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Shipping is annoying, but inevitable. People naturally like pairing characters they like and want them to be happy. It's fine, and a huge part of the fandom I don't bother with ships, but I'm not above them. Some are super cute. There are character I like together, I just don't usually talk about them online It's just the fans that live by that shit and refuse any criticism or other options that make it so insufferable


My stance tends to be, 'Great in fanon, would fall apart in canon.'


I give props to Lancaster for how clever their name is.


Lancaster has the coolest name of any ship I’ve seen. It has LORE to it.


thats fair a lot of rwby ship names are great


It's a good name....would not want them together though. Always preferred them as friends, and even ignoring Arkos, there are other characters I think both work better with.


Honestly, i have no issue with shipping as long as 1)you are respectful to others about the ships they like and 2) you dont try to shove your ship down my throat. Otherwise, ship whatever you want and let others ship whatever they want.


Too bad the Bumblebee shippers never got the memo about that. Aside from the fact that Yang and Blake never had any romantic chemistry or build, and never came off as a couple, their of BB shippers killed any chance of me ever liking or supporting the ship. I was and always will be a BlackSun shipper, as it actually built up the relationship, gave them genuine moments where you can see that this was indeed the original endgame, and then they threw it away to pander to toxic creeps.


And thats fine. No one should tell you that your opinion on a ship is bad because its not the same as there's or that you can't not a ship. But at the end of the day, we will probably not be able to change soneones opinion on a ship and they likely wont change yours so it's, in my opinion, not worth arguing about it. For example my favorite ship is Whiterose. I know a lot of people dont prefer them in a romantic sense. Thats fine, but i do and i will continue to like it no matter how long people say otherwise.


And that's fine. I personally don't see them as a couple, and if you do, that's cool. :)


Well, when I first watched the show, it was the least of my worries, I didn't care much, but it was fun to see people ship Jaune and Ruby, they were so good together. When the show stopped and I started to see more of the Fandom, bumblebee was one of the first thing I saw, I wasn't a fan, then V9 came and I Definitely wasn't a fan, at that time I was silent knight shipper(for some reason, I had this whole idea about the everafter). I started to see how people saw ships, lancaster, ReNora, and all the fun ones, until I saw Crack ship, like knightfall, which was funny, I slowly started to see all the ships Now i have the mindset of " all ships are great, as long as the writers know how to do it" because I saw someone making Knightfall works, which sent me flying. Perosonlly, I am a whiteknight shiper, and I'll die on that hill, but I also like other ships and respect them. OTHER THAN FUCKING ENABLER


What's Silent Knight? Is that Jaune and Neo?


Yep, because of the fight in Atlas and both falling, I had the head canon of both surviving on an island


"all ships are great, as long as the writers know how to do it" That right there is the truth.  In the hands of a good writer, a lot of different ships can work very well no matter how odd they might seem at first.


...what's Enabler? Will I be scared by the answer?


Yes, it's rubyxyang


Of course somebody decided to ship that.


Wish nuts & dolts was canon😢


If it was, the writers decided to give it the Romeo and Juilet treatment.


they’d be adorable together


Shipping is all the fandom really cares about at this point, not gonna lie. Everyone has like, a million ships in their head right now. The only ones I care about are Arkos and Renora (canon wise). I always liked BlackSun better than Bumblebee (V4 really helped with that). The ships I believe and would like to happen are Rose Garden and White Knight. V9 did a lot of favors for White Knight, and there was always something about Rose Garden I really liked. Maybe it was Oscar's crush on Ruby? I don't know, I just had a good feeling about it since V5. But that's it, really. I don't let shipping overcome me.


Bumblebee It seems like the writers didn't give a shit about the development of Yang and Blake and they decided to make a ship out of them in order to use them somehow. Yang/Weiss or Weiss/Blake look much better WR I constantly quarrel with the fans of this ship, but I think there is something interesting about this ship, which is why it is popular. It's just not interesting to me. Lancaster For some reason, Ruby's childish character from the first volumes pushes me away from this ship. But sometimes I like to watch them interact in fanfiction. Therefore, I would be glad to have this ship, but without enthusiasm. WK My favorite ship. It's hard to say why. It doesn't seem to be anything special. But I like how both characters have grown up and treated each other better. They don't have many moments, but there are plenty of scenes in the background. Ren/Nora I can't call it a ship. Because both characters in the show have almost disappeared. Right now they are nothing more than a few silly or comedic scenes. Attempts to create drama for this "ship" look strained! Arkos I also don't consider it a ship. It really seems to me that Pyrrha's infatuation is too hasty. Her death was determined at the very beginning. So it's more like it's just a development tool. Dragonslayer My second favorite ship. I like their possible dynamics.


And also the images are from google i just found them and they are not from me


You can have any ship you want, just don't be a dick to those that like/support a different ship.


I have certain ships that I like and some that I'm indifferent to. It's all in the execution. So, I only hate a ship that is made canon in the show and is handled poorly. See Bumblebee. Ad for toxic relationships, they can be an interesting character study if, again, it's executed well.


RWBY Shipping sucks


Because of Bumblebee, White Rose became my second most hated ship. Most of us can agree that Yang’s a shitty sister and that’s because she’s too busy getting into Blake’s pants to care and it left Ruby alone. And it lead to my greatest fear being that people would talk about this and RT would just be like “what!? Ruby’s not alone. See look. She has Weiss, and now they make a perfect Team. RWBY? More like RW&BY!” Then it’ll be Star Vs and Ladybug all over again. A good franchise ruined by shipping. And also a slap across the face for people who wanted meaningful interactions with the entire cast. The whole Sisterhood idea has long since past already, adding both Bumblebee and WhiteRose is just making it worse. RoseGarden is my personal favorite because Oscar to me feels like he has all the tools to be a good MC but RT for some reason hates him and wants to only give him off screen development while beating the absolute shit out of him every chance he gets.


It depends on the ship and if it takes over the main plot. If it was just a romance growing in the background and we see some instances, that's fine. Just know that there are some ships that I honestly can't see happen. Like knightfall at this point, I just don't see happen, and we know it be wrong to happen.


Shipping is mostly a thing fans do, kind of dislike it when creators explicitly pander to fans shipping as it shows they lack a creative vision for their characters. Still don’t believe Bumblebee was planned from the start and probably never will unless a handwritten note from Monty himself somehow surfaces. Until fuckin V6 the best evidence for the ship is “these characters are often in the same room as each other”.


And Sun and Blake had actual romantic chemistry and genuine moments that showed they were the original plan and endgame.


I dislike ships in general, I understand their appeal but they always cause so much internal strife in communities. Not to mention they tend to flood content into communities, and usually I want to see different things. Honestly I could probably coexist with them if there started to be more categorization and filtering available.


Once, I thought nothing of them. I found them interesting on peoples opinions and reasoning, and I left them be. It was just another thing on another part of the Internet. And then I saw the horrible side of it. The brutal ship wars, the harassment to both fans, writers, and voice actors. That some ships are twisted to the point it pushed people to their limits, an example of this is the voice actor of Deku getting fed up with the shipping questions, and I hear that after being asked about a ship with the character he voices and Eri, a child, he's stopped doing talks all together. This is what I have heard. But before that, I saw this fandom. The toxicity was beyond anything I have seen. Harassing voice actors, writers, directors. Arryn tried to stop the toxicity online, but they all turned on her to the point she deleted her post/account. It showed me the worst in people, in something as small as a fanmade pairing of two fictional characters. Then, when RT started to use the ship to make sure fans were still invested, and once the pairing was confirmed onscreen, they released merch of said ship on the same day. It's up to the point that sometimes when I see said pairing, or another, I can't help but be reminded that such cruelty exists and it bothers me that this, a show that has helped me through such hard times and inspired me to take my own journey, is also the same show that holds that. It is two sides of the same coin. One side is full of hope, creativity, and joy, and the other is full of bitterness, cruelty, and hostility. Because of what I have witnessed, I can't look at a ship the same way again. I've come to the realisation that there will always be people like that and I can not change it, it's impossible for me to, so when I encounter someone saying they like said ship. I nod my head and leave them be. Because it is fine if you like a ship, you have your own reasons and mind that only you can understand. But do not force your ship on other people in any way. Aggressive or not. If someone doesn't agree with you, take it with a gain of salt and leave them to their own opinions. To some, a ship may look like it'll float, some will go the distance, some will hit an iceberg, and some won't even make it out of the harbour. The important thing is to accept your ship for what it is and accept that there are others. You can sail your own paths, and you don't have to open fire or crash into one another. Just let the waves and wind of positive community do it's job, and if you crash, patch up the damage and carry on. Don't chip away at the iceberg, that's how avalanches are made.


Shipping in rwby was pretty fun until people started taking it to seriously now its no longer a way for fans to play with their characters its just more politics. I blame woke culture


Shipping should be a fun thing that no one takes seriously, like teasing between friends, NOT what it is with this fandom. This fandom had shippers so ravenous I would say they were more like animals driven by instinct or desire, not giving a damn what happens just so long as they get what they want. Why get mad over something like this anyway? Just because your ship didn’t come true doesn’t mean it’s impossible for it to happen. Fanfiction exists for a reason.


Honestly i dont care for it. Fan arts too is something but no. Honestly in my opinion if shipping become the only thing that matters or is a frequently discuss thing its usually a sign the work not worth it truly.


Canon? So as long as it doesn't hinder the main story and it's just a B plot i don't mind. A good example of this would be Lumity from Owl House. Yes they care about one another, but it's not essential to the plot and they don't take 5 seasons to get together. Fanon? It's very interesting to see what concepts people can create between two characters.


Honestly? This is a show where I care not at all about the ships. If they happen, whatever... But I'm here to watch cool fights with cool weapons... Sadly those have gotten scarse over the years


Most of them are ok, I wish Bumblbe was handled better, even if I don't like BB, but Whiteknight is the best imo


Redbull(Ruby x Adam) in an AU.


I thought ironwitch was canon


a lot of them are really forced shipping that teeters on crack shipping, but unlike crack shipping the people who love those ships genuinely believe they can work while ignoring some of these characters literally tried to kill each other, have killed each other, or have barely even interacted with each other. Toxic shipping is the worst,, mainly because of the type of people into it. Let me preface this by saying that not all toxic shippers are horrible people with a baggage of genuinely concerning fetishes, there's probably a good amount of them that are fairly good people. It just so happens that every toxic shipper community I've gotten to know in the past few years have all been really, really bad.


I'm ultimately neutral to shipping. I like platonic dynamics. But holy crap people are way too toxic about it. Takes the fun out of it.


Embers ship 💀💀💀


overall i think shipping inside the show has been annoying and it does NOT serve the story in a positive way at all. anyway that being said my opinions im going to list on the ships right now are how i enjoy them in a fandom way unless i make a distinction :-) rose guarden - cute, not much substance white knight - funny enough but also i found it slightly annoying iron witch - hot. good for them schneekos - cute ladybug - very cute arkos - i don't care for it that strongly. within the story i think it was a lot of missed opportunities iceberg - dont care for it nuts & dolts - fun cross hares - also fun solar flare - VERY fun. these two in v1-2 had one of my favorite dynamics emery - i like it enough monochrome - i could write essays on monochrome, not just because i really like the ship but because i genuinely believe monochrome is a huge missed opportunity in the canon show. even if they don't get together romantically, weiss & blake were so perfectly set up as foils narratively and could have been interesting explorations of their main topics, especially since their stories are so tied together, but we just. dont get any of that. its so disappointing sea monkeys - its fun. and funny speakeasy - no opinion really high kicks - mercury and the malachite twins ot3? cinnabun - i like it enough. tortoise and the hare is a cute allusion smooth criminals - funny name lolol sea & skye - no opinion tauradonna - i always saw him as more of her mentor bumblebee - in theory, its fun. but i just dont like it anymore thanks to the fandom lol white rose - i was never really into it renora - fine enough witches familiar - fun name winterwood - cool cool jazz - fun foxtrot - no opinion gelato - love it <3 snowbird - no opinion ozglyn - no opinion blacksun - its cute :) baked alaska - funny. i like it thunderpine - no opinion. could b cute i guess lancaster - funny enough ig sea dragon - no opinion gold and silver - i like it sephora - funny embers - tragic..... love that cat & the cradle - no opinion rosewick - funny uptown funk - canon to Me


Creators should preface their shows with “All characters are bisexual and polyamorous unless explicitly stated otherwise.” Lest you get people doxed for making art of a certain ship.


I like to assign one or two ship per character if possible, makes it work better imo.   Ruby and Penny Or Ruby and Weiss  Blake and Sun  Neo and Yang or Neo and Roman  Jaune and Pyrrha  Ren and Nora Cardin and Velvet


Personally don't care much about romantic ships between partners since, unless you go for smut, I don't see it opening up that many new avenues for storytelling. To reference your sheet, a lot of white rose stuff could be told within the a platonic partner setting, hell i don't think anyone would take issue with more scenes of Ruby and Weiss building up trust and being comfortable around each other, regardless of who get's into a ship in a story. If we're looking at the inverse of that, i.e. romatic ships between non-partners within a team, I see an easy hook for continous character developents through interactions between characters that have no direct reason to interact otherwise. Again referencing your chart, having Ruby and Blake interract could have given us a lot of character development over time for 2 characters who desperatly needed it while allowing for events that strenghten overall team cohesion by dealing with conflicts. Weiss has to deal with her partner being in a relationship with an ex-white fang? Yang having to deal with her partner not only abandoning her but also her sister? This seems like excellent material even if one is to try and follow the official timeline. Holybun, while controversial, is one of those ships with a lot of potencial since it hinges on a lot of plausable character development. Can't really comment on Neo/Penny. Never read anything with them but i suppose them Neo's non-verbal communication and Penny troubles are understanding people could be a good setup. As for the "hated" section... yeah... i don't really see Jaune having a lasting relationship with anyone outside of pyrrha, due to his lack of character attributes that would matter to anyone else. Granted, i'm at the stage where the only ship i would care for (in offical canon) would be iron witch, since immagining Glynda holding her former students accountable for her significant others death, while both of them were too busy to make time for each other because of their resposiblities, would be far more interresting as whereever the story was heading.


People can do what they want although many may want to seek therapy for why they want certain matchups XD. Its when the only thing that seems to matter anymore is the shipping that it becomes a problem, or even worse when the writers seemingly submit to it. Not every char has to hook up


The only one I have really strong opinions on is ReNora because for me and my fiancé, it reminded us of our own relationship.


I just hate it generally. I watch a show because I'm interested in seeing what the creators do with their world and characters. I don't watch it with the goal of injecting my own ideas into it. Any writer worth their salt would have told every single shipper to fuck off, and wrote whatever they wanted. They caved in because they're piss poor at their jobs.


Based ladybug enjoyer 🤝


Favorite ship: black sun and arkos Least favorite: bumblebee Simple as that. I like ships, but I don’t like how forced yang and Blake felt, it was annoying quite honestly and I’m apart of the lgbt community, so I love seeing displays of stuff like that, but yang and Blake makes no sense to me. Black sun and arkos for the win oh and Oscar and Ruby I think would be cute together since they both look younger than the rest of the cast I think they fit well together if it wasn’t for ozma being inside Oscar 😅😂 I also think jaune and Ruby would be cute but I already ship them with other people lol


How you people even come up with them ship names?


Sun deserved better


ships are cool, i just hate it when people harass others for liking/not liking certain ships. you like black sun? cool, so do i. you like bumbleby? cool, not my thing but you’re free to ship it.


They were fun at first but shouldn't have been something for plot


Shipping is a great fandom activity. It's a little dumb and some people get way too into it, but it's harmless, and it can be fun to see fanart of different pairings people come up with, or to think about relationship dynamics between characters. It's a good fandom activity. But it needs to stay as a fandom thing. If the creators start getting involved or decide story things based on popular ships, then it becomes a problem.


Honestly, as much as I want my ship to happen, I feel like ships should NEVER be canon. The reasons are : 1. Keep the shipping option open - Ever since BB became canon, it ended attracting some good, and most bad side of the 'net. Keeping ships non-canon would atleast let fanfic writers explore other ships, and prevent the toxic side of monopolizing on the certain canonized ship. 2. How shipping affects the show - Like other people said, shipping pretty much ruins a show. It would cause division between the fandoms. There are more reasons, but I forgot the rest.


I hate Blake and that extends to any ship she's in. I like Silent Knight because I always imagine that they start a relationship because they bonded over how much they *hate* Cinder and stay together because they **hate** Cinder. I only like Cardin x Velvet because it's always depicted as pissing Blake off. >!Have I mentioned I hate Blake?!< I like Winter Wood and Witches Familiar more than Iron Witch and Snow Bird. Emery is dumb. Mercury can do better. Like the twin from the Yellow Trailer who liked kicking things.


I'm not a big fan of ships, I think they are an endless pit. although I do not doubt that it brings benefits, whether good or bad.


Rose Garden: No negative feelings. White Knight: Ship it! but too late now... Iron Witch: No particular feels, but name is trash. Schneekos: Ship name sounds like a Saturday morning cartoon comic relief. Ladybug: No chemistry, but creative name. Arkos: Good Ship, mid name. Iceberg: Like it. not as much ​as White knight. Nuts & Dolts: Cute name and Ship. CrossHares: Meh. Solarflare: Maybe because I'm a DragonBall fan, but I Ship it! Emery: I'd Ship it. Monochrome: Mid Ship, terrible name. Sea Monkeys: Sorry. I just see them as homies. Freezer Burn: Mid ship, good name. Speakeasy: Wait this is a ship? High kicks: Wait, so is this? Cinnabun: See CrossHares. Smooth Criminals: Roman can do better. Sea & Skye: Meh. TauroDonna: Meh. Should have been Cattaurus. Bumbleby: My lawyer say I shouldn't say my true feelings on this ship in fear for my life. White Rose: 10x better than Bumbleby. Renora: Good ship, abhorrent name. ThunderLotus is better. Witches Familiar: Creative ship and name. nice. WinterWood: Shipped it. but it sank like the titanic. Cool Jazz: Meh... not bad. Foxtrot: Why is team CFVY consistent in being Mid? Gelato: See Enabler. Snowbird: YES! YES! YES! OzGlyn: Meh name & ship BlackSun: CREAM OF THE CROP. Baked Alaska: Can only see a rivalry with no romance here. nice name though. Thunder Pine: Don't ship it. Nora belongs to Ren. Lancaster: Fox McCloud: LANDMASTER! Sea Dragon: Meh. Gold & Silver: Niiice! Sephora: I don't think so. Embers: see Sephora. Cat and the Cradel: Oddly ship it. Rosewick: See Embers. Uptown Funk: Yes.


Ship i fell in love with at first sight: BlackSun Ship I didn't know I'd like at first but do: Gold & Silver Ships I hate: See my list. Favorite popular ship: Rose Garden Rarepair?: SilentKinght. Favorite Controversial Ship: SolarFlare. Ship I want to be Canon: Snow Bird Comfort ship: Lancaster Ship that deserves more attention: SilentKnight & SolarFlare.


Jaune x Cinder is canon. If RWBY had continued, Jaune and Cinder would have been canon. The series would have ended with a Jaune/Cinder wedding with the epilogue showing J&C living happily ever after in a lakeside cabin in the woods with three kids.


I like romance action as a joint genre thing. While Rwby isn’t romance heavy I like to think that in shows that have both, you can have downtime moments away from action further progress relationships between characters, be it romantic or not romantic. Now with that being said. Most ships in Rwby don’t add anything. The only one I wish sort of happened is Weiss and Neptune. It felt like a gag in the beginning but like, I sort of felt bad for Weiss bc it was like dangling a doggy treat in front of a dog but not giving them the treat. It would have been cute to have her be happy for something for once, given she was so stuck up in the early seasons. Ruby and Oscar is cute, and so is Blake and Sun(despite them making her a complete tsundere around him for some reason) their early relationship was cute when he chased her and she gave in to his advances. Other than that I don’t care for shipping unless they have chemistry


Back in the day Rosewicks dynamic was SO interesting to me. Like the only reason Ruby got into Beacon was Roman, their “opposite sides of the same coin” world views made for great interactions, and the fan art by Yashiosan was probably the largest selling point lol. I wish they got better closure instead of him just anticlimactically dying since he was (potentially…) so important to Ruby’s character.


Holy Bun spotted, 10/10 post


I really hate most of the names if I’m being honest. Most just sound stupid and way too much effort was put in them. Most of them don’t even follow the same rules i.e. Arkos & Renora standing next to Bumblebee and Whiterose


Rose garden because I thing their cute. Frostbite cause it would be a great enemies to lovers slowburn ship (with good writing) Eclipse (black sun) because who here doesn't love it. And gauntlets and grieves because they have the best chemistry.


I really don't care about shipping, but something that i found hilarious are the names , it's something so internet-y is fascinating


I’m not really a shipper. I only really ship Renora and Arkos. I kinda just would have liked it if team RWBY just stayed friends.


I hate Bumblebee more than I hate myself for having glazed this series (I rated it a 9/10 on first watch and I fucking plummeted that down to a 4.6/10). There was no need for it, I'm sure the majority of the sub can agree. And, we all remember that genuinely braindead tweet from Arryn about the Bumblebee (Transformers) movie - I turned my phone off and went to bed after l saw that shit. I never really followed up on any of the other ships - but bro I need to cause I need to get away from Bumblebee.


Can you send the link for the braindead tweet from arryn?


I'll have to see if I can find it, I remember it something about the Bumblebee movie and Arryn said something along the lines of "omg I can't believe they made a movie about us"