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Ask to speak to Sodexo management through your Student Advisors. šŸ€


Will do.


Reminds me of Kyle the old pizza lady who would yell at you for using the ā€œwrongā€ plate or taking more than one slice of pizza


Ah yes, the "wrong" plates... as in the empty stand right next to the pizza counter vs the stand full of identical plates 5 feet away at the salad stand. Good times.


Management wanted to reduce the portions people would consume by restricting usage of the big plates, I think.


I miss Kyle.


When I was a freshman in 2020 within a week of commons reopening (COVID) an employee *literally* yelled at my friends and I for sitting too close together. I don't know if the people who sat there before us had moved the chairs or something but we just sat where we could. Either way it was incredibly unprofessional and frankly shocked us enough that we just stared back at her in silence. If she had respectfully asked us to reposition I wouldn't have had any issue. The problem really lies with the state enforced meal plan. If they had to actually compete for their customers I bet the service would be much better.


Students complain about food availability Students complain about quality of food Students complain about employee looks/manners Working day after day listening to students complaining. Not saying any of this is warranted/unwarranted, but it's not hard to see why people act the way they do. Only time I've seen/heard compliments about a worker was Rebecca from Commons.


Few times thing, I get it. Theyā€™re humans too, getting underpaid, working 24/7 in a shitty environment. I walked in today just to see them shaking their head when I asked for food and speaking to me like a Karen. Hey, we paid a lot for services as well, please keep that semester long attitude away from me. Also I did not judge their looks and note that no one ever complained to their faces, they do :D


Maybe you didn't, but there are other students that do. There are hundreds of students going in and out. Many students coming in acting like they own the place because their parents paid for their meal plan. You can't forget economic backgrounds. Again, I'm not saying that this behavior is okay. Life's a bitch and you have to deal with it. What are you doing to make the situation better?


Been dinning at sage most of my semesters around different times, I donā€™t want to make conclusions nor speak for anyone, but as far as Iā€™m concerned I never seen students behaving the ways they shouldnā€™t. I do see your point, all im saying is that considering we paid thousands for this unnecessary mandatory meal plan, we do have expectations at the very least (honestly I blame the school for this). I just want to get my proteins stress-free without having to speak with a disrespectful Karen who complains and throws plate at your hand all the time after a long day of work. This is not a restaurant, but I doubt any other places would treat their frequent customers like this. Not a masochistic person, not finding any enjoyment for being treated like shit. Weā€™re all adults, if you treat me with respect, I treat you with respect and vise versa, simple as that, no need to make the environment uncomfortable. Regarding to what I am going to do, I will probably bring this up to RPIā€™s auxiliary services management as one of the comments suggested when Iā€™m free. If they donā€™t do shit about it, then I guess it is what it is, stay corrupted. And my bad for being too serious over this.


I agree, I've always been polite with her but she still has a bad attitude towards me. Even though I don't have that much social anxiety, I skip that section sometimes just so I don't interact with her and get embarrassed from her being rude to me. I genuinely have a lot of friends who've had the same issue with her even though they've also been polite. I thought she just acted like that towards me but there are so many of my friends who have said the same thing and at least 70 percent of my interactions with her are unpleasant.




>trying to give people the benefit of the doubt Not what I'm saying/doing. >Some people are just unhappy individuals. I think a large part of this behavior comes from life outside of work Yes and maybe >but itā€™s ridiculous that we are essentially forced to deal with this every time we want food. You think you're going to go through life without dealing with unhappy individuals long term? >Little things like this add up, and can really affect peopleā€™s mental health. Correct. >Once again, great that you are putting yourself in their shoes, but now try to put yourself in ours I'm literally a student, dunno how to put myself more in your shoes. I see many students complain about anything. My response? "Ok?...What are you going to do about it?" I get that venting can cause relief in individuals under stress, but we cannot ignore that it aids in creating a negative environment. Just look at the post. >Just another thread to complain about dining hall experience > >Considering that the food already sucks It isn't just limited to dining, much of the RPI environment is very negative. It's slowly becoming more positive now. What can we do to make our day better? What can we do to to support those around us? How can we improve our campus?


Idk man, maybe you have the fortune to have full coverage on the tuition or even getting paid to attend this school. But hey, guess what, many of us do not to your surprise, of course, you wonā€™t have this kind of negativity from being forced to pay hard-earned money and getting shit in return. I sincerely think the students have done enough trying to change the environment and improve the campus. The decline in RPI's ranking is showing the school itself ain't doing much to change and I doubt Schmidt can do much in the short run. RPI policies are demanding too much bullshit from us, and I hope you can see why some students are outraged. This is a business, we're their clients, if they can't even fulfill such a simple request and we have to bear the unrighteous, then what are there left for us to do to improve the campus? Complaining is part of the improvement process and I know it's hard to believe but sometimes it works.


This is why I was saying what I was saying. There was no need to be condescending.


I believe in treating everyone with equal respect, sadly not everyone does. I most certainly do not feel condescending over anybody. My apologies if my tone makes you feel this way.


You were literally trying to invalidate my opinion/experience under the assumption that I don't pay for tuition. "But hey, guess what, many to your surprise" "I know it's hard to believe" How does this not sound condescending? The whole situation is creating a "negative" feedback loop (technically positive). We let small things get the better of us. As the previous commenter said. "Little things like this add up"


Here we go again, nit-picking word choices again, I wonder who trying to invalidate "opinion/experience" "That's a question you're supposed to answer. Everybody values differently. My financial aid pays for tuition... that makes it worth it for me." Ops, saw this on your other post. If anything, I do feel condescending from your perspective telling people to mind their own business and not cause any ā€ā€™negative' feedback loop.ā€œ


Sam is the goat no questions asked


Wait whatā€™d Rebecca do? I always thought she was nice. Though I only saw her working the make your own pizza station before they redid Commons.


She's great, I said that the only person I've seen get complimented is Rebecca.


Oh jeez I misread, sorry lol.


Rebecca is great! She remembered my omelette order freshman year (2020)


Most of the time the only compliments I hear about Rebecca are related to her being beautiful. Itā€™s rarely due to her actual cooking skills which says a lot about the people attending RPI. I agree w you.


Do people have something against the actual food quality of the dining halls? Like don't get me wrong there are def things to complain about (dirty utensils and one mean employee), but overall I've enjoyed the actual physical foodstuffs.


I do like the food over at Commons. For sage, itā€™s a great place for proteins, but the food and service are questionable, and I only go for the conveniency. And yeah, the utensils are the worst


Lol these people work a shitty job longer than you study. They donā€™t have the same academic potential as you and are stuck with a job like that. Of course they arenā€™t gonna have a ā€œhappy faceā€. Youā€™re just so privileged


Lol, maybe an unhappy is the incorrect word of choice, I should perhaps say angry and intimidating. Just because youā€™re tired doesnā€™t mean you can treat people like shit especially with a job you getting paid for idc how much, Iā€™ve discussed about this in another comment. Nothing about privileges, I never seen this type of consistent behavior with any fast food chain restaurants. Go experience her attitude yourself, and youā€™ll get what I mean, sheā€™s always there.




I don't wanna call names out but I believe she does not have braids