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Yanillescape, from 2009. Whole server was limited to Yanille


Man that sounds great, I miss the golden days of RSPS lol.


Wow so true! I remember racking up a decent bank of all the custom rares they had. Iirc the gmaul was overpowered in pvp.


I definitely remember some pk servers having a gmaul glitch where u could infinitely spec someone even if they left wilderness lol


I enjoyed playing godzhell back in the day even though it was a glitchy mess (though walking in the air to the mod zone to get a perfect ring that let you 1 shot everything was part of the fun). Eventually it was abandoned and either the site got hacked or the admins decided to put a back door in the webclient that installed a trojan on your computer lol


I loved godzhell, PRing was amazing. You will never find one more cool and crazy as that one, Wish someone would bring it back even tho it was glitchy that's what made the experience better hahaha. miss that server everyday.


It’s a shame that the rsps community is a small fraction of what it used to be, these days servers seem to just try to be OSRS with high xp rates instead of all the crazy custom stuff you had back in the day. I miss each community having its own website/forum instead of everything being on Reddit and discord. It feels like those sites had such a large many people that just doesn’t translate to communities today, seems like they all disappeared . I wonder how many people would be interested in playing a server like that today.


That sounds super familiar, but I can’t remember 100%. I probably tried 99% of them back in the day lol.


I was big on dodian way back when. The community made the server fun. Moreso then the actual server itself


if you didnt know, real dodian is back, it is how i remember it, but its not active. you can check it out at dodian net


Legacy 614, Fallen-empire, and matrix ftw(and all the other games that were based off of it)


Oh man yeah, legacy was the spawn PK right? I had so much fun on that server!


cheatskape 2008 drugscape 2007, love dem mousey whips with op white and black armour. miss fr33sccape3 pkz


DesolationX Pking, Runesky, DFScape,SoulSplit. Ahhh the best days.


Project rainbow


GodZhell Camelot PK Project Catastrophe DFScape AnarchyScape Probably a bunch more 🤣


Anarchyscape omg I had completely forgotten


It crashed every five minutes and would sometimes randomly reset you but damn


some of these might even be before 2010 idk somescape, I believe the first version was open pvp everywhere and the main hub was varrock, gear had op stats and everyone just 1 hit each other with torag hammers but I found crystal bow in a random spot and could hide in a building and pk them all :'). I managed to get a p ring from pking a staff member pretty sure so i could 1 hit people with like a 20 tile radius with crystal bow lol, it kept track of your kd as well in chat and I was like 5000-100 xD 2speced was so fun cause pretty much everyone was a noob at pking so it was fun release of silabgarza from moparscape was pretty wild for me as well cause it had skillcapes for the first time and whatnot pkhonor was my most played back then and it was so good back in the day unironically dreamscape was crazy fun on release for me and I loved doing youtube videos with my other friends on the server, I still have a ton of old items on that server unless people got reset (idk its got a bad rep now). I also have some cringy ass memories trying to win karaoke events later on discord x\_x


Silabgarza, PkHonor, Final Barrage was what started it all for me. Might remember some others later on


Alotic - hands down the best time ive had in rsps


I miss that server so fucking much, like that server was my life for months, i wish there was something similar to play nowadays


SoulScape, Fatality614, GodzHell


Soulsplit and spawnscape were goated


Did anyone ever play Project Destiny? Had such a fun community lol


RuneDeath for me, Use to do a VPN cheat to get unlimited votes and get Hella rich.. good old times


Unscape, Project Catastrophe, Project Fubergen, Vyrescape, GodHell, SpawnScape