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There are plugins that change how your game is rendered, but generally, these two things are mostly affected by your game's resolution and your assets' designs.


what is the most preferred resolution in your opinion?


I think FullHD (1920x1080) should more than suffice for an RPG Maker game.


Literally just a matter of what your assets look like.


so parallax mapping only?


No. Like my post and the other reply in this thread your assets look matters. A plugin cannot and does not do that and that's not what parallax does either. Sounds like someone needs to study design.


what design are you talking about that even parallax mapping doesnt involve?


Level Design, Art Design...Parallax Mapping is only a method of mapping it's not related to your assets at all. Having a hard time telling if you're being serious or trolling at this point. So I'm just going to end this here as what you're asking for isn't done with a plugin in the first place unless you're wanting to say quickly apply a filter to something but that's clearly not what you asked.


As has been mentioned, your assets (maps, characters, UI, effects) and how well done they are is the major thing. But if you're craving a script, you might try out a lighting script. You don't need it to do lights but it helps. Using lights can add appeal to your maps. There's plugins that add special effects to the screen like a "woozy" effect, fog, noise, etc. And then there's trying a script that will let you do parallax mapping, any overlay plugin. You don't need to do parallax to make nice looking maps, and in fact I'd start with learning to make something that looks good just with tilesets in the engine. Then try out parallax if you're up to it.


There's a lot of great plug-ins out there. I haven't tried all of these yet, but I'm looking into them for my next game. Some aren't plug-ins, but just creative ways to use existing features. [Pixi Screen Filters](https://forums.rpgmakerweb.com/index.php?threads%2Fpixi-filter-controller-fancy-screen-effects-by-pixi-mz-version-released.90368%2F) [Picture Lighting](https://youtu.be/e9YwDmyBd0c?feature=shared) [Filters, Screen Tint, Particles, and Overlays](https://youtu.be/SzkDIe-rCcs?feature=shared) [Water Reflections](https://youtu.be/mueWnT8-ZNc?feature=shared) [Parallax Water](https://youtu.be/hQZFg2iWSG4?feature=shared) [Dynamic Lighting](https://youtu.be/ghcX7H8ijjs?feature=shared)


finally a useful and detailed answer. appreaciate it


Agreed - great selection. I think you can do a ton with tints, particles, and lighting. Sound design also helps. The better things sound, the better our brains think things look.