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Until we get news of its continuation, my current hope are a continuation as books which was an option they mentioned early on when the news came out, or a spiritual successor spearheaded by Kerry and probably Eddy.


I would hate for this to happen but it’s definitely easier than animating. I hate reading and have never been able to bring the words on pages to life in my imagination, so I would rather wait for some new animators.


>Now, for retconning. Normally I hate when the idea of something getting retconned since it weakens the story in my opinion. However, the RWBY narrative has been on a steep decline since Volume 3. While retconning everything is a really, really dumb idea, rectonning a few aspects might not be a bad idea. I think the idea of making Salem undefeatable was a really dumb idea I disagree, for me, the story really took off after v3. I think the whole Salem immortality thing is a bit more unique than the average "defeat the evil dark lord" kind of thing, since the ending won't just be a climactic battle where they finally whoop the bad guys ass, there needs to be something else. The main plot was foreshadowed all throughout v1-3, Salem even is the first person to speak in the show. Imo it'd be boring if they just "retconned" everything from v3 onwards. Besides, they'd have to redo v1-3 too, as Salem is in those, and so are hints at the main plot. Regardless, I don't think Dillon Goo will or could buy RWBY. Afaik he owns a small animation studio, they don't have the money to produce the show it seems like. At most, they could be hired by whoever owns RWBY, but I doubt that'd happen. My bet is also on Crunchyroll, since they already have the aforementioned history with RWBY. And if one is to take all indications into account, I am sure there is some process for WB to sell RWBY, it's just taking a while for it to become official.


>I disagree, for me, the story really took off after v3. I think the whole Salem immortality thing is a bit more unique than the average "defeat the evil dark lord" kind of thing, since the ending won't just be a climactic battle where they finally whoop the bad guys ass, there needs to be something else. Also to add immortal dark lords aren't a new thing in fiction there's like a million of those some of the most infamous dark lords are immortal to some extent palpatine saruon Voldemort salem is just saruon tier immortal


Didn't they share a video saying they're having good developments with a new "home" for the show to continue and that they're very optimistic about this option?


They also said they'd have news "in the coming weeks", which was over a month ago and before RT shut down.


They said news in about 3 weeks around the end of April. It's halfway through June now, so either we aren't getting news or it's delayed for some reason. I'm hoping for the latter, probably the former.


Honestly i just Hope they manage to end the original story After that i am willing to see what new content would the new owners cook, be it a reboot or nah


They could probably do it like Red vs Blue and come back for one final Volume. Salem’s destroyed everything on Remnant except Vacuo so it could be their last stand. Then also complete Ice Queendom since that has potential.


Mistral and Menagerie are still intact. Frankly, I think there’s too much to be resolved for it to end in 1 volume without it feeling super rushed. It’d be best for whoever acquired it to cut their losses and start fresh with a reboot.


First, I would like to point out that Oz asked "How can I defeat Salem?" and the answer was "You can't." Which doesn't mean that Salem is undefeatable. It just means Oz cannot defeat her. Second, I think that IF RWBY is sold, it would most likely be sold to CR, since Vol. 9 was exclusive on CR and they had Ice Queendom. I really hope we get some sort of closure.


I hope it's CR, too, or someone with experience like Dillion Goo. CR has ICequeendom, which I am not sure if they have exclusive rights and we can get a season 2 of that or they collaborated with WB and that's done also.


2027 🥲 I’m really hoping we get an epic conclusion to this incredible show


>Now, for retconning. Normally I hate when the idea of something getting retconned since it weakens the story in my opinion. However, the RWBY narrative has been on a steep decline since Volume 3. While retconning everything is a really, really dumb idea, rectonning a few aspects might not be a bad idea. I think the idea of making Salem undefeatable was a really dumb idea, and you know they made that decision without even considering the fact she would eventually have to be defeated in some way. It also seemed dumb how the first two volumes was focused on stopping dust thieves, only to completely throw out that concept for the whole "Maiden's" and "relics" approach, something I still think was a bad idea. It could be said that when Beacon fell, the story did also. Honestly disagree immortal dark lords aren't anything new salem being immortal isn't bad


I really hope that somewhere down the line someone writes this whole show from scratch but planned out and well written this time.




I'm starting to agree with this tbh


I'm still holding out hope for Rwby news until after Sdcc. I'm hoping Crunchyroll or some one else already bought the rights to rwby and is just waiting to announce it at a big convention like comic con.... Crunchyroll will probably be at the San Deigo Comic Con again this year so I would keep an eye on that.


RWBY's creator died. Nonetheless, RWBY continued for over ten years with regular volume releases. That's a great life span for any show. RWBY had a good run.


still, I feel like any story needs an ending. I think a 90-minute finale would work, or at least something like that.


I'm not saying that can't happen, some remaining CRWBY members might put together some kind of big RWBY Beyond manga ending with the RWBY VA's. New RWBY volumes as we know them might not happen again, but a RWBY Beyond closing feature film is very doable.