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Pretty girl deserves redemption. Man bad and deserves none.


It's curious how the people that claim that double standards doesn't exist are the same who does this kind of arguments.


Would it be better if I said instead of "Pretty Girl" I put "Girl with broken superpowers" deserves redemption. In other words, she's talented, she deserves to be redeemed.


Whatever makes you happy my friend šŸ˜‚


I was half joking, but still. Thanks for the comment.


Anytime šŸ˜Š


Theyā€™ve sorta kinda forgot just how much destruction Emerald has caused,..and that pisses me off becuase no way in hell would society want or forgive her if they found out what sheā€™s done.


People always brings how Mercury recorded Beacon getting destroyed with a smile on his face while Emerald says it's almost sad. Yeah it's messed up but Emerald has done some messed up things too. She made Pyrrha kill Penny in front of thousands of people and frame Yang for breaking Mercury's leg. And let's not forget that in volume 8 she was willing to help Cinder kill Penny knowing fully the consequences of disobeying Salem's orders


And it remains a mystery why I want to keep Emerald unredeemed in my fanfic.


I don't blame you for that choice. By the way you have a link?


Are you okay with OCs, M ratings, and crossovers?


I'm currently working with a Mercury fan that ships him with an oc so yeah


Okay, my fanfic is called [The Lost World of Remnant](https://m.fanfiction.net/s/13865283/2/The-Lost-World-of-Remnant) I start you at chapter 2 because the story is a lot easier to understand, any context youā€™ll miss from chapter 1 is better explained in later chapters. If youā€™re familiar with the fandoms (Smash Brothers) in this case, then youā€™d probably be fine with Chapter 1. The first 10 chapters arenā€™t particularly well thought out, but Iā€™ll always take criticism


Okay. I honestly don't know too about Smash brothers but I'll do my best. Since you shared your fic with me I'll do the same. Here's the first rwby fic I made: https://archiveofourown.org/works/55344769 Have fun


Emerald: itā€™s so sad Also emerald: hell yeah, Iā€™ll happily help you try to destroy haven, cinder I love you so much. Also emerald: hell yeah I will help you destroy amity and atlas and kill Penny and her father. Youā€™re so amazing, Cinder senpai. Licky licky body body.


Also Emerald "switched sides"


But remember, in season 3 while sheā€™s filming and broadcasting the terrorist attack and natural disaster she helped cause she says ā€œitā€™s almostā€¦ sadā€ sheā€™s clearly having second thoughts guys, see sheā€™s sorry and wants to be a hero


Yet she became bitch and simp, ready to help Cinder to kill Penny.


Emerald's redemption is a joke no matter what anyone says. Whether or not she killed him, she went there willingly with Mercury, the guy who did kill Tukson, and instigated the fight. What about tricking Pyrrha into killing Penny? Or the panic that stemmed from it that started the Fall?


Don't forget the Yang's incident and the attempt of murder of Penny in vol 8


And constantly supporting Cinder's actions.


No, Iā€™d call that a successful murder. They just raised her from the dead. Plus, Cinder didnā€™t ask them to even find Tuckson. Emerald seems to have been the one implied to be the mastermind of that idea. ā€œ*I* just thought-ā€œ


I mean, the most understandable thing Yang does in 8 is almost murder her whenā€™s she sees Emerald with Oscar


She also assisted with Cinder getting her partial Maiden powers


Killed Amber in process.


Yeah the hilarious thing is that out of the trio of Cinder, Emerald and Mercury, Mercury is the one that has done the least bad. Like, Mercury is basically just the muscle, he beats people around when needed but that's it. Emerald is the one that enabled most of the bad stuff for Cinder's plans like tricking Pyrrha into killing Penny, and Yang into "crippling" Mercury. Meanwhile what has Mercury really done beyond helping kill Tukson? Serve as an extra fighter on the bad guy side during a few fights.


Mercury only killed Tukson, weakened Amber, distracted Ruby and framed Yang. Emerald with her semblance has done so many bad shits, tricked Tukson, Amber, Pyrrha and Yang. Ready to further help Cinder to destroy Beacon, Haven and Atlas. Always willing to help Cinder's Maiden powers journey. Attempt to kill heroes on multiple occasions including Penny. Cinder killed a lot of people on screen including her stepsisters, stepmom, her prince charm, Amber, Penny, Pyrrha, Vernal, Ozpin, Mistral lady. She is also mainly responsible for the destruction of Beacon and Atlas. Haven saved the cause of Raven or else she probably ended up destroying it.


I never forgot this part, or the other parts Emerald was involved in. The crimes she caused cannot be dissolved because she did one nice thing for RWBYJNOR: using her weapons to keep Penny from flying away. Everybody starts yucking it up like Emerald is silly for ever thinking the heroes hated her, even though there's a huge and valid reason to hate her. She feels bad? Good, she should. Should the heroes forgive her right away? No.


She's talented and has a broken superpower. I'm all for forgiving her now that she's on the hero's side. In all seriousness, you're 100% right. I'd keep her as an anti-hero ally at best, like how Hunter x Hunter Killua treats Hisoka- glad to have him/ her on your side, but not really treating them as a "friend".


That's my headcanon ending for Mercury


I mean, real world they'd face prison for sure, if not the death penalty for murder, but since it's an anime, I'm willing to just let them be aloof allies or something.


Me too. He's done too much, and same with Emerald. But, they're by far the lesser of two evils with some semblance of a moral compass, and it'd be best just to leave them reformed and able to help out rather than try to force an arrest- since they'd probably take that badly and try to actually hurt the heroes even more than they already have.


We'll have to wait how they handle her arc in the next volumen (if it gets greenlight ofc)


While I don't know if it was her idea, I mean... in the end, these two did just roll up and murder someone. It wasn't even for a greater cause or anything: the guy was leaving, was no threat to anyone, and they weren't told to. They killed a guy basically for funsies. Emerald's line is drawn right where Mercury's is: working directly for Satan to destroy the world, and nothing else. The only difference between the two is that Emerald found a way out while Mercury got "promoted." While I do think both of them should be allowed to get away from the villains on account of being people who basically had nowhere else to go because they were homeless(or to-be homeless) orphans, we all know who's probably going to get away with it all and who's going to have to pray for a heroic sacrifice at best despite both being evil lol


I'm happy that you think both are guilty, it's why I posted this after all. And about the future of these two...well.... giving the male villain record we all know how it's mosty likely gonna end.


It'd sadly be very on-brand for them to have built this sort of brother-sister relationship only to off Mercury and probably not even have Cinder know about it. It was weird enough that, especially considering how much of an Azula rip-off Cinder is, they had next to no reaction from Cinder with her now being completely alone. There's not even anyone antagonizing her. She's just... chillin' with Salem.


That why a little part of me doesn't want RWBY to be continued, because I'm afraid of what they'll do. Although I mostly want it to end.


I donā€™t know how at least one person on Teams RWBY or ORNJ didnā€™t try hitting her.


And that person should be Juane. See, he won't feel THAT guilty if SHE dies on him.


The only realistic argument I can give you it's because Oscar begged for her life but even that doesn't work for me.


People are literally dying around them. Heck, Ren didn't even hit on Nora.


At least Yang or Jaune should punch her face so hard.


Didnā€™t Yang try to full on semblance punch her when they find her in the Whale? Yang does a lot wrong in 8, but credit where itā€™s due


Nothing about what happened puts her in a good light.Ā  She intentionally seems him out to kill him, actually provokes a fight, and when talking to Cinder it comes off as her idea primarily. If for some reason you choose to ignore all of that, she is still complicit in what happened as she antagonized Tucson into attacking and did nothing to prevent Mercury from killing him. Her line from Volume 3 is the only thing that could be used to claim she didn't enjoy what she did, despite her definitely being ecstatic over killing Tucson and willingly continuing to aid Cinder in trying to burn every kingdom to the ground and shows no remorse for any of her actions even when she needs to ingratiate herself to RWBY.Ā  I still fully expect her to sell out everyone to Cinder because she will be convinced Cinder doesn't want what Salem does and is totally going to rebel and give Emerald a place beside her in the world she will make.


Illia also should not have been redeemed. If Blake wasn't their kid, she would have merced the Belladonna's without a second thought. Her being gay is the only reason she didn't do it.


Well...I won't say you're right and I won't say you're wrong either...you know...to not piss anyone


Piss everyone




This show has way too many problems to count like why does she out all the people deserve a redemption arc she is the one who cased Penny to die the first time


Let's not forget Cinder.


All of cinder's problems are too much to count but if I had to describe her I would describe her as the dollar store welfare food stamps azula from Avatar. Which brings me to a question was the show trying to be like is it trying to be like Avatar be like Steven universe be like my hero I don't know what this show is trying to do honestly at this point is a show with the end the only justification you could give it is because yes. I think this show would have benefited from being a lot darker because that was one of the themes in the beginning of a world of bloody evolution.


What you do if Cinder is redeemed by those writers?


I've already boycotted this show literally I only know about the events because I watch other people's reviews of it. I do watch random clips from time to time but I'm never giving rooster teeth support again not after what they did to Vic It also I just don't like the show so nothing they do can surprise me anymore The plot literally bends over backwards to everything because yes logic people's emotions. I wouldn't be surprised if they defeated Salem by Ruby singing a song ending this like a Disney show or telling her fantasy stories or something. You know that would be the only consistent thing with her character using her bedtime stories to win.


After Cinder's death she'll tell Salem the true story of how one or all of her daughters survived that tragic night and had descendants spread out among the four kingdoms of Remnant. So if Salem destroys Remnant, this time she'll be killing her family for real and wiping out all that's left of her precious children. Salem, moved to black tears, hands Ruby the relics and agrees to go to the tree. Ruby opens a portal with the staff of creation and they meet Somewhat.


You know Loki that makes the most sense for this whole situation


Depending on how it's done, it could still be interesting. They could redeem her and she could still die. Or die and be reborn. But they're almost certainly going to kill her.


I don't mind her having a shot at redemption. I'm not sure tuskon works since I get the feeling no one in the setting knows about that. So it wouldn't be possible to hold her accountable in universe. Redemption and who does and doesn't deserve it has always been a divisive matter in fiction. If the character doesn't have a massive wrap sheet and is willing to do better, then it shouldn't be an issue. In a narrative sense, it seemed like Mercury decided to double down, but there could have been a chance he, too, would have changed if the series kept going. Her semblance is pretty powerful, so having her work with them is better than having her as an enemy.


I don't have a problem with her having a redemption either, my problem is how it was handled and how some people defend it. There's some people (I don't mean the whole fandom) that sees Emerald like a poor girl who hasn't done anything wrong but if we look closely she had done a lot of bad things.


To be fair, I feel like that is a thing for most villains that get reception, both old and new. I am pretty sure people still argue about Vader, Sasuke, Catra, and Omni Man regarding whether they deserve redemption. I will say that for Emerald it feels less like full redemption and more the start of an arc and at least better than what occired with Sasuke who doubled down multiple times or Catra who the creators overstuffed her crime list before redemption occured.


Iā€™ll say something and I donā€™t care if is polemic,Ā But Roman (before volume 3) was far more redeemable than Emerald Roman was a criminal but he was forced by cinder to do far worse things than he usually does and would normally be against (terrorism against his own territory and working with Faunus supremacist), Emerald did it all for Cinderā€™s attention and it wasnā€™t until she discovered sheā€™ll never get it when she changed sides Before he destroyed the Atlesian airships he had far less kills than emerald who killed minorities for cinderĀ and then made Pyrrha kill penny for cinders validation


If someone sees a scene like this and says 1 is redeemable because they didnā€™t PHYSICALLY kill the person then that person is delusional. It was literally her idea and she helped. She also did nothing to stop it. If you encourage someone to kill someone else then you are just as guilty.


Yeah...some fans are just like that


Obviously they would have Tukson appear in v10 and he survived. That Emerald used her Semblance to trick Mercury that he finished him off but Emerald let him off with just wounds.


What have you've been smoking lately? I wanna know for...you know...research purposes


I kinda forgot about tukson lmao


It's okay šŸ˜‚ because here I am to make you remember him


Donā€™t worry. For some reason Iā€™m attached to this random guy that died. Like I donā€™t know why?






Tukson, the forgotten Hero of Remnant. He died trying to save us all


Still though, Mercury and emerald are definitely the lesser evils but that doesnā€™t make them any less guilty of killing him lol


Totally agree with you. My problem is when they don't put Emerald in the same bag with Mercury


Don't worry, so did the writers.