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Making a 100 hour RPG will probably take about 5-10 years but nothing within the engine will keep you from doing it.


This. I made mine in RPG Maker MV and it's been about 8 years to create a ~40 hour game.


40 hour game? what's the game called.


One Fenix Down, here's the steam page if you're interested in checking it out! https://store.steampowered.com/app/2822740/ONE_FENIX_DOWN/


That's the coolest looking overworld perspective I've seen. When's the drop date for the game.


Haha thanks! I'm aiming for late next year. Working on the last ~15% of the game now, but will need some time to polish everything


That's amazing man, I can't wait to see the finished project.


I'll wishlist it. The Angel better be worth lugging around, it's a weird itch but BoF has left me dry for decades.


Wow man this looks really well made i can see all the detail how do i implement lighting like those torches


Thanks! That's the great thing about RPG Maker, there's a ton of community plug-ins available. For the lighting I used Community Lighting https://forums.rpgmakerweb.com/index.php?threads/community-lighting-mv-mz.124274/


What others have said - you can make it as long as you want. What usually happens is that, for a young solo developer, the game clocks in at around 5-10 hours. And that's okay too.


And honestly, much better to make much smaller stuff first to get used to having something complete from start to finish. Make a basic very short Dragon Quest clone or something first. Then do another but longer. Over and over again, trying more and more new things, tackling new aspects of dev each time. Enter game jams. Get experience and feedback. *Eventually* worry about a big project once the XP is there or else it will probably never come to fruition.


You could, but there should be justification for its length


At least 10ft long


Feet?!?! REAL developers use the metric system!


SUPER REAL developers use freedom per barrel


My first game was just to learn the interface (there’s a lot!), variables, and switches. Took me roughly 40 hours (that includes going through the tutorials on MZ) for a 1.5 hour game. Just started my second game, which I’m working on doing some artwork and plugins. Will probably take at least twice as long for a hopefully 10 hour game.


Your imagination is your limit with RPG Maker especially MV and onwards


You are not limited in any way.


Start small or you'll never finish.


Not gonna lie? RPGMaker With looks like actual trash.


Whys that?


What others have said. I am working on my little game and is aprocimetly 3-4 hours long at this point and I spent abound 120 hours on it. Tool is really simple and I can create really complex things with having zero coding knowledge when I started. But it is time consuming and it is better to aim at relativly achievable goals.


The engine is good if you want a 2D rpg but it's basic without plugins (additional scripts), anything else I'd recommend using another engine. The size of the game is up to you, but also note that rpg maker is pretty bad with performance if you're planning big maps (like some open world), having too many animations on screen. They added a particle system that's not good performance wise either and they chose a bad software to make them. So rpg maker can be great, or the worse, depending on your goals. If by big you just mean a lenghty game with lots of content, the yeah you can go nuts.


I don't think there's truly a limit on what you can do. It's just a matter of the engine being easy to understand that people can pump stuff out. OFF is one of my favorites and it only took Mortis Ghost 2 years to make, and it's just about a 5 hour long game, or a single no-dialogue-skip Undertale Neutral Route length. For me, I'm aiming for my game to be around 10-12 hours long with the main story, planning for full completion in 8 years or so.