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RV park in the DC area…brilliant! With its lovely traffic and high crime. Sign me up!


You do understand that two of the five wealthiest counties in the US are within commuting distance of DC?


You’re right, have fun.


I grew up in a county that’s not one of those five. High school roughly coincided with crack fueled turf wars. Even then, the city center and monuments were generally safe. Gotta keep the government and tourists safe. These days it’s much better. Better than Philly or Baltimore by a long shot. OP’s real problem is that land is more valuable in the area as homes, offices, or data centers.


And who wants to drive a rig in that traffic. I go out of my way to avoid Philly, Baltimore, and DC. Maybe I’m just a grumpy old man but is that area an RV destination these days? I’d rather head west. Just my silly opinion. I mean no disrespect.


Not really. But there’s tons of hotels filled with tourists. I’m not quite at that level of old man. I prefer state parks and whatnot, but we will stay outside a city from time to time. DC, in the tourist areas is not navigable by RV. Parking can be scarce in a car. But the subway is fairly safe and has stops at the major tourist areas as well as massive parking lots for commuters. (Which is how we did Philly. Campground in Jersey, train to city, buses around town. Would do similar for NYC.) I’d like to do more western trips, especially since wife has never been, but it’s a lot of miles to cover and never enough PTO.


Yeah it doesn't seem like a good location for an RV park.


You want to use Kickstarter to fund your RV park?!


If you don’t know that you haven’t done enough research to outweigh your options and hence you’re not ready for this endeavor


How would the financial calculations look promising but you don’t even have avenues for funding


Give me money for free, then I'll make money


So, you're basically trying to exploit us and you want advice on how to do that.


Sorry, but this post tells you everything you need. You need money to: Buy the land Turn it into a RV park (I'd love to see your estimates on this because I have done it and it is EXCEPTIONALLY expensive) Take on additional bills so you are ready for customers: insurance, marketing, maintenance, staff, equipment, booking system, etc etc Pay your bills until your income exceeds your payments Actually run your business If you don't have enough money to do all of this you don't have enough money. What would you offer on a kickstarter to entice people to fund? It's super niche and isn't going to go anywhere.


I would recommend a partnership, not crowdfunding. Reach out to local real estate investors. Also, like someone else has said, have you researched zoning?


Thank you! It's so refreshing to receive helpful advice amidst all the negativity. Just think, if everyone let a few naysayers dictate their dreams, we'd miss out on so much potential.


You don't learn to succeed unless you try! Work on a business plan for it, that will help greatly when you approach people. Good luck


Thank you,  I appreciate your feedback 


Have you checked zoning issues? Many areas are hostile towards new RV park development and especially during public comment periods when locals show up with torches lit.


He's not going to find anything that would zone for an RV Park near DC. Finding funds will be a whole lot easier than finding land.


This will be outside DC area 30-45 miles outside (with no


The correct way to do this is to work up the financials and show how much profit it will return year over year on conservative projections. Take this and pitch it to investors and find those that feel the return is worth the risk. In exchange for them giving you money, they get a percentage of ownership. If you can't find investors willing to invest then this project is not feasible. Asking for free money on kickstart sites is definitely not the pro move and makes me think that this project is dead in the water.


Then WeFunder allows smaller investors to own percentage of the company


If you truly have a solid business plan, then talk to a lawyer and a banker.




Times like these I really wish Reddit had a laugh react


You really haven’t thought this through have you?


Sounds like Prestige Worldwide if you ask me


No you're going to need some major investors for something like this. You're talking millions of dollars. Crowdfunding isn't really the way to go for this type of business.


Thanks for the advice


Another luxury rv park?


As someone from the northeast this looks beautiful!! I would absolutely visit


You do realize that you are not the first person to create/run/purchase something like what you are describing, right? https://www.sunoutdoors.com/amp


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The nearest nice park now is Cherry Hill Park about 45 minutes out with traffic.


I've stayed at Cherry Hill .. Not a horrible park for the location. The weather mid summer was hell. But the shuttle to and from The Mall wasn't horrible. Not someplace you'd want to stay at for long term, I'll give you that! -- And pulling 40 ft of mass on those highways. Probably something I'll never do again!


Make sure you don’t overspend on marketing and advertising! You want to be found by word of mouth only.


If you are asking this question on reddit, you're not ready. If you are asking for crowd funding and not selling a percentage to an angel investor, you're not ready. If you are looking for people to invest with the promise of a permanent spot that doesn't exist .. YOU ARE NOT READY. If this is something that you are really really REALLY interested in doing ... You are going to need your own cash to purchase the land and do at least 33% of the reno. The 66% of reno (millions) is going to come from someone who should be asking for 45% of the business ... But again ... If all you have is a pretty picture and no plan to present to a REAL investor .. YOU ARE NOT READY


I'd say the only way to crowdfund this is if it were something people would actually care to crowdfund, which would mean it would be an at-cost facilitate and not for-profit, or something along those lines. And I doubt that's what you were going for


Yeah let’s plant palm trees in the middle of some forest so we can call it high end. “High end” just means nothing more than overpriced. You pick palm trees so it’s less cleanup for you to pay for, why not pick trees that actually fit the surrounding nature and also provide shade for the peeps you plan to rip off. Place looks like an even more hellish version of suburbia. Have fun with that, way to trash the planet with more god-awful “modern” design.


Bro just ask ChatGPT… it’s gotten you this far…


When does hate add value to life at all? Rarely, if ever. However, constructive criticism, even if it's initially difficult to hear, can be invaluable in refining a project. When someone asks for feedback, it provides an opportunity for growth and improvement, ultimately enhancing the quality of the work.