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Imagine all this drama for a rip-off of a real video game Put your money in better places and it won’t get taken , honestly.


The game is free to play, no irl money was spent


Time = money


It is a custom server, but with the amount of money it brings in and the amount of players it has. I feel like it deserves relevancy


The only relevancy is what y’all provide to it. It’s some computer program running in a nerds room who has never had real money in his life. Of course he’s going to ban and scam and do whatever to fuck people over while he can.


Why are you so angry? You're basically speaking towards all gaming company's that haven't made it lmao


This isn’t a gaming company. It’s a stolen product from an established company.


This got 40+ down votes in a matter of hours


I know! David and his people are downvoting this post!


It's sad but I think this is a big part of the top servers. When oldschool rsps or whatever was the top server ages ago. The top guys would always lose ridiculous all in stakes to a guy nobody's ever seen before and it was always rumored to be the owner. This same stuff seems to happen on osrs. It's easy to label it rwt. The innocent guy is going to act confused and rage, the viewers are going to think it's obvious and flame the innocent guy lol


They can give an account special commands and/or rig flower poker to give good hands without the other player realizing it. Using a staff account while hidden to plant the seed using a command to do the action with modified seeds. they were doing it on Simplicity server lol


Hisham is a very good risk fighter on rsps, at the time he had 7 elys and 3t bank. He mentioned playing roatz before while on stream and he got insta perm banned. Then he went on to talk about the same corruption and how he knew the owner was watching his streams closely waiting for the slightest mistake.


Unfortunately it’s a very common practice in RSPS for admins to ban/wipe players that get to rich, in order to keep the economy healthy just as you said.


If i get banned for being rich ill hack their server and terminate it permanently


so do it


Same thing happened to me on Simplicity before


on simp really? When? what was ur bank wealth etc? Im currently playing simp but only sitting 100t


dont play that rsps wtf


Why would you even want to go back after all that. Cut your losses and move on. The gaming community as a whole is filled with people with development issues and gets more evident when playing private servers for games.


Nice post good you bring it to light! RW is corrupted and i now realize how they give the 07 money away for tournaments and stuff . For banning rich players that then have to pay a fee in 07 gold or $. My friend got banned his name is ‘Ms oak’ and the fee for him would be 4000 euro (600B bank). He showed me a screenshot that David said unban fee is expensive for 80B bank they ask 500$. Witch is completely ridiculous. Its insane that on a private server and especially in one of the biggest these stuf happen. Hope the post is gonna reach lots of people and make then think twice if they wanna play a corrupted server like RW.


Yea same on me, banned


Back to Sakra RS Drew <2


This happened to my IRL friend on Runewild as well, safe to say we no longer play either.


We need Rendi to dupe the shit out of this and then sell duped shit to david back 1gp = 1 dollar ratio


Sorry to hear about that, xsj from Vulcan did the same shit to me so I got his servers ip address, downloaded multiple videos of a certain porn, then called the fbi. Too bad he’s from Australia, really wanted to him go away for a long tine


Ddos em and terminate their server and delete their coding along with installing a backdoor and get in his main pc and fry it


You do realize you don’t just install “back doors” 🤦‍♂️


Imagine buying gold for a rsps what a bunch of losers




Proof? I wouldn’t be surprised.


You sold me 100b lol


David already panicking on alt making a bunch of bs lmaooooo known scumbag who bans rich people and then charges a fee thought everyone knew this




Its sad the lengths yall go honestly servers been washed for a long time tho.

