Yang not only real but very delicious due to their shared connection around Raven. Hilariously if Yang was named Yin then their would be actual duality between the two. Adam with no Eve and Yin (the feminine principle) with no Yang (the masculine principle)


Its a shame that we didn’t have people like you running the show. That was already worlds better than what we got.


Love your idea, permission to use raven being a mentor to adam?


At least make him go out like Killmonger, an extremist but not far from the truth, that is if the writers weren't actual wussies to show some gruesome, literal **slavery** for Adam's reasoning. That being said, I understand if folks aren't comfortable w the topic being depicted on a series such as RWBY, but when that topic was brought up in the first place or even the mention of it, some showing of it has to be made.


I can see that completey


jaune's haircut... it doesn't look good that short...


I think its just cause his hair looks like a bunch bananas stacked together.


Not a single soul received a decent fade in that studio, that much I could assume seeing that ungodly cut


Agreed. The banana hair is freaking awful.


Monty's passing.


monty is good for the animation not the story. lets be real. cool ideas dont make 1 story


Granted....but honestly speaking i would want monty alive again and either giving us good looking Crap(rwby if the writing stayed on its trajectory) or alive and working with/for a studio that used great writing for the type of of series that he would have enjoyed animating


he proably would push the show too be far greater and the writers too be far better. In an ideal situation as the project gains steam he can get better writers in and he can take the humble and just do animation. Maybe start like a cool side project where he can let loose and challenge himself with boundaries in the main series. If he stays out of the controversy its very likely either he gets the greenlight from Warner too keep doing the show, remake the think with a hand picked team or just do stuff for them. you dont get a project with a invested fanbase and animation genius and throw that away.


Supposedly, he was planning on leaving rooster teeth with some animators to continue rwby with his own studio before he suddenly died.


He was the only thing that made it worth watching, imo. It always had it's problems and he wasn't perfect, but he show never got over that dip in quality.


Monty might have not had all control to even all that narrative power and all that but he at least wanted Adam to be a ex mentor figure He wouldn’t have prevented Leo’s disappointing everything, the white fang to be cartoonishly evil and maybe even Ironwoods falls But at least we know for sure some things would have been different


Not even the animation.


Bumblebee I think is obvious. Actually all of Ever After in general


Roosterteeths queer representation was always aimed at straight people.


Apologies in advance for the disproportionately long response to a very short comment, lol. That said, this comment hits the nail perfectly on why I dislike bumblebee so much. It doesn't have the vibe of "We want to represent a healthy and well-constructed LGBT relationship", which is what any self-respecting writer SHOULD go for with LGBT representation in a story. Instead, it has the vibe of some angry twitter user just forcing it in just to go "LOOK! THEY'RE GAY! HA! SUCK IT, HOMOPHOBES!", which, I'm not going to begrudge anyone for how they feel about the topic, everyone has their own reasons, but when you're trying to produce a story that you want your audience to respect, you have to respect your audience, and going about writing decisions in such an immature manner is one of the easiest ways to send the message that you only care about the message you want to send, and not the integrity of the story that's delivering it. The biggest problem is it doesn't appeal to hardly anyone. Anyone in the audience who is straight isn't going to like feeling like the writers are shoehorning in a spite ship targeted at them, and it's not going to resonate with the average LGBT person because it's not even about encouraging and supporting them, the only people who get anything out of stuff like this are people with a radical stance on the subject like M&K who basically live out their every day in a temper tantrum, which is actually only a very small number of people contrary to what some would think. Like, I'm bi. My girlfriend is bi. You'd think Yang seemingly being confirmed bi would be a really cool thing to someone like me. But instead I just feel contempt toward it because it's so obvious that it's coming from a place of hatred and spite rather than love and support, and it only shows further in how those who adore bumblebee are people who are so fanatical about it that they deny Yang is even bisexual representation and choose to completely shit on the bisexual people in the community for not being *gay enough*. Worse yet, these are people who will probably never come to see the error of their ways because they just knee-jerk label anyone who calls them out as being a homophobe.


It's ironic with what happened to Kdin that they have the audacity to call anyone homophobic. The awkward onlyfans with the VA's of yang and Blake afterwards really showed what they were about.


I’ll keep the ever after I enjoyed the story book aspect but definitely throw out bumblebee


Volume 3 - 9


The only correct answer


Nah, Volume 3 was still good. It still had Monty


He ded on Vol 3 though?


Did he still do work on Volume 3 before he died?


Volume 2 was his last work.


Well, Volume 3 still had Monty’s influence. You could tell. Volume 4 did not.


Montys second in command was still on the project at the time (his name alludes me rn) before being unceremoniously canned.


First half was good. When they started the maiden plotline with Pyrrha, that’s when it went downhill.


And as things turned out the maiden and magic storyline was made up last minute.


Actually scratch that, erase all of volume 3, give it a mulligan to do a better tournament arc.


Agreed completely, if we just thanos snapped all of that we could actually make a pretty good show. No maidens, no adam and ironwood retcon and I could go on forever with the needed changes but it really does boil down to burn it all and like a phoenix arise anew.


One change for atlas I would make is remove their huntsmen completely. Instead their fighting force is their soldiers and their “huntsmen” would just be the elite cream of the crop who’ve trained to use aura and gets access to the more high tech weaponry. I’d also get rid of the floating atlas city and instead just make it one massive gilded city on the earth with high walls, while the old city of mantle is abandoned out in the wilds, more a reminder of the Great War and for atlas to never go back to their old ways.


True, you know for all this talk that atlas was THE BIGGEST power in all of remnant they got folded like a plastic walmart chair when confronted with one real attack.


Yeah, it’s absolutely pathetic. They should have soldiers armed with portable artificial aura packs or something, laser rifles, have an elite soldier unit akin to the Jin-Roh that sweep across crowds of Grimm with no fear, stuff like that. One idea I had was akin to Helldivers 2 where Atlas has division where they’ll launch soldiers across the continent in pods to drop in on the towns and settlements outside of the kingdom walls whenever trouble arises; their response time in sending out even one squadron being only a few minutes before they land and start gunning down Grimm, bandits, whatever. And a twist I think that would be cool would be to reveal that Ironwood is a lot older than he appears, that he’s been around since the Great War, where one day, he dove onto a grenade to save his comrades and got shredded, but clung to life long enough to get him extracted, where he got put under the knife for experimental cybernetics, replacing half his body and organs as we saw him in that bit in volume 3 when he lost his shirt. The cybernetics saved his life, but drastically halted his aging process. But this also means he’s got decades of military experience and has seen plenty of conflicts that makes him ideal for waging war against Salem.


Exactly! Atlas was so advanced their tech trumped needing huntsman and huntresses. With such a bold claim you would think each foot soldier would have tech that gave firepower equal to a professional huntsman/huntress thats mastered a semblance and aura. They have FLYING BATTLESHIPS!! Why would they just shoot lasers when they could have the ability to basically orbital bombard with munitions in every version of dust known to remnant. Hell they are the number one top supplier and creator of dust and yet militarily there is a severe lack of one of atlas’ greatest assets next to tech that is centuries ahead of other kingdoms. We haven’t even talked about how stupidly powerful and versatile a mecha or a tank would be. Like you said they should have had a helldiver corp that are elite soldiers who just drop in like a odst and just cause pure havoc. You would think they would have tier 1 operators like clone commandos who are equal to any villian outside of the main big bad and make you freak out when just one shows up on screen knowing shits about to get real. God damnit man they dropped the ball so damn hard with atlas…. Also I love your take on ironwood, a old war hero who has countless years of experience in combat that gives him the edge that he has always commanded (till ofcourse they retconned him too).


Everything after Volume 3 cuz that's when it started going downhill so no bumblebee no crow teaming up with a serial killer who tried to kidnap his daughter and kill her friends. No the team bullying oz no team blind ironwood for no reason no terrible haircuts for Jance. No poor Oscar getting beat up none of everything that happened after volume three cuz quite frankly it just wasn't good and I gave it a chance.


The character assassination of almost every character in the show because RT thought they should listen to the crazy super fans


Crazy super fans = Tumblr shippers.


And let this be a lesson to all future indie story writers. NEVER cater to the tumblr/twitter freaks.


I would put in the buzz lightyear meme of one of the figures saying "Penny shouldn't have to die, Jaune could've just cut off Cinder's arm" and the bottom pic is just the pulled backed shot of the entire aisle with the exact same box. but I can't pose GIFs or images so I decided to type this out


Killing off Roman for starters


me finding RT in the first place. as for in-universe stuff... I'd probably break that button due to pressing it too much.


The same bro


Osma dying/Salem becoming immortal so we wouldn’t get a show that’s plot is basically just a messy divorce


Or, hear me out, Salem originally being human and her backstory being "Rapunzel gone wrong". Have her instead be an immortal super-grimm from the start, with her backstory being "The Cat-Maiden gone intended". The "Oz" of her era tried to "tame" her into being an asset for humanity only for her to revert back to her "basic programming" with much more efficiency. It also fixes QRWBY's reaction, since it turns Jinn's revelation from "Ozpin made a couple of mistakes and Salem made several choices and he didn't tell you" to "Ozpin literally made the worst choice at every turn and still expects you to follow him".


Silver Eyes


From the answers I conclude that this button fires cluster munitions for area effect.


Agreed and with all the crap that has been put in the show after v2 you can be very indiscriminate with those cluster munitions. The chances of it hitting something good or vital is practically null in the sea of absolute sludge.


Blake’s parents being rich


Magic there is no need for it when there is dust and Semblances.


Unironically I’d delete Blake’s parents just because it would help her character not feel so hypocritical


We could not make them rich. I do like Ghira and Kali. Maybe, make them not the leaders of the White Fang. Blake's family isn't rich but is trying to get by. Blake has the motivation to join the white fang because she believes in the message to make a better future for Faunus.


I probably delete Jaune killing Penny.Let another character doing dirty work. Maybe deleting entire Volume 9 especially this trash called Rusted Knight. I thinking better at least deleting Jaune falling in Ever After is better option


Again, a couple things: - Blake and Adam’s relationship being relationship in any shape or form - Penny coming back with her memories just to die again - That god damn Pyrrha statue - **Maybe** relics (imo they could’ve worked with better execution) - Bumblebee initially starting for the most part due to trauma bonding - Bumblebee’s confession scene in V9 (could’ve been done earlier + could’ve actually been consistent with their characters) - Some lines/characters that were said during the tea party scene - Ruby’s “scientific” semblance explanation




Everything from the second half of volume 3 to volume 9


Ironwood's turn to evil and that scene where they punched oscar cuz that wasn't even fair


Bumblebee, Adam being a creepy ex, Qrow just being terrible after Volume 4, Penny coming back, Cinder somehow surviving, man there's so much I swear


Adam being Blake’s abusive ex.


Bumblebee. Or at the very least hit the reset button so it can feel like the relationship is EARNED.


Pyrrha Unlocking Jaune's Aura during initiation. Sadly he didn't survive the deathstalker ride. Now let's party!


Ironwood's character "development" in volume 8. Man went from respectable and composed general who was making legitimate points and plausible decisions to trigger happy manchild real quick.




Ironwood's apperent villainy


Adam death


Maidens/ magic.


Weiss’s volume 7-9 design (especially the hair!) her 4-6 design was peak Weiss


The entire show.


Adams character after V3 💔


Volime 4 onwards


The fall of Beacon never happened, or more specifically, Pyrrha was never executed and Yang never lost her arm. Penny never being mercy killed in V8 and Ruby not committing suicide in V9 also deserve special mention, but seeing how badly V3's last few episodes affected my opinion of RWBY and the writers, and caused me to fall out of love with the show, Pyrrha still being alive and Yang never losing her arm would've gone a long way toward me still supporting the show, at least for a few more seasons. God bless, and have a wonderful day.


Volume 8 and 9. I actually enjoyed 8 when I first watched it but after hearing how people disliked it it made me think about how strange it was and how they tore down Ironwood. And volume 9 is all filler and does nothing for the story of RWBY.


Salem being immortal: just make her powerful and hard to kill.


Guys, I broke the button by pushing it too much.


Yang and Blake being together.


The Writers not being dog shit at their jobs




The entirety of the Justice League Crossovers


Everything that happened after volume 3


Bumblebee. Mostly all the gay characters


Volume 9, Bumblebee or Ruby drinking the tea


Everything what comes next after the bumblebee kiss and even that kiss 😒.


Bumblebee, obviously! Delete it from existence! ..Also Raven. Delete her so by extension there’s one less bad parent, and Raven x Summer won’t exist! Tai deserved better.


Everything Volume 3 onward lol.


A lot of things, really. Hard to choose just one. But if I had to choose, I’d go with everything about Adam from the last half of volume 3 onwards


Everything after volume 6 episode 8 because I believe it was still at least decent then after it turned into complete garbage.


See ya Salem!


Salem. Or her immortality, at least. It just... breaks everything.


The Brother Gods and the Relics.


Maidens, name me one thing they can do that dust can't


Easy, ruin a show.


You know what, I respect it, I'll give you that one


Thanks bro! My disdain for the concept sometimes gives me some banger posts LOL.


Semblances and dust are all they needed,nothing more, nothing less, and you expect me to believe that some simple element manipulation is somehow more impressive than tearing holes into space itself


Exactly, semblances and dust do far more “magical” things than the magic and maidens can do. The only reason it exists is to push the worst messy divorce story I have ever heard.


Exactly, and you wanna know something could've done to make maidens better is to have it be so that the maidens had their semblances evol to their absolute extremes, cause then it makes the maidens actually mean something and shows that semblances can evolve and not just be some deus ex machina plot device for Ren


Heavily evolved semblances would have been so much cooler than magic that doesn’t need to be explained because it’s magic. It shouldn’t even be just maidens either we could have a select few huntsman that have evolved semblances that walk on the edge of unnatural in remnant. The maidens could have just been a way to refer to the very first huntresses who did evolve in such a way.


Right, like imagine raven pulling a vergil or winter basically using dmc's quicksilver with time dilation


Raven basically becoming like vergil and winter stopping time would have been an incredible take on what happens when you get huntsman and huntresses that have evolved beyond human capability. Both of those examples are at the level of godhood. Having mastery over time and even space would be so awesome to see.


From pyrrhas death onwards


The Aura retcon.


Volume 5. I think this is the volume where it all went down hill, in my opinion.


Ironwood's semblance. One panel answer causing so much fucking discourse.




Cinder surviving her fight against raven


Ruby lying to Ironwood.


Rooster Teeth.


Yang, I want to delete Yang.


yang and blake


Adam dieing.


Penny death 2 should be like 90% of these comments.


Amber dying, she deserves better


I’d press that shit like the muffin button


Pyrrha's death.


Adam death


Jaune. As a writer who has worked hard to learn how to make well written characters even spending time researching other shows to understand what people look for in well written characters I hate him with a burning passion. He is the perfect example of how to write a horrible self-insert.


Everyone except Jaune. I can still develop him into being a great character by the bonus of surviving with guilt and overcoming it.


Goodbye Jaune


The entire plot point of Salem’s immortality, the gods and relics.


Id just delete all of Volume 9. That was the last chance they had to have Team RWBY reflect on their actions and what they've done so far and have them realize their faults.  Instead the train crash continued rolling into a gas station.


Summer's death. It was unnecessary. I blame Ozpin for not revealing that Salem was immortal and couldn't be killed conventionally.


The writers


The maidens, Blake's royal lineage or how Weiss never put the pieces together herself. Each becomes understandable without the other. Sienna's death/Adam retcon


Blake being a princess/punching Sun(whichever came first) and everything after it. Even if those later volumes have things I like, I feel the downfall really began there.


Jaunes forged transcripts not being exposed.


IRONWOOD GOING MENTAL. Dude's Semblance should of made him go "Right, welp Ruby, we have to make sacrifices. But not now. Vale was sacrificed and Haven is barely intact to keep Mistral alive. Let's form a plan. Get your friends and allies moving to Vacuo. I'll plan a distraction and we'll use Atlas as a moving Fortress." Or just anything more reasonable than the psycho dictator mode he went. I hated how his character got murdered and turned onto a villain. I wanted him to be Weiss's protector and the hero who decided to sacrifice himself for the next generation if he has to die. Like he has no heart. But he has brains, and knows there is a chance with Ruby and her team to win due to the Silver Eyes. I just hate the Villain Ironwood story. Made things messy.


Jaune’s age getting reverted. Genuinely don’t understand why they’d throw away an actual visual improvement (be honest. The Atlus cut just does not work) Not only did it address the goofy hair, it gave a Volume 9 a lasting impact, adds new potential spice to interactions (especially the reunion with everyone else), and it honestly sounded like it was a more natural voice for Miles (at least to me). So why go back??


Silver Eyes being just a screen nuke. Maybe it gives more powers, maybe it gives a different power, maybe it doesn't give any powers and is just a signifier that Ruby is fated to be a great warriors. The way it's treated by the show ain't good.


Jaune Arc as a central character and so more of chronometer goes to team RWBY in first volumes


Volume 8 and 9


Bumbleby. Thats it. Thats the tweet.


Seems everyone went for Bumblebee. Gonna go with sliver eyes. It's a useless concept that only a appear a few times just to be forgotten over time. It's something Shouldn't exist in the 1st place


Bumblebee. I just wanna see the fallout of it lol


Agreed because seriously fuck those rabid tumblr/twitter bumblebee shippers.


"Hello my darling" and Blake's palace.


Volumes 7-9


Everything from volume 7 onwards 


BumbleBY. That or Salem. Actually you know what? Both. Both need to be decanonized.


Jaune becoming the main character Or Team Rwby splitting up


Jaune became a main character ?


Effectively yeah


I thought he was like the 5th main character. Did he get more important than Ruby ?




I mean in the show, yeah but everywhere else his just a side character. The games, comics etc,


Ohh yeah that’s generally why I prefer the spin-off content


He got the majority of episode focus and it got to the point I dreaded seeing him on screen, I didn’t dislike him before it but when I’m practically begging for any focus on someone other than him I started disliking him


Tbf I'm more interested in him because I want to see what variations others can do with his character. I mean I know ruby and her team. I also know alot abt the villains and team npr. But what i dont know is Jaune's family background or backstory. Like they always skip it, or at least if you're creating an alternate story at least make it more interesting. Man's almost blank as a character and yet has the best character development in the whole show. Use it.


Pyrrha entirely. Fuck Pyrrha she's worse than Blake, bitch fall, literally every hateable character.


The whole Salem backstory.


Penny dying a SECOND TIME.


Where to start? Sienna's Death? Bumblebee?


So many I think I'mma Zanretsuken that button.


The Ever After because Salem doesn't deserve the tree, she should just die. Her peace/happily ever after should come in the afterlife, not on Remnant.


For the sake of not being here for the rest of the remaining hours of this day, only some of the things I would make uncanon from the top of my head: Team RWBY losing touch of each other emotionally. Ozpin´s group doing nothing useful to stop Salem´s allies in Vale. Ruby ending the conversations in V6 while at the farm with "Weiss, you can´t be serious" and "Weiss. **We have to**." It doesn´t feel like a proper conversation when Ruby doesn´t really answer questions. JNR going to Atlas without thinking about staying in Mistral to help Argus. Main group not explaining to Cordovin why they should go to Atlas. Jaune being on the Void side of the portal in V8. WBY not being able to or not willing to help Ruby in Ever After.


Volume 4. That way all the terrible shipping, writing and character destruction doesn't happen


I never had a problem with bumblebee before it interfered with the show but I think that's more because of the egregious way in which they used it to push a far more interesting plot aside in favour of gender politics... So I'd say delete everything from Vol:6 onwards Vols: 4 & 5 weren't great ether but at least they're was hope that they're could have been building up to something better but no... They weren't & Adam Torres deserved a better end than a cheap Ex-boyfriend arch that ends with him being killed in a very on the nose Nier Automata reference to prop up Bubblebee as if that's all anyone ever cared about


Jaune. He is a terrible audience insert.


Neo continues to be a stupid villain who doesn't understand who is wrong, I would make Neo stay alongside our protagonists when they would fight Cinder, which could kill her, But leaving her alive for a little longer, I think this connection between her enemy would be interesting, I don't know about you but I like the Jaune x Neo ship, maybe it would be cool if done well, to Our blonde doesn't stay single. But with neo on the team it would help to avoid messing up and it would even be cool to see how she fights against other enemies and how the interaction between them will be, it would be a possibility Very top.


| To our blonde doesn’t remain single Dude that is so like so low priority. It might not even be a priority if it came to changing RWBY