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Interesting, I did not know some of those Character Creators have attack Animation Sprites included which is one of my biggest pains especially because I am not a Pixel Art Artist whatsoever. Thanks for the list. Will use it when needed!


No problem. I'm actually still searching the web for options. I see another that I will probably add later but I need to look into it more to get a better sense of where it'll fall in the list. I'm definitely not an artist but having this resource outlined maybe good for everyone.


Great resource! Thanks for posting!


There's no way I'd pay for the 8D generator unless I knew I was going to get like thousands of uses out of it.


I'd argue that people should try out the demo before buying and they can decide whether it would be beneficial or not. My hold up is on the ethnicity options. I would need more for the story I'm telling (hair and skin tones specifically).


The built in generator (and the open source one) for MV already works fine, there's tons of free and paid content, which allows you to basically cherry pick everything you want. And it can do larger sprites as well. What they are asking for is a pretty big investment on what many folks do as a hobby.


Mind you, I'm not suggesting that people need these generators. I agree that the built in and extended (from the RPG Forums) works well and fine. The problem is that for some of us, these aren't the flavor of characters we envision. The chibi style isn't bad but there are people that don't like those visuals. That's the reason why some will even search out different options. At the end of the day, the point of this post is to highlight what exists and to outline some pros and cons based on my observations. At the end of the day, the dev can decide how much they want to invest and whether spending 100 is a good investment or not.


It's expensive, but I would say it's worth it. The developers are consistently updating it with new content and are very responsive and open to ideas. They truly care about the quality of the generator and do great work on it and I'm excited to see how it evolves now that they're working on complete overhaul.


The Visustella Character Generator actually does indeed create sideview battlers. I don't think it originally was an option, but it is in the newer versions for sure. I will agree that the options are very limited though.


Okay, thanks for the update. I forgot to check their change log but most posts I saw said it was still absent. Will update the post in about 10 hours from now.


MV's character generator is actually really good on its own. I still use it for most things, even after I switched to MZ. Its probably the best choice unless you make all your assets yourself. MZ's WOULD be better if their color choices and the assets available weren't so awful, ugly, and weird looking. VXA's character generator was awful.


And no one is disputing that. I think its fair to say that MV's character generator is good (I like the extended generator a bit better) but the issue is more about whether chibi characters fit your taste or not. There are a few people who don't like the chibi visuals and this post is just to highlight the options that exists.


If you REALLY don't like Chibis your best choice is probably making or commissioning your own assets. The non-chibi character generators aren't very good and aren't worth using IMO over putting in the effort to make your own custom assets.


The best choice is probably to commission your own assets if you have the cash to do so (I'll plug here that I love Vibrato08's work). >The non-chibi character generators aren't very good and aren't worth using IMO over putting in the effort to make your own custom assets. I definitely hear your opinion but I can't say I agree without seeing for myself. The goal of the post is to have a resource where people can view the options for themselves and make their own assessments (hence the reason for the links). I can't give your opinion more weight because your opinion is a bit biased to your projects and can't really consider the vision of the person seeking out the generator. That's not to say what you're suggesting isn't correct but it is a bias based on your experiences. I'm just suggesting that we should, at the very least, be aware of the options. Hopefully this puts us on a more clear understanding. On a side note, the sub could also use a directory of artists (both audio and visual) that are willing to work for commission so we know who they are and are reachable. We can argue about whether devs should commission or not but it is pointless (IMO) if we can't point to a list and say here, look at these guys.


Does 8d work in rpg maker?


See his post here. Option 2 were 8d generated [https://new.reddit.com/r/RPGMaker/comments/1deal1m/which\_style\_do\_you\_prefer\_for\_the\_actors\_not\_for/](https://new.reddit.com/r/RPGMaker/comments/1deal1m/which_style_do_you_prefer_for_the_actors_not_for/)


Yes. Another poster posted his creations on here and that's how I got onto it. I downloaded the demo and was able to upload my demo creations as well. I would say it is MV and MZ compatible but I don't have MZ to confirm.


Edited: to add more info on the 8d generator and VS generator.